The Pirate Garen

Chapter 482 Forced Parking

The propulsion engines on Uranus, the king of heaven, have all been activated, and the vast power far beyond human imagination is pushing the entire city in the sky downwards at an accelerated rate.

Theoretically speaking, it is no longer possible for the Uranus to be stopped by any external force.


Galen is acting so arrogant now, it is impossible for him to die with dignity later.

Thinking of this, Im's heart sank immediately:

what is it

What means does he have?

Could it be that Neptune and Pluto were used?


Even Neptune Poseidon and Pluto, the king of the underworld, cannot stop the final suicide procedure of Uranus, the king of heaven.

Im was puzzled, and the indifference and calmness in his eyes turned into tension and solemnity.

Facing Galen who had repeatedly performed miracles, he could no longer calm down.

Im cheered up and stared at Galen with eyes that were sharper than a hawk, always on guard against Galen's every move.

Once Galen showed any sign of trying to prevent the king from self-destructing, Im would use all his strength to stop it with a thunderbolt.

And those locust swarm-like intelligent robots on Sky City also gathered from all over the place, pointing the black hole's electron beam muzzle at Galen, at first glance it looked like a forest of guns grew all around.

However, unlike what Im thought, Galen did not take any action.

He just stood there quietly, without flinching, he stared at the murderous Im.

Under the confrontation between the two, Uranus, the king of heaven, has completely entered the process of falling at super high speed.

Hundreds of giant propulsion engines roared at the same time, ejecting a thick blue-white beam of light towards the deep black sky above.

This light, which is more dazzling than the scorching sun, enveloped the entire sky, scattering crazy and surging seven-color halos in the sky, causing the atmosphere around Sky City to be completely distorted and deformed by the strong light and high heat.

The terrifying heat gushed out by the propulsion engine caused the lush canopy of the Sun Tree Eve in the city to wither, wither, and even ignite spontaneously in the wind.

The lush rhizomes all over the city also ignited a fire in the high temperature air, turning the entire sky city into a sea of ​​flames.

The city in the sky, which seemed to have come out of a fairy tale, turned into a demon fortress in hell during the final extinction procedure of the king of heaven, and every place was filled with the flames and black smoke of purgatory.

The power of the king of heaven is far more than that, and these fireworks can only be regarded as appetizers.

In just a few breaths, the speed of the sky king Uranus's fall has reached an unimaginable level.

Its majestic and huge steel body began to tremble violently during the high-speed fall, and the solid rock shell and air rubbed at high speed to produce endless bright sparks, which looked like a group of flames falling from the sky from a distance.

As the sky city fell at a super high speed, these dazzling sparks quickly condensed above the sky city, dragging out a huge and incomparably blazing red flame tail.

The city in the sky finally turned into a meteor, a meteor big enough to destroy the entire planet's ecosystem.

This giant meteor tore apart the sky, shattered the sea of ​​clouds, and even shook the ocean below into turmoil.

At this time, Uranus, the king of heaven, will soon hit the surface at full speed and destroy the entire world.

However, Galen still didn't make any moves.

"What the hell is this guy trying to do?"

After a brief confrontation, a thin layer of cold sweat had quietly seeped from Im's forehead.

He hadn't experienced this kind of tension for a long time.

According to the original plan, Im should actually fly away from Sky City at this time and hide in a safe airspace to avoid this big collision between heaven and earth.

No one can be safe and sound in the face of such mighty power, even the incomparably powerful Im is no exception.

He couldn't die, but the powerful impact brought by Tianwang's impact on the earth would definitely not make him feel good.

However, now that Galen has been slow to move, Im dare not act rashly.

"At this time, why hasn't he acted yet?"

"Could it be that this guy is trying to drag me into it?"

Em's heart was full of surprise and uncertainty.

And at the same time.

In the sky above the Navy Headquarters, the Golden Lion was also in a state of uncertainty.

Im is at the top of the Sky City, but the Golden Lion is at the bottom of the Sky City that is about to fall.

Because, in order to destroy as many enemies as possible, the impact site set by Im for the king was the naval headquarters where more than 100,000 alliance cadres and sailors gathered from the very beginning.

At this time, the sky above the golden lion's head has been completely covered by the huge sky city.

However, what he saw was not a large shadow that blocked the sun, but a super-large flame meteor that reflected the entire sky red and bright.

What's more terrible is that the flaming meteor is still zooming in at an exaggerated speed in the golden lion's field of vision, and it is about to fall on the heads of him and more than 100,000 marines in the blink of an eye

"I, can I really stop this thing?"

The golden lion questioned Galen's order again and again in his heart with some unease.

As a former overlord of the sea, Golden Lion is not a timid person.

But at this time, the vast power displayed by the heavenly king Uranus really made him want to retreat.

If the golden lion were to choose, he would definitely choose to use the Piao Piao fruit to escape with his companions, instead of blocking the falling sky city with a ridiculous posture of mantising a car.

