The Pirate Garen

Chapter 427 Fusion with Thor

On the other side, the airspace where Kaido is.

Because Kaido's vitality has reached a certain level, fighting him may last for several days and nights, so Galen made a battle plan to quickly annihilate his wings, and then gather a crowd to besiege his body:

The strongest Galen is responsible for solving the black charcoal snake, the golden lion and the evil king and others should cooperate internally and externally to take down Shiliu, and Sabo and other senior leaders of the revolutionary army wiped out Jin and Quinn with their superior strength.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Drago, was responsible for holding Kaido back.


Kaido looked at the dozens of airships imprinted with golden swords in the distance, and then turned his gaze back to Drago, who was riding a tornado and standing quietly in the sky, his eyes became dignified Incomparable:

"The Revolutionary Army also mixed with Galen?"

Drago is a powerful nature-type Fengfeng fruit ability user, the spokesperson of the humanoid natural disaster, and his strength is definitely not inferior to Kaido.

Kaido has the body of an unbeatable dragon, but he is not afraid to fight Drago.

However, he was afraid that Drago would appear with Galen.

Especially when the entire fleet is wiped out, teammates are lost at high altitude, the enemy is around, and he is alone and helpless, Kaido can't get back the domineering spirit of the world's strongest creature, and he can't feel the slightest fighting spirit in his heart.

"Master Kaido?"

"What, what should I do?"

Kaido himself was a little panicked, and those minions who followed him were even more frightened by the scene, and their faces turned pale.

Although these pirates staying on Kaido's flagship are all elites of the Beasts Pirates, they are different from Quinn and others who lead an army. Can't get on the stage.

Now seeing the airship formation representing Galen appear together with the leader of the Revolutionary Army Dorag himself, the hearts of these pirates who have not recovered from the hurricane are full of chills.

Fortunately, their Kaido boss still seems to be very stable.

Facing the panic-stricken subordinates, Kaido said nothing.

He just kept a stern face, and stepped out slowly under the panicked eyes of his subordinates. Every step he took carried the power of a dominator, which made the subordinates inexplicably at ease.

In the end, Kaido turned into a dragon and rose from the floating ship.

"Lord Kaido!"

Looking at Kaido's mighty and extraordinary dragon body, the subordinates felt awe in their hearts, and felt that they had found a backbone they could rely on in this desperate situation.

Then, in the expectant eyes of all the subordinates

Without saying a word, Kaido turned around and ran.

If it was the arrogant, domineering, arrogant Kaido before, he would definitely rush forward and fight the enemy to the death without hesitation.

In the past, no matter how strong the opponent was, Kaido was not afraid, anyway, no matter how hard he fought, he would not be able to kill him.

However, after fighting Galen last time, Kaido found out in horror:

Galen was not only stronger than him, but also more fleshy than him. His vitality was as vigorous as an immortal monster, and his physical strength was as strong as a perpetually moving machine.

Being defeated in the place where he is most proud, Kaido completely lost the bravery of a reckless man who doesn't know what fear is.

Therefore, Kaido has now chosen to escape.

Even if he wants to fight, he has to wait until he joins up with strong teammates such as Jin and Quinn.

The Shenlong that Kaido turned into was thousands of feet long and as heavy as Mount Tai, but his movements were not slow at all, and he flew to the other end of the sky after a burst of leaps.

However, in terms of flying speed, Drago is far better than Kaido:

"The galloping wind!"

Drago's figure suddenly turned into a mass of intangible but tangible airflow, and accompanied by the howling wind in the sky, he galloped like lightning with an incomparably light posture.

In the blink of an eye, Drago followed Kaido's fleeing figure like a shadow, and reappeared in front of Kaido's eyes.

"You can't leave yet, Kaido."

Drago re-condensed into a solid body in the strong wind, and the rapid air flow around him was still lingering, and the whistling wind sound was emitted all the time.


Kaido stared at Drago viciously, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

He was just reckless, not stupid, so he immediately thought of a question:

Galen's airship is here, but Galen himself has not appeared for a long time, and only Drago holds him back. So where is Galen now and what is he doing?

Just think about the teammates you lost, and the answer is self-evident.


The sense of crisis in Kaido's heart climbed to the peak, and suddenly a terrifying aura of being forced to a desperate situation broke out from his body:

"Get out of the way, Dorag!"

"Dragon's Breath!"

He opened his huge dragon's mouth and exhausted all his strength to condense an extremely hot flame.

The flames burst out of the air, condensed into a huge pillar of fire that seemed to be able to tear the sky in two, and bombarded Drago with a power that would burn everything.

However, Drago didn't dodge or dodge, he just stood upright in front of Kaido and the dragon's breath.

Just when the flaming dragon's breath was about to engulf Drago, Drago stretched out his arms like a dragon spreading its wings, and poured all the power of his body into the arms that had turned half of the elements into rhythmic wind groups:

"Dragon's Claw—"

"Sky Dragon's Wing Strike!"

The Dragon Claw Fist that Sabo learned came from the teachings of Dorag, and his idea of ​​combining the Dragon Claw Fist and the fruit ability actually came from the teachings of Dorag.

Drago poured the power of the gust of wind into his fists, combined the power of his fists with the gust of wind, and finally faced Kaido's scorching dragon's breath, and bombarded his arms like a dragon flapping its wings .

