The Omniscient

Chapter 437

The Light Explosion investigation team suffered heavy losses in this battle. The soldiers who were shot down by Huang Ji, Fuxing Society and the others solved them all before they left.

Halogen and SoCIA also had to come to the mother army in time, so they survived.

In addition to the three people in the stronghold who were hit hard by Safa but did not kill them, they were so confident that only five died.

For their tragedy, the Nuo’s military secretly snickered.

After all, they have always bullied others, and this time they bullied Nuo mother. The few soldiers dared not say anything on the surface, but in their hearts they laughed at foreigners only this.

“Everyone is shocked, I am ordered by General Black Shark to take a few of us to our military area as a guest! We have professional medical doctors to recuperate you…” The officer leading the team said with a smile.

Harrogan was nodded in a daze, apparently stunned by Huang Ji, and his mentality went wrong.

SoCIA slapped him and said in a low voice: “Cheer up! What’s the matter with personal bravery? The hot battle is what you are best at!”

Harrogan came Back to his senses, Officer Chong said: “Then I will trouble you to lead the way, thanks to General Black Shark for your help.”

General Black Shark is a major defense officer of the Heavenly Wolf galaxy, calcium ⑳ level, and also A 2-star commander certified by the Star Alliance.

Here you can see how good Hallogen is. Hallogen has also passed the test of 2 star commander. If you are playing Star Wars, the Fuxing Society will be all ants, and he controls hundreds at the same time. Thousand spacecraft and aerospace weapons, one person can reach hundreds of soldiers, and the military has to spend a lot of effort to suppress them.

It can be said that personal bravery is not Harrogan’s strongest field.

The five people in Light Explosion were seriously injured, and they were quickly taken to the satellite base for recuperation by the Norm Army.

About this defeat, Harrogan and SoCIA reported to Light Explosion Group and Prince Stubby respectively.

Halogen had asked for support before, but now I know that Anunnaki doesn’t even give Prince Stubby’s face, but is targeting the Light Explosion Group, and even dispatched’Shadow Fang’ and’Mysterious Doctor’. Two experts from the abyss threaten the bosses of major groups.

For a while, Light Explosion Boss was like a big enemy, and I only felt that wind and rain were coming.

The Big Boss of the anti-Anunnaki alliance began to live in a simple way and only communicated with the virtual universe.

on the surface decisively launched a series of commercial encirclement and suppression, and tried to produce the original water in some small civilizations, gouging doctors, and intervene in the mixed base industry.

Isn’t’Shadow Tooth’ warned against moving the mixed base industry? They now have the original water formula, why can’t they move? What happened!

Prince Stubby wanted to talk to the sixth child of Myriad Flowers Mirror. He wanted to tell him that the Light Explosion military industry has its own shares. Don’t be too silly. Anunnaki will spend more money to buy the formula back. Just forget it.

But didn’t expect, Anunnaki took the lead in using the forces in the abyss to directly attack the people of Light Explosion in such a strong manner without giving them any face.

This annoys Prince Stubby, and I don’t want to talk about it. I have to be tough with Anunnaki to the end.

He directly used his own network to attack Anunnaki’s mall, targeting Anunnaki in terms of energy and raw materials.

Then Light Explosion, Lingzhu, and Myriad Pupil all mobilized their hidden employees on the dark side, and began to destroy, hijack, and assassinate industries and people across Anunnaki.

Among them, Nuomu Civilization, as a’trial point’ to intervene in the mixed base industry, has focused on additional manpower.

After all, to intervene in a new industry, for the sake of stability, it all started with Civilization.

It happens that Anunnaki started from Civilization of Nuomu, so they give tit for tat.

“Harrogan, in fifteen hours, three hundred thugs will be dispatched to the Heavenly Wolf galaxy for your command.”

“Famous doctor Fanny will also go, I will I will transfer you 3,000,000,000 operation funds. You are responsible for helping her open a hospital in Nom Civilization, focusing on mixed basic surgery!”

“The threat of Shadow Tooth and the mysterious doctor you mentioned, don’t worry. , I also sent three special kill team members to help you. They are all famous killers in the abyss. I will leave it to them for personal combat matters.”

Light Explosion Group, for Harlow The failure of the root, not at all, is too harsh.

Still sent a lot of manpower and material resources to the Heavenly Wolf galaxy and handed it over to Harrogan for command.

Halogen has adjusted his mentality and said firmly: “Don’t worry, Boss, it’s our turn to fight back. I will definitely make Anunnaki pay the price!”


I was recuperating silently in Hallogen, waiting for support.

Huang Ji completed the reorganization of Fuxing Society.

