In the next few days, Su Cheng did not go out.

He is still a homebody.

He feels that it is good to stay in the hotel.

Watch Douyin, play games, and watch some old movies.

It is comfortable!

Song Jie came to see him several times.

It was basically work-related.

There are many programs that want to invite Su Cheng to participate.

However, they are all interviews and the like, and he turned them all down.

There is not much work to do.

Of course, Song Jie wanted to ask him to go out and play again, after all, he didn't visit many places last week.

Su Cheng refused.

Isn't it nice to stay in the hotel?

The weather is getting warmer now, but not that warm.

In the past few days, the highest temperature in Kyoto is only about 20 degrees.

The beauties on the street are not dressed cool enough.

In addition, with the spring flowers blooming, there are more tourists.

Going out is just to see the crowds.

It is better to stay in the hotel and watch Douyin.

Su Cheng's Douyin account now has more than 20 million fans.

You should know that this account was just registered and authenticated by him this week.

Before, he was not logged in when watching Douyin.

There is only one video posted on it now.

It was the live version of"Borrowing Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven" on the National Musicians.

The program team edited it and sent it to me.

At that time, Su Cheng had just completed the real-name authentication of Douyin.

He just posted it to Douyin. It has been on the hot videos list for the past few days.

There are nearly 100,000 comments on the video in just two days.

"Majestic and majestic, combining both strength and flexibility, the voice of an emperor!"

"Sometimes gentle, sometimes passionate, and sometimes heroic, Su Shen's control over emotions is unmatched!"

"When Su Cheng sang this song, he left no room for anyone who wanted to cover it!"

"There are so many covers, but I haven't heard one that can compare to the original."

"I just saw a fat guy, he sang well, he had the desire of a five-guarantee household for a widow who couldn't get her."

"After listening to the Korean version, I went back to listen to the original version to refresh my ears."

"Korean version? The one that Kukuku can’t borrow?"

Su Cheng was confused when he saw these comments.

It’s only been a few days, and it’s already popular in Korea? I saw a link in blue letters at the top of the comment area,"Everyone is searching: Korean version of Borrowing Another 500 Years from Heaven.

" So I clicked on it.

It turned out to be a blogger singing in Korean, a literal translation of"Borrowing Another 500 Years from Heaven.

" Korean vocabulary is not that refined.

A sentence is very long if translated literally.

For example,"Good and evil are separated on both sides.

" These six words have to be translated into a long sentence, and to keep up with the rhythm, you need to sing very fast.

The comments in the comment area are also very popular, with more than 30,000 comments.

"I feel like I borrowed a bunch of pots and pans from heaven, soy sauce, vinegar, chili sauce, pepper, kimchi, and a whole cart of stuff."

"There is a feeling of being unable to borrow and swear"

"《Asking for 500 years》"

"Are these lyrics hot in Korean?"

"Qin Shi Huang: It doesn’t matter if we don’t lend it to you for the next five hundred years, but we must destroy South Korea and unify the writing system!"

Su Ben was ready to sleep.

After listening to the Korean version, he almost laughed until he couldn’t sleep.......

It has been two days since Hua Chenyu asked his agent to ask Su Cheng for a song.

There has been no news from Xiao Wang.

Recently, two songs by Su Cheng with historical figures as the background became popular.

A historical fever has been set off.

The ratings of the new version of"Water Margin" have broken records.

Even"The Legend of Yue Fei", which has a Douban score of 2.3, has made it to the hot list of Penguin Video.

He is a little anxious now.

If he releases a historical song in the near future, the chances of it becoming a hit will be very high!

He couldn't help but call his agent to discuss the work.

"Brother Hua, this is the notice for next week. There aren't many variety shows invited recently, and they are all unknown shows. I turned down a few."

Xiao Wang was a little puzzled. He was called here to report on work in the middle of the night.

He was ready to go out and have fun. His outfit was ready, and he just got the hottest fashion clothes of the year from the store.

It would definitely attract the screams of the girls, so it wouldn't be a big problem to bring back a few.

""Okay, good."

Hua Chenyu agreed vaguely.

"Brother Hua, it's alright, I'll go back first."

Xiao Wang was a little puzzled. What's the situation? Why did they call him here just for this?

Seeing Hua Chenyu nodded, he turned around and wanted to leave.

A vague voice came from behind him.

"Is there any progress on the lyrics?"

Xiao Wang said to himself,"Here it comes!" He quickly said,"I asked the middleman, and he said he could write a song for me."

In fact, he called that night, and the other party agreed immediately. In order to show that this matter was difficult to handle, he deliberately delayed it for two days.

In addition, Xiao Hei sent some lyrics that night, saying that he had already created them.

And he asked for 100,000!

One lyric, 100,000.

To be honest, this price is not high.

Fang Wen, who wrote lyrics for Jay Chou, is said to charge by word, 8,000 yuan per word.

Ancient style songs have many words, and a song may have two or three hundred words.

One lyric costs tens of millions.

Of course, Su Cheng, a little star who has just become popular for a few days, will definitely not be so expensive.

Hua Chenyu heard Xiao Wang say that the other party agreed to write, and confirmed:

"Ancient style?"

Xiao Wang nodded.

"Historical figures?"

Xiao Wang said,"Brother Hua, don't worry, Xiao Hei is very reliable, there is nothing he can't do in the entertainment industry!"

"Which historical figure? Is he a hero?"

Hua Chenyu was very envious of Su Cheng's two songs.

《"Serving the Country with Loyalty" is about Yue Fei

《"Borrowing Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven" is about Duke Zheng.

Both songs are about national heroes.

It seems that Su Cheng is very good at praising heroes. So, is it possible that he also used some heroic stories as inspiration for his own songs?

"Much better than a hero." Xiao Wang was very proud,"The inspiration for the lyrics comes from the greatest emperor in history, Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng!"

"Qin Shi Huang!"

Hua Chenyu took a breath.

So far, no song about Qin Shi Huang has been a big hit.

If he could sing well, wouldn't he definitely get rid of the title of"Mage"?

Maybe he could even create a classic ancient style song!

At this time, Xiao Wang showed hesitation and said,"It's just that the fee is too high."

Hua Chenyu recovered from his surprise and asked worriedly,"Over a million?"

Don't look at how much he has appeared on variety shows, all the money has been earned by the agency, and he hasn't lost much. After all, those investors spent a lot of money to make him famous.

He only got a little share from the songs he sold.

It's all thanks to the love of fans.

If he buys the lyrics privately, he must pay for it himself.

One million, it's still acceptable


Xiao Wang didn't expect Hua Chenyu to say"a million" directly.

He muttered in his heart, 'Is Brother Hua so rich? I didn't realize it! He worked so hard for a lyric?'

He didn't react for a moment.

Then he heard Hua Chenyu's trembling voice say,"Two million? I may not be able to afford it......."

Xiao Wang waved his hands and said,"No, no! The other party offered 500,000!"

He originally only wanted to earn 30,000 or 20,000 yuan in"brokerage fees", but who would have thought that Brother Hua's psychological expectations were so high.

So he boldly reported more.

Of course, he didn't dare to lie ten times.

What if something happened and he got sued!

Hua Chenyu frowned and asked in confusion:

"The lyrics written by Su Cheng only cost 500,000?"

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