The Pirate Garen

Chapter 238 The Hand That Steals the Law

Wald woke up slowly from his lethargy, his consciousness still a little fuzzy.

But soon, the heavy injuries on his whole body that were shaken by the white beard completely awakened him with the sharp pain reaching his mind.

Then, Walder felt a dull feeling in his chest, as if something heavy was pressing on him.

As soon as Wald opened his eyes, a slightly familiar face occupied his entire field of vision:

"you're awake?"

Galen looked rather embarrassed.


Wald suddenly realized the humiliation he was suffering:

"An unknown junior, how dare to step on the old man!"

"I want you."

He didn't finish his harsh words, his throat seemed to be blocked by some invisible foreign object, and he couldn't speak.

Because Wald looked down at the great sword in Galen's hand, and he could clearly see:

The incomparably sharp sword tip was pressing on his chest at this moment, and a slight push could pierce his heart.

Wald is a gangster who has seen big storms for many years, not the kind of person who would beg for mercy in a low voice.

However, after nearly thirty years in prison before finally seeing the light of day, Wald still wanted to live as long as possible.

"young people."

Wald swallowed his saliva, and blushed before suffocating a few soft words from his mouth:

"Put the sword first"

His words stuck in his throat again, because of the sword in Garen's hand.

It's just that this time, the position of the big sword was slightly lowered by tens of centimeters.

It directly pierced Walder's flesh and pierced his heart.


A stream of bright red blood overflowed from Wald's mouth, and his eyes widened in resignation.

"Feel sorry."

Galen clenched the hilt of the sword without changing his expression, and turned the great sword that was still stuck in the enemy's chest half a circle:

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

"If other people wake up like you, then there will be big trouble."

"Let's talk."

Galen drew out the blade of the sword and brought out a fountain of blood, and cast his cold eyes on Walder's restless hand:

"I've seen your little trick of secretly picking up the knife."

It is indeed not a moral thing to attack an enemy who has no resistance.

However, Galen was not interested in giving the tattooed gangster in front of him a chance to pick up a knife and slash someone, and then go to great lengths to engage in self-defense.

Since the knife is in my hand at this time, then

Sending the criminal in front of him to God is the greatest morality.

Therefore, Galen made another sword strike and took Wald's head straight.

The world destroyer who had just escaped from prison was immediately sent to another prison by Galen:

That prison has eighteen floors, three times the size of Jinjin City; the last guy who successfully escaped from it was Monkey King.

Then, Galen learned from Wald's lesson and accelerated the speed of harvesting the enemy's heads.

After a while, the nine extremely vicious criminals who caused troubles in the sea and whose release would make the Admiral of the Navy resign were all turned into Galen's experience points.

Although the experience points required to level up Garen are increasing crazily, .

These nine people are all large experience packs with one session better than six sessions, and counting the several prisoners who were beheaded when they turned into giants, Galen's level is still enough to reach the threshold for upgrading:

You have reached level 15.

Get random upgrade rewards:

【Skillful Stealing】:

"When other nearby units cast skills, they will drop spell fragments, and the spell fragments only exist for 40 seconds."

"Collecting spell fragments will allow you to use this skill for 180 seconds."

Seeing this skill, Galen was a little astonished and puzzled:

This skill belongs to the character Twilight Protoss Zoe in the game.

In the game, this skill allows the hero to steal the skills used by the enemy and gain additional opportunities to use active equipment and summoner skills.

But in this pirate world, where do other people get their summoner skills and active equipment?

Whose skill does this make me steal?

"Could it be that"

Galen carefully read the skill description, which was very different from the original version:

In addition to the "use once" after stealing the skill was magically changed to "maintain for 180 seconds", "active equipment and summoner skills" were also changed to the word "skill" with a wider range.

In this world, the so-called "skills" refer to.

"Devil Fruit?"

Galen's eyes lit up, and he immediately cast his excited eyes on the distant battlefield:

The war has started there, and the fighting is very lively.

Shock, Lava, Laser, Ice, Fire.

The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, a scene of the end of the world.

But those daunting supernatural sights all made Galen's eyes light up with excitement at this moment.

He set off immediately and galloped to the place where the battle was most intense.

After getting a little closer to the battlefield and entering the effective range of the Spell Stealing Hand, Galen suddenly noticed:

Aokiji, Red Dog, Yellow Monkey, Ace.

As long as they are devil fruit capable users, once they use their abilities, a small shiny ball of light will fall from their bodies out of thin air, and then roll down to the ground.

