The Omniscient

Chapter 499


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In the Sea Anemone Palace, Nefitta told Huang Ji about the many changes in Civilization.

The talents Huang Ji helped find, such as Oka, are really capable.

A few days after the founding of the country, they formulated various bills methodically to stabilize the situation and stimulate economic recovery.

Poverty tax credits, port tax credits, high-quality employment credits, research and development tax credits, large-scale project credits, child health credits…

Basically, in addition to the luxury industry and entertainment industry, various tax reductions and exemptions are used to support local enterprises.

Except in manufacturing, industrial maintenance, materials industry, energy industry, pollution control industry, star network service, plus countless kinds of high-tech research fields, all locals are tax-free, and even huge subsidies are given.

The entire Civilization of Nuomu is waiting to be flourished, which has stimulated countless Nuomu people to establish new enterprises to fill the vacant market left by the aliens’ withdrawal.

Of course, the level of technology is too low to watch. The only way Oka and the others can think of is to provide extremely high scholarships to universities.

But obviously, there is no benefit in the short term.

“Sir, as an open star, foreign companies can enter at any time, and we are not competitive, the market is basically doomed to fall.” Nefitta said.

Oka added: “The easiest way to solve this is to have a reservation.”

“We have submitted an independent application to the Star Alliance and want to take back the Heavenly Wolf galaxy at least. This matter will be voted on at the Star Alliance’s Economic Conference. In order to increase the success rate, we are considering joining the Shacha faction And prepare to make a’donation’.”

Huang Ji peeled the orange and shook his head and said: “How much do you donate, will not be approved. Don’t waste your money, keep investing in scientific research projects.”

“Why didn’t you approve?” Nefitta puzzled.

Huang Ji said: “Because how much money you donate, the long-term benefits of an Open Star will not be worth.”

“Nom Civilization, there are six planetary systems in total, all of which are already open. The Star Alliance can get the tax of six open stars, why is one less?”

Everyone is silent, which is too realistic. 18,000 open stars are one of the main benefits of Star Alliance.

This is not only a matter of tariffs, it is also the place where the order of the Star Alliance is implemented!

more than 200,000 years, there have only been more open stars, never less! equivalent to a joint political entity that continuously expands its territory.

Many major Civilizations have changed internally, and ka-cha is divided into two countries. Star Alliance are all happy to see, because if you want to be recognized, the new independent Civilization has to hand over one or two planetary systems.

From the perspective of the Star Alliance, the six open galaxies of Nomura can only be more, not less!

“The only way is to exchange. Take other reservations and find Star Alliance to exchange galaxies that have been opened.” Huang Ji said.

Of course Oka knows this method, but it is also the most difficult method.

“We are already in an open state, so there is no extra territory.” Oka said in a daze.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Expand the territory, you can only choose to do so. Don’t believe the so-called application system, that is pretending. Looking back at history, you will know that you can expect the Star Alliance to spit out what you eat. There is almost no door.”

Everyone was silent, expanding the territory easier said than done.

In the Star Alliance era, Civilization wars are absolutely not allowed.

The battle between Civilization of Light and Dragon Race was forcibly fought. After the fight, the Star Alliance punished them each with 80 boards and imposed sanctions.

In the end, both sides cut a thousand rich galaxies and became open stars. Another 20,000 desolate galaxies were cut separately and classified as Star Alliance territories.

A single Civilization, even a single faction, is impossible against the Star Alliance. Even the five founders can’t.

So not only can the war not expand, it will also be cut off, regardless of winning or losing.

Although you cannot fight for expansion, the territory can be bought and rewarded by the Star Alliance.

Nefitta thought for a while, and the reward is too difficult, too difficult.

Nom Civilization’s competitive level is very rubbish. It has been at the bottom of the galaxy for a long time, and there have not been a few that can be played in history.

Poison Lan is powerful enough, that is, it is an Earl rank, and the entire Nuo family has no Earl rank now!

