In modern society, do we still need the spirit of a hero?

The discussion on this trending search has become one-sided on the Internet.

"A hero is someone who upholds justice and fairness and has the courage to stand up against injustice and evil."

"The loyalty and sacrifice emphasized by the hero spirit are essential in teamwork. In modern society, whether in companies, sports teams or other organizations, this spirit can promote trust and cooperation among members."

"In modern society, the core values of heroes such as courage, loyalty and integrity are universally applicable."

"The heroic spirit represents justice and courage. When faced with injustice and illegal acts, the heroic spirit encourages people to stand up and safeguard social justice and the rule of law."

"There are many heroes around us! Firefighters and soldiers who are on the front line of rescue; volunteers in various fields of society; medical staff who have been working at their posts for three years; athletes who are united and dedicated in the arena.......There are so many of these"heroes". Can you say that modern society does not need this heroic spirit?"

Su Cheng's"Hero Song" has raised everyone's understanding of the heroic spirit to a higher level.

The core of the heroic spirit is fairness and justice, responsibility and commitment, unity and cooperation, bravery and courage, protection of the weak, and protection of justice!......

Zhang Shaolin looked at everyone's discussion about heroes on Weibo.

He handed the phone to Zhang Dahui, pointed with his finger, and said excitedly,"This is the spirit of a hero! This is the spirit of a hero!"

The hand holding the phone was shaking slightly.

After many discussions among netizens, the definition of"hero" has become clearer and clearer. This is exactly what is lacking in the era of advocating appearance as justice, and it is also what is needed in the increasingly Japanese and Korean entertainment industry.

There is no doubt that this era also needs heroes, and it needs countless heroes to support the backbone of the nation.

""Good! Good! Good!"

Zhang Dahui shouted three times in a row!

He had predicted that the new version of Water Margin, which used"Hero Song" as the theme song, would become a classic! With the blessing of the"hero spirit", the hero song has planted a seed in people's hearts.

It is just waiting for the day when the new version of"Water Margin" is broadcast, and it will grow into a towering tree with good reviews.

Zhang Dahui sent this netizen comment under the hot search to the"Water Margin" publicity group.

"Su Cheng’s"Hero Song" took the lead in our publicity and promotion, and it was a great success!"

"Now there is overwhelming support on the Internet that modern society still needs to carry forward the"heroic spirit", which is also our original intention for reshooting"Water Margin"!"

"Taking advantage of the popularity of"Hero Song", we will officially launch a large-scale promotion of Water Margin!"

Along with the promotion of"Water Margin", Su Cheng's popularity is growing at a terrifying speed.......

On the other side.

The finals of the men's group selection competition ended yesterday, and the players who advanced have been determined.

The men's group formation ceremony was held today, and eight neutral young men officially debuted.

The process was dull and uneventful.

As one of the investors, Yang Kun wore a mechanical smile throughout the ceremony.

He didn't look very happy.

After the show ended yesterday, several other investors called in turn.

They denounced Yang Kun for making decisions on his own and letting go of a large wave of traffic opportunities that he could easily grasp. He also lost a young and popular man with good singing skills.

The director team was also heartbroken and complained repeatedly.

They didn't even have the mood to prepare for today's ceremony, and it ended hastily.

As one of the mentors, Naying still needs to show up today to participate in the formation ceremony.

After the ceremony, she returned to the nanny car to the hotel where she was staying.

Leaning back in the chair, she breathed a long sigh of relief and picked up her phone to browse.

She didn't think highly of this newly formed men's group at all.

What can a group of young men achieve? They have no singing skills and no talent.

If Yang Kun hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come to this small show to be a judge.

But the audition did produce a young man with good singing skills.

He sang an original song!

Nayoung opened Weibo out of boredom and saw the trending search on Weibo.

#Su Cheng's original song sparked controversy. In modern society, do we still need the spirit of a hero? #This trending search has been ranked third on the trending search list after fermenting overnight.

"Unexpectedly, this little guy became really popular and even caused controversy."

Naying didn't care too much. The heat in the entertainment industry is like a tornado.

It comes with a bang, and disappears quickly and silently.

Before Su Cheng left the stage, she had extended an olive branch, which showed enough sincerity.

Although other mentors on the scene also extended invitations, she was confident that as long as Su Cheng still wanted to continue to be a singer, accepting her invitation would be the best choice.

""Xiao Wu, have you contacted Su Cheng?"

Naying turned to ask the assistant next to her. She asked for Su Cheng's mobile number last night and told the assistant to remember to contact Su Cheng.

She was afraid that Su Cheng couldn't find her.

But the assistant replied yesterday that the other party didn't answer the phone!

"Sister Na, I haven't had time to tell you yet. Su Cheng just answered the phone, but he actually rejected your kindness."

"Nowadays, the young handsome guys are so arrogant as if they are worth 2.58 million when they are a little popular"

"The conditions that Sister Na offered cannot be found anywhere else in the entire circle!"

"If you don't sign with a better company now, you will regret it when the heat is gone."

Assistant Wu felt that Su Cheng was trying to wait for a better price and wanted better contract terms.

Naying snorted and said nothing. She put away her phone, lay down on the chair, closed her eyes and rested.

After a moment, she opened her eyes and looked at Assistant Wu and asked:

"Is there any news from Director Zhang? Is the new version of"Water Margin" going to be released soon? Haven't you decided on the theme song yet?"

Assistant Wu stretched lazily and said nonchalantly,"Don't worry, Sister Na, there is no better song than"Conquer", which has both explosive power and can show helplessness and struggle."

"Especially the lines"drinking the hidden poison" and"the story has ended", even the ending is hinted at!"

"It completely fits the image and situation of the heroes of the Water Margin!"

Assistant Wu felt that no other song could compete with"Conquer" as the theme song of"Water Margin".

"Water Margin......hero......"

Naying muttered softly, feeling inexplicably irritated.

She opened her scarf and leaned against the back of the car, then sat up straight.

I don't know when a trending search appeared on Weibo, and it quickly topped the trending search list.

#The theme song of the new version of"Water Margin" was revealed, and"Hero Song" was successfully selected! #

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