The Peerless Tang Sect's Jingtian Douluo

Chapter 121 Return to Zhangyang Village! (superior)

In Zhangyangzhuang, a group of children are playing in the open space at the entrance of the village. Under the big tree beside the open space, there are a few old people who are despondent. They are sitting on the ground and chatting together.

When Zhu Ziyang and his party appeared at the entrance of the village, they immediately attracted the attention of these old people. They all stood up, with a little fear and vigilance in their eyes, because Zhu Ziyang and his party were all glamorous, noble and obviously It's not something ordinary people like them can afford to offend.

The old people were all anxious, not understanding what these noble people were planning to do in their remote mountain village. The children also hid behind the old man, with fear and curiosity in their young eyes.

"My lords, what's the matter with you?" An old man with thinning hair and few teeth left stood up and asked respectfully.

"Old man, I'm here for an appointment." Zhu Ziyang said to the old man with a smile, then looked at the group of old people behind him, his eyes lit up, and walked to one of the old women, "Grandma Yang, do you still remember?" me?"

This Granny Yang is the old man who let Zhu Ziyang stay overnight a year ago. Zhu Ziyang has a deep impression on her, so he can still recognize her when they meet again, but the old man is old after all, with a little smile on his face. She looked at Zhu Ziyang anxiously and suspiciously. She was almost done with what happened a year ago.

After all, ordinary people are not worthy of a soul master's promise.

"Grandma, it's the big brother and big sister from last year!" On the contrary, the little girl hiding behind her shouted happily.

"You, you are really here!" Granny Yang finally remembered, her body trembling a little, and her face was full of unbelievable but extremely excited complex expressions.

"Yes, old lady, we are here." Jiang Nannan also stepped forward, smiling like soft moonlight, which stunned the elders and children present.

Xian Lin'er and Cai Mei'er looked at each other and sighed secretly. Immediately, Xian Lin'er stepped forward and said, "Old folks, we are here to help the children in the village awaken their martial spirits. Are these the only children in the village?"

"What? Awakening the Martial Soul?"

"Is it someone sent by the lord?"

"Is it really here to awaken the children's martial soul?"


Xian Lin'er's words immediately excited all the old people, whether they believed it or not, they all spoke, while the children looked at all this with ignorant eyes.

"Everyone, it's true! It's true!" Granny Yang said loudly, her voice overshadowing other people's discussions, "Do you still remember what I said last year, my old lady? Master! They really came to awaken the children's martial souls!"

After Granny Yang finished speaking, she immediately pulled her little granddaughter to kneel down to Zhu Ziyang and the others, and shouted gratefully: "Thank you, Master Soul Master! Long live Master Soul Master!"

With Granny Yang taking the lead, other old people followed suit, and Qi Qi knelt down to thank Zhu Ziyang and the others.

This scene made Zhu Ziyang and Jiang Nannan at a loss. On the contrary, Xian Liner and Cai Meier accepted their thanks. The two women are older than any old people present, and they are naturally used to the injustice in the world. , I have long been used to it, and my heart is so strong that it will not fluctuate because of it.

"You guys get up first." Cai Meier said, and then she raised her sleeves and helped all the old people and children up, "You don't need to thank us, go and gather the children here now."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The old people were all shocked by Cai Meier's hand, they looked at Cai Meier as if they were looking at gods, they believed her words deeply, and acted immediately. Several old people walked back to the village separately, while the children were left in place.

There are currently nine children at the scene, the oldest is eight years old, and the youngest is only five years old.

"Ninny, do you still remember me?" Jiang Nannan bent down, reached out and pinched the little girl's little face, and said.

"Yeah! I remember, the eldest sister is also called Nan Nan, right?" The little girl replied with a good memory and a smile on her dirty little face.

"Yeah!" Jiang Nannan smiled happily.

Xian Lin'er and Cai Mei'er watched this scene, couldn't help but sighed, and then said to Zhu Ziyang: "Ziyang, do you feel unfair in your heart?"

"Yeah!" Zhu Ziyang nodded calmly and said, "A little bit."

