The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 756: 2nd right hand

On the "Star of Bethlehem", the second right hand of Youfang Zhihuo tightly grasped the clown, while facing Ling Xingyeyao.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but after asking why he was obsessed with Kamijou Touma, the action of the fire of the right side stopped slightly.

"My uncle wants to save the world." Youfangzhihuo said suddenly.

Although Ling Xingye was surprised, but to be honest, he was not interested in the purpose and idea of ​​Youfangzhihuo, so he simply ignored these words as a smoke bomb used by the enemy to confuse the mind.

Seeing this, Youfang Zhihuo nodded in satisfaction: "Very good, I didn't question it right away."

Like meeting a confidant, he didn't continue to attack, and even started to introduce his abilities.

"There will always be some ordinary people who will question me... Or rather, the majority who will question me?" Youfang Zhihuo said, but smiled indifferently, "Because they can't understand the power of me. Destroy the world or save the world —I really do have that kind of power.”

"Is that the right hand?" Ling Xingye looked at the huge right hand grabbing the clown, remembering that it was called "Sacred Right".

"That's right," said Right Fire, "like Kamijou Touma, my right arm also possesses power. This is a true miracle, omnipotent!

"However, due to the constraints of this human body, I can't exert my full strength." The fire on the right patted that arm, "Because of a rule-my right arm will adjust its output according to the opponent's strength. In other words , as long as the enemy is stronger, the power that can be exerted will be stronger."

Ling Xingye also got similar information through other channels, but this was the first time he got confirmation from himself.

That being the case... then many things can be explained.

Ling Xingye quickly sorted out pieces of information in his mind, and finally said: "So... in order to save the world, you must first be an enemy of the world?"

The Fire on the Right applauded: "That's right, that's it! In order to save the world, there must first be the threat of destroying the world, and that's why this war started."

"In the same way," Youfang Zhihuo continued, "To create miracles, I must first have the power to destroy them. That is..."

"Fantasy Killer!" Ling Xingye continued.

"It's fun to talk to smart people." Youfang Zhihuo laughed, "Except for me, I'm afraid no one knows the real secrets of Kamijou Touma. It's not only about the mysteries of this world, but also related to those high-ranking demon gods..."

As he said that, Fire of the Right raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

"Devil God?" Ling Xingye noticed that new vocabulary was introduced into the topic.

"Yes, Demon God." Youfang Zhihuo said, "If the power of Demon God can be broken cleanly, I won't be chatting with you here."

Looking carefully, the clown who was caught by the "Holy Right" seemed to have just been caught, and did not suffer any further harm.

Of course, this is not because Youfangzhihuo is showing mercy—he also wants to crush this puppet.

But there is a force in the clown who is resisting the destruction of the "Holy Right", and the two sides wrestle with each other, making the situation stalemate.

The source of this magical power is the gear inlaid on the Harlequin's chest - a relic from Variety.

The gears are running at high speed, outputting surging power to resist the oppressive force of the "Holy Right".

Not only that, after discovering the enemy's plight, the clown even took advantage of this to contain the right fire, making it impossible for him to let go of the "sacred right".

Youfangzhihuo wanted to spend a little time to solve this trouble, so he took the initiative to chat with Ling Xingye to procrastinate.

But judging from the results, the combination of clown and gear clearly exceeded his expectations. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't crush the puppet.

Ling Xingye also received the same information from Ling Qianji during this period.

Realizing that the enemy's greatest weapon, the "Holy Right", was sealed, Ling Xingye rushed forward without hesitation.

Spread the flying blade between the ten fingers, and directly attack the body of the fire on the right.

"You're so naive, don't underestimate me!" Youfang Zhihuo scolded, "I have two right hands!"

The "Holy Right" was restrained and sealed by the Harlequin, but this did not affect the normal attack of the Fire of the Right—only he raised his original right hand, and powerful magic power roared out.

Ling Xingye turned sideways to dodge urgently?

Because the "Holy Right" is so eye-catching, people forget that the strength of the Right Fire itself is no small matter!

The magic bombardment at close range was unavoidable, even if Ling Xingye dodged in time, he still suffered a heavy blow.

Feeling light in his body, Ling Xingye didn't dare to lower his head to check his injuries, and let his body continue to approach the enemy with inertia.

He was afraid that after seeing his injury clearly, he would collapse due to shaking.

"It doesn't matter, with the blood of silver, even with this level of injury, he won't die!" Ling Xingye cheered himself up in his heart, while wrapping the flying blade around Zhifang Zhihuo's right hand.

—Since you have two right arms, you should accept the other one first!

He did not hesitate to use himself as a bait in exchange for the opportunity to directly attack his right hand. Ling Xingye wrapped the silk thread around Zhihuo's arm on the right.

Then tighten it tight!

But it is not the fire from the right that is crying out.

The ten fingers connected with the silk thread were all broken in reverse, twisting weirdly like a twist.

Not only that, Ling Xingye's right wrist was also fractured at a strange angle.

On the other hand, the flying blade couldn't even cut through the opponent's skin!

Right Side Zhihuo looked over mockingly.

He suffered heavy injuries in many places all over his body, but Ling Xingye did not retreat a single step.

Like a wounded wolf, stimulated by blood and pain, it becomes more and more crazy.

He simply ignored the injuries on his body and grinned: "Coincidentally, I also have two right hands!"

As he said that, the sleeve of his right arm exploded, and the wrist knife hidden in the sleeve popped out.

This is the monster's weapon—a new weapon specially customized by Ling Xingye during the repair process. But because he was too busy, he didn't have the opportunity to take it home and put it on the monster. After arriving in, he simply tied it to his arm for backup.

The specially made and strengthened wrist knife can cut even the body of the fire on the right!

Next, there is only one last question left.

—How can we break through the defense of the fire on the right and actually fall the blade on him?

"Please, just a little bit!" Ling Xingye prayed in his heart, while concentrating on searching for the silver blood in his body, "Even if it's only for a moment..."

Pot in the World - "The Unchanging Daily", unfold!

Isolated from the inside and outside, the pot in the world is a world of its own.

"I don't need miracles or miracles to save me in my day-to-day life!"

Ling Xingye directly denied the will of Youfangzhihuo.

At the same time, the wrist knife fell!

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