The Omniscient

Chapter 479

Poison Lan sighed and said loudly: “Today’s miserable defeat, as the commander-in-chief, I should apologize with death.”

“But the shadow dragon is right, the company benefits How can it be with personal honor and disgrace mention on equal terms.”

“No matter what humiliation is on the negotiating table, I will go for the company.”

Everyone said: “This is not to blame You, no one didn’t expect the economic crisis, it’s not your responsibility.”

Poison Lan shook his head and said: “Boss hates it the most. I leave the responsibility to God’s will.”

” Intelligent creatures are fighting against nature for a lifetime. If you only know that the problem is attributed to destiny, in the words of Boss… “What do you mean by being alive?”

“This matter, Someone should be responsible…”

Everyone dared not speak anymore. Now that Poison Lan can’t die, the surrender is certain, but the failure is still there. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have to be responsible if you surrender.

Who is responsible for this tragic failure?

At this moment, Huang Ji spoke again.

“The company has fallen into this field, and I will take full responsibility.” Huang Ji said sincerely and sincerely.

“Ah this…” Everyone was shocked, looking at Huang Ji in admiration, there is a kind of secretly thought!

Poison Lan is also stunned, Shadow Dragon takes full responsibility?

Huang Ji solemnly said: “If I had not suggested the assets of Fudo Nuomu, Dulan would not have thought of the method of mortgage loan equipment, and we would not end up with a logistical breakdown and suffered a miserable defeat.”

“At that time, if we maintained the original plan of Poison Lan, we sold the assets directly and used cash to buy supplies. Based on everyone’s beautiful performance in previous battles… I had to postpone it. This is really stable. I won!”

Everyone groaned, saying that there is still this thing?

But this is a bit far around, right? Shadow Dragon has no decision-making power. It is nothing more than a suggestion, and Dulan did not fully accept the plan. Dulan changed it himself and asked someone to buy the equipment. As a result, the relationship was not strong enough, and the last batch of goods was not delivered. , Resulting in the suspension of supplies.

This is a big circle back, shouldn’t the ghost dragon make suggestions?

“Needless to say! Shadow Dragon, what does this have to do with you!”

“There is something wrong with Nuo’s assets, Xiaoyu is Chief-In-Charge directly! The materials were not escorted to the place, Shadowfang was directly Chief-In-Charge. In this battle, we became passive several times, because the undercover was swept away by others at the beginning, and Luen was directly Chief-In-Charge!”

“And I am Chief-In-Charge! Strategic decisions are all made by me, how can I blame you!”

Du Lan said seriously, he really thinks, Not to blame the Shadow Dragon.

If you suffocate the fire and resume the whole game afterwards, Dulan will feel that Huang Ji’s suggestion is a bit problematic. From the hindsight, Dulan’s original plan at the time was the best, but in the end, he temporarily changed his mind.

Of course, it’s just a problem. The shadow killing regiment is the most trustworthy. Dulan will not doubt Huang Ji, but will feel uncomfortable in the future, feeling: the people under his hands are too disheveled and drag me down.

But now, Huang Ji took the initiative to clarify the matter, instead of letting it ferment in his heart, instead he took the pot all over his body, then everyone was very sorry.

Poison Lan even hoped that Xiaoyu, Yingya, and Luen would stand up and take responsibility. As a result, Huang Ji stood up. This was the person he felt most guilty of.

“Shadow Dragon, I have said countless times, you have contributed to it!”

“If we hadn’t had you, we would have lost. You gave us a decisive advantage. , We sent it out…”

Poison Lan was also clear, and said that the’Shadow Dragon’ was not only innocent, but also meritorious!

No one really blames the’Shadow Dragon’, anyone can carry this pot, but the Shadow Dragon can’t carry it!

Speaking, Poison Lan looked towards Xiaoyu. The biggest problem lies in the assets of Nuomu, and this expert Xiaoyu is responsible.

Not only did he not do anything, but he seemed to push!

“Xiaoyu, I looked at the information. You submitted the star orbit data certified by the Star Alliance?” Du Lan asked.