With the continuous output of everyone, there are more and more small light balls scattered on the ground.

In addition to emitting light, these light balls also display different devil fruit icons on the surface.

And those light balls that no one picks up will only exist for 40 seconds; once the 40 seconds pass, they will disappear into nothingness.

"Is this the so-called spell fragment?"

Galen realized the true role of those little balls of light.

With an extremely curious mind, Galen carefully kept himself from getting involved in the battle, and entered the battlefield with the aftermath of the battle comparable to a typhoon.

Finally, he touched a small ball of light with his hand:

At this moment, the spell fragment disappeared from Galen's hand;

At the same time, the [Spell Stealing Hand] icon on Galen's skill bar changed into another strange devil fruit icon:

【Superman · Split Fruit】


Galen was a little silent.

Looking up again, sure enough, the red-nosed Bucky was maneuvering strategically nearby.

Galen shook his head and stopped paying attention to Bucky's whereabouts, but carefully observed his skill bar:

The [Fragmented Fruit] has been counting down for 180 seconds since it was picked up.

Obviously, the effect of this skill can only last for three minutes.

Galen tried to activate this skill, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his brain:

It seems that there is a voice telling yourself that you can make your body split as you like.

Then, Galen had a thought.

His arms were separated from his body, and he flew out of thin air according to his own mind.

"What a useless ability."

Galen complained helplessly in his heart:

He has a digital body that is indestructible, so there is no need for this kind of skill that can only deal with slashing, and it is a shrunk version with an effect of only three minutes.

Galen looked at the ground again:

Although those light spheres all have devil fruit icons, but Galen knows nothing about devil fruits, and has never touched the devil fruit illustration.

After seeing those icons, he could only try his luck blindly.

"A banana icon?"

"Are bananas from the zoology or the superhuman?"

Galen picked up a ball of light in a daze, and the icon on the skill bar changed again.

The original [Superhuman-Fragmented Fruit] was replaced by a new skill at this moment, becoming a .

【Animal **** fruit·Dalmatians form】


Galen was silent again.

Looking up again, I saw a dog-headed general in a navy uniform fighting with the enemy.

Seeing the big dog's head covered with black and white spots, Galen didn't even have the courage to try to use this skill.


Galen sighed softly, then bent down again to pick up new spell shards.


The Navy Headquarters, the Whitebeard Pirates, revolutionaries, and some prisoners who took the initiative to help Whitebeard fight against the Navy.

The capable people among these people are far more than the few celebrities that Galen knew.

There are many of them, and their abilities are even more strange.

Galen picked up seven or eight temporary devil fruit skills one after another, and finally came to the conclusion that:

There are no rubbish devil fruits, only rubbish devil fruit users.

After eating these wonderful things, you can still fight with a group of strong people in this level of battle, with great vigor and vitality.

"It's not easy for everyone!"

With mixed feelings, Galen praised those ability users who had never met before.

Then, Galen bent down again to pick up those little balls of light amidst the howling hurricane, scorching fire, and violent vibrations.

The battle was fierce, and everyone was busy fighting to the death with their opponents.

However, after all, someone still found Galen who was behaving strangely.


Garp had just withdrawn from the battle that besieged Whitebeard, and was about to take a few breaths to relax, when he found Galen who was still "missing" not long ago:

"You came out of the city of advance?"


Looking at Galen who bent over to pick it up, Garp's eyes suddenly became serious:

"Galen, what are you doing?"

Galen was taken aback for a moment, then pointed to the balls of light all over the ground and said:

"Me? I'm busy picking up these balls of light."

"Pick up the ball?"

Garp looked down Galen's fingers:

The ice surface is empty, there is no light ball at all.

Galen still didn't know that this spell fragment was actually only visible to him.

So in Karp's eyes:

Galen just kept crouching on the ice, touching the balls of air excitedly.

"Are you sure you're picking up the ball?"

Garp's tone and expression became very strange.


Galen nodded seriously, and said with some embarrassment: "Although it is difficult to explain, the things I picked up are all good things."


Garp's eye sockets suddenly became a little moist, and his eyes were full of complex emotions of love and heartache.


Garp came over and patted Galen on the shoulder heavily, and said with tears in his eyes:

"It's really too much pressure for you and Aokiji to suppress the city riot!"

"It's our navy who is sorry for you!"

With that said, Garp turned around and went to the battlefield again, leaving another very serious promise:

"When this battle is over, I'll take you back to the headquarters to see a doctor!"

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