Noon the next day.

Miss Keya did not sit quietly in the small garden of the mansion and read a book as she used to, but, accompanied by Usopp and Crowe, walked all the way to the construction site in Sirob Village, talking and laughing.

And this young lady suddenly wanted to put down her body and go to the construction site to experience life, and it was also because of Usopp's credit:

"Kaya, trust me!"

"The food on that construction site is really delicious, you will never regret it if you try it with me once!"


Kaya nodded with a smile as usual.

It may be because of the magic of love, but Keya will never dismantle Usopp's bragging, so now she doesn't question Usopp's outrageous words at all, but just quietly follows Usopp to see the legendary Delicious construction site fast food.


Closing behind Kaya and Usopp obediently, and posing as a loyal servant, Crowe spat secretly, the long-suppressed disgust for Usopp in his heart became stronger:

This long nose is obviously just an incompetent person who can only brag, but he can somehow win the heart of the young lady Ke Ya.

In the past, I was the housekeeper who stopped me, so I could keep this annoying fly away from Ke Ya.

However, ever since he knew that Usopp had an untouchable father thief, he no longer dared to show any face to the long nose, and could only watch Usopp leaning on Kaya's side.

Judging from the development of the relationship between the two in the past six months, Usopp estimates that it won't be long before he can completely take down the little rich woman Kaya, and become a winner in life who gains both money and wealth.

Damn it!

There was a storm in Crowe's heart:

I have worked hard for more than ten years, and the dream of being a rich man that has not been realized until now is going to be easily realized by the long nose in front of me by flirting with NB and telling jokes?

If I knew this earlier, what was I fighting for back then?

Based on my "hundreds of tricks" Crowe's IQ and good looks, can't he fool a rich woman?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more unbalanced he felt.

This negative emotion has been around for a long time, and it is also one of the reasons why Crowe finally decided to do it.

Usopp has been pestering Kaya for the past two days to bring her to the construction site meal, and Kaya finally agreed to accompany Usopp to try it at noon today.

Therefore, Crowe knew in advance that Keya would go to the construction site, and specially arranged the time to assassinate Keya to the present.

If Keya died on the construction site, countless outsiders would be able to bear witness to Keya's death at the hands of the fugitive Mengka, and the suspicion on this "innocent" housekeeper would be minimized.

At this moment, Mengka was already polishing his shiny big axe on the coast, and was waiting to make his debut in front of everyone on the construction site, performing a big scene of fugitives entering the village.

Everything is ready, the only thing that makes Crowe a little depressed is that.

Even if the plan was successful, he would not dare to attack that second-generation thief with a background.

The disgust that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time might not be able to vent in this life.

While Crowe was secretly resentful in his heart, Usopp in front was still bragging to Kaya how delicious the construction site meal was, as if it was a delicacy only found in heaven.


Out of disgust for Usopp, Crowe couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart:

"Something I don't know!"

"What delicious food can a group of brick movers eat?!"

"It's delicious."

Before entering the construction site, both Keya and Keluo were overwhelmed by the scent that hit their faces.

It was a rare time for Usopp, who told the truth, proudly touched his long nose, and said to Kaya as if he was a host:

"Kaya, come in with me!"

"Just go in directly?"

Ke Ya looked at the open gate of the construction site, with a hesitant expression on her face:

"Wouldn't it be nice for us to barge in and eat so recklessly?"

After all, this is a construction site, not a restaurant open to the public, and it has no function of receiving diners.

"It doesn't matter."

Usopp patted his chest and assured:

"Everyone on the construction site knows me well."

"You follow me in with confidence, you will definitely have something to eat!"

In a sense, Usopp was right.

He was indeed very familiar with everyone on the construction site, so that all the workers on the construction site knew this little guy with a long nose.

As soon as Usopp entered the construction site canteen, the canteen was filled with a happy atmosphere:


"That bragging long nose is here again!"

The workers laughed out loud when they saw Usopp, and they were so happy from ear to ear.

Then, immediately someone put down the bowl and chopsticks and sat upright, deliberately pretending to be a high-ranking aristocrat, imitating Usopp's words in a serious manner:

"I'll give you one"

"New world adventure back, just got off the airship."

"The elders of the family, the four emperors' cadres, have a reward of 50,000K."

"The circle is too small, and the interests are related."

"I won't say much about the specific content."


There was laughter.

All the workers laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs, and Klau, who was following behind Usopp, felt even more happy.

Even Kaya, who was standing next to Usopp and who had been seeing through Usopp's bragging habits without telling the truth, couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling in this relaxed atmosphere.

Of course, Usopp's face turned red when he was teased by everyone, especially when his sweetheart Keya was also present.

"I'm not bragging!"

"My father is a cadre of the Four Emperors!"

"This time I brought all of the "Swordsman", if you don't believe me, you can read it yourself!"