As soon as everyone heard him ask Xiaoyu, they knew it. Indeed, the problem lies in the money, Xiaoyu is the main Chief-In-Charge, and he is responsible.

Xiaoyu wants to cry without tears, he is in charge of the money, but under the financial turmoil, the industry is mortgaged, and he does not have enough funds, how can he operate?

He was also keenly aware of the anxiety in advance, because the state was too dangerous at the time. If there were winds and waves, he would have no power to fight back, so when he was uneasy, he submitted the data and asked the Star Alliance to help. For a moment, he could predict the news in advance. This is actually a very careful step to prevent it before it happens.

didn’t expect the crisis to come quickly, too suddenly! This turned out to be a major crime for him!

“I…I…I submitted it…” Xiaoyu sighed.

Poison Lan angrily roared: “You just reported to me, looking for reasons everywhere, the company handed over assets to you, what remedial measures did you do when the crisis came? Don’t tell me that clever women are embarrassing There is no cooking without rice, this is no excuse!”

Xiaoyu knew that he was dead.

But at this moment, Huang Ji said: “This can’t be blamed on him. Without the money, the property rights are mortgaged. He can’t operate.”

” Above, in the final analysis, it is still the problem of my suggestion. Get rid of the industry as early as possible, and it will be fine with cash…”

Dulan wanted to protect Huang Ji, so he said Xiaoyu, didn’t expect Huang Ji also came out to help him pick the pot.

“Eh Yinglong! I have said that this is not your problem, you are a hero, and I am not allowed to take the blame for others!” Du Lan said anxiously.

Huang Ji sadly said: “No, you don’t understand, Poison. It’s not that I want to be responsible, but…”

“It’s my turn!”

Everyone was stunned, and Po Lan frowned and said, “What is your turn?”

Huang Ji said in a daze: “Po Lan, someone must sacrifice for the company.”

“Xiaoyu can’t bear this responsibility. Don’t forget, Stubby must hand over the shadow killer who provoked him at the beginning to make up for his face.”

“Who is it? Important, I can only go now.”

“Shadow killer, he is a dead man… Stand up when necessary. This is the fate of the shadow killing regiment!”

Everyone In an uproar, in awe.

Poison Lan was also taken aback, yeah, I almost forgot, but also a shadow killer to explain to Stubby, otherwise he won’t even negotiate!

He looked towards the scene and was defeated at this step of the field. At the moment, two shadow killers are still alive, one is the shadow dragon and the other is its Captain Shadowfang. Normally, the team members sacrifice first and Captain survives.

“Shadow Dragon…you…” Yingya saw Huang Ji take the initiative to carry it, and couldn’t help but speak out.

Huang Ji turned back and scolded: “You shut up! It has nothing to do with you! Shadowfang! You are Captain! Give me alive obediently and honestly! Next is my task.”


Shadow Fang stagnated, stunned, feeling the scene inexplicably familiar.

After scolding Yingfang, Huang Ji turned his head to stare at Poison Lan and said: “Last time I was surrounded and suppressed by the enemy, I was not there, and our team has sacrificed four members to break through…”

“Later in the great silence incident, Lei Yang defected, and I am not here… Ying Zhou, they were all arrested, and they were finally publicly executed for the benefit of the company. I went to the cell to meet them for the last time and it was said that there was no complaint. Going to death generously.”

“Later, I went to save Captain. At that time, in order to preserve my identity, he let Kagejie sacrifice. Kagejie didn’t even have a name until he died, he was carrying my code name. Dead.”

“And now, it’s my turn!”

Everyone was shocked, paying attention.

“Shadow Dragon…”

Some people before them also vaguely felt that the’Shadow Dragon’ was a little deliberate, and they were deliberately inviting names.

After all, he is a hero. There is really nothing wrong with him. What is his responsibility? It’s not his turn!

But this remark said that everyone knows that he is serious. Although he is not responsible for the fiasco, the company’s sharpest sword, the Boss trusts Legion’s destiny the most… it’s his turn. .

This is the shadow killer! They are dead men! Sharp and unstoppable but easy to break!

Poison Lan was silent for a moment. After being moved, he resolutely said: “You are good, but I refuse!”

