Xixi was very close to him from beginning to end. After that, she seemed to have a lot of expressions and she didn't know what happened.

The two men’s car was on and she even joked with him. “So I went to find my fiancée with other women. Everyone found it, not afraid of it?”

The speed at which Qing Muchen was driving did not slow down, and I still walked through the streets and alleys.

Xi Xi Gang’s words did not seem to have any effect on him.

This way, he made Sisi suddenly feel a bit guilty.

Does he not care about this kind of thing at all?

Qing Muchen’s car is still on the road, shuttles the cities of Saudi Arabia, and then goes to other countries in the Middle East.

The two stayed in the Middle East for ten days.

There is nothing in the matter of Moxier.

The mood on the way back to C City in Xixi seems to be quite relaxed. What is the reason, Qing Muchen does not know.

Back in C City, the two seem to be on a parallel line, still doing their own.

Xixi thought that Moxier had not found anything, and that the marriage between the Qing family and the Mohist family should be temporarily put aside.

Who knows, after going back, Qing Muchen is still busy preparing for engagement.

All the steps were carried out in an orderly manner and were not affected at all.

There are a lot of weddings prepared by Qing, except for the jewelry that I bought with Xixi, and added some traditional things.

Qing Muchen seems to be completely unconstrained by the red tape. However, he seems extremely patient with the marriage of the Mohist family.

On the third day after going back, Qing Muchen seemed to be ready to go to Sicily.

Sisi got the news from other maids, and together with her, she was finishing two wedding maids.

"Right, have you heard that? The young master seems to be preparing to go to the Mohist House tomorrow!"

"Isn't Miss Mohart still found?"

"Who knows? Then the family is right, maybe the young master is eager to take home home? If the Mohist and the Qing family are married, the power of the two families must be unstoppable!"

Xixi was tidying up the jewels, and the sudden screams made her scream, and the jewel box in her hand fell to the ground.

She is holding the pair of wedding rings that Qing Muchen is preparing for engagement with Moxier.

It is worth hundreds of millions.

So falling on the ground, the ring fell out of the jewelry box, which scared the other two maids next to it.

"How to do?"

"Let's see if there is anything!"

"Xisi, this is very expensive, it broke, we can't afford to sell three!"

The two maids are not old enough, and the embarrassing ability is not small. They want to pick up the jewels on the ground, but the West is the first step, calmly reloading the pair of wedding rings back into the box. in.

Later, she was a little absent-minded and didn't know what she was thinking about.

Qing Muchen passed through the room and stared at her silhouette, looking at her eyes and sinking her eyes.

In the evening, the house of the night happened to host a commercial dinner.

The attendees are all the best figures in the mall, or family members.

Qing Muchen is like a shrewd fox. From the beginning of today's dinner, he has been busy with entertainment.

He doesn't usually talk much, and he doesn't look like someone who is good at socializing.

However, it really happens to deal with people, but it is like an old fox in a war-torn mall. What kind of object, he can handle it, he will come.

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