As he said that, Usopp really opened his satchel, and took out a copy of "Swordsman: From Beginner to Master" which is very popular in the East China Sea.

"I know, I know"

The workers still didn't listen, just continued to laugh cheerfully.

After laughing enough, a kind-looking middle-aged uncle finally stepped forward and patted Usopp on the shoulder, saying earnestly:

"Good boy, why did you just open your mouth?"

"Young people should rely on their own efforts to improve their lives, but they can't indulge in vanity like this!"


Usopp said aggrievedly: "My dad really is."

"So what if it's true?"

The middle-aged uncle asked Usopp to be speechless, and taught carefully:

"Your father's skills belong to your father after all."

"If you really want to be the sea warrior in your story, you still have to rely on yourself after all."


Usopp nodded.

He can also understand this truth, but the bragging habit developed because of loneliness in childhood is really difficult to correct.

Now that someone pointed out his mistakes face to face, Usopp finally calmed down and reflected on himself.

"Young man!"

"Don't talk about Dad every day."

The preaching of the middle-aged worker did not stop, and he also gave Usopp a vivid example:

"you need to know."

"The son of Dorag, the second in command of the League of Legends, and the grandson of the naval hero Karp are all moving bricks at our construction site. Lord Galen's brother-in-law and the prince of the Germa Kingdom are all cooking in our construction site cafeteria."

Galen had "taken care" of Luffy in front of the workers when he returned to the East China Sea. When Reiju was looking for relatives, he also sent people directly to the front-line construction site, so the identities of Luffy and Sanji have long been no secret at the construction site.

With such awesome friends around, the middle-aged workers couldn’t help but use the two of them as examples to increase their persuasiveness:

"Their background is much stronger than yours."

"Look, are they inflated?"

As soon as this remark came out, Crowe, who had been in a good mood watching Usopp make a fool of himself, suddenly stopped smiling.

Then, Crow, Kaya, and Usopp all showed extremely strange expressions on their faces.

After a brief silence, Usopp helped Crow and Kaya express their common heartfelt feelings:


"You told me not to brag, why did you brag yourself?"

"Hahaha don't believe it?"

The middle-aged uncle pointed to Luffy and Zoro who were eating and drinking in the corner of the cafeteria, and said to Usopp with a smile:

"The one wearing the straw hat is Monkey D. Luffy, who came from the Goa Kingdom like us, and was born in the Windmill Village of the Goa Kingdom."

"Didn't you bring "Swordsman"?"

"Open it to see Lord Dorag's message, don't you know it?"


Usopp responded casually, and really opened the "Swordsman" out of curiosity, and turned to the column of "Illustrated Book of Strong People in the East China Sea".

Then, he carefully browsed the information of Monch D. Dorag:

"The surnames are indeed the same, and the hometowns are both Windmill Village, but"

Usopp carefully observed the boy in the straw hat who ate himself into a chubby man, was not very tall, and smiled a little foolishly, and then compared it with the burly, tall pine, and stern face in the illustrated book Dorag:

"They don't look alike at all?"

"Uncle, you are really exaggerating."

"Cough cough."

The middle-aged worker coughed twice in embarrassment, and said:

"Then go and look up the information about the naval hero Garp."

This comparison is indeed similar.

Luffy is Garp's own grandson, yes, and Drago is the one who was picked up.

"Garp's grandson, is he really moving bricks on the construction site?"

Usopp was stunned for a while, and Kaya, who was by his side, was also very interested in it.

However, Crowe's face turned completely green.

And then, Sanji's appearance made Crowe feel even more desperate.

The Vinsmoke family has long been members of Germany with public identities, and the fourth sibling Reiju, who has both good looks and strength, has become a household name in the East China Sea.

And Reiju has a very close relationship with Galen, and even has the reputation of "No. 2 Boss Wife" in the company, and her popularity in Donghai is even higher.

Therefore, Luffy's identity may still be doubted, but Sanji can make people believe that he is the prince of Germa, Guy Lun's brother-in-law.

"What's going on here?"

Ke Luoqiang pretended to be calm, and cold sweat quietly slipped from his forehead:

"When you come out to beg for food, you can meet so many second-generation ancestors?"


Crowe's heart sank, and he ran out of the construction site canteen in a hurry:

"This operation must be suspended, and Monka cannot be allowed to involve the two second-generation ancestors."

"Otherwise, no matter whether I win or lose, I won't end well!"

Unfortunately, it was too late.

As soon as Crowe stepped out of the cafeteria, he saw Mengka striding into the gate of the construction site waving a sharp axe.

His tall, burly body and fierce appearance have attracted the attention of many workers.


It was inconvenient for Crowe to speak, so he could only wave his hands desperately, trying to use gestures to inform Mengka to turn around and leave quickly.

"What's the rush?"

"Isn't my father here?"

Mengka glanced at the anxious Crowe impatiently, then raised his giant ax and shouted:

"I, Monka, rob!"

The second is later.

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