“You are not the same, Shadow Dragon, this time you will definitely not be able to turn To you, you have to live for me!”

Huang Ji frowned said solemnly: “Why! It was Yingjie who carried my name on his back and kept me alive. Now only me and Captain are left. Now, I will bear the name of Captain and give Stubby an explanation.”

“If it is my turn to sacrifice, I will not refuse. No, in fact, I am the one who provokes the royal family of Shacha! I’m responsible!”

“Poison Lan, we are living with many of our own lives. My funeral is under the control of the boss, and he will not treat me badly.”

“It’s all my own…you don’t think I’m special, do you?”

As soon as this words came out, Yingya felt a little familiar while moved.

It seems to be what he said when he asked Yingjie to die. Didn’t expect the “Shadow Dragon” to remember, and even today he went to die for the same reason.

Everyone looked at Huang Ji respectfully and saw that he took out the own vacuum cut.

Huang Ji sighed: “I spent a lot of money on the company, did nothing, and misled you… I should have apologized for death, but the Shacha royal family needs an explanation. I am afraid that I can only be publicly executed. “

“These vacuum cuts were what I asked the company to ask for, but now I don’t need them, so I return them to the company.”

Poison Lan Angrily Roared:” Hold the weapon! I don’t agree with you to die! Do you want to disobey my order! Boss let you take orders from me!”

“Listen to me! Shadow Dragon, you are special!”

Huang Ji frowned, everyone secretly nodded.

“…” As for Yingya, she was silent and felt something wrong in her heart.

Poison Lan continued: “Shadow Dragon, you are so good undercover, you have contributed the most to this battle, I will not repeat it…”

“This is the end of the matter. , We can only surrender, but we can’t just surrender!”

“You haven’t exposed yet! What are you going to die! You give me a good stay in the Light Explosion Group, this time we lost, but The fault is not with you, Light Explosion won, but you have made a great contribution!”

“In the future, you will be in the Light Explosion Group, and you have a lot to do! You are our chance to be shameful in the future! That is where we stay here. The pillar of the Piantian District.”

“One day, the company will return in a swirl of dust, and you will be our greatest support. How can you die!”

Everyone was horrified, it turned out that the Shadow Dragon was undercover in Light Explosion.

Before, everyone had no idea about the merits of Shadow Dragon. Most of them were made up by listening to Dulan’s words. Huang Ji just said, “Living with a name on his back,” without bluntly saying that he is an undercover agent.

At this moment, everyone heard that “Shadow Dragon” is so indispensable. He is the company’s last undercover ace!

Until the moment of defeat and surrender, it has not been exposed. Instead, it has penetrated into the enemy and is deeply trusted!

In this way, he really cannot die, let alone accountability and what to Stubby. If this is used to explain, wouldn’t the identity be completely missed?

On the contrary, if he stays, he can hide here without surrendering, and return in a swirl of dust for the company in the future to hold up the sky!

For a while, everyone thought he must not die, and they all persuaded him to speak of which.

Huang Ji lowered his head and said: “But…”

Poison Lan was resolute and decisive and said: “No! I leave it here, no one is allowed to hold you responsible! “

“Anyone can take this responsibility, and you are not the only shadow killer!”

As soon as this word comes out, there is only another shadow killer on the side… Shadow Fang , Shocked, the corners of his mouth twitched.

What is more than a shadow killer?

After this fiasco, now he and the Shadow Dragon are left…

Sure enough, Dulan stared at Yingya and said: “It’s your turn.”


“Uh???” Yingya was speechless: Who said before that he would live up to me? Saying something will definitely not hand me over?

Everyone looked towards Shadowfang, and now it can only be him.

Xiaoyu is overjoyed, he seems to be alive…I am grateful to Huang Ji, who has excused himself before.

Shadow Fang took a deep breath and said: “Poison Lan, you said before…”

Poison Lan interrupted: “Don’t worry, we will never forget the victim… …”

“What am I…” Shadowfang froze. He said this too. No, it was first said by Myriad Flowers Mirror. He was just learning from Boss.

Poison Lan calmly said: “We must surrender to prevent the fire feathers from embarrassing the Boss. This truth has been analyzed by the shadow dragon before, I will not say it.”

