
Martin, president of the Music Association, had just finished breakfast.

He picked up a towel and wiped the sauce off the corner of his mouth.

Five days had passed since the opening of the Global Music Storm preliminaries.

As a member of the organizing committee, Martin had listened to all 253 works in the first four days. He had already made his own score judgment on the quality of each work.

On the fifth day, he did not listen to any song.

This was to prevent him from giving low scores to the songs he heard later after just listening to excellent works.

He left some time to digest them so that he could make a more accurate judgment.

In the last two days, the organizing committee members will give their own scores.

There are a total of 18 members in the organizing committee, and their scores account for the same proportion as the likes of netizens.

The scores are half and half.

Martin opened the official page of Global Music Storm.

Among the 253 songs in this Global Music Storm preliminaries, his favorite is still the song"Dragon Fist" from China.

After listening to this song, he used translation software to convert the lyrics into German.

German is the official language in Vienna. Martin felt that the lyrics were very strange and the meaning was very inaccurate.

Then it was translated into English.

I still felt that the meaning of the song itself could not be expressed.

I had to email my China fan friend for help.

Half a day later, my friend replied.

Martin looked at the two full pages of translation and fell into deep thought for a long time.

The information density of Chinese is really too high!

I don’t know how the brains of the people in that land usually process the amount of information contained in such a high-density language.

Martin has his own professional judgment on songs. The song"Dragon Fist" is undoubtedly excellent in terms of melody and rhythm.

Even the traditional Chinese instruments that he is not familiar with have such beautiful sounds.

Not understanding the lyrics is not a particularly important thing.

As an excellent music master, he can definitely judge that this song is excellent, but he thinks that the public may not be able to tell the difference.

The president of the music association has relied on his years of intuition to judge that this song with a strong Chinese style will not rank too high.

"Oh, God, if the ranking is too low, I have to ask other members of the organizing committee to give more preferential treatment."Martin said to himself.

He believed that the song"Dragon Fist" was good enough, and the singer of this song should not be eliminated in the preliminaries.

Such an excellent work should not be buried just because the public could not understand it.

Now, he was eager to know the current ranking of this song.

He opened the preliminaries page of the National Musicians. There were more than 20 songs on the first page.

His eyes went directly to the second half of the page.

There was no"Dragon Fist".

Martin shook his head,"Sure enough!"

After all, the public has not received professional music knowledge, so it is normal that they cannot tell the pros and cons of a song.

Although music is indeed for the public, whether it is truly excellent must be judged by professionals.

This is why the organizing committee was established.

Try not to bury excellent works and excellent musicians.

Martin thought so and clicked to enter the second page.


Then he clicked on the third page.

Still no!

"Is people's music taste so bad now?"

The president of the music association was a little disappointed.

Before opening the rankings, he knew that"Dragon Fist" would most likely not appear on the first page.

But it was not on the second page either, which was a problem.

The first two pages, forty songs, were not found!

This already shows that the music literacy of the audience who liked the preliminaries this year is really worrying.

Martin then clicked on the third page, and the fourth page.

His face became solemn. How can a song that can be in the top sixteen be ranked after the hundredth?

When I saw this song the day before yesterday, it was already ranked in the top sixty. After two days, how come so many songs behind it had more likes than it?

Martin began to feel something was wrong.

Page five, page six......

I kept reading until the last one.

I didn't find it!

Was he disqualified?

That's impossible. Those songs full of organs are still there. How could such an excellent work be disqualified!

After reading it, he refreshed the official page.

Reopen the ranking of the songs in the preliminary round


Martin shouted in surprise

"How is it possible?!"

He saw the number one song, which was the name he had not found in the rankings just now.

《Dragon Fist"!

The president of the association just now didn't expect that Dragon Fist would be ranked first.

So he started looking directly from the second half of the first page.

As a result, he searched through the rankings but couldn't find it.

It turned out that he missed it from the beginning.


According to Martin's understanding, although more and more people have learned Chinese in recent years, it is not a universal language after all.

How could it be accepted by so many people!

To put it another way, as a person with professional vocal knowledge, he would give a very high score to"Dragon Fist".

But the audience does not have such a high ability to distinguish, why is the number of likes so high.

A full 300 million!

More than twice the second place!

This is completely beyond the cognition of the president of the Vienna Music Association.

Martin shook his head in self-mockery.

Just now, he wanted the members of the organizing committee to give"Dragon Fist" a higher score.

Now it seems that there is no need at all.......

"Look, Wei Er!"Yuri shouted to his good friend, while making the Tai Chi starting gesture that Su Cheng made in the"Dragon Fist" MV.

"Chinese Kung Fu!"

Yuri was like a child who had just discovered a treasure, eager to show it to his friends.

Seeing that Wei'er was not paying attention to him, he posed several more times and even threw a few punches.

The other party still looked uninterested.

"What's wrong, my dear Wei'er?" Yuri retracted his magical powers and asked,"You look very unhappy."

Wei'er looked worried,"Yuri, I found some learning materials on the Internet and practiced the Chinese musical instrument I just bought, but I failed."

Finally, she sighed,"The erhu is too difficult!"

Yuri patted Wei'er on the shoulder and comforted her,"You may need a teacher. If you learn by yourself, Chinese musical instruments are too difficult."

Wei'er sighed and said,"I think the erhu is too difficult to learn. I went to the musical instrument store again yesterday. I wanted to buy the king of musical instruments you mentioned and try it out."

"As a result, all the Chinese musical instruments were sold out, not even the guzheng was left."

Yuri looked incredulous,"It's impossible, Wei'er, I often go to that musical instrument store, and I haven't seen anyone buy Chinese musical instruments since the first time I went in!"

Wei'er shrugged,"But the fact is that the corner is empty, and there is nothing now!"

What is the reason that the traditional Chinese musical instruments that have been ignored for many years are suddenly so popular?

At this time, the two of them thought of something at the same time, looked at each other, and said at the same time:

"Chinese Kung Fu!"

"《Dragon Fist》!"

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