The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 287: Silver Puppet City

This is a huge meeting room with bright and clean windows.

In terms of shape, it is more like a lecture theater in a school.

The upper seats can hold three thousand people, and their puppets.

But today, only five people are sitting in those seats.

Bai Yinyao stood alone on the podium—this should be the position of the leader, but today, the meaning of the position has been reversed.

Baiyin Yao is the person being questioned, and those sitting below are the real power holders.

These five people have a special title in "Silver"—

"Elder." Bai Yinyao restrained all his sharpness and personality, and saluted honestly.

"Time is precious, let's start." Said the old man sitting on the far left.

Then, the old woman in the middle looked at Bai Yinyao, smiled like an ordinary kind old lady and said, "Don't be nervous, this is just a routine report."

"Normally five elders will attend the task report..." Bai Yinyao muttered.

"Cough!" The burly old man on the second right coughed, "Don't complain, just report honestly."

Baiyin Yao curled his lips and quickly described the process of this mission.

She knew very well that this was just a formality—with the "spider" around, all the information and details had been placed on the elders' desks long before she returned to the headquarters.

Therefore, Baiyin Yao didn't think about hiding anything.

"That is to say," the old woman said after listening to her statement, "the main mission target this time—the alchemist—was taken away by the automatic puppet."

"Uh... yes." Baiyin Yao's face turned bitter.

"The crusade against the automatic puppets leaving the border has been completed." The old woman said again, "Also defeated Yan Shijia, thwarting an enemy's conspiracy."

"But it's a pity that he couldn't be completely eliminated." The strong old man said regretfully.

"Eh? How come?" Bai Yinyao said in surprise, "He already blew himself up!"

"That child Ling Xingye is a novice, are you too?" The old man reprimanded in a tone of hatred, "Core, core! The wreckage you brought back does not contain the core of Yanshijia!"

"The core is the foundation of a Yanshi! If he flees back, he will be another Yanshi Jia for at most ten years!"

"You can't blame Xiaoyao." The middle-aged woman on the far right said, "Although she has won the name of silver, this is the first time she has really faced Yanshi. It is still Yanshi with the code name A, and it is already possible to win. It's not easy. Generally speaking, only us old guys can guarantee the destruction of a Yanshi, so don't be too harsh."

The old woman in the middle finally made a decision: "Then, this time your mission is half completed. Then, you can get 500 yuan to repair your Xingtian. There will be no more rewards, after all, you have not obtained alchemy." What about the magician?"

"Okay..." Bai Yinyao was relieved, but also a little unconvinced, "Thank you, elders."

Leaving the conference room, Baiyin Yao walked heavily in the corridor.

The five hundred "yuan" as compensation is the unique currency unit of the puppet city, which is actually a huge sum of money.

But it is still a bit stretched to repair a puppet of Xingtian's level.

Xing Tian is paired with the exclusive armed "Thousand Machines", which is almost the most expensive grade among all the puppets!

— I have to pay myself again...

Baiyin Yao weighed the skin bag in his hand with a sad face.

She took out a coin from her leather bag and held it up to her eyes for a closer look.

The currency of this puppet city is actually a "gear", each of which is a coin with a face value of "one yuan".

The whole body of the "gear" seems to be made of brass, with a total of sixty-four teeth, which are evenly distributed on the outer contour, which is a bit difficult to touch.

Experienced people can judge the authenticity and "denomination" of currency directly by the touch and weight of their fingertips.

Yes, this "gear" has a denomination.

Although it looks like a cast of brass, the "gear" is actually made of an alloy with a secret formula. Its physical performance is quite excellent, and damage below the "disaster" level is almost ineffective against it.

Its value is also reflected in this material. Many puppet masters will choose to use "gear" as an additional material for making and upgrading puppets.

This also ensures that the "gear" currency is almost inflation-free.

"Yuan" represents "a complete gear".

As the name suggests, since there are complete ones, there are also "incomplete" ones.

Each "gear" is actually made up of sixty-four pieces of metal with only one tooth.

Therefore, in fact, the basic unit of currency in the puppet city is "tooth".

Sixty-four "teeth" are one "yuan".

Each "tooth" can buy a well-made "even" level puppet.

Purchasing power is really not low.

You must know that the puppets produced by "Baiyin" are at least hundreds of thousands of yen in the outside market!

So Bai Yinyao couldn't help but feel distressed when he thought of spending his own money to repair Xing Tian.

"Well, forget it, it's not a loss to recognize Brother Xingye this time." In the end, Bai Yinyao could only comfort himself like this.

She stuffed the "gear" coin back into her leather bag and walked towards the workshop area.

The headquarters of "Silver" is a huge puppet city, and it is said to be one of the largest puppet cities.

The city is also divided into functional areas for different purposes. To go to different areas, you need to take public transportation such as buses, light rails, and subways.

Private cars are rare here, it's not that "Silver" is prejudiced, it's just that there are no gas stations. The puppet city itself is hidden in unknown barren mountains, so the possibility of foreign vehicles is basically eliminated.

In contrast, mechanism puppets such as wooden cows and horses are common means of transportation. Or sci-fi-style pure electric vehicles and low-altitude aircraft are also very popular—especially for young puppet masters.

If people from the outside enter here, they will be surprised to see how different this city is - the two styles of five hundred years ago and five hundred years later are completely blended together, and they are integrated into the whole city without any sense of disobedience. City As a puppet city, although the headquarters has undergone a series of "modernization" improvements, overall, "gear" is still the most common element in this city.

For example, the position under Bai Yinyao's feet at this time is "Gear Square".

In fact, it is just a "citizen square" for people to take a leisurely walk.

Baiyin Yao took advantage of her "Baiyin" authority to take the air bridge, which can quickly and conveniently move between the main functional buildings in the city.

She grew up in this city since she was a child, and she is so familiar with the square below that she can find the position of every gear with her eyes closed.

So she didn't bother to look down.

Moreover, Baiyin Yao didn't have the energy to pay attention to other things.

Because in front of her, a woman walked towards her.

A woman as beautiful as a blooming flower.

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