On stage.

Su Cheng began to sing the Chinese chorus for the second time.

"Looking up at the sky with doubts, the stars are twinkling"

"Just like the dream I once chased, it appears and disappears"

"When I want to give up, I see it in front of me"

"I reached out to pick it, but suddenly, it disappeared."

This time, there was more momentum, as if the previous doubts had disappeared.

There was a little more affirmation, affirmation of the current situation, and a clear understanding of the actual conditions.

Dreams are things that are difficult to pursue. If you can touch them by"reaching out to pick them", then what kind of dream is that.

There was a program in the United States that was very popular for a long time.

The host would ask:"What is your dream?"

China also had a similar variety show, but it soon lost its popularity.

Why can the United States have so many episodes, but the Oriental TV program is not popular?

A very important reason is that the Oriental TV is obsessed with helping the contestants"realize" their dreams.

If the contestants say it out, they will help them realize it.

If they can't realize it, they will not appear in the show.

What kind of dream show is this?

In the last sentence of this chorus, Su Cheng once again raised the momentum to a critical point.

This time, the emotions were even higher than the first time.

The audience felt that their hearts were about to be pulled out of their chests.

Su Cheng turned around again, and the stage lights flashed again as he spoke.

"It! Can it guide me forward?"

"Star! Always silent"

"But! Appeared in the lonely cold night"

"Again! Ignite the flame of dream"

"In the heart."

I have seen Su Cheng's action twice, and there are also stage lighting effects.

But no one thinks it is dull, and each time it brings a different visual impact.

In addition, Su Cheng's high notes.

The stage effect is explosive!

This is the result of Su Cheng's special communication with the lighting engineer.

The director team is shocked at this moment.

When Su Cheng came to say that he would add some stage effects, they didn't care.

In just a moment, the stage lights changed.

The atmosphere of the whole scene was instantly ignited.

At this time, the live broadcast room has nearly 10 million people.

You know, this is not Douyin.

This is just Mango TV's own live broadcast room!

Ten million people are What a concept.

That means that there are 10 million paying members watching this program tonight!

Plus the subsequent member on-demand.

This program of Mango TV is completely popular!

The director team regretted letting Hua Chenyu on stage this time.

Originally, they wanted to use Su Cheng's influence to let the traffic star win.

In order to gain more attention and highlight Hua Chenyu's excellence.

Now it seems.

According to the original design, let Hua Chenyu win.


Too difficult!

Su Cheng's song"Stars" even surpassed the original singer.

On the other hand, Hua Chenyu's"I Drink Alone" was much lower.

As Su Cheng opened his mouth, the barrage in the live broadcast room soared.

"Burning! So burning!"

"The fifteen dollars tonight was well spent!"

"Mango finally invited the right person. If Su Cheng had come earlier, why would they have to guard the national border so hard?"

"It's so shocking, how can someone sing a song like this, every note makes my heart tremble!"

"Another masterpiece!"

"Su Cheng's singing is really good, almost catching up with Hua Hua's"I Drink Alone and Get Drunk""

"They're both singing high notes. What was that guy rolling on the ground just now? And someone else is dancing?"

"‘Ignite the flame of dreams', I want to light my own, for everyone present, to cheer up!"

There are still water troops in the live broadcast room to draw flowers for Chenyu.

But they were immediately drowned out by the vast barrage of comments.

It didn't stir up many waves......

Southeast Medical College.

Wang Yiming returned to the dormitory from the library and put down the materials for the postgraduate entrance examination.

At this time, he heard a passionate song coming from his roommate's computer.

"It! Can it guide me forward?"

"Star! Always silent......"

He also listens to music, but he only listens to classic songs.

Wang Yiming feels that today's pop songs are too sissy.

There are too many love stories.

Not inspiring enough.

And even less aesthetic.

However, at this time, he was attracted by this unique voice.

He turned his head and saw that the other roommates were gathered together.

They were all concentrating on looking at the computer.

No one noticed that he had come back.

This was not in line with the daily style of his roommates.

As usual, they should all be shouting to get points.

When he came back, they should also joke a few words,"Hey! The pillars of the country have returned after completing their studies?"

This is the normal daily life in the dormitory!

If you come back and see a group of people gathered around the computer, watching it seriously.

There is only one possibility.

Someone has discovered a new seed!

The whole dormitory, and even several neighboring dormitories, watched together.

But at this time, what came out of the computer was obviously a song!

Before returning to the dormitory, he heard from other classmates that there would be a music variety show tonight, which seemed to be very popular recently.

Wang Yiming also went up curiously.

This song......

Really good!

The voice is ethereal, and the singer seems to have the ability to touch people's hearts.

When I first entered the dormitory, I heard Su Cheng singing the Chinese chorus for the first time.

At this time, he had already started singing the second time.

"Looking up at the sky with doubts, the stars are twinkling"

"Just like the dream I once chased, it appears and disappears......"

Wang Yiming was stunned.

Isn't this him?

The dream he was chasing was flickering.

He applied to medical schools in order to research more drugs to cure diseases and save lives.

Let ordinary families also use cheap and effective drugs.

Break the Western monopoly on special medicines.

Let the Chinese people no longer be troubled by"no medicine available" and"high prices for existing medicines".

This is his dream.

But the closer he gets to graduation, the more confused he feels.

Now he is a junior and will soon enter the internship period of his senior year.

Most of his classmates have been poached by pharmaceutical companies.

Wang Yiming also learned about it.

Pharmaceutical companies took them away not to do research and development.

Instead, they went to be sales, pharmaceutical representatives!

You know, this is the best pharmaceutical university in China.

Why do these pharmaceutical companies with Western capital invest heavily in graduates to do sales?

With Wang Yiming's shallow social experience, he couldn't understand.

Because pharmaceutical sales don't require so much professional knowledge at all.

Students from the technical vocational college next door can do it if they know a little bit.

But Wang Yiming knows one thing.

That is, no one is developing innovative drugs for China!

During this period, he was also very conflicted, and his former ambitions began to waver.

After all, he needs to work and start a family after graduation.

But those Chinese R&D pharmaceutical companies simply can't afford to pay as high a salary as similar Western companies!

They can only recruit graduates from third-rate colleges.

Without high-quality talents, how can effective drugs be developed?

This made Wang Yiming very confused.

Why are high-quality talents poached by Western pharmaceutical companies to do sales?

And graduates from third-rate colleges can only do research and development?

So he wanted to escape and questioned his dream.

"But! Appeared in the lonely cold night"

"Again! Ignite the flame of dream"

"In my heart."

Su Cheng's singing voice came from my roommate's computer again.

"In the heart!"

Wang Yiming found the answer at this moment.

Dreams are indeed like this.

They will encounter the confusion of reality and unexpected difficulties.

Although it"appears and disappears", it is always there.

Right there.

Waiting for us to pursue!

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