The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 710: Water zero in the rear

On the surface it is a swimming pool, but there is another world deep underground, in a certain mysterious room.

The crow stood on a high platform, overlooking the fierce battle that was going on in the center of the room below.

A total of twenty-nine battles were carried out simultaneously in this small room—considering the space constraints, these were naturally not real battles, but the "holographic projection" technology that the swimming pool is most proud of, replaying the night that just passed The war that happened.

"A total of twenty-four of the latest model 'Silver 0'... What a loss." The crow sighed, but there was no nervous expression on his face.

"This is the new generation of automatic puppet you launched against all odds?" There was an undisguised mocking voice from beside him.

"There's no way to do that. I've been caught at the weak point." The crow shrugged. "What's more, in comparison, the traditional model of automatic puppets suffers even more."

With that said, it waved away most of the battle scenes, leaving only two of them.

—Ling Xingye and Misaka Mikoto, they were not many in number, but they killed the most traditional automatic puppets.

"One is a puppet master who abides by the iron law of silver, and the other is a girl whose hands have not yet been stained with blood..." Crow said with great interest, "It happens to be an enemy like this, and the one who arranges the battle is an expert."

"But your men have already been wiped out. Is this really okay?" In the shadows, a tall figure leaned against the wall.

The twenty-four "Silver Zeros" that were lost in the battle last night were already the only power they had—as for more "Silver Zeros", they had already spread to the entire Tokyo and even the whole of Japan with Academy City as the center.

"Don't worry, the new batch is about to leave the factory." Crow said with a smile.

"Are you still pretending to be stupid?" the other party asked, "Under your command, all the 'Silver 0' were wiped out, and all the wreckage was even taken away by the puppet master. Can't make it up?"

"Are you questioning me? Hehe, remember your identity—you are just a combatant, A!" the crow grinned, "All you have to do is follow my order and attack the target I want you to attack."

"..." Yan Shijia straightened his body, and his tall body seemed even bigger.

Yan Shijia came to the crow with great courage.

Crow is not the only one who regained the name of "Yanshi". Yanshijia, who was once disastrously defeated, also revived and regained his golden body.

In the death parade not long ago, a series of Yanshi with Tiangan numbers were born.

Although they are all consumables, they became cannon fodder in the decisive battle of the Crusades, deceiving the world.

But the new generation of Yanshijia born in it was swallowed by it and seized power. In this way, the former strength status was restored, and it was even better.

Today's Yanshijia is already stronger than before!

Crow is not a professional fighter, and in terms of strength, he is definitely not Yan Shijia's opponent.

But facing Yan Shijia, he didn't show the slightest timidity. He waved out all the battle scenes below and turned on all the lights.

There were only two figures of them in the empty room.

The tense confrontation lasted for more than ten seconds, Yan Shijia suddenly took a step back, and the atmosphere relaxed.

The crow put a smile on his face again, and walked down the high platform.

"Speaking of which, 'Silver 0' can self-destruct." As if suddenly remembering something, the crow said, "If, like before, it self-destructs immediately after defeat, at least the 'Yanshi Curse' can also eliminate all enemies, right?"

Yan Shijia looked at it silently, and questioned silently with his gaze.

"With Baiyin's technical ability, after obtaining those wreckages, they should be able to find here soon, right?" Crow said to himself.

Yan Shijia was surprised: "You... did it on purpose? Are you going to give up this base?"

"Isn't the so-called secret base just for abandonment?" Crow said with a smile, "Besides, exchanging a secret base for Ling Xingye is not a bad deal."

Hearing this, Yan Shijia immediately raised his spirits and clenched his fists: "Are you finally ready to attack him?"

"Don't get excited, the protagonist is not you." Crow said, "You just need to stay by my side and watch the show well."

"What did you say!"

"I can understand your feelings," Crow said, "but it was Bai Yinyao who defeated you, not Ling Xingye. If it's revenge, I am more qualified than you."

"So, you want to do it yourself?" Yan Shijia didn't hide his sarcasm.

"I have self-knowledge." Crow said coldly, "I'm not the type to charge into battle by myself. This time to deal with Ling Xingye, I arranged another pawn."

After all, the crow snapped his fingers.

The door of the room opened, steam filled the air, and another burly man walked in.

"This is..." Even Yan Shijia, who was an automatic puppet, couldn't help being stunned.

The visitor has silver hair and silver eyes, and in terms of physical characteristics, he is a standard "Silver".

But in Yanshijia's impression, it remembered that the man's pupils and hair used to be brown.

Not long ago, this man made a big fuss in Academy City under the name of "Water from the Back".

"Speaking of revenge, this man is more qualified than me," Crow said.

Yan Shijia was silent for a moment, then said: "You really succeeded?"

"Of course, I've already said that, right?" Crow proudly said, "Do you think the reports I submitted to the headquarters were all made up?"

"Can it be controlled?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can it be called a 'puppet'?"

"He has been transformed into a new generation of silver 0," Yan Shijia continued to ask, "then he is no longer the right seat of God... Now, is he really capable of defeating Ling Xingye?"

"Ling Xingye?" Hearing this name, Hou Zhishui's eyes suddenly lit up, and his whole body exuded the aura of a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

The huge magic power belonging to the right seat of saints and gods roared out.

A saint, a magician, the right seat of God, and silver 0... many characteristics are concentrated in one body, making this indescribable monster in front of you.

"How?" Wu Ya looked at Yan Shijia proudly.

"Very Yan Shijia said in a deep voice, "And, is it my illusion—I seem to feel the breath of Fangcunshan?" "

"It's not an illusion." Crow shook his head, "If you use such high-quality materials as raw materials, if you can't even inspire Fangcunshan, isn't it a joke?"

"Ling Xing Ye!! Where is it!" Did not get a satisfactory reply, and Water 0 in the back became excited and roared loudly.

"Quiet." The crow scolded.

Water 0 in the back seemed to be stuck in the neck, and the roar was suffocated.

His eyes widened with anger, and he stomped his foot on the ground.


The floor of the room was cracked inch by inch, falling apart.

"Calm down, calm down." The crow whistled and said with satisfaction, "Ling Xingye will come soon, and it will be up to you to deal with him then, don't let me down, the water in the back... 0!"

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