A terrifying gust of wind suddenly rose in the sky, colliding head-on with the flaming dragon's breath.

The whistling wind cluster and the burning flames entangled so tightly that Kaido's dragon's breath stopped there alive, and they subsided together in an evenly divided manner, and finally disappeared into nothing.

But Kaido failed in one blow, but acted even more fiercely.

He completely gave up the ineffective long-range attack, and instead used the powerful body that he was best at as the angle of impact, headlong towards the vast sky in the distance.


Drago didn't back down even half a step, but swept up a gust of wind, facing the dragon head that was a hundred times bigger than others and bombarded it without fear:

"Dragon's Claw—"

"Tianlong's uppercut!"

He pressed the raging wind into a solid ball, and poured it all into his fists and claws.

As the wind howled, Drago's arm seemed to swell and deform under the wind mass, turning into the claw of a giant dragon.

In the end, Drago punched out.

The wind group condensed on the fist exploded like a bomb, blasting out a heaven-shattering fist wind, which unreservedly blasted Kaido's straight-on dragon head.

Kaido's thousand-foot-long dragon body was suddenly stunned by this punch that was completely disproportionate in size, as if it had hit an iron plate blocking the way.

However, Kaido's expression is not the slightest bit frustrated:

Drago's punch was indeed powerful, but Kaido's rough skin was beyond imagination, so he didn't think it was any kind of damage at all.

Especially after being educated by Galen's infinite hero gun for a few hours, Kaido's ability to resist punches has improved to a higher level, and his tolerance to pain is also much stronger.

"You can't stop me, Dorag!"

With a loud shout, Kaido once again gathered all his strength and slammed into the distant sky.

He put on a posture of "you just fight, if you can kill me, I lose", completely gave up attacking and defending, and only wanted to run to a safe place with all our strength.


Drago had a headache because Kaido was right:

It is not an easy task for anyone to stop a strong man who is wholeheartedly trying to escape, whose strength is almost the same as his own, and who has the ability to fly.

If he is alone, it is really difficult to hold Kaido.

Galen also arranged a large number of assistants for him, such as Zefa, Katakuri, Enel, Cavendish, Qingjiao and other Galen's subordinates.

But, to put it bluntly

It's not that he looks down on people, Duo LaGe really thinks that those guys who are slightly less powerful can't help him.

However, the reality surprised Drago:

I saw that when Kaido was about to break through the wind's defense line, and was about to leave the shallows and return to the sea, the assistance arranged by Galen came to him:


Suddenly, there was a shout with an electronic sound in the sky.

Drago recognized the voice, it was a young man named Enillu under Galen.

In Drago's cognition, although this Enilo's fruit ability is extremely scarce, it seems that due to long-term lack of exercise, his strength seems a little weak.

Even though he has been making up lessons for the past few months, the training time is still too short to reach the level of a first-line master.

Let Enilo go to fight Kaido, it is estimated that it can only have the effect of giving away the head.

Galen knew this, and of course Enel himself knew this, so...

He is not alone.

Under Dorag's amazed eyes, Enilu turned into lightning and flew to the forefront.

And behind Enilo, there are hundreds of equally dazzling human-shaped electric lights, including hundreds of temporary thunder fruit ability users including Zefa, Cavendish, Qingjiao, Helding and others.

They sparked with lightning along the way, reflecting the entire sky white and bright.


Kaido was not frightened by such a big scene at all.

Because he has already keenly perceived that although those lightning bolts are powerful, they are not powerful enough.

If it hit his dragon body, it would probably only leave a black mark.

In front of the top powerhouses, the role of quantity does exist;

But in front of the top powerhouses who just want to escape and have no interest in fighting a war of attrition, no amount of miscellaneous soldiers is useless.

However, Kaido didn't expect, Drago didn't expect...

Those weak people who they think are useless, after gathering together, can burst out with power that makes them all feel awed.

Galen discovered this problem when he beat Enilo on Sky Island:

Two thunder fruit ability users can't hurt each other, but they can charge each other, and they can even fuse the electric energy of both parties together.

"I'll make up the head!"

Hearing a loud shout from the leader Enilu, he turned his body elements into a ball of incomparably bright electric plasma:

"Two hundred million volts Thor!"

He entered giant Thor mode, but only a large Thor head appeared.

A head made of lightning floated alone in the sky ten thousand meters high, and it looked as weird as it could be.

However, just when Drago was puzzled.

Zefa, Cavendish, Hayerdin and hundreds of temporary thunder fruit ability users behind Anilu all followed suit:

"Two hundred million volts Thor!"

In the sky, hundreds of elemental plasma clusters soon appeared.

They became one, blending together like hundreds of rivers entering the sea.

The fused electric light became more and more solid and massive, and finally gathered under the head of Thor that Enilo turned into, supplementing the torso and limbs of that Thor.

Electric energy and electric energy are superimposed on each other, and the gathered power is boundless.

This is a fusion ability that can only be achieved by people with natural abilities, but because there is only one genuine ability person, no one has ever thought about it.

However, due to Galen's reasons, multiple counterfeit ability users were born.


In the sky, a thunder god with a height of more than a thousand meters was born, surrounded by countless shining thunders.

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