The Omniscient

Chapter 483

In the private virtual channel applied for by Light Explosion Group, there is a vast Star River, which is the Orion’s arm.

The Orion’s spiral arms stretch for thousands of light-years. Red, yellow, blue, and white Stars of various colors, large or small, light up the surface of the abyss, and the whole looks like a winding twist. Long dough.

In it, there is a special sky area, which is surrounded by a red light curtain. Among them, there are 30 planetary systems. The white beam of light is lit up. The beam of light runs through thousands of light years and disappears. In the dark barrier.

The planetary system with the beam of light is the 30 largest open stars in the Bezier area.

Heavenly Wolf galaxy is naturally one of them. Countless creatures are bustling and the various channels are busy, presenting a prosperous scene.

Nefitta took Oka into the virtual universe and came to this channel, and found that she was in the’situ,’ but the motherstar in front of her was still like the flowers in the past, and the Congress mountain range was also completely entrenched. In front of him, there was no trace of damage.

Everything seems to have returned to what it was before the new Civilization was established.

“Führer, we suddenly appeared, and the sky dome is crowned with a magnificent beam of light. These Nuomu tribes didn’t react at all to this, it was all AI.” Oka said.

Of course Nefitta knew that she looked all around, looking for Isis’s voice.

“You guys are coming soon.” A clear voice came.

When the two turned their heads, they saw the tall and graceful mother-in-law lithe and graceful approaching, wearing a golden armor battle dress and a glass crown, full of classical beauty.

“Purple Tenuity does not require much, but it has given us great help. Of course we have to make an all-out effort.” Nefitta respectfully said.

Oka said: “Our head of state, we didn’t even deal with the affairs in Civilization, and came immediately.”

He showed how much Nefitta attaches importance to Purple Tenuity. Looking at the classical Nuo mother in front of him, he tried to figure out the other’s temperament.

After all, they only contacted Huang Ji until now, and they don’t know much about the other members of Purple Tenuity.

Isis in front of me, I only hear her name. She has never seen anyone in the Fuxing Club except Colle. I don’t know what kind of person it is.

Meilin smiled softly, seeming to see through Oka.

She is Huang Ji. She has changed her skin and her temperament has changed at this moment.

Actually, there is no one else in Purple Tenuity, and all the members are Huang Ji.

“My name is Isis, Huang Ji should tell you, since I’m here so early, let’s go to the negotiation site and listen.” Huang Ji said nonchalantly.

“Yes…” The two bowed their heads.

Then Nefitta looked around blankly: “Where is the venue? I didn’t sense it at all.”

Here is the virtual world. Her character’s body at the moment has MAX sensing ability.

In the scope of its perception, there are millions and millions of creatures living, but they are all AI.

Huang Ji pointed to the top of the beam of light and said: “Outside the negotiating table… Turn on super-light roaming and we fly out.”

The two were taken aback, and soon started the mode. The three of them disappeared instantly.

The Heavenly Wolf galaxy at the foot turns into a single point at the speed visible to naked eye, and the original sky full of stars has also become fine lines.

They soared into the sky along the white beam of light, and soon flew out of the Bezier sky area, and even Orion’s spiral arm, and finally when the entire Orion’s spiral arm was lying at the foot like a small pond, they hit the beam of light The dark side of the abyss at the end.


Huang Ji took the lead in penetrating the shady wall and went’outside’.

The two of them follow closely from behind, and the eyes suddenly open up!

That is a pure white world, and the so-called Orion spiral arm just exists in a crystal ball.

“It turns out that the world just now was the negotiating table…” Nefitta said.

Huang Ji calmly said: “Turn on the speed of light perception.”

When the two of them saw this mode, they turned it on immediately, and the world that was originally pure and white, suddenly Exaggerated huge giant statues.

It turns out that there are many people here arguing around the negotiating table, but they are too big.

If the scale of the AI ​​people in the world of the negotiating table is used as the standard, the huge crystal ball that envelops the entire Orion spiral arm has a diameter of 10,000 light years.

And the surrounding giant statues are 50,000 light-years tall as small as 100,000 light-years tall, and are comparable to the Milky Way.

For such a huge-scale silhouette, if you don’t turn on the speed of light perception, you can’t even see it at all, because it takes 100,000 years of exposure to see the face from the sole of the foot…

The delegates around the negotiating table are clearly divided into three groups.

On the left is the anti-Anunnaki alliance, and the bosses of Light Explosion, Lingzhu, Myriad Pupil, Heaven Reaching Pavilion are all there. Stubby didn’t come. After all, he only needed an explanation. After Poison Lan handed over Shadowfang, he hurried back to gather votes.

On the right are Anunnaki and the deep blue chaebol. Of course, it is represented by Poison Lan, and beside him stands a translucent and thin silhouette slightly shorter than him. It is as crystal clear as a jellyfish, as if a hazy, fuzzy white starlight stands there. It is totally unclear where his face is, or that he is simply faceless. This is the Moya Civilization race, the representative of the deep blue chaebol.

