The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 705: First Battle Silver Zero

The man who was still laughing just now suddenly disappeared in place, and then he heard a cry of pain.

The other three were stunned, and then focused their gazes together, looking at the liquid metal man beside him in amazement—it was the avatar of Jing Ce, who had just shot suddenly and sent their captain flying!

This is mutiny!

They immediately drew their guns and aimed at the police, but after that, they didn't know what to do for a while.

According to their Anbu's habits, at this time, they can pull the trigger without hesitation and kill the "traitor".

However, the liquid metal man in front of him obviously doesn't eat bullets, so even if he shoots it, it's useless, right?

The police officer ignored them and snorted coldly: "The gun is aimed at the wrong target, idiots!"

As she spoke, her fingertips stretched out, turning into five slender metal spikes, piercing into the shadow beside her.

Only then did other people notice that where the captain was standing just now, there was a piece of hose shining with brass luster, and a thick "syringe" was connected to the end, and the other end was in the shadow among.

"Vampire... vampire!" The four people including the captain reacted immediately, drew their guns and shot towards the shadow.

"Tsk, none of them were hit!" According to the echolocation, the policeman muttered, "There are three targets, and the echo response is very strange. It looks like a human body, but it also looks like a metal structure."

"My lord, what are you going to do next..." While talking about the information he found out, the police officer looked back while looking at it.

But there was no Ling Xingye behind him, only his travel bag collapsed loosely on the spot.

The policeman shrugged his shoulders: "Can't you see someone sacrificed? It's exactly what Shokuhou said... No wonder he asked me to help him."

Saying so, she retreated all the way, staying away from the battlefield without nostalgia.

Keeping indented into the hiding place that had been explored in advance, the police officer felt relieved and concentrated on manipulating her "clone".

In the short time she "escaped", her avatar had already been scattered into a mercury-like liquid.

As for her four Anbu "companions", two of them had a blood hole poked in their chests, and they were screaming. But judging by their yelling, the injury didn't seem to be fatal.

The other two were not much better, because they thought they were in the way, so Ling Xingye immediately kicked each of them to the opposite side of the road to avoid the automatic puppet attack.

Ling Xingye just didn't like to see death without saving them, but he didn't have much affection for this gang of Anbu, so he didn't show mercy.

So much so that although these two people avoided the tragedy of chest opening, injuries such as rib fractures and internal bleeding were inevitable.

When Ling Xingye was busy saving people, the automatic puppet hidden in the dark finally came out.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, they immediately turned into a strong attack.

They immediately smashed the avatar that the police watched.

Then he rushed towards Ling Xingye.

But before that, first met the puppet buffoon.

The clown grinned ferociously, appeared in front of the enemy like a ghost, raised his hand and punched out.

The automatic puppet on the opposite side also had a very rich expression. I saw him raise his hand to parry, and then his face changed drastically. Amidst the unbelievable expression, he flew upside down.

"Human?" Ling Xingye didn't continue to chase. From the touch feedback from the blow just now, the enemy is not like a puppet, but closer to the human body.

Then he immediately realized that this was "Silver 0", the latest generation of "automatic puppet" made of artificial human flesh and blood.

"Be careful, it's the puppet master!" Bai Yin0, who was hit flying, was not injured. When he landed nimbly, he still reminded his companions, "Don't hold back, kill him with all your strength!"

Ling Xingye frowned—too much like a human.

To be honest, for Ling Xingye and Harlequin today, the three "silver zeros" in front of them are not much trouble.

But it was because they were so human-like that Ling Xingye hesitated for a moment.

At this moment, the three of "Baiyin 0" simultaneously fired cannonballs of thought power, blasting towards Ling Xingye.

The cannonballs with mental power are invisible and qualityless, Ling Xingye found something wrong with his instinct, and manipulated the clown to block two of them.

Then I realized what it was—

"Super power?" Ling Xingye was astonished, he didn't get the information that Bai Yin0 had super power.

At the moment when he was distracted from thinking, a missed shell of thought force had already struck in front of him, but it was also blocked by the same invisible and insubstantial "barrier", which failed to hurt Ling Xingye at all.

"The type of ability is Air Force or Mind Power, not very strong, level, is it a level 2 ability?" Ling Xingye evaluated the enemy's strength.

However, more specific information needs further evaluation.

So Ling Xingye gave up his plan for a quick fight, controlled the clown's efforts, and started a tug-of-war with the silver zeros.

At this time, Jing Ce watched and manipulated her avatar to kill her: "Leave this to me!"

Pull away an enemy without saying a word.

Seeing her being so active, Ling Xingye did not refuse.

The avatar that Jing Ce looked at was made of liquid heavy metal alloys, and its physical characteristics were quite strong, making it a type that was very good at melee combat.

But even so, when she faced a silver 0 alone, she was still in a difficult situation.

Silver Zero, who is both an automatic puppet and a superpower, has shown excellent combat effectiveness and fighting qualities. With a strong body, swift movements, and convenient telekinetic power, he quickly suppressed the counterattack of the police.

There was even time to attack the four injured Anbu members.

Ling Xingye came up to it suddenly, pulled out the silk thread, and tightly bound its limbs and torso.

Bai Yin0 struggled violently, but until the skin and muscles were cut open by the silk thread, and a silver-white thick liquid flowed out, he still couldn't break free from the silk thread's control.

At the same time, the two silver coins on the other side were also knocked down by the clown and tied tightly with silk threads.

"Hey, isn't one of them dead?" Police watched and muttered, looking at the four of Anbu with unfriendly eyes through the camera carried by his avatar.

——At first, she wanted to use a knife to kill people, get rid of other people in the same group, so as to take the opportunity to get rid of the "New Enrollment" organization. As a result, Ling Xingye's strength was stronger than she expected, making the plan unable to succeed.

What made Jing Ce even more incomprehensible was that even the three enemies were not killed.

— Shokuhou Misaki is right, in this regard, the leader's attitude is really naive and pedantic.

"These are the enemies of the new species," Ling Xingye explained, "We need to leave some samples for research."

So Ling Xingye chose to capture him alive.

"Hehe, Ling Xingye!" said one of the silver zeros, "Don't get complacent too early!"

As it said, its body suddenly swelled up, and a dim silver light glowed all over its body...


"Ling Xingye, prepare to take our revenge!"

After uttering the last ruthless words, the other two Silver Zeros followed suit and chose to blew themselves up.

A trace of uneasiness rose in Ling Xingye's heart.

Over the next two days, the law enforcement team began to report casualties and disappearances.

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