The Original Seeker

Chapter 337: Borrow head for 1 use

In the past few days, there have been many such evil incidents that have impacted the existing order in various places, which has made the excessively heavy public security pressure that was originally caused by the contagious spirit devouring virus raging in various places.

Existing societies in various countries, no matter how they advertise their fairness and justice, are similar to the campus shootings that occur every year in the United States. Obviously, it is impossible to avoid the existence of such vulnerable groups who try to break the pot.

The appearance of red brilliance is equivalent to handing each of them a gun, giving these people the power of revenge.

At this point, it is quite different from the appearance of Reiki ten years ago.

The power awakening caused by aura happens randomly to any person. Therefore, the probability of power appearing in a few people who are dissatisfied with society is relatively low. The impact is actually not as serious as expected, and those who are willing to maintain the existing order. , Their growth far exceeds that of order disruptors who have gained power.

The peculiar power of red brilliance appears specifically on people who are dissatisfied with society, giving them the power to challenge the existing system.

The former is an average plus point. Everyone is getting stronger. In terms of probability, the minority is still the minority, and the majority is still the majority. Not to mention that the army responsible for maintaining order in the past entered the Linghe in an organized way to gain ability. The ratio even exceeds that of ordinary people.

The latter is specifically to add points to the minority, with the purpose of strengthening their power alone.

"Director Mo, your matter has happened, please come with us and answer the specified questions within the specified time."

"Boss Chen, go back and assist in our investigation."


Suddenly, a large number of officials and businessmen who had exchanged interests and harmed the interests of the people were taken away by people representing the government, and numerous evidences have also surfaced.

The media that received the hints are making big fanfare every day, spreading the country's determination to fight corruption and pervert the law.

At the same time, some cases with loopholes and controversies were retrial, some victims were rehabilitated, and the real persons involved in the case were brought to justice.

All of this is an order from Chen Bo.

After reviewing the detailed reports of various Red Radiance-related cases in the past few days, he roughly analyzed the results. The opponent is likely to slowly shake the foundation of the rule by provoking contradictions at the bottom.

So when Chen Bo dispatched an investigation team to find the mastermind of the Red Glory, he decided to take the method of drawing salaries from the bottom of the tank, first to remove a group of people with the greatest grievances, and to let others settle down during this time and restrain himself and his subordinates.

At the same time, the retrial of some of the judgments is obviously problematic. Cases that have been subject to human intervention have given hope to the originally vacillating victims and abandoning extreme retaliatory measures.

As long as this period of time has passed, a drug aimed at devouring spirits will be developed, so that the transcendents of the entire country can return to the management center, and the overall situation will be controlled, and there will be no waves of trouble.

During this special period of time, almost all people with power hid away from the crowds, and the red brilliance can bring the rhythm to do things.

"Chen Bo's trick is to kill two birds with one stone." Cheng Mu looked at the list that was thrown away. Eighty-Cheng was a member of their line, and it was easy to find the other party's idea of ​​killing people.

It’s just that he doesn’t have a good way to deal with it. Almost all people who can be put on this list are people who have aroused considerable public outrage or have solid criminal evidence. They are weak and the military is strong today. , Can only give up these people strategically.

"Well, let's add some of their people." Liu Zhen next to him said his thoughts and asked his confidential secretary to add dozens of names.

Since then, after the tacit compromise of the three major factions, a super-big news that has dismissed thousands of people and retrialed hundreds of cases has kicked off, and a large number of people have been taken away every day to "assistance in investigations."

Through media propaganda, the actions really let the public understand the government's internal determination, and also let most people who are dissatisfied with society see hope.

The public trial of these abandoned children for a time, the news fever in the Huaya Federation even overwhelmed the Spirit Devouring virus incident that has caused more than 20,000 deaths and nearly 100,000 hospitalizations.

Borrowing people's heads to use civilians' anger is indeed a game that has been used throughout the ages. While eliminating some dissidents or backward elements in the organization, it also reaped the hearts of the people.

"Who is the new protagonist in its mouth?" Bai Mo also saw this massive public trial on TV, but he didn't put his mind on it at all, but was thinking about the problem Gaia mentioned.

He also read several detailed reports on those Avengers, and found that there may be something more complicated behind the red radiance.

From the perspective of these cases, Bai Mo felt that the red radiant body was more like a disguised usury, borrowing power to let the suffering master complete his revenge, and then taking away everything from the other party.

He has always tried to figure out other people's ideas with the greatest malice, and he is accustomed to relying on conspiracy. In particular, there is a super-life Gaia with an unknown attitude and unknown intelligence who makes trouble in it.

A guy who can affect the emotions of all creatures to a considerable extent can't be guarded against too much.

Because Spirit Devouring has no effect on ordinary people, most people's lives have returned to normal after experiencing the panic for the first two days.

After all, the total number of transcendents accounts for less than 5% of the entire human Even if they suddenly die out one day, the impact on the entire human race may not be better than that of the past. The super disaster that Reis set off that caused hundreds of millions of deaths.

The Tower of Heaven and Man, built at the same time in many places, was completed one by one with the support of abundant funds, and the original substance of Bai Mo's body was continuously brought back to the body. He was accelerating his concentration to deal with the mysterious Gaia. .

Due to the absolute disadvantage of intelligence, the initiative is still in its hands, and Bai Mo can only maintain a defensive posture.

This also strengthened his idea of ​​changing the plan of the gods on the earth, and even the newly built psychic network no longer has its own original participation from now on, instead it is completely controlled by the projection network.

Because the original essence scattered everywhere is more likely to be eliminated in a targeted manner, as it is far higher than his own level, Bai Mo doesn't think that Gaia can't find the existence of his original essence in the psychic network.

Even if it is really when Tuqian sees it, the tower of the unity of heaven and man is completely destroyed, and the loss is only part of the power projected in the past, which has little effect on the body, but he does not want to destroy a part of the result of the destruction of the soul. Let yourself test it.

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