Fuxing Club has a big problem, that is, the loose organizational structure, coupled with the lack of a good talent absorption and promotion system, purely relying on brother’s recommendation and introduction.

This has caused many talents to be unable to make the best use of their resources, and many geniuses have been blinded.

In this world, no one knows how to select talents better than Huang Ji.

Don’t even need to meet, Huang Ji directly gave a list of promotion.

So and so is responsible for logistics, so and so is in charge of dispatching, so and so has medical talent, and so and so has mechanical talent… So and so is responsible for connecting with the people at the bottom, and so and so is responsible for making connections with upper-class people, all arrangements are perfectly arranged clear.

For example, Xiao Qi, don’t look at his passion and love to fight, in fact, he is no less than Harrogan’s hot war genius.

It’s just that he was poor since he was a child, and then he lived purely by playing games, and has never been in contact with Star Wars. I really want to force him to learn Mecha hot warfare and starship control. He will soon be able to get started and fall in love with this battle method.

Huang Ji gives some pointers and is confident that he will be admitted to a 1-star commander in a month.

There are at least a dozen similar talents in the Fuxing Club.

As for mechanics, researchers, and medical scientists, Huang Ji also singled out hundreds of them, and asked them to contact, learn, and train instead of messing around in major slums every day.

“You share the rudder one by one, and you are scattered. Who owns the industry, who owns the company, who has the money, who is the middle-level cadre, and the most loyal and prestigious is the Branch Lord. The last group of Branch Lords , Choose you as the richest general Branch Lord……”

“This kind of organization is fine, but it can’t do a major event!”

“Want to succeed , We must let the most suitable person stand in the most suitable position to play his role.”

Huang Ji, Nefitta felt uncomfortable.

She was holding the list, still a little hesitant: “Can you be sure that the people you select have talents? Many of them are just ordinary cadres in the society, even thugs and eyeliners. Talented, why is it always unknown and not even a job?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “In fact, in this World, there is no pure waste, only fit and unfit.”

“Too many of them can’t get ahead because they don’t have opportunities. They want to become elites, or even masters in a field. Talent, education, opportunities, and relationships are indispensable. Among them, talent is the cheapest thing.”

“Your Civilization’s strongest Battlemaster is only Level 20, and your Civilization’s strongest marshal is the Samsung commander. Your Civilization scientists are more mediocre than the other, and finally you have a “Holy Master”. Cultivated by Civilization.”

“Is the Nuo mother worse than others? The problem lies in the social environment. The influx of a large number of foreigners takes up many opportunities that originally belonged to the Nuo mother.”


“The economic dominance, technology monopoly, and product dumping of foreign companies have severely suppressed the development of local companies. Although those companies have given you a lot of job opportunities, people still have more of their own people, equivalent to Pick one out of 10,000 opportunities and let your Nuo mother break the head…”

Nefitta murmured: “In this case, the person who grabs the opportunity must be the strongest.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “It is the strongest, but not the most suitable. Rich and powerful people can let themselves win such opportunities, which is also a kind of strength. But Can you say that the losers in the competition do not have the talent to be competent?”

“The same situation also appears in the field of education. Too many people have risen due to the charity and support of foreigners, and they cannot help but obey orders. Foreign nationality.”

“The entire social class is solidified and there is no benign upward path, which leads to your Civilization entering a vicious circle. Those who occupy the superstructure are not those who attempt nothing and accomplish nothing, or those who advocate foreigners. There are few exceptions.”

“When the economy, culture, and technology are completely suppressed, there is no education, no opportunity, no relationship, what is the use of talent? Overwhelming majority people don’t even know What is best for me.”

Nefitta sighed: “I know what you are talking about. I can become a scientist myself because of my family …So the existence of our Fuxing Society is precisely to change all of this. “

“Actually, I am not suitable to be the Branch Lord, why not just change me too. “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “No, you are just right. Although you are not capable, you really love own Civilization, have a high prestige, and are extremely self-aware, good at accepting changes and absorbing the opinions of others, and dare to trust others without being arrogant. “

“No one is better suited to be the leader of the Fuxing Society than you. “

Nefitta whispered: “This is the leader you mean?” Are you sure it’s not a mascot? “

Huang Ji said: “Look, I said that you are very self-aware!” “

“I…” Nefitta was dumb.

Huang Ji blinked and said with a smile: “Huang Ji wins and controls, let the world run for it, inaction and good fortune, is the highest realm. “

Nefitta blushed a little and said, “I am so good?” “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I didn’t say you…”

“…” Nefitta was so angry that the lantern trembled.

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