The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 292: Ling Xingye's gift

"Actually, I went out and came here after I hung up the phone." In the kitchen, Hitomi Shiranui handed the teacup to Ling Xingye, "But I saw Sister Misaka at the door of the apartment, she was sitting at the door with her knees hugged..."

Ling Xingye nodded, it really fit Misaka 10001's character.

"Then, Misaka Mikoto and the others also arrived," Hitomi Shiranui continued, "It is true that Misaka-san came to find my sister, and the others also came with her."

"Is it really a coincidence?" Ling Xingye was speechless.

"So, I had to make my own decision and welcome them in. After all, this is a boys' apartment, and they can't be kept outside all the time—it's too conspicuous."

"Isn't it even more wrong to let them in?" Ling Xingye complained, "Forget it, fortunately they are all sensible and well-educated older children, and they didn't make too much noise."

"Xingye..." Hitomi Shiranui showed a dumbfounding expression, "Your evaluation...they won't like it."

"That's right, Xingye is only two or three years older than us, don't treat us like children without authorization!" Misaka Mikoto had arrived at the kitchen door at some point.

Ling Xingye shrugged, but did not respond. Because he felt that no matter how he explained it, it would be more troublesome.

When he didn't know each other before, Ling Xingye thought that the legendary "Railgun" was a very reliable person.

After all, he is the third superpower user in Academy City.

But with their familiarity and understanding, Ling Xingye felt more and more that even with powerful power, Misaka Miqin was still just a middle school girl after all.

In times of battle, she is indeed a trustworthy companion. But in daily life, Misaka Mikoto is just an ordinary girl.

From Ling Xingye's point of view, he was just a child.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Misaka Mikoto snorted and didn't pursue further.

"Senior Shiranui, did we bother you? I'm really sorry!"

Misaka Mikoto came to apologize on behalf of everyone as a "sister". From this point of view, she is indeed more mature than the other girls.

"It's okay." Hitomi Shiranui said with a smile, "After all, it's summer vacation, I just have time today."

Although the date with Ling Xingye was a failure, Shiranui Hitomi thought of Misaka 10001's expression like an abandoned kitten at the door just now, and immediately couldn't say the words to drive them away.

"Wow..." Ling Xingye sighed softly, "The handling fee for ticket refunds is very expensive."

But Ling Xingye finally agreed with Hitomi Shiranui's decision.

After all, these girls are her friends.

"Then let's move to another place." Ling Xingye proposed, "My apartment has limited space, and now it's too crowded to sit outside!"

"Who asked you to put so many puppets in the room." Misaka Mikoto said, "By the way, you promised me, where is the puppet Gua?"


"It's really slow..." Misaka Mikoto said dissatisfiedly, "I have a well-rewarded audience, you should pay more attention to it."

Ling Xingye said: "Because it's really difficult! Or do you really want to see a frog jumping around on the ground?"

The three of them went back to the room together, only to see that several other girls began to watch the puppets in the room again.

"These two geisha girls are so beautiful!" Saten Ruiko moved to the TV cabinet, reaching out to touch the geisha puppet's cheek, "Is this also made by Xingye himself?"

Ling Xingye replied: "This is an ordinary puppet. It's just a little bigger—it's one-to-one with real people."

"Then how did this come about?" Saten Leiko continued to ask, and several other girls were also attracted by this topic, and looked at Ling Xingye together, waiting for his answer.

"As I said, this is an ordinary puppet." Ling Xingye said, "Just refer to the sprite for the main structure."

He pointed to the kimono on the puppet again: "The clothes and musical instruments were ordered by Hitomi. The hands, feet and neck that need to be exposed are products obtained from a certain robot development company, and the face and hair are also customized by that company."

"Senior Xingye's words are completely meaningless..." Saten Saten said, "It's so exquisite and beautiful, it looks like a real person."

"If you like it, I can give you one." Ling Xingye said suddenly.

"Huh? Really!" Not only Saten Renko, but also Misaka Mikoto and the others exclaimed together.

Only Hitomi Shiranui had an expression of "I knew it a long time ago".

"Is it really okay?" Saten Ruiko hurriedly asked to confirm, "Give it to me? Such a beautiful puppet?"

"Of course, they're not going to be used anymore anyway."

"Why?" the girls asked puzzled.

"Because such a big puppet is really inconvenient to manipulate." Ling Xingye said the reason, "It's okay on a stage that can be set up in advance like a theater, but it's a bit difficult to perform on the street."

"But you are very handy when you manipulate sprites!" Misaka Mikoto said.

"Because I used superpowers." Ling Xingye raised his hand, obviously not wearing a silk ring on his fingertips, but the geisha puppet still stood up.

I saw the silk thread extending upward from the puppet's joints, and suddenly stopped in mid-air.

It was as if an invisible hand was manipulating it.

"But street performances are busking," Ling Xingye continued, "I won't rely on superpowers to cheat."

In fact, there is another reason, Ling Xingye did not say it - when manipulating this kind of puppet that is too similar to a sprite, Ling Xingye can't help but bring it into a fighting state.

Can't tell the difference between acting and fighting...that's a disaster!

"What a pity..." Saiten Ruiko said, "I still want to see the performance I missed the day before yesterday."

Suddenly, her eyes lit up: "Yes! Since Senior Xingye gave me this puppet, why not teach me how to manipulate her together!"

Ling Xingye picked up a toy-like puppet from the ground: "If you want to learn puppetry, let's start with the simplest one. To be honest, unless you use superpowers like me, it is almost impossible for a puppet master to manipulate a puppet that exceeds your own height. puppet!"

As for the puppet masters of "Silver"...their dedicated combat puppets are all specially made Those puppets themselves have basic abilities such as standing, walking, jumping, and attacking. It doesn't all have to be controlled by wires.

"So, take this geisha puppet back and use it as a large doll for decoration." Ling Xingye looked at Saten Saten - this girl has changed into a different dress, but it still fits neatly, "Or it can be used as a puppet. As a model for changing clothes."

Another geisha puppet is also taken away by Uiharu Shiri and Harukami Jinyi.

Misaka Mikoto also wanted one, but she was too embarrassed to compete with her friends, and their strict dormitory teacher might not be able to accept this kind of "life doll". So I can only regret to give up.

To compensate, she opted for an equally massive doll Killer Bear.

Baijing Heizi dismissed Ling Xingye's puppet.

Not only an amusement park, but also a souvenir shop?

Ling Xingye sighed in his heart.

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