Chapter 103

“Yes, why are you two injured?” A man also asked.

“It’s been a long time since Shiki was injured. What’s going on today, I don’t think the battle lasted very long.” Whitebeard continued.

“And it looks a little serious, who are you two fighting against?” Long Bread looked at them both with doubts.

Golden Lion and Kaido are a little hard to tell, after all, this is a shameful thing.

Yes, two hit one, and the other didn’t hurt at all. On my own side, both of them were seriously injured.

“Shiki fought with Kaido just now. It is estimated that the injury was caused by both sides.” Charlotte Linlin said.

Locks next to him frowned when he heard the words.

“Shiki, Kaido, I’m very disappointed by the two of you. In such a critical battle, the two of you actually fought each other!”

Seeing Locks getting angry, Shiki sighed and said, “She only saw the latter part. The injuries between Kaido and I were not caused by my own people, but by the house called Aizen in the Super Dimension Pirate Group~ It’s caused by one’s partner.”


When everyone heard the words, they were thoughtful.

Although Lockes is unfamiliar with this name, he is not unfamiliar. Basically, he has seen it on the wanted list many times.

“Yes!” Golden Lion nodded, and continued: “That guy is terrible, and Kaido and I have joined forces, and there is no way to fight back.”

Although Kaido doesn’t have a good impression of Golden Lion, but at this time, he nodded, indicating that what Golden Lion said is true.

“If Su Yu didn’t ask Aizen to go with him to rescue other members, we probably wouldn’t be able to escape this disaster today.” Kaido added.

Lockes heard the words, was silent for a few seconds, and said: “There is still such a strong person in the Super Dimension Pirate Group?”

“Captain Locks, more than that, the quality of the members of the Super Dimension Pirate Group may not match the entire New World Pirate Group, including us!” Whitebeard said.

“Edward, what you said…but we look down on our Rocks Pirate.” Loaf retorted Whitebeard.

“That’s right, if we didn’t know that you were a member of Rocks Pirate, we would have thought you belonged to the Super Dimension Pirates.” Charlotte Linlin looked at Whitebeard with a weird look.

Kaido and Golden Lion are silent. The two of them don’t want to talk about the Super Dimension Pirates now, because the shadow that Aizen has caused both of them is a bit big.

“Okay! Now the problem we have to face is a bit bigger, and now that Roger and Su Yu are teaming up, the threat is great for us.”

“The pirate’s balance is tilted, and we must straighten it.”

“From today, we Rocks Pirate need to recruit a large number of potential pirates.”


In contrast, the situation on the island side.

Roger has evacuated from the island, driving the boat has left.(Read more @

Senju Hashirama and the others also came to the shore and boarded the new boat.

“Rem, you are not injured, right!”

Ram ran up to Lem anxiously, touching and watching.

A smile leaked from Lem’s face: “Don’t worry, sister, Lem is okay, thanks to Su Yu and Aizen who arrived in time, it’s a pity that our boat was not kept.”

“It’s okay if the ship is not a ship or anything. On the contrary, I think it is more cost-effective, because this ship is bigger and there are many cannons for combat.” Wu Liuqi was a little bit happy in his heart, and now I want to go to the fort and try these cannons. power.

“However, the room inside is a bit small!” Lem said lightly.

“It’s okay, there is Hashirama in the transformation of the ship, everything is a small problem.” Wu Liuqi leaked a weird smile.

“It seems the same is true!” Lem nodded.

“Has everyone on board?”

At this moment, Su Yu walked out of the ship and asked.

“Yeah, it’s all here.” Everyone responded.

“Go! It’s not a good thing to stay here.” Su Yu said lightly.

Indeed, what I want is to wait for the guy Ganggukong to turn around and see the black wrist Zephyr disappear, I’m afraid he will chase after him.

· ··Find flowers··········

If Su Yu sails, even if they want to catch up, the conditions are not allowed, because Su Yu destroys all the surrounding ships.

They can only stay on this island for a few days or requisition other ships before they can leave.


Sure enough, Su Yu left for about ten minutes.

Ganggukong and his party came to the shore.

See the wreckage floating in the sea around.

He was pissed off with an erection.

“Su Yu…, what a Su Yu!”

“That guy is really ruthless. He destroyed all the warships we came by.” Garp also frowned.

…… 0 0

“Wait!” Gang Gukong suddenly realized something, his face solemnly said: “Where is Zephyr? And the Marine soldiers he leads?”

As soon as the voice fell, a voice rang from the side.

“Marshal Steelbone, a charred half of a corpse was found here.”

“I have it here too!”

“There is also one in the big pit here, and it’s still burning!”

Gang Bone Kong and Garp rushed towards the pit. As Marine soldiers said, the center of the pit was still burning, but the corpse had already been reduced to ashes.

“The big pit in this range… also means that the impact is great during the battle, I guess it might be…” One of the Marine Lieutenant Generals said halfway, but did not continue.

Gang Bone Kong didn’t speak, because the ashes burning inside had a 90% chance to be sure that it was Zephyr Black Wrist.

Everyone just stared at the flames for a while.

“Damn it!” Ganggukong shouted angrily.

This time, he originally thought that there would be no loss, but the loss was even greater. Even if the battleship was gone, he also lost a Marine master.

“Su Yu, one day, I will catch you with my own hands!” Steel Bone said solemnly.



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