The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 713: Water in the Back

Looking up to avoid the stone pillars of the temple that hit like cannonballs, Ling Xingye kept walking and quickly backed up.

But the water in the back pressed on step by step, pulling out new stone pillars casually, like holding a straw and waving it down with ease.

While recovering his broken arm, Ling Xingye chopped up the stone pillars with silk threads. It's a pity that all the silk threads close to Zhishui's body in the back broke for no reason, and failed to cause effective damage.

"Ling Xingye!" The voice behind Zhishui was hoarse, roaring like a wild beast.

It feels like a different person from the water in the back that I have seen before.

"However, this killing intent is the same as before!" Ling Xingye said to himself.

He has already noticed that the situation of the water behind him is not right, he almost lost his mind and was completely unable to communicate.

At the same time, Ling Xingye also noticed changes in the other party's appearance—mainly changes in hair color and pupil color.

"Silver hair and silver eyes... So it turns out that the existing human body can also be used to create silver 0." Ling Xingye was thoughtful.

Thinking of this, a biting chill passed through his heart—if this is really the case, then it is really the worst situation!

But the current situation does not allow Ling Xingye to think about it, he must concentrate on dealing with the violent attack of the water zero in the rear.

After "Rebirth", the fighting style of Rear Water 0 is completely different. It does not have the flexible and delicate tactics of the past, but relatively, the brute force part has been magnified.

He didn't bother with the huge weapon, he rushed to Ling Xingye like a tank, and raised his fist directly.

—The power of this punch is probably not weaker than the tank's main gun, right?

Ling Xingye thought in his heart, but facing this blow, he stopped backing instead and stood still in place.

"The strength has increased, but the attack trajectory is also better judged."

Ling Xingye watched the enemy's movements and arranged barriers along the trajectory of his fists.


There was a muffled sound, and blood exploded.

Water 0 in the back roared, the crimson blood was mixed with silvery white, and the broken finger bones could still be seen.

The enemy didn't know how to restrain himself, and a punch with all his strength brought back the same degree of rebound.

His left hand was seriously injured, but under the double protection of the "Holy Mother" physique and the suspected liquid, Rear Water 0 even showed a self-healing ability that surpassed that of orthodox silver.

Ignoring the pain in his left hand at all, Zhishui 0 in the back had already swung his right fist.

But the punch didn't come out—the Harlequin quietly approached behind him, locking his movements with joint skills.

Ling Xingye suddenly swung his palm into a knife, slashing towards the sky, and the flying blade extended forward along his fingertips, becoming a "blade".

Then, the knife did hit something.

There was a sudden explosion in the originally empty sky, and a certain instrument was damaged and fell with sparks.

Subsequently, the scene of the "Parthenon" also turned into a mosaic and receded.

Ling Xingye discovered that they were currently in a standard experimental field.

The enemy's territory was cracked, but the rear water 0 did not waver, but continued to explode with brute force, gradually breaking free from the buffoon's blockade.

The clown had no intention of continuing to wrestle with him, so he threw him out.

Then, the clown stomped on the floor and chased after him, the gears on his chest spinning rapidly, outputting surging power.

Harlequin throws his fist—bringing out the full potential of this puppet body.

The heavy collision sounded like drums, and a large cloud of smoke and dust was raised from the walls of the experimental field.

In the blink of an eye, the specially reinforced walls were completely changed.

Then, another loud bang was heard.

A big hole was suddenly opened at the top of the wall, and the clown and the water behind him rushed out one after another.

Ling Xingye followed closely behind, and the three figures rampaged all the way, smashing a straight line in the swimming pool, and rushed to the sky outside the street in one breath.

The space suddenly became wider, and feeling the change of the environment, the water behind 0 seemed to turn on a certain switch, and a huge mountain of magic power gushed out of the body like a tsunami.

bang bang bang bang...

The fire hydrants and water pipes on the side of the road burst, and the water jets shot straight into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, dense explosions sounded from the buildings in the entire block, and countless water jets tore apart the buildings from the inside, and gathered behind the Water 0 behind, forming an incomparably huge water ball.

Thousands of tons of water blocks are suspended in the air, and with the movement of the water zero behind, they can easily destroy half of the buildings on the street.

"Ling Xingye, die!" Water 0 from behind roared.

He only wanted to kill Ling Xingye, he had no other thoughts in his mind.

In order to be able to control a top powerhouse like Rear Water, Crow spent a lot of thought.

Driven by strengthening emotions, with the obsession of "killing Ling Xingye" and the hatred of defeat as the core, suppress other emotions and the ability to think independently. Successfully turned the rear water 0 into a puppet manipulated by it.

Strictly speaking, the overall strength of the "Silver 0" Rear Water is not as good as before, but now he has no bottom line and compassion, and he is completely unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals, let alone wantonly killing.

Therefore, it is even more threatening. It can be said that it is the "worst enemy" Ling Xingye has ever encountered.

Fortunately, the curfew was enforced and the venue was cleared in advance, and there was no one in the surrounding area, otherwise, with just a few moves, there would be corpses all over the place.

"You can't fight in the city, you have to go outside!" Ling Xingye made up his mind.

"Speak lightly!" Ling Qianji's voice passed by his ears.

The clown was blown away again, passed by him, and fell to the ground.

"Tsk!" Ling Xingye was speechless, stepped on the silk thread and rushed into the sky, taking over from the clown and facing the water zero behind.

This is the latest version of "Puppet. Double Dance". Ling Xingye can use "Human Manipulation" to focus on his own control, and use flying blades and barriers to deal with the enemy without being distracted by manipulating the puppet.

"I just don't know if the sea can be cut open..." Looking at the huge water block that was photographed directly, Ling Xingye cut out the flying blade.

Just now, the clown was photographed by this simple and crude attack method.

"It's impossible to cut off the water with a knife, can it be successful?"

Although she complained about herself so much, the scene of Kanzaki Kaori performing "Seven Flashes" appeared in Ling Xingye's mind—if it was her, she must be able to do it, right?

They are also manipulating the silk thread to turn into a slash, since that saint can do it...

Ling Xingye controlled his body, imitating the actions of the other party in his memory bit by bit.

"As a puppeteer, imitation is what I'm best at!"

In an instant, seven cold lights shot out from between his fingers.


Huge chunks of water turned into torrential rain and splashed across the entire street.

Ling Xingye, who resolved the crisis, did not stop, and attacked the water zero in the rear in one go.

The enemy has a huge magical power, but he has also lost the ability to finely manipulate and weave magic.

Ling Xingye was not sure if this was temporary, because until now, he could clearly feel that the enemy's control over his body was gradually regaining and he was able to make some delicate movements.

If the same is true for magic power, it will be even more troublesome.

So... quick fixes!

Ling Xingye aimed at Zhishui 0 behind, and used "Seven Flashes" again.

Water 0 in the back is condescending, with madness in his eyes.

I saw him open his arms, as if to embrace the sky.

The torrential rain suddenly stagnated, and then flowed upwards and backwards.

"The field unfolds—" said Water 0 in the back, "The Sanctuary of the Gita!"

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