The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 735: nativity

The fire on the right summoned the archangel Gabriel, the "Power of God".

Although he doesn't know his specific plan, but after all, he is also the right seat of the gods, and the water behind him has some understanding of his intentions.

"I didn't expect that 'that technique' was actually reproduced by him!" Water 0 from the back said in surprise.

A few months ago, there was an "angel's fall" event in this world—the one who accidentally acted was "God's Power" Gabriel.

Although the vast majority of people in the world are unaware of this, the "God's Right Seat" is by no means included.

Because he has mastered the angelic spell of "God's Power", Zeng Zeng of Water 0 of the Back has done special research on this.

In fact, he suspected that Youfanghuo also drew on this part of the material.

The angel in the starry sky suddenly retracted its wings and swooped down like an arrow leaving the string.

Ling Xingye was also paying attention to the angel's movements. Seeing that he was not coming towards him, he calmed down and refocused on the battle in front of him.

But at this time, drastic changes took place in his "stage".

Water 0 in the back showed an awe-inspiring aura all over his body - not a description, but a halo visible to the naked eye.

After being stunned for a moment, Ling Xingye realized that this was not some kind of "momentum", but a phenomenon caused by strong magic power interfering with reality.

In the stage of the "puppet theater" the repelled force of magic reappears.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the magic power of the rear water 0 has undergone a qualitative change under the influence of "God Power" Gabriel.

Strictly speaking, that is no longer "magic power", but "divine power" in the true sense.

Countless streams of water converged from all directions, turning into a vast ocean beneath its feet.

The "puppet theater" has existed in name only.

"Oh, it's not in the script..." Ling Xingye sighed.

Then immediately withdraw and retreat.

A huge wave hit the sky.

"No! Help!" Kamijou Touma shouted, and rushed up.

But within two steps, he fell into the stagnant water, and Kanzaki Kaori pulled him out in time.

"We don't need our help yet." Kanzaki Kaori looked forward and shook his head.

In the previous battles, Ling Xingye always had the upper hand, and even now, he has no intention of losing.

What's more, the few people on their side, except Kamijou Touma, are all injured, and their strength is greatly reduced. If you rashly intervene in the battle, it is more like adding chaos.

Ling Xingye avoided the water attack while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

But the Water 0 in the back, blessed by the "Power of God", seems to have fully recovered the power of God's Right Seat, even better!

Just when Ling Xingye was having a headache, the clown suddenly lost control - he broke free from the silk thread on his body and started to act on his own.

Ling Xingye knew that it was Ling Qianji who took over the control of the clown, so he didn't panic, but was a little surprised.

"I'll hold him back, hurry up and prepare to unfold the realm of the pot." Ling Qianji's voice came along the last broken thread.

Ling Xingye was stunned—is the situation so bad? Even Ling Qianji suggested using the last trick!

I saw the clown rushing headlong into the water curtain, but within a few seconds, he flew out at a faster speed and hit the ground in a very embarrassing manner.

"Hurry up and do it!" Seeing that Ling Xingye was still hesitating, Ling Qianji urged loudly.

The blood of silver is needed to expand the world in the pot-on this point, Ling Xingye just "recovered from a serious illness" not long ago, recovering from an extreme "blood loss" state.

He knew that the blood of silver in his body would definitely not be able to sustain the two expansions of the pot in the world.

In other words, I only have one chance!

Under this premise, Ling Xingye doubted whether he could defeat the enemy.

At this moment, the mountains shook suddenly in the distance, and the angel's wings swept across like a blade, cutting off a large forest and small hillside.

It was obvious that he was fighting someone, and it looked extremely fierce.

Ling Xingye was a little surprised—who on earth could make such a deal with that archangel!

Water 0 from the opposite side also had a surprised expression, and even suspended the attack, looking over there.

Suddenly, Ling Xingye keenly sensed that something had changed.

The "vibe" of the nearby environment has changed.

The huge waves raised by the Water Zero in the back suddenly stagnated, collapsing and scattering in mid-air as if the power had been cut off suddenly.

Moreover, the magic power overflowing from Water Zero in the back also flew towards the distance as if being sucked away.

What's wrong with the archangel "Divine Power"!

Ling Xingye and Backwater 0 guessed the reason at the same time.

Seeing this situation, Ling Xingye naturally couldn't let go of the opportunity.

While the clown rushed to attack, Ling Xingye used local materials, and used trees, stones and soil everywhere to piece together a mudstone puppet that he personally manipulated.

These literally "cannon fodder" puppets are props for delaying time and adding trouble to the enemy.

Since raw materials are everywhere, Ling Xingye can continuously "manufacture" this simple clay doll.

Losing the blessing of "God's Power", even his own magic power seems to be lost along with it.

Let alone a counterattack now, even self-protection is a problem.

The mood of the water behind 0 suddenly fell from heaven to the bottom of the valley.

Without giving Ling Xingye a chance to chase after the situation, Zhishui 0 in the back gave up the fight and moved towards the archangel "Power of God" Gabriel.

Ling Xingye naturally refused to let him go, and immediately followed him to catch up.

Half an hour ago, Youfangzhihuo missed Lingxingye and focused on his "prey".

In just a few steps, he crossed hundreds of kilometers and caught up with Sasha who was fleeing by car.

Then, the Fire of the Right easily knocked down and subdued the battle nun, and brought her back to the floating fortress "Star of Bethlehem" in the sky.

Ceremony venue, materials, and necessary knowledge...all the elements are gathered.

Thus, the right fire began the ceremony.

Imitating Xia's "Angel Falling" event Right Fire reproduced this technique.

As a result, the archangel Gabriel, the "Power of God", was successfully summoned.

The birth of an angel caused a vision of heaven and earth, and the stars appeared in the daytime, with an astonishing momentum.

Although the ceremony was successful, Right Fire knew that the Archangel Gabriel was still incomplete at this time, unable to exert his full strength.

The ceremony borrowed a lot of secret arts from the Russian Orthodox Church, something that the Right Fire was not familiar with.

Therefore, the fire on the right still needs something, to truly grasp this last piece of power, and release all the true strength of Archangel Gabriel!

"Only that piece of parchment is left." The fire on the right overlooked the ground below, and muttered to himself.

And the parchment that recorded the important information was in the hands of Accelerator.

Then, Archangel Gabriel swooped towards the target.

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