You know, the small body of the Golden Lion is not as big as the "dandruff" dropped by the king Uranus.

Just the high-pressure air wave caused by the fall of the Heavenly King made him, a top expert, tremble uncontrollably, with a faint tendency to fall down.

How can this be stopped?

Not only the golden lion was flustered, but the more than 100,000 people in the navy headquarters were also frightened.

The madness erupted by the world government at the last moment made everyone feel like they were falling into an ice cellar.

However, Galen's answer was very firm and indifferent:

"Don't panic, Golden Lion."

"Stand right there, I guarantee it will be blocked by you."


The golden lion bit the bullet and stayed.

He stayed not because he had faith in Galen's claims, but because he simply couldn't disobey Galen's orders.

Finally, Uranus, the king of heaven, smashed down.

At this time, it was already so fast that it looked like a huge phantom, and people could only see clearly the blazing red fire that was pressing down on their heads.

"Hurry up!"

The Golden Lion roared wildly in his heart, notifying Galen to make a timely move:

"The old man will be killed by you again!"


As soon as Galen received the notification from the Golden Lion, he used the invincible skill that could stop everything without hesitation:

"Laurent's eyes are sharp!"

At the same time, the golden lion, which was still connected to Galen through the fortitude barrier, uncontrollably raised the blade on its feet, and assumed the independent posture of the golden rooster.


"You, your method is this?!"

The golden lion panicked.

He knew that Galen's ability was very useful, and it was so easy to use it that it was unimaginable.

However, the golden lion refused to believe it no matter what:

In addition to blocking fist wind and sword energy, this move of Golden Rooster Independence can also block the city in the sky that is a million times larger than itself.

However, it's useless if the golden lion doesn't believe it, he has no time to escape from the impact.

That huge man-made comet fell head-on, and the golden lion was like a speck of dust blocking its path, as if it was about to be completely engulfed by the comet's flames.

Then, the castle in the sky smashed on the head of the golden lion.

And then, it stopped.

Without any conscripts, and without any reason to follow, this man-made comet that could destroy the world just silently landed on the head of the golden lion.

This scene is like a speeding heavy truck being blocked by a tiny praying mantis, which is jaw-droppingly magical.

Taking a closer look, the only damage caused by the king of heaven is probably to rub the scalp of the golden lion.

And Golden Lion himself didn't even feel his scalp being rubbed, so he used a translucent fluorescent head to block the entire city that fell from the sky.

Uranus, the king of heaven who had accelerated to the extreme, completely stopped in mid-air in an instant, without even a process of braking to slow down, and the speed dropped directly to zero.

Those huge propulsion engines were still firing at full force, but they couldn't move the king down an inch.

"It's really useful?!"

The golden lion was stunned.

Although he has already experienced Galen's skills firsthand, this experience has once again refreshed the Golden Lion's worldview.

Even though there was an entire city weighing on him, he couldn't feel the weight at all.

However, after Laurent's 0.75 second invincibility time passed, the situation changed immediately.

The extremely heavy Sky City fell down again, and the roaring giant propulsion engine played its role again, causing the golden lion that was pressed below to fall down uncontrollably.

However, after all, the king of heaven braked the car once.

The king of heaven, who has accelerated again from scratch, is no longer able to threaten the powerful men who remain in the navy headquarters.


The golden lion broke out with all its strength, and blocked the fall of the king with the reverse buoyancy of the fluttering fruit.

The size of the king of heaven is too huge, and the golden lion alone cannot catch it. Fujitora, who has been waiting for a long time, immediately rises into the air to help:

"Gravity Knife Command!"

The two top powerhouses made a move, and the downward trend of the sky city suddenly slowed down.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of alliance cadres took out the counterfeit devil fruit that was equipped with them, and collectively swallowed the counterfeit version of the gravity fruit:

"Fusion Gravity Array!"

Under the concerted efforts of these strong men, the city of the sky came to a complete stop.

The jet engine it carried was still running at full capacity, but the downward thrust it produced could only compete with the reverse lift exerted by the ability users, and it was stuck in midair for a while, unable to advance an inch.

And in this kind of fierce collision similar to close wrestling, the jet engine on Sky City also seemed to have suffered a lot of damage during the overload operation.

The light emitted by these behemoths became hotter and thicker, but suddenly extinguished when it reached its peak.

The final demise program of the king of heaven was completely terminated.

It quietly floated in mid-air, no longer had the terrifying lethality shown before, and temporarily turned into a harmless ordinary floating island.

"You, what did you do?!"

Im finally recovered from the shock.

He has been staring at Galen closely, and Galen has not acted unusually.

However, Galen just raised his sword suddenly in a blocking posture, and Uranus, the king of heaven, stopped just like that?

How can this be?

Im has lived for eight hundred years, and has never seen such a weird thing.

He started to panic.

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