The Pirate Garen

Chapter 410 Ghostly Abilities

In just a split second, only Specter and Rickton were left alone on the CP0 side.

This island, which had been noisy for a short time, returned to dead silence in a blink of an eye in a shocking way.

The moist sea breeze carried the stench of blood, and the blood-stained rock and soil carrying dozens of still-warm corpses was even more shockingly scarlet.

Rickton looks vicious and has a vicious style, but in his bones he is a man who is afraid of death when he is rampant and surrenders against the wind.

His courage was crushed by Galen's one move, and now he has no desire to resist at all, just seeing the bloody scene in front of him makes him feel terrified.

"Chief Ghost."

"You, are you going to make a move?"

Rickton timidly retreated to Spectre's side, his expression was so frightened that he didn't look like a murderous murloc behemoth, but like a rookie recruit on the battlefield for the first time.

If it wasn't because his body of more than thirty meters was too huge, Rickton would probably shrink his body behind the ghost now.

Specter, on the other hand, completely ignored Rickton, and just looked coldly at Galen, who was in full swing, and gave a soft compliment:

"Grapens and the others are also good players in CP0. I didn't expect that they couldn't even survive a single move in your hands."

"It's surprisingly strong, Galen."

Although it was expressing admiration, Specter's tone was still calm and powerful, without showing the slightest fear.

Hearing that the officer's attitude was so steady, Rickton couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then subconsciously moved closer to Specter.

"Then it's almost time for me to play."

Specter took a step forward slowly, then stretched out a finger unhurriedly:

"Six Style Spiral Finger Gun!"

As soon as he shot, Galen's expression became serious.

According to Stracey's memory, Specter is a strong gymnast who can rank among the top secret agents just by mastering the six naval forms and life return skills;

And the navy six style used by Specter is indeed different from the general road stuff:

This finger gun did not cause any exaggerated momentum, but accompanied by the slight sound of air vibration, it fired an air bullet that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye at a terrifying speed.

Galen's eyesight is extraordinary, his eyes are like a falcon, and he can immediately see the mystery of this move further:

Not only was the air bullet invisible and invisible, but it was also undergoing high-frequency spiral acceleration during its flight, stirring up the space beside the flight path to be distorted.

What shocked Galen even more was that

The air bullet didn't fly towards his enemy at all, but shot his teammate Rickdon's body impartially.

When Rickton was hit by the screw finger gun, there was only an insignificant small wound on his back.

This small bullet hole was placed on his towering body more than 30 meters high, it was like Rickton was lightly pricked by a fine needle of cow hair, there was no serious injury at all.

However, as soon as the spiral energy entered Rickton's body, it rolled and stirred the flesh and blood in his body.

This airflow continuously rotates, expands and grinds in his body, devouring Rickton's flesh and blood like a meat grinder, and after entering from the back, it goes straight to the vital point of his heart.

In the next second, with the sound of a balloon bursting, Rickton's chest and heart suddenly exploded.

The flesh and blood twisted into pieces by the spiral airflow spewed out in the explosion, and the diffuse blood mist dyed half of the sky scarlet, while Rickton's body as tall as a hill suddenly lost its vitality.

"Why, why?"

Rickton exhausted his last strength and asked the Specter a bloody question.

Specter didn't answer in the end, and Rickton's body collapsed with a bang, and his bloodshot eyes that hadn't been closed until death completely lost their luster.


Galen also stared blankly, wanting to open his mouth to ask the other party why.

According to Stracey's memory, Specter, who was carefully cultivated by CP0 since he was a child, is the most loyal fighter of the Tianlong people. How could he suddenly attack his teammates?

Could it be

This kind of operation is the legendary denial that prevents the opponent from gaining experience and suppressing the opponent's development by killing one's own minions?

Apart from this, Galen couldn't think of any benefit for Specter to kill his teammates.

"Do not misunderstand."

The ghost slowly approached among the corpses of the CP0 agents, and said again:

"for me."

"These unusable guys can be used after death."

As soon as the words fell, the shadow reflected on the ground behind him had a strange ripple, and it wriggled violently as if it had life force.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow escaped from the ghost's body, and stood beside the ghost like a tall warrior, standing shoulder to shoulder with the ghost.

"This is."

Galen's pupils shrank, and he recognized this rather familiar ability:

"Molia's shadow fruit!"

"That's right."

Specter nodded, and said to Galen in the same calm tone as before:

"Speaking of which, I really have to thank you for obtaining this ability."

"Otherwise, as the Shichibukai of King Moria, as an agent of the World Government, it's really inconvenient for me to do it."


Seeing Specter show off the chassis, Galen showed a disdainful smile instead:

"In the final analysis, this shadowy fruit is your last resort?"

"Why, what happened to Moria, do you want to try it too?"


Specter's eyes turned completely cold:

"A word of advice:"

"Don't compare me with Moriah, a third-rate guy who has exhausted his abilities. I'm not at the same level as him."