As for the third party in the middle, it is a White Grand Beast that is hundreds of thousands of light-years tall, which looks extremely vicious according to human aesthetics. Eight arms and ten eyes, six huge fangs at the mouth, starting from the top of the head, until the back, and then to the long tail, there is a spine!

This makes it look like a large fan blade grows on the body when viewed from the side.

Huang Ji took the two of them off the crystal ball to the fourth position.

“Are we going to get bigger too?” Oka said.

This kind of meeting etiquette, universal in the galaxy, is spread by the Civilization of the Buddhist system. In the virtual universe, I want to know which Buddha or the world-honored person has the highest status. It’s very simple. When they sit together, whoever is bigger will do…

Now no matter which Civilization, you have learned this. , As long as the meeting is held with projection, the size of the projection will be determined according to status.

No matter how big or small, the key is proportion.

As the fourth party to the meeting, Huang Ji and the others are too small, so Oka said whether to zoom in.

Huang Ji waved his hand and said: “No hurry, we haven’t joined the meeting yet, and we will be invited later.”

The two were nodded, Nefitta asked: “The White Grand Beast Who is it, why is he the biggest?”

It must have been the biggest in Stubby, but he didn’t come. Then it should be the biggest boss in Heaven Reaching Pavilion or Light Explosion. A stranger?

Huang Ji said with a smile: “That’s the master I invited to be the notary.”

“Master?” The two were taken aback, and then they were stunned.

If the name of this giant beast is translated, it should be called Liufang Baixiang. This is not his real name, but his dharma name.

“The six-tooth white elephant is the seat of the Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha…the Great Snobber…the mount!” Huang Ji introduced.

“Is it a mount?” Oka’s speechless saying. He thought it was a great character when he heard the phrase’Miao Zunzhi under the seat of the Buddha’.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “It seems that you don’t know the Buddha faction very well.”

Oka said: “I heard a little bit, mainly from the fairy arm. Broadcast, I haven’t gotten to know the details. I’m never addicted to virtuality.”

Huang Ji nodded, without explanation.

On the other side, Nefitta has already started the investigation. After checking for a while, he said: “Ah, the Great Snobbery is the discipline of the Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha, and his diplomatic status is equivalent to the King of Sand Tea! Have a conversation on an equal footing!”

“This Venerable made a golden body in reality. The specific parameters are all question marks, which cannot be found, but the quality is equivalent to 45 Heavenly Wolf stars!”


The mass of Heavenly Wolf Star A is 2.1 times that of the sun. That is to say, the mass of a golden body is 94 times that of the Nine House Starburst Cloud!

The specific technical level and combat methods are completely unknown. Just this volume makes the Civilization desperate!

The total mass of their entire Civilization land and other materials, combined, the total mass is only 10% of the person’s body!

What Star Destroyer cannon hits, just like mosquito bites!

This kind of monster, passing over their Heavenly Wolf galaxy, is a disaster of destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

Heavenly Wolf star will be torn apart by gravity into a majestic stardust cloud. As for its motherstar, it is even more trivial. Before it disintegrates, it will be submerged by the torrent of material exploded by its own Star.

“His…It turned out to be the discipline of the Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha. The Master is one of the five big brothers. As the discipline, it is of course equivalent to the master of other ordinary factions.” Oka said in a speech.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “It’s really strong, but you don’t have to look up too much, buddhas, or Venerables with golden bodies. The golden bodies are the moving land, wherever you go, National borders. The single body is very strong, because the people are in the virtual world, so all the technology is in reality to serve the military.”

Nefitta raised her neck and said: “I know this. It is said that the Buddhas are invincible at the same level. “

Huang Ji narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said: “For the media propaganda, just listen to it, don’t take it seriously. The reason for saying this is that the Civilization of the Buddhist system is typical: no one will die. The whole family is invincible.”

“Your country is here. He comes and leaves as he pleases. On the contrary, if you want to beat his hometown, there is nowhere to fight because he takes his hometown with him. Theoretically He can steal homes indefinitely. Regardless of how much Civilization is, it will be exhausted by war exhaustion.”

“So most Dao-based Civilizations are unwilling to provoke them and cost issues.”

“It doesn’t mean that you are really invincible at the same level. Do you know why there are five big brothers in the Galaxy? Because the other four have captured the Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha alive.”

Speaking of which, that huge His six-tooth white elephant, with ten pupils all opened, stared at Huang Ji.

Huang Ji smiled slightly at him and nodded slightly.

The six-toothed white elephant said nothing. Among the eight arms, the one placed in front of him gently erected it as a reward.

I closed my eyes again when I was done, and listened to the negotiations between the two groups in silence.