” There is a shadow killer who provokes Stubby. For the royal family’s face, his biggest requirement is to have someone. We have to explain it.”

“I can’t help it. Out of your Shadowfang, I suppressed this matter before, and now we have failed miserably and have no choice.”

Shadowfang is very entangled. It is not that he dare not die, but he is not reconciled.

Before Dulan promised him, now he said it was his turn, which made him unprepared, and then he was not fully conscious.

People are like this, if at first there is consciousness, death is nothing. But suddenly turning to his head passively made him a little confused.

I can only say that being a leader is different. Yingjie, they are all team members, they are always passive. But Shadowfang is Captain. He used to let his players sacrifice like this before, but suddenly he was a little awkward when he died for the same reason.

He still has a team member alive, that is, the Shadow Dragon. The Shadow Dragon is also very obedient, and takes the initiative to die with the name of Captain on his back.

But all of a sudden, everyone didn’t want him to die. His company had a blood loss. On the other hand, let Yingya die, it seemed to have nothing to do with him.

In addition, the enemy’s name and surname are added, and you can use his shadow to explain it, which is more in harmony.

Aren’t you still talking about Xiaoyu and Shadow Dragon? Why did it suddenly become that his Shadowfang must die?

The wind turned so fast that Yingya couldn’t accept it for a while.

“No…why does Stubby name me? Who is it that provokes the Shacha royal family? We haven’t figured it out… It feels wrong, why don’t you ask over there?” Yingya Said.

Everyone curled their lips and said that it didn’t matter who it was. Now we need a shadow killer to explain. There are only two candidates. Shadow Dragon can’t go, it can only be Shadow Fang.

It’s such a simple reason, and what’s wrong with it, Shadowfang is obviously picking herself out a bit now.

The same shadow killer, why is the gap so big?

Safa on the side stood indifferently with his eyes and nose, but he knew how to name Shadowfang…because he was disguised as Shadowfang and threatened Light Explosion and other bosses with cardioplegia.

At the same time, Huang Ji bullied Hallogen and SoCIA in the venue, and dismissed Prince Stubby.

This made Stubby angry! But at that time Huang Ji didn’t report his name, only’Safa’ who acted in sync with him, revealing his identity as’Shadow Fang’.

When the news went up, when Stubby was here, naturally, he could only name him by name, Tiyingya, who made him famous?

Where does Shadowfang know this? He knows the shadow killer, thinking that, logically speaking, there is no such reckless person in the team.

Who will it be? So he said something wrong.

“Really, I think I need to check this…” Yingya said.

Huang Ji suddenly said: “No need to check, it’s me! I provoked the Shacha royal family!”

Poison Lan waved his hand: “Don’t talk!”

Huang Ji said seriously: “It’s really me!”

“You shut up!” Poison Lan angrily roared.

Everyone secretly nodded, this is a responsible attitude, you don’t need to talk about anything else, just say that you are done!

As a dead man, with countless teammates on his back to live to this day, it’s his turn, then recognize! All for the benefit of the company!

Yingya was speechless, feeling everyone’s gaze, sighed, he knew it was his turn.

Poison Lan said solemnly: “Don’t talk to anyone! Now I only ask Yingya alone!”

“Is it you? Yingya provoked Stubby, leading it to Light The Explosion Group has provided a lot of support…The enemy alliance, if Stubby does not contribute, we are equivalent to one less powerful enemy. We will not be so passive. Maybe we will win today.”

Shadow Fang’s lips trembled, I understand. What does it mean.

Poison Lan put her hands on Yingya’s shoulders, stared at him, and asked affectionately: “Are you?”

With tears in Yingya’s eyes, she finally said:” Yes… Yes…”

“Is it you!” Poison Lan roared.

Shadow Fang finally had enlightenment, and he yelled, “It’s me! It’s me! Motherfucker Stubby…I even scolded him when I saw him! That’s right! It was my Shameya who did it. !”

“Ok…brother, very good.” Poison Lan patted Yingya’s shoulder heavily.

“They are all my own, and I will strive to make you decent.”


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