With a thought in his mind, a wave-like texture suddenly appeared on the shadow warrior standing next to him:

"Whether it's the secret prison of CP0, the slave prison of the Tianlong people, or the advance city of the navy, I have sufficient authority to enter."

"So, there is never a shortage of powerful shadows in my inventory!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of solid black shadows escaped from the black ripples on the Shadow Warrior's body, and each flew into the sky.

Then, they quickly followed Specter's instructions, and each submerged into the corpses of those CP0 agents.

The agents who just died suddenly opened their red eyes, and climbed up from the ground in a strange and distorted posture, their aura was much stronger than they were before they were alive.

Whether the zombie made by the shadow fruit is strong or not depends mainly on the quality of the shadow and the quality of the corpse.

And these shadows were stripped by the ghosts from the strong men in the prison, and each of them retained the strong fighting consciousness and fighting skills of the original owner.

These corpses are all contributed by CP0 agents, and the last among them are mid-level agents with the same status as rear admirals. All of them are proficient in the six styles of the navy, and their bodies are naturally strong.

The combination of the two immediately revived a zombie army that was far more powerful than they were in life.

Especially Rickton, the giant whale-shark man more than 30 meters high, was baring his teeth and claws at Galen with his huge body with a big hole in his chest at the moment. His image and aura were like a legendary evil spirit.

The original owner of the shadow stuffed into Rickton's body seems to be very irritable, which indirectly affects the personality of this newborn giant zombie.

It had just finished adapting to its own body, and it glared at Galen with its red eyes murderously, and raised its hand to launch a fatal attack on Galen:

"Die, die!"

The original owner of this shadow was a powerful fighter, and after merging with Rickton's corpse, he also restored his skilled martial arts.

Unlike Rickton, who is accustomed to winning with size and brute force, and has not even practiced murloc karate with ethnic characteristics, Zombie Rickton is skilled in boxing, and has unique ways between movements.

It poured all its strength into its muscular arm, and used the zombie's physical characteristics of not being afraid of pain and injury to condense its strength to the extreme, making the arm that was already thicker than a train carriage swell and protrude strangely, becoming An ugly, misshapen lump of explosive power:

"Boxing Impact Destroyer!"

With a punch, half of the sky instantly became blurred.

In Galen's eyes, there was only the blowing blowing wind, and the giant fist that hit like a cannonball.

Facing this punch, Galen chose to temporarily put down the great sword in his hand.

After all, the real man's painting style is the fist-to-body confrontation.

Galen's feet were embedded in the ground like a plow, and his arms were like a longbow pulling out a full moon. Every muscle in his arm released explosive power at this moment:

"Eight Punch, Cone Dragon, Green Pepper, open the door!"

This move is the special skill of Qingjiao, the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy.

When the green pepper was in full bloom, he could smash an entire iceberg head-on with this trick, and he could also use a cone-shaped bald head to fight head-on with Garp the Iron Fist.

Although the dog's head of Qingjiao was blown off by Karp later, it does not mean that this move is not strong.

It can hit the power to a point to the maximum, and play a very penetrating piercing attack;

It can even break through the surface with a point, and spread the fist power from the point of entry to the enemy's whole body. A single punch can tear the opponent's muscles, shatter the bones, and make the blood boil.

Galen's fist blasted out, although it didn't sweep out the overwhelming blast wave of Zombie Rickton, but it completely concentrated the power in one place, making his incomparably slender arm into an arm that could penetrate everything. long gun.

In the end, two fists whose volumes were completely out of proportion collided together.

Galen's figure suddenly slid back a few meters, and the ground under his feet was cracked and sunken by the transmitted force.

However, Zombie Rickton's fate was far worse than Galen's:

The tsunami-like shock wave it blasted stagnated suddenly, and a fist wind penetrated into the most intense part of the shock wave like an armor-piercing cone, and then bluntly resisted the momentum and blasted towards the zombie Rickton in the opposite direction.

This punch rushed into the zombie Rickton's palm, arm, and then went all the way to the shoulder and neck.

In just an instant, the blood-stained stubble of Bai Sensen exploded from the cracked flesh, and flew away in that impact force.

And this fist force quickly spread throughout Zombie Rickton's body, shaking him violently, and his flesh and bones emitted a twisting and tearing sound of steel deformation.


Zombie Rickton has no pain, but he can feel that his body is out of control.

Finally, the zombie Rickton's body was completely destroyed, and he collapsed limply on the ground, turning into a mass of mud that could no longer be used by the ghost.

Galen slowly retracted his fists, raised his sword, and turned his gaze back to Specter:

"Your zombie army is indeed much stronger than the original Moonlight Moria."


"I am not the supernova who had to work hard to kill Moria."


The ghost chuckled twice, but still showed no signs of timidity:

"My army of zombies?"

"What you see is just a poor-quality product that I made temporarily!"

"Let me tell you, the second difference between Moria and me—"

He turned his head and looked at the warship parked on the shore.

This warship is fully loaded with the humanoid weapon "Pacifist" used by the World Government to support Kaido:

"As a top CP0 agent, I have access to something far more usable than human corpses."

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