The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 752: wave again

Seeing that Ling Xingye was already asleep, the others lowered their voices.

Ling Xingye's struggle and exhaustion today are obvious to all. During the day, he was the absolute main force in the battle against Water 0 and Archangel Gabriel in the rear. Just now, he almost wiped out the entire automatic puppet with his own strength.

Others also felt that they really had no position to bother him.

After a while, people found that Ling Xingye was in a deep sleep and would not be awakened by their conversation at all, so they continued to talk.

The two sides exchanged their respective experiences today. Misaka Mikoto and Misaka 10001 had nothing to say here, they just drove their armored vehicles all the way towards the east coast.

And Kamijou Touma's side is much more exciting, it's almost non-stop fighting and fleeing. They also had vehicles at the beginning, but not long after the battle started, the vehicles were destroyed, and then they rushed here by running on their legs.

Having said that, Kamijou Touma still sighed - even if there were other people to help on the way, he couldn't believe that he ran so far.

"It's really embarrassing..." Kanzaki Kaori also smiled wryly, "I never thought that groups of automatic puppets would be so difficult to deal with."

"This is going to be troublesome." The daughter of the country who was also chased miserably all the way looked deep in thought, showing a serious expression.

"Well, I was caught off guard just because I was not familiar with the enemy today." Valkyrie Brunhed said, "If you think about it carefully, those puppets are actually very easy to deal with as long as they target their weaknesses."

As if in self-defense, Brunshid claimed: "If I encounter them again, I can solve them all by myself!"

"It's not that simple..." said the daughter of Qingguo.

"What? Are you questioning my strength?" Brunshid immediately glared over with an unkind expression.

The Alluring Daughter shook her head: "That's not what I meant. If it was just us, of course there would be no problem."

She reached out and pointed around the room.

"But it's because of 'us' that we can say that?" said the daughter of Qingguo. "According to the information provided by Baiyin Lingxingye, those automatic puppets are just the 'basic arms' that the enemy can mass-produce."

The implication of the daughter of the fallen country is very simple, except for their top-level combat power on the magic side, can those ordinary people, even ordinary magicians, be able to deal with automatic puppets?

As saints, Kanzaki Kaori and Brunshid are more active on the battlefield with powerful personal force.

But the daughter of the country is different. She is a military adviser who lives behind the scenes and is the essence of France's "brain", so her thinking is completely different.

"Maybe..." The Alluring Daughter murmured to herself, "We made a mistake from the very beginning—who is the real enemy."

Misaka Mikoto asked her, "The real enemy—you mean the automatic puppets?"

"Perhaps." The Daughter of Overwhelmed Country was noncommittal.

"But right now, the fire on the right is also a huge trouble." Brunhid pointed to the sky.

"Yeah, don't worry about puppeting them automatically." The Alluring Daughter cheered up, "First of all, we must find a way to stop the crazy plan of the right fire."

"Speaking of which," Kanzaki Kaori joined the conversation, "The summoned Archangel Gabriel has been defeated and expelled by us, why hasn't the fire on the right counterattacked?"

She doesn't believe that an archangel is the ultimate trump card of the Right Fire.

Taking a step back, even if it is the last hole card, you should react after being cracked, right?

As a result, at the end of the day, there was no movement. It was as if he had left Earth in the "Star of Bethlehem".

No wonder Kanzaki Kaori complained that the main purpose of her and Kamijou Touma's trip was to defeat the Fire of the Right, at least to prevent him from continuing to remotely control Index.

In this case, the enemy can save them a lot of energy by actively coming to the door.

"If it doesn't work, we can only find a plane to take you up." Misaka Mikoto suggested.

"Magic can also be used. But if possible, I still hope to let him leave the Star of Bethlehem before fighting." Kanzaki Kaori said.

Several people chatted for a while, and then arranged the order of the night watch, ready to rest.

Just as they were saying good night to each other, the two saints Kanzaki Kaori and Brunhid stood up at the same time, looking towards the gate of the camp outside the house,

"What's the matter, has anyone come over?" Misaka Mikoto, who was familiar with this scene, asked hastily, and at the same time released electromagnetic waves to detect it.

Sure enough, many metal reactions were detected! But when further distinguishing, Misaka Mikoto was surprised to find that...

"Armor?" According to the contours fed back by the electromagnetic waves, those metal responses are all human-shaped knight plate armor, full of medieval aristocratic style.

Misaka Mikoto once thought that she had read it wrong—heavily armored knights and the like are all hype gimmicks in today's era.

However, when she told everyone about her discovery, she found that they were not surprised, as if it should be taken for granted.

"That's right, it's the knights who came here." The daughter of the country said.

Knights? Misaka Mikoto meditated on this word silently, and then immediately thought of the last scene of the Crusades.

I remember that it was rows of medieval style knights who launched the charge at that time.

"So it's a magic knight?"

"To be precise, it is the Knights of the Orthodox Church."

Regardless of rest, the group ran out of the house, preparing to meet the enemy.

Since Ling Xingye slept too deeply, he still didn't intend to wake up.

People didn't go to wake him up either, they just asked Misaka 10001 to stay and take care of Ling Xingye.

When I came outside, I found that not only the Knights came, but also something bigger appeared above their heads.

The aerial fortress "Star of Bethlehem", unexpectedly stopped right above the abandoned barracks.

The height is reduced to about a thousand meters, and this behemoth can be seen even just standing on the ground.

A word is a I just said that I hoped that Youfangzhihuo would take the initiative to come to my door, but I didn't expect it to be fulfilled so soon.

In the distance, the knights lined up neatly, forming a square formation and pressing towards this side. Above the head, is the more oppressive Star of Bethlehem.

Everyone just felt the heavy pressure rushing towards their faces.

"It's not time to sleep now, wake up Ling Xingye!" the daughter of Qingguo said loudly.

Just now they wanted Ling Xingye to have a good rest and sleep a little longer, so they didn't wake him up.

But I didn't expect the fire from the right to come in person! Facing such a powerful enemy, Ling Xingye could no longer be allowed to sleep on.

Misaka Mikoto notified Misaka 10001 who stayed behind by radio waves, and then everyone met the charge of the Knights together.

Just as the fierce battle ahead was in full swing, several other figures descended from the "Star of Bethlehem" in the sky and quietly approached the house.

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