The Peerless Tang Sect's Jingtian Douluo

Chapter 171 Ice Emperor: Tianmeng, don't come to me, I'm afraid Snow Emperor will misunder

Tianmeng didn't know that not far from them, there was another human who escaped its detection and was watching their every move with a smile on his face. At this time, it has already convinced the Ice Empress, and is looking forward to the future where the Ice Empress and Ice Empress enjoy the world of two in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea.

The Ice Empress was going all out to help Huo Yuhao absorb her soul bone. Since she decided to believe in Tianmeng's plan, she would naturally go all out. In Bingdi's view, there is only one person who can stop her and change her mind! But will that person really show up? Bingdi couldn't help feeling a little bitter in her heart, because that person hadn't seen her for a long time.

Huo Yuhao didn't have so many small thoughts, and he didn't dare to have so many small thoughts. At this time, he was sparing no effort to fuse the Ice Emperor's soul bone. The pain that penetrated the bone marrow made him want to give up more than once, but giving up meant death, he couldn't die, and he still had a big revenge to avenge!

"This is...absorbing soul bones?" Zhu Ziyang seemed to understand what Huo Yuhao was doing, but his doubts did not diminish at all, and he murmured, "But, why? The Ice Empress did not resist, but was very cooperative! It doesn't look like it's being forced at all!"

As time passed by, Huo Yuhao's absorption of the Ice Emperor's soul bone went smoothly, and what happened next finally explained Zhu Ziyang's doubts.

He found that behind Huo Yuhao, there appeared a dark green ice jade scorpion phantom. That phantom was 90% similar to the martial soul phantom. The shadow has a god.

"He's merging martial souls!" Zhu Ziyang said with astonishment in his voice, "What a plan! But, can this Huo Yuhao really hold on? That's Bingbi Emperor with a cultivation base of 390,000 years Huang Xie, even if you are the child of luck, you shouldn't be so arrogant!"

Sure enough, as soon as Zhu Ziyang's words fell, Huo Yuhao's body began to tremble violently, and the phantom of the Ice Jade Scorpion behind him, which had stabilized, also began to loosen.

"Tianmeng! No way, even if Huo Yuhao fused with my soul bone, he still can't bear my bloodline!" In Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, the Ice Empress was very anxious. As a result, there is now a problem with the cornerstone of this plan. Isn't this playing tricks on her?

"Don't worry, Ice Empress! We have to trust Yuhao, and I'm trying to fix it!" Tianmeng was also in a hurry, because there was a crack in Huo Yuhao's sea of ​​spirit, which meant that his sea of ​​spirit was likely to rupture! Once Huo Yuhao's sea of ​​spirit is broken, it will not be able to live, so it is very anxious and wants to release its origin to help Huo Yuhao repair the sea of ​​spirit.

"Brother Tianmeng, don't worry about me, I can, I can!" Huo Yuhao was still struggling, his body ached and his mouth was hard, he remembered what his mother said.

Hearing this, Tianmeng hesitated. Huo Yuhao's sea of ​​spirits really stopped breaking, and the cracks are slowly closing, but the speed of healing is very slow. If the sea of ​​spirits cannot become stable and intact, then the progress of the fusion of the Ice Emperor's martial soul will also be forced to be hindered. Breaking here, Tianmeng saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. After all, he couldn't hold back, released its source, and helped Huo Yuhao restore his sea of ​​spirit.

Huo Yuhao's state stabilized for the time being, and the progress of the second martial soul fusion finally slowly increased, but an irreversible change had already occurred.

Not far away, Zhu Ziyang took all this into his eyes, and there was a little ripple in his heart. Seeing the phantom of the ice jade scorpion gradually turning into a cocoon behind Huo Yuhao, he knew that the plan of Huo Yuhao and Tianmeng was probably successful.

Snow Empress has been urging him to save Ice Empress, but does Ice Empress really need her rescue? Judging from the current situation, the Ice Emperor obviously agreed to become Huo Yuhao's martial soul. If he intervenes, it will definitely cause the death of Huo Yuhao, who is only in the realm of a great soul master.

This was not what Zhu Ziyang wanted to see, especially since Huo Yuhao was still carrying the hope of Tang San, the God of the Sea, to revitalize the Tang Sect. If he really killed him, Tang San would definitely get mad revenge!

Therefore, Zhu Ziyang didn't intend to intervene, he just stood only one kilometer away from Huo Yuhao, silently watching this transformation that can be called a node of fate.

Zhu Ziyang has no way of knowing whether this transformation that is about to change Huo Yuhao's fate is caused by his own luck, or the arrangement of the Sea God hidden in the God Realm. He only knows that this transformation has twists and turns, and it is really not smooth.

