The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 401: underworld

The weapon used by "Punisher" Uluft is a very strange existence.

This large cross-shaped firearm has its own name, it is called "Punisher".

Although it is a firearm, and if you look closely, it is still a modern equipment with a strong sense of technology—at most, its shape is rather strange—but when you look deeper into its core essence, it is actually a "magic equipment", or a "spiritual equipment".

The sect that Uluft belongs to is another type of extreme fanaticism. Their creed is to fight for the Lord and become the sharpest sword and spear in the Lord's hand.

That's right, they are a fighting sect, and they will do anything to improve their combat effectiveness. In order to fight against demons, they will not hesitate to turn themselves into demons... In order to fight against the science camp, they will also actively use the latest technology to arm themselves.

The heavy firepower "Punisher" is a high-tech equipment with advanced design concept and material technology, but its core is a set of "Alchemy Workshop".

It has an "alchemy production line" built into its magazine, all bullets and even small missiles can be directly refined with basic elements!

It is precisely because of this set of devices that I don't know whether it should be called black technology or black magic, that the terrifying infinite firepower of the "Punisher" has been created.

...This is what Uluft knows. He has also done targeted training on this weapon. He doesn't understand the principle of "Punisher", and he doesn't need to understand it. He is also a "punisher" - just like this gun, it is just a "weapon".

The "immortal body" strengthens its infinite firepower, forming a nearly insoluble spear and shield, making it impossible for Lily to attack it.

Moreover, Uluft also has super physical strength and mobility, so he blocked Lily in the unmanned factory, and he couldn't even escape.

Another "extremely hot bullet" missed, and Lily's heart became even heavier.

The rate of fire is her weakness. This kind of attack that can only reach the muzzle velocity of ordinary pistol bullets is difficult to be effective against really powerful enemies.

"And..." Lily murmured to herself, "If this goes on, I'm afraid I'll be the first to faint from anemia, right?"

She also has many scars on her body. Although due to dodging and effective defense, Lily has never suffered any serious injuries, but the blood loss caused by just scratches and scratches is also unbearable for her.

Because the raw material of the "extreme temperature bomb" is Lily's blood.

The battle last night had already caused her to lose a lot of blood, and now it's even worse!

"It can't be done!" Lily said inwardly, "We must make a quick decision and defeat him as soon as possible, otherwise I will die!"

Seeing the muzzle flash of the gun, Lily reflexively moved aside.

Although she managed to avoid the initial attack, Uluft's shots formed a continuous line and easily caught up with her movements.

The air condensed into ice, which blocked the barrage for a while, but was quickly shattered.

The high-speed projectile pierced the girl's skin.

— This is how all the big and small scars on her body came from.

Lacking the support of auxiliary combat equipment, Lily is actually not good at defense.

She can realize the ability to "make ice" by lowering the temperature, but it's just making ice cubes.

Her ability is to control temperature, not "ice making". So she can't control the molecular arrangement of ice cubes to increase its physical strength.

So her ice cubes are just ordinary and fragile ice cubes, so naturally they cannot be used as bulletproof armor.

The skin was cut open, blood flowed out, it was a ruby-like bright liquid.

After coming into contact with the air, Lily's blood evaporated quickly, before it even had time to stain the clothes on her body.

So although Lily was covered with scars, she didn't see any shocking blood.

Lily's complexion seemed to become even paler. She covered her wound and rolled to hide behind a machine, avoiding the barrage.

Then, she raised her hand, and the cold air overflowed from her palm. The previously volatilized blood condensed again due to the low temperature, turning into a beautiful "gem" shining wine red.

Lily looked at the red gemstone in her palm, pondered for a moment, and finally made up her mind.

During this period, Uluft was not idle either.

He is well aware of the fatal danger of being pulled close by Lily, so he always refuses to get close to her easily.

Even if Lily avoided the attack with the help of a solid cover, Uluft would not choose to walk over and bypass the obstacle.

Instead, continue to attack, destroying the opponent's bunker with an endless rain of bullets!

Simple and crude, but effective.

Compared with ordinary firearms, the "Punisher" is extremely powerful. The hard and thick mechanical equipment could not resist for a long time, and soon began to crumble and was about to be broken into pieces.

Lily kept her body as low as possible, so as not to expose herself.

At the same time, she clenched her fists and concentrated.

The temperature around her dropped again and again, constantly breaking through the limit.

Even Uluft, who kept some distance, began to feel the chill of the shelter.

The interior of the entire unmanned factory seemed to have entered winter in an instant, or had been moved to the polar ice sheet.

Uluft was on guard, but he never let go of the trigger finger.

The breath exhaled from the mouth condenses into white fine ice crystals the moment it comes into contact with the outside air. His exposed skin also began to show signs of The temperature has been raised to below minus 50 degrees, but the cliff-like cooling still hasn't ended.

Now, it was Uluft who couldn't wait any longer - he was indeed not afraid of getting hurt, but if he was frozen to the point of losing his ability to move, it would not be as simple as getting hurt.

The steel at the low temperature became very fragile, and the bunker Lily relied on collapsed at an even faster speed.

The winner will be announced soon!

At this juncture, Uluft cautiously stepped back instead, continuing to distance himself.

Lily finally stood up and stopped hiding.

In front of her, ice blocks were formed and accumulated layer upon layer, spreading wildly around.

Light blue snowflakes fell from the sky.

Lily's whole body seemed to be made of ice crystals, and her skin was crystal clear, like crystal. A strand of hair also showed a cold blue.

She opened her palm, and the blood gemstone in her palm was dark in color, so red that it turned black. It was like a small black hole, devouring the surrounding heat and emitting endless severe cold.

The ultra-low temperature produces dramatic changes in air pressure, which whip up strong winds in the factory.

Lily's voice loomed in the wind: " know the surface temperature of Pluto... minus two hundred and forty degrees Celsius...

I can create this temperature..."

Finally, the girl's voice suddenly became clear and bright.

"So, sleep forever in the 'Underworld'!"

Lily threw the "gem" in her hand.

The crimson crystal flew out like an arrow from the string, and then suddenly expanded in the air, turning into a deep blackness, swallowing Uluft and everything around him.

The darkness faded away, leaving only a lifelike ice sculpture.

According to the monitoring, during this battle, the average temperature of the entire block where the Mizuho Functional Research Institute is located has dropped by 18 degrees!

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