Oka pondered then said: “Then you can only buy it. I have considered buying it, such as getting some planetary systems from the Bezier Civilization next door, and then looking for the Star Alliance to redeem the Heavenly Wolf galaxy.”

The insulator said: “Ha… this Civilization is extremely stingy. The open stars they give to the Star Alliance are such small red dwarfs. Take territory from them? Forget it…”

Oka said: “Ai, it is theoretically possible to buy galaxies, and such things are not uncommon in the Milky Way. And some large Civilization galaxies are vast and there are countless wastelands. Under internal trading, a planetary system is cheap to die…”

“But that’s an internal transaction. If a foreigner wants to buy it, it’s different. Selling a country is unacceptable for any Civilization. If you don’t have enough money, you won’t sell it.”

“Recently, there are no planetary systems listed on the market. Even if there are, they are privately traded in advance by Civilization. The listing is just for hype, and we don’t even have the opportunity to bid.”

There are basically three situations in which galaxies are traded between different races.

First, trade between allies and the same faction. But it also has to be very good, as good as a pair of pants.

Second, some people have listed their own planetary system, but this is too rare, there is no market, and the competition is not won.

Third, look for a low-level Civilization transaction, such as a cute newcomer who just joined the Star Alliance. This kind of Civilization is basically easy to be fooled. For some scientific and technological assistance, the first six plots of land were sold for one or two yuan.

Back then, Nuomu Civilization was almost fooled, but fortunately they resisted the temptation.

Nefitta said: “In any case, there must be a reserve. It is impossible to join the Shacha faction and then spend a lot of money to buy a desolate little galaxy.”

Oka bowed his head and said: “Führer, you are being extorted by sending it to your door. They are not short of money, they must ask us to make a policy.”

Huang Ji said: “No need to discuss, the reward of the Galaxy Battle Conference is your only choice.”

“Sir…Our mothers are not good at fighting, and the strongest fighters now are only the Viscount of the calcium level.” Nefitta sighed.

The Viscount is already very strong, ranking in the top 1,000,000 in the same class.

But the entire Civilization, this one can be famous, it is really bad.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I will send someone to be the king, and then transfer the land to you.”

Everyone was surprised, happily said: “Ziwei has a king?”

In the dark interstellar zone, the powerhouse is like a cloud, where military force is respected and there is no law. The rules made by various lawbreaker forces are the laws there.

This environment has created countless powerhouses. Lawbreakers often sneak in to participate in the Galactic Battle Conference to earn rewards.

There are four Sovereigns in this area of ​​Light Abyss.

When Ziwei came out from there, it’s normal to have king-level employees.

Huang Ji said: “Of course there are, more than one…but I don’t want money.”

Nefitta quickly said: “Sir, as long as you can exchange for the independence of the Heavenly Wolf galaxy, you can do anything you want, just ask!”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “It’s very simple. Ziwei and Nuomu Civilization jointly established a scientific research institute. I produce technology, and you come out. I have sent you the specific list, and you choose Scholar to join me according to this list Ziwei Group.”

“For the time being, the park will be set up on Motherstar. It is up to you to select and protect the site. All budget consumption and resource scheduling are also in charge of Civilization.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Oka asked: “Sir, what era technology is it?”

“Atomic Peak…” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Oh la la, Nefitta and others all stood up, and the little lanterns kept shaking.

“Ziwei has Atomic Peak technology? How much?” Nefitta cannot set the channel.

“Full set!” Huang Ji calmly said: “In addition, there are technologies in the age of trinity.”

Everyone was dumbfounded. The Civilization of Nuomu didn’t even have an atomic Peak, let alone the technology of the age of trinos.

That’s the real first-line Civilization technology! One is incredible!

18,000 open star markets, on average, are the prime time of the atom. Only the most prominent large companies have the atom Peak or even one or two trino era technologies.

The bigger the corporate chaebol, the more equipment and technology in the micron era.

Now that there are no foreign companies, Nuomo Civilization’s local technology has actually fallen to the early days of the atom! It’s three orders of magnitude away from the age of trinity!

“How many sets of Trino Age technologies does Ziwei have?” everyone asked curiously.