Nefitta whispered: “elder sister, don’t speak ill of Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha, we are in his virtual universe.”

Huang Ji said with a faint smile. : “What a bad thing, he was just surprised at why I knew about it.”

“Actually, as guests, it doesn’t matter if we scold Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha as miscellaneous things in the virtual universe. , It’s okay to say it as bad as it sounds.”

Nefitta un’ed, but he didn’t try anything because of it, and he gave a salute to the white elephant with six teeth, even if the opponent’s eyes were closed.

After being scolded by the Gao Da congressman before, she felt that she was very responsible. Although most of them are sophistry, one thing is true. As a head of state, you can be fearless on the surface, but in your heart you must know how to be afraid.

Oka said: “I checked and found that under the seat of the Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha, there are three thousand sages, and only three hundred are known to have golden bodies. Snobbish is one of them. “

“It can be said that the owner of the six-tooth white elephant is indeed a big boss. But under the seat of Venerable Great Influence, he is also a follower like a cloud. Among them, there are only’mounts’ Hundred thousand, this six-tooth white elephant has no golden body in reality and belongs to a very ordinary member.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “The real creatures in the virtual universe, In a sense, it is All living things are equal, which at least gives all individuals a chance to become a Buddha.”

“Anyone who enters the Divine Consciousness body, even if it is a minute insect with nothing in reality, is owed. With countless debts and karma-ridden entry, he can also Nirvana and become a Buddha.”

Oka said: “I know that it depends on merit. Contribute to the virtual universe to a certain extent. Nirvana is now.”

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “It’s not enough to make a contribution. Merit is only used to settle Nirvana, and there is a standard for the chance of Nirvana.”

” What standard?” Oka is only half-knowledge.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “3000 years of beings, beasts and horses, 3000 years of Buddhas and dragons, 3000 years of Blessed One’s Jizo…Fang Nirvana.”

Nefitta knows it, This is to work extremely hard for guests in the virtual universe, and serve as slaves for 3000 years. Then upgrade to the dragon elephant of the Buddhas, like a mount for the Buddhas to drive and slave.

In the end, there will be another 3000 years as an administrator in various fields or virtual worlds, and after nine thousand years of work, Nirvana will be achieved.

Although the six-tooth white elephant in front of you is a mount, it is actually a’middle-level personnel’ from this look.

Venerables with golden bodies are on the same level as the king of Shacha at the diplomatic level.

The so-called mount can at least sit on an equal footing with Nefitta, a weak civilization head.

In addition, the owner of the six-tooth white elephant is a big boss. This background is not ordinary. In fact, the status is much higher than that of the weak Civilization, and it is also higher than the heads of open star companies such as Light Explosion and Lingzhu. To be high.

“I understand that with his notarization, the negotiated agreement is highly effective, and it represents a strong Great Influence to supervise the execution!” Oka said.

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Yes, his master is in charge of notarization information. Originally in this negotiation, Light Explosion Group planned to directly find the official notary of the virtual universe, but his master disdains Come on, you can’t even invite money.”

“A mount was sent, but it was strong enough, but the asking price was high. They have no money for Light Explosion now.”


“I went to Lingzhu who was going crazy and said to pay the money, plus I represent the Purple Tenuity Group, so we also entered the negotiating table.”

“Now they It’s been two months of wrangling. You haven’t unified Civilization before and are not eligible to participate in the negotiation. Now you are the head of Civilization. No matter how weak the Civilization of Nuomu, at least you have a place in the Star Alliance, so you can enter the game.”

The two were nodded, silently listening to the negotiation scene.

I saw the six-tusked white elephant unperturbed. It doesn’t matter what Dulan and the others are talking about, even if the dispute is fierce, they don’t persuade them to argue. They let Dulan and the Light Explosion boss quarrel, and he is only responsible for recording.

He will issue a notarized contract when the two parties are finished talking.

If you fail to fulfill it in the future, the power of Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha will force both parties to fulfill it.

Please Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha’s forces to supervise the implementation of such a contract, the price is not small. No matter what the content is, 1 billion starts to talk, and then 10% will be drawn.

After all, this is one of the first-rate forces in the galaxy. The Alliance has finally won it. Of course, the greatest degree of supervision must be used to make Anunnaki bleeding and profit for himself.

But it is exactly the same. Both parties strive for every detail and every request as much as possible.

By now, Du Lan and them have been arguing for two months.

During the period, Dulan repeatedly reported and communicated with Myriad Flowers Mirror, and obtained a bottom line. On this bottom line, how much he can stop loss through negotiation is a question of his Polan’s ability.

On the Light Explosion side, I also know that he must have a bottom line, but apparently the poisonous haze is very good, and the Light Explosion Group can only find more benefits.

So the war only fought half a month, but the negotiations lasted for two months!

Now that Huang Ji is on the table, he is about to take back the spoils of the earth.


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