The Primordial Wizard

Vol 3 Chapter 18: dream

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Ace watched the wizard apprentices gradually relax, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is not in a hurry to hypnotize. The apprentices have just completed a good mental link network experiment and have been greatly improved in meditation. On the whole, they are full of energy and more excited. At this time, forced hypnosis is not feasible.

The best strategy for mental manipulation is to make the best use of the situation. He first uses the soul spell "hint" to let the apprentices slowly relax. This is a method that suits their current situation.

After being extremely excited, people also need to relax. After relaxing, they will gradually fall into a comfortable zone.

Ace watched the apprentices gradually become more comfortable, and the voices of them who had just talked enthusiastically in the discussion gradually became smaller, and they began to sit peacefully on the blanket, some of their expressions appeared sleepy.

Arnold's performance was the most obvious. He snored extremely loudly, awakening several sleepy apprentices instantly.

Ace frowned, thought a little, and silenced the sound made by Arnold by using the secondary spell silence technique with sound runes as the core.

Then he looked at the apprentices with satisfaction, stimulating the spell "illusion barrier". As the barrier opened, the apprentices began to passively accept the barrier's Will check and were slowly induced to fall asleep.

At this time, Ace discovered another interesting phenomenon. Whether it was Arnold who had fallen asleep a long time ago or Ancestral who was falling asleep, they naturally resisted the will check of the "illusion enchantment".

They just fell asleep, without being induced to think and subconsciously by the "phantom barrier".

"Under the premise of no resistance, I can pass the Will check. Although I did not use my full strength, I used at least three scales of mental strength. Does the mental strength condensed by the knight's creed have such a strong mental resistance?"

While thinking, Ace increased the mental intensity and pressure on the two knights. At about four ticks, the two finally couldn't resist and were successfully induced by Ace.

"Their mental power is about 0.8-0.9 scale, and they can resist more than five times the mind control spells.

This is a very terrifying value, and it can almost be declared that knights of the same level can almost completely defeat wizards of the same level of specialization and control.

It seems that I am the only one specializing in mind control spells. When this experiment is over, it is very necessary to take time to study the mystery of the knight. "

While speaking, all the apprentices had fallen into a deep sleep, and their hands were firmly pressed on the spiritual mark on the second page of the magic book.

Ace closed his eyes and stretched out nearly a hundred spiritual chains transformed by spiritual tentacles through his spiritual imprint, linking with the apprentices.


A radial network of spiritual links is formed. Because the apprentices are in a state of sleep, their spirits cannot be autonomous, and Ace must induce them.

Because of the first experience and the spiritual guidance given to the apprentices, he smoothly allowed the apprentices to extend their spiritual tentacles, transform them into spiritual chains through the imprint, and connect with the consciousness of mirroring.


When the double bucket hat is forming a buckle-shaped spiritual link network, the soul bodies of all nodes collectively vibrate, and they will wake up almost instantly!

Ace quickly applied the "hint" soul magic effect through the hundreds of spiritual chains he stretched out, slowly smoothing the network shock.

A network of spiritual links with two "root consciousnesses" as the core has been formed. Under the control of Ace, the soul body in the dream stretched out several spiritual chains, just like the previous experiment, the double-breasted hats were buckled inside the cyberspace. Gradually become more complicated and layered.

In a visual field that is invisible to the naked eye, a bit of mist began to appear in the mental network space. It seemed that some changes were about to occur, but it seemed that it had not reached the critical point and could not go up.

"The threshold of soul resonance frequency is [0.05, 0.15], which is greatly lower than the first time, and the information flow is 2.3. Except for the communication between'root consciousness' and'mirror root consciousness', there are only a few dreams."

The "root consciousness" of the ontology communicates with the mirror image.

"Now we have become the biggest variable. The subject falls asleep. I will record the observation. Although this still interferes with the experiment, this is a better method. We will find a way to remove the interference in the future."

The mirror said to the body.

"Agree, I immediately self-suggested and went to sleep, you are responsible for observing and recording, and minimize direct interference with the network."

After the ontology Ace finished speaking, he used the "hint" spell to hypnotize himself and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

"The threshold of soul resonance frequency has dropped sharply. It is now [0.01, 0.1], and the flow of information has been reduced to 0.4. Observed from the outside, the strange fog in cyberspace has begun to grow, and it feels somewhat similar to the fog made by the snake of dreams.

This strange fog seems to have created some kind of dream illusion, the threshold of soul resonance frequency began to rise sharply, and the flow rate and flow of information also exploded in an instant.

Including the ontology, the consciousness of the wizard apprentices at each node did not wake up. They seemed to have entered a sober state that I could not observe. "

Ace seemed to be caught in some kind of strangeness that seemed to be true and illusory. He felt as if he had become a torch, emitting light and heat, stretched out nearly a hundred tentacles, and linked many small flames.

"Why can the torch stretch out its tentacles? This setting is too strange."

He was a little confused thinking, floating and wandering with other small flames. Slowly, the other small flames also "woke up" one after another. They communicated with each other and called friends, so it was so lively.

"The ontology seems to be a little confused, is it immersed in a dream and not staying awake? I need to remind him." Mirror observation speculated, sending a weak stream of information to the ontology to remind him.

Ace, who was immersed in the seemingly real and strange, was suddenly awakened by the flow of information, Boom!

"It turned out to be like I was dreaming about linking the network with my whole spirit!"

The torch scratched his head anthropomorphically, there was no dull hair on his head, because the book elves fell into a complete deep sleep, and the corresponding soul consciousness did not enter the strangeness that seemed to be true and illusory.

"In this state, it seems that we have entered a dream together. There is no dream and reality does not exist in the dream perspective of the soul."

While analyzing, Ace tried to "awaken" the other apprentices.

He tried many times and asked the mirror to try, but still couldn't wake up. The apprentices seemed to have entered a certain subconscious state, and all their behaviors were as bizarre as dreams.

Ace gave up the attempt, and instead recalled the feeling of the prototype of the subconscious sea that he was lucky enough to enter.

"The two seem to be somewhat similar or similar, but the prototype of the subconscious sea seems to have some kind of more ancient and lasting majestic force, which is very unspeakable, and this dream in existence and consciousness is a bit like losing its essence. The subconscious sea!"

He continued to perceive and analyze.

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