The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 681: big crack

Kakine Teito rushed out of the water, and the light beam spewed out by the big fish under his feet shot through Accelerator's body.

"...You don't think you've won, do you, Accelerator..." After seeing this scene clearly, Kakine Teitoku's voice gradually lowered.

He believed that his sudden attack could hit Accelerator, but he never thought that he could actually kill him—if he could be killed so easily, it would not be Accelerator.

But the scene in front of him broke Kakine Teitoku's cognition.

But soon, he found that Accelerator was still standing there safe and sound, without any trace on his body.

As if the attack that shot through him just now was just a phantom...

"Wait, Phantom?" Kakine Teitoku shot another ray of white light.

The light beam passed through Accelerator's body without hindrance, and his figure swayed with the distorted air.

"Is it interesting to fight against a shadow for so long?" Accelerator's voice came from another direction.

Emperor Kakine followed the prestige and saw Accelerator's figure suddenly appeared on the left, while the figure at the previous position gradually disappeared.

"Hehe, deflecting the light a little bit, it's a very interesting trick." A playful smile hung on the corner of Accelerator's mouth, and then he whispered to himself, "No wonder Ling Xingye likes this trick so much."

"You..." Kakine Teitoku was shocked and angry - when did he cast that phantom?

The whole battle was under the supervision of Kakine Teitoku, and he could be sure that Accelerator would have no chance to deceive himself by creating illusions, unless he was prepared from the very beginning of the battle.

But the problem is that until just now, Accelerator was in the "Pure White Domain". The domain itself is equivalent to Kakine Teitoku's body, everything inside cannot escape his observation, it is impossible not to discover Accelerator's phantom.

"Is it weird?" Accelerator said, "Light, sound, bio-electromagnetic waves... These are the things that are used to determine the existence of a person. Just deflect all the information..."

Kakine Teitoku's face darkened, and the "Pure White Domain" unfolded again.

"You can guess, if what you see now is my uncle?" Fang Accelerator said again.

The moment Kakine Teito hesitated, Accelerator tore apart his domain again.

Then, he appeared in front of Kakine Teito as if teleported.

"My uncle is tired of playing, let's end it. This farce!"

Kakine Teitoku closed the six white wings in front of his body, and radiated countless white lights crazily like a small sun.

Accelerator ignored all the resistance and swung his fist forward.

All the white light slid away like flowing water before touching his body.

His fist, like a ship breaking through the water, slowly but firmly approached the target.

Kakine Teitoku's heavy defenses were torn apart like snow melting.

In the end, the fist lightly landed on Kakine Teito's chest.

Accelerator's fighting skills are at the rookie level, and the attack power of this punch itself is about zero.

But Kakine Teitoku's complexion was pale, and he stared at Accelerator with his eyes wide open.

Then, boom!

Blood splashed all over the sky, and Kakine Teitoku exploded all over his body.

"it's over."

Glancing at the **** fragments scattered on the sea, Accelerator soared into the air, galloping away with four tornado wings.

None of the onlookers in the distance thought that the battle would end so abruptly.

While surprised by the exaggerated strength of the two superpowers, they were also surprised by the result of the duel.

Such a powerful superpower was killed just like that—even if it was to show his strength, for this sake, Academy City really spared no expense!

The cruise ship belonging to Academy City responded quickly and sent a helicopter to fly to the battlefield, preparing to recover the wreckage of "Wei Yuan Matter".

"Wait!" The researcher in charge of the recovery operation suddenly stopped the helicopter.

He zoomed in on the image and carefully observed the blood-stained sea.

Then he saw that pieces of flesh and blood floating on the sea surface were gathering in one place.

Then, a familiar white light shrouded the sea surface, forming a light egg.

In the air, Accelerator, who had already flown away, glanced back, then looked away and ignored him.

Finding that the final signal was on a cruise ship, he flew directly there.

"The 'Great Whirlpool'...disappeared." Said Misaka Mikoto, who was watching from the boat.

The duel between those two people evened out this huge vortex. It is equivalent to changing the terrain structure again.

"He's coming." Mugino Shenli looked at the sky fearfully.

Misaka Mikoto flashed a flash of electricity reflexively, and then slowly restrained herself.

Of course she knew the reason for Accelerator's arrival—the final signal.

But she still couldn't let go of it.

Especially when she realized that the gap between herself and Accelerator had become wider, Misaka Mikoto became more and more agitated.

They are all level 5, how can there be such a big gap?

Accelerator's boarding the ship caused quite a commotion, especially after seeing his god-like overwhelming strength just now. Many people are worried that he will sink the ship directly if he is upset.

Fortunately, Accelerator didn't intend to act recklessly.

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the sky suddenly darkened.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt their feet tremble.

But only level and a few level 4 people with great abilities raised their heads and looked at the sky together.

—It is not the cruise ship under your feet that vibrates, but something broader.

The sea, the air, and the sky trembled.

Noticing the reactions of the high-level ability users around them, more and more people turned their gazes to the sky.

"The sky... cracked..." No one knew who said what everyone was thinking.

The sky, cracked.

Just above the location where Accelerator and Kakine Teito had a duel.

Behind the crack is not the cosmic starry sky, but a strange scene of chaos and nothingness, like the back of the world.

At the same time as the crack appeared, the sea below seemed to boil suddenly, creating a stormy sea.

While people were still stunned, a piercing siren and a loud warning from the captain suddenly sounded on the cruise ship radio.

"Everyone hold on to the fixed objects around them and prepare to resist the bumps!"

Three warnings in a row, and then a huge wave hit.

There were screams from the boat.

Accelerator held the final signal with one hand, stood firmly on the deck, and looked towards the crack.

"The space is disordered, and there are faults in the space there."

"Is it a phenomenon caused by your battle? Misaka Misaka asked."

"None of our abilities directly involve space. However, the field copied by that guy has a similar effect. Maybe his ability got out of control and went berserk?"

At this time, the cruise ship produced by Academy City has successfully resisted the attack of the waves and stabilized the hull.

But the other spectators around were not so lucky.

Soon, a new announcement came over the radio.

"Upon the order of the governing council, let us go immediately to rescue a cruise ship in the southwest direction. There are military attaches from embassies of various countries living in Japan on it, and their safety must be guaranteed!"

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