Huang Ji said: “50 thousand sets.”

“Fifty thousand sets?” Nefitta and others flew up in shock: “What…what do you mean?”

Huang Ji said: “36 production models derived from Fermi-level industrial theory, such as atomic sculpture, as well as energy creation field, micro data exchange field, three power control field, etc. Thousands and 81 kinds of exotic atom formulas, neutron armor and other materials.”

“There are also life sciences such as living gene compiler technology, triple hybrid technology, life force field, etc. Um…Starburst and cloud technology…also.”

Everyone is stuck in a sluggish state, and there are 50,000 sets of technology in the age of tiny children…

What kind of organization is this? The boss of the abyss? Isn’t it a Civilization?

Although the name of the Ninth Abyss resounds through the arms of Orion, the technology of the age of trinos is not available to everyone.

There are several civilizations in the Galaxy, and they don’t know who they are. These Civilizations are hidden one by one. It can be said that the technology or artifacts of the micron era…There is no market, and every time one of them comes out suddenly, they will be snatched.

Oka asked tremblingly: “Can I learn?”

Huang Ji said: “Nonsense, I use your people, do you want to learn from me and stop it? But the techniques you learn can only be used to relieve urgent needs. You must have a confidential research institute yourself. .”

“This is natural! How can we not understand the truth in this…” Oka excitedly said: “Thank you so much! It is enough to solve the urgent need, we lack time.”

Everyone looked at Huang Ji moved, Ziwei helped them too much, and the so-called requirements were actually a win-win situation.

Ziwei solves the two major problems of technology and reserved land.

Many of the remaining problems of the new regime are just the minutiae, and they themselves are talented enough to deal with them.

However, Huang Ji said: “Don’t be happy too early, Ziwei has only technology, but no related equipment. So don’t want to get involved with the trino technology. You can climb to the atomic Peak first. >

Everyone was nodded, calm down a little.

Technology must come step by step, and the industrial foundation is very important. Give an iron Civilization controllable nuclear fusion drawing, which is the same as waste paper.

Nom Civilization is now in the early atomic period, three periods before the age of trinity.

Of course, this can be regarded as a drop. The foreign race took away a lot of production equipment and data during the financial crisis. In fact, Nuomu Civilization now has many skilled engineers in the atomic boom.

So the 1st Step is particularly easy. Spend money to buy equipment and supplies from other open stars, and then add Huang Ji’s technology. If there is money, some people have things and have technology, it took a month.

2nd Step is more troublesome, but someone with money and technology can make it through in a year.

The last step is the most difficult. With the industrial foundation of Atomic Peak, we will use technology to impact the age of trinos. Don’t think about the foundation of Enoch’s Civilization for hundreds of years.

There are many reasons, one of which is that there is no neutron star in the Civilization of Nuomu…Many of the technologies in the age of trinos are developed around neutron stars, and neutron star environments are needed to get started.

There is no corresponding environment, even the basics cannot be laid, so I can only watch the technology in a hurry.

In the Universe, neutron stars and black holes are real treasures, and are important foundations that span the age of trino and the age of unity!

From this point of view, the overwhelming majority Civilization is actually destined to die in the atomic age.

“Don’t think so far, put up the frame first!” Huang Ji said with a smile.

“Yes! Sir!” Nefitta was moved and nodded, just resisting the technological suppression of foreign companies, the atomic Peak is enough.

Everyone immediately stopped thinking about it, and immediately issued instructions to act.

Huang Ji smiled. He said that others should not think so far, in fact, he thinks the farthest…

For example, he doesn’t have that many micron technology at all.

Fifty thousand sets of everything are blown! If he talks about the complete volume, there are only five sets for now!

Of course, there are more than 50,000 sets of technologies with incomplete data or key information not yet understood. To be more specific, he has to go inside a certain trinity Civilization to make a breakthrough…

However, this does not prevent him. He said in advance that he has 50,000 sets…

Anyway, it takes only one year to lay the foundation, and he still has a lot of time to read the complete technical data.


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