"Hehe~ You don't need to hide it in front of me and Meier, she and I were just like you." Xian Liner said with a smile, "This world has come to a point where it won't change, and we are very optimistic about you."

"That's right, Ziyang!" Cai Meier also nodded in agreement, "It is the common wish of all our commoner-born soul masters to let all commoners enjoy the right to awaken their martial souls equally!"

"Senior Senior Sister, Junior Senior Sister, you don't need to say too much, I understand." Zhu Ziyang replied with a calm expression.

Seeing this, Xian Lin'er and Cai Mei'er said nothing more, "Well, let's help the children awaken their martial spirits."

"Okay!" Zhu Ziyang nodded, and then took out the Martial Soul Awakening Stone that he bought from the Jubao Pavilion in Shrek City from the Xingyan Ring. Nobles can get this set of Wuhun Awakening Stones for free, but Zhu Ziyang spent one million gold soul coins, which is based on a discounted price. Its original price exceeded 10 million gold soul coins, and the purchase conditions were very strict, the purpose was to stop the unreasonable thoughts of ordinary soul masters.

This kind of resource, which can be called the cornerstone of the soul master world, is horribly monopolized. At least in the original Douluo Continent, the original Wuhun Awakening Stone veins are firmly controlled by the royal families and nobles of various countries, and the production and distribution are strictly controlled. Take control, even Shrek Academy can only get five sets from the hands of the three empires every year before they control a rough ore vein!

In the era of the Wuhun Temple, the Wuhun Awakening Stone, which was priced at the price of cabbage, has now become a treasure that is more precious than the spirit bone, which is really a kind of irony.

After they arranged it, about a quarter of an hour later, old people came here one after another with their children. After a while, the children of the whole village gathered together. At the same time, there were also Their grandparents, and only a few parents of children stay in the village.

After screening and sorting by the four people, it was found that there were a total of 31 children in the village, of which only 17 children met the limit for the natural awakening of soul power, and the remaining 14 children were all younger than six years old. Under the premise of external force and secret method, they can't awaken their martial soul until they reach the age of six.

This group of children was put aside, and their families were very anxious, begging Zhu Ziyang and the others to let them keep the children. Zhu Ziyang and Jiang Nannan looked at these parents who were full of sadness and despair, and these ignorant children with a little hesitation. After all, their hearts softened, and they promised them that they would definitely come back next year.

In this way, the families of fourteen children under the age of six were appeased.

After that, they got down to business and began to awaken the spirits of seventeen children. They divided these children into two pairs. Zhu Ziyang and Jiang Nannan acted at the same time. But it has been helping people awaken their martial souls for a month in a row.

"Big sister, my name is Yang Zhenzhen." The little girl named Nannan stood in front of Jiang Nannan, happily saying her name, and then Jiang Nannan smiled and pulled her into the prepared martial soul awakening formation.

"Okay, Yang Zhenzhen, listen to my sister, close your eyes, imagine that you are sleeping, and then reach out your hand!" Jiang Nannan's tone was soft, as if she was trying to coax her to sleep.

The little girl was very obedient, and immediately followed Jiang Nannan's words. Jiang Nannan smiled slightly, and then released a burst of soul power into the Martial Soul Awakening Stone. The little girl Yang Zhenzhen immediately emitted the light of Martial Soul awakening, and within a short while, traces of the Martial Soul appeared on the little girl's body.

A pair of blue-purple butterfly wings appeared behind her, and there was a faint electric current lingering on the wings. This is the martial spirit possession that only appears when the beast spirit is awakened. The little girl is actually a beast spirit, and it seems that she should It is a flying beast spirit with lightning attribute.

"This is... a thunder moth?" Xian Lin'er, who was standing behind Jiang Nannan, looked at the little girl's martial soul, and called out the name of the martial soul, somewhat surprised in her tone.

She really didn't expect that there would be someone with soul master potential in this remote mountain village. Although this Thunder Lightning Moth is just an ordinary beast spirit, it is very likely that it possesses innate spirit power.

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