The phantom of the ice jade scorpion that had completely cocooned suddenly burst, and the unexpected mutation caused Huo Yuhao to spurt out a mouthful of blood in an instant. After that, his face quickly turned gray, and his vitality was a little unstable.

This sudden change startled Zhu Ziyang, and made Tianmeng and Bingdi in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea feel restless like ants on a hot pot.

Everything went well at first, but it seemed that Huo Yuhao was about to fuse the Ice Jade Scorpion martial soul, but at the last moment, because of the interference of the spiritual origin released by Tianmeng to restore Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, the soul of the Ice Empress could not be integrated into the martial soul. Among them, Tianmeng's Wisdom Martial Soul plan fell into a deadlock, which made the entire fusion process fall short, and even Huo Yuhao fell into a dying situation.

"Bingbing, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose!" Tianmeng blamed himself very much at this time, it never expected that his own mistake would lead to such serious consequences.

"Alas!" Bingdi was very angry, but also very helpless. She knew that Tianmeng was not to blame for this, so she could only sigh and said, "Forget it, let's do it like this. Instead of dying with the three of us, it's better to sacrifice me." One. Tianmeng, your plan is perfect, I hope you can enter the God Realm with the will of our soul beasts!"

After finishing speaking, the Ice Empress prepared to leave Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea.

There are only two ways to solve the crisis they are facing right now. One is for higher-level beings to intervene, which is obviously impossible, because the gods of the gods are forbidden to interfere with the affairs of the lower world, not to mention, they are both soul beasts; the other way is for the ice emperor to leave Huo Yuhao's spiritual realm Hai, as long as the Ice Empress leaves Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, her Ice Jade Scorpion bloodline will generate a brand new martial spirit in Huo Yuhao's body, and the problem will be solved.

However, once the Ice Empress, who has no body but only a soul, leaves Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, all that awaits her is death.

"Bingbing...I'm sorry for you!" Tianmeng was already in tears at this time, and could only apologize meaningfully. It is now involuntary, and its spiritual origin is highly bound to Huo Yuhao. It even leaves Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea. It can't do it, otherwise it will never watch the ice emperor die!

In Huo Yuhao's painful eyes mixed with gratitude, and in Tianmeng's grief-stricken but helpless despair, the Ice Empress floated away from Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea.

After the Ice Empress left, Huo Yuhao and Tianmeng had no time to grieve, and immediately began to solve the crisis they faced, re-condensing the blood of the Ice Jade Scorpion left by the Ice Empress, trying to form a new Martial Soul!

The Ice Empress left Huo Yuhao's sea of ​​spirits, her eyes looked into the depths of the extreme north, with nostalgia and reluctance in her eyes, she drifted in that direction, she wanted to see that person one more time before dying , it would be best to end this wrong life in her arms!

The moment Ice Emperor's soul appeared outside, Zhu Ziyang, who had been paying attention to them, discovered it immediately. At the same time, Snow Emperor in the sea of ​​spirits also begged him to save Ice Emperor.

"Teacher, please!" Zhu Ziyang finally relented after thinking for a while, and said to Electrolux who had watched the show for a long time.

"Small problem!" Electrolux laughed and said, "That big scorpion seems to be more than a soul, Ziyang, you can say that you have picked up a big leak this time!"

"What?" Zhu Ziyang was stunned for a moment, and then he was reminded by the Snow Emperor, and before he had time to think about the meaning of Electrolux's words, he released the Heavenly Frost Holy White Dragon Martial Soul, and revealed four Snow Emperor soul rings.

With the appearance of the Snow Emperor's soul ring, the Ice Emperor's soul, which was flying towards the depths of the extreme north core circle, stopped in an instant, and then turned around and flew towards Zhu Ziyang's position. When the soul of the Ice Emperor appeared above Zhu Ziyang, Electrolux stretched out a giant gray hand, easily grabbed the soul of the Ice Emperor, and then pulled it into Zhu Ziyang's spiritual sea.

As the ice emperor's soul appeared in Zhu Ziyang's spiritual sea, he also understood the meaning of Electrolux's words.

It turned out that the soul of the Ice Emperor was actually attached to a jade bead. This jade bead, like the Snow Emperor's Snow Pill, was the source of life of the Ice Emperor, the Ice Pill!

Ice Empress was caught by the sudden big hand, and resisted instinctively, but the breath of Snow Empress came from the big hand, so she gave up the idea of ​​resistance without hesitation, and let the big hand take her to a strange space in a happy mood middle.

In this space, the Snow Emperor's aura is very strong, making the Ice Emperor forget everything in an instant, and just want to say to Tianmeng: "Tianmeng, don't come to me, I'm afraid the Snow Emperor will misunderstand!"

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