The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 308: saint bodyguard

"That man just now..." While running, Kanzaki Kaori also said to himself, "Is that also a Christian? That huge cross..."

"Forget it, it should be just a unique decoration, right?" Kanzaki Kaori shook his head and explained to himself, "And the clothes on him don't look like church..."

Then she suddenly slowed down and looked down at her clothes—a short-sleeved shirt with a knot at the navel, exposing her belly. The lower body is wearing a pair of jeans, but one leg is cut off...

Even from the perspective of ordinary people, it is quite a maverick dress.

Think about my partner, the priest who wears earrings, has tattoos on his face, and loves to smoke...

"That man's attire is actually quite conservative?" Kanzaki Kaori couldn't help but complain to himself.

Kanzaki Kaori shook his head again: "My attire is not strange, it has a magical meaning."

I don't know who I'm explaining to.

Because it was near the airport, and it was already evening, there were no other people nearby.

Kanzaki Kaori no longer hurried on his way so "slowly".

She put her luggage back on her back, then waved the steel wire and entangled it on the support of the nearby building.

In the next second, Kanzaki Kaori soared into the air.

She didn't choose to take the bus to the seventh school district because it was too slow. With her "sage"-level foot strength, relying on her own legs is far faster than taking ordinary transportation.

Kanzaki Kaori couldn't wait to get to the apartment in District 7.

I want to see Index again and confirm her current situation.

And... those boys and girls who had formed a relationship before.

"Ling Xing Ye..."

Of course, the most important thing is this boy.

Just like Stiyl came to Academy City not long ago, this time Kanzaki Kaori also came with a mission.

One of the main targets of the mission is Ling Xingye—the superpower user of Academy City and the "Silver" puppet master.

According to the order of the supreme bishop Laura Stewart, the "sage of the Far East" Kanzaki Kaori made a special trip to Academy City to protect Ling Xingye.

Although surprised, Kanzaki Kaori still obeyed the Supreme Bishop's order.

In fact, if Steele hadn't been injured in the last mission and hadn't fully recovered yet, he would have come with Kanzaki Kaori.

Because both of them have the experience of operating in Academy City, and have contacted with Aleister and other high-level Academy City. The barriers to re-entry are also relatively small.

Furthermore, in this mission, protecting Ling Xingye is only part of the goal, and the other part—in fact, the real core goal is still to protect the safety of the forbidden book catalog.

In the words of the Supreme Bishop: "Protecting the puppet master Ling Xingye is just selling a favor to 'Bai Yin'; the catalog of banned books is the fundamental interest of our Puritanism."

Kanzaki Kaori realized that the seemingly simple and rough crusade mission was intertwined with so many other events after Stiyl went back to report the last mission against the alchemist.

In addition to the Roman Orthodox Church and Academy City, a new hidden force on the closed continent was involved—puppets and puppet masters!

In the end, there was a mess between the parties.

After hearing the news, Bishop Lola immediately made a decision—she wanted to establish contact with new forces, and it was best to form an ally to fight against the increasingly extreme and crazy Roman Orthodox Church, and to check and balance that unreliable ally. garden city.

Therefore, after learning about the hostile conflict between "Baiyin" and "Yanshi", Laura immediately decided to send an envoy to Academy City to get in touch with "Baiyin" Ling Xingye and establish a preliminary cooperative relationship. It would be better to sell him a favor if you can help him in times of battle and danger.

Kanzaki Kaori is the best candidate - she has been to Academy City, met Ling Xingye, and even had the experience of "fighting side by side".

And she is strong enough to deal with enemies that Ling Xingye can't.

The most important point is that the bond between her and Index of the Prohibited Books can also protect the safety of the Prohibited Books Index—in the increasingly chaotic Academy City, the Prohibited Books Index, which is the trump card of the Puritan Church in England, is of great importance to her. Protection measures must also be reconsidered carefully.

Only Kanzaki Kaori, who is a saint and was born in Japan, can take care of these two tasks and be foolproof!

That's why Kanzaki Kaori rushed to Academy City by plane.

"The next thing is the mission time!" Kanzaki Kaori was flying at high speed in the air, his heart was jumping for joy, "I can meet Index again, I don't know how she is doing here. Boy Kamijou should Did you take good care of her?"

She decided to visit Index first to confirm her living conditions, and then visit Ling Xingye.

"Anyway, they're next door, so there should be no problem." The girl made an excuse for her "selfish desire".

Kanzaki Kaori has a cell phone, but rarely actually turns it on. Because she usually communicates with the church through spells attached to the phone, and the phone itself is just a cover.

But this time, she specifically remembered to fully charge the phone and turn it on and standby at any time.

"However, I should be fine by myself, so I don't need to bother them." She stared at a certain number on the screen, and then put the phone back into her pocket.

"Besides, Xingye is very strong, so he doesn't necessarily need my help!"

Kanzaki Kaori still remembered the scene where they had a big fight when they first met. The combat power displayed by Ling Xingye is not weak at all!

In addition, he still has a strong defense that can withstand even the "Dragon King's Sigh"... Kanzaki Kaori doesn't think his "bodyguard" will play any role.

"If there is a chance, we can discuss with Xingye again." While thinking in his mind, Kanzaki Kaori had already arrived in front of the familiar apartment building.

She came to Kamijou Touma's steadily, she knocked on the door politely.

As a result, no one came to open the door.

"Aren't you at home?" She listened attentively, and found that there were no signs of human activity in the room. Only the footsteps of a small animal like a cat or dog.

Kanzaki Kaori thought for a while, then turned around and went to the door of Ling Xingye's house next door.

But there was no one here either.

"School starts today," Kanzaki Kaori wondered, "It should only be half a day, why didn't you come back?"

Although this is not a big deal, after all, it is still early, it is only around three o'clock in the afternoon, even if you don't want to go to school, you don't necessarily have to stay at home.

It is normal for middle school students to take the opportunity to go out and play.

However, Kanzaki Kaori just accepted the task of "bodyguard", which made her think a little more - Ling Xingye and Index, who are the protected objects, are not at home, this is really just a coincidence ?

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