Looking at the night outside the balcony, I slowly thought about the expression of the next time when Moxier left, and Qing Muchen’s eyes were thick and thick like ink...


Moxier has been here for nine days.

Every day during the day, she still went to the hospital to visit Mo Yan, and when she went to Mo Yan, she was taking care of her.

There are many servants in the ink house, but this time, Moxier did not know what to think, and he did everything himself.

Such a woman, so that ink is also very unexpected.

He didn't think about the weight of her own, she could let her take care of herself. He thought that there were only Mohist couples.

Mo Yan quietly stared at the room in the room, ready to go back to the Moh, Mo Xier looked at the eyes, cold face, soft a lot.

"It’s been hard these days."

"When did you start to be polite with me?"

Mo Yan smiled and did not express her opinion on her words. Instead, she suggested, "These things can actually be done by the servants. It is rare to come back once and have a good rest at home tomorrow!"

"I'm fine, idle is also idle." Moxier faintly returned to him, put his mobile phone into the bag, and went to the door. "I will go back today, take a rest."

"Yeah." Mo Yan whispered to him and waved at her.

Moxier followed the two bodyguards to the hospital with peace of mind.

Out of the hospital, accompanied by a bodyguard, got on the bus and sat in the back seat. During the driving process, her eyes were always empty, and she stared at the night quietly.

This is the nine days she came here.

He still hasn't called.

Moxier stared at the night for a moment, looked at the colorful lights outside the window, and found his mobile phone to open the screen and looked at it.

There was a lot of information on her mobile phone, half of which was sent by Tong Yan, and she left a lot of news for her. The general question was about her situation here.

Still others are Qing Deng and Fang Chi Xia.

Moxier has no friends in C City. The only thing that can be said is the Tongyan brother and sister and Fang Chixia.

Qingjia three brothers and sisters, Qing Deng Chen and Tong Yan information, she has received, but not his...

Moxier stared at the keyboard of his mobile phone for a while. He didn't know how much he thought about how many days she left home. He wanted to make a phone call. However, his fingertips were lifted up and then released.

Perhaps, he doesn't mind what she is doing here, how many days do she stay?

Moxier didn't want to be passionate, the mobile phone had been picked up, and he lost it.

The car continued on the road, passing through the long coastline, and finally the Mohist.

When Moxier arrived at home, it was already a little late. After going back, she simply washed it down. When she slept, it was already a little faster.

She slept late last night, and the next morning she accidentally overslept.

When I woke up, it was 10:30, close to noon.

"It's a mistake!" I opened the bed and went to the bathroom on the cotton mop. She simply washed it, and her long hair was very casual. The clothes were changed and went out downstairs.

In the past few days, Mok has been taking care of her, what can be eaten, what can't be eaten, and what kind of medicine should be used. Others don't know.

She ran very fast, and the slippers on her feet squeaked on the spiral staircase, and the whole floor was heard.

While rushing to the ground floor, the Moh family, who was not seen with the figures, confessed, "Dad, Mom, I am too late, I have to go to the hospital to see the ink, breakfast is not eaten!"

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