The Omniscient

Chapter 428

As the leader of the Fuxing Society, how can Nefitta sell the organization at will?

She has to consider the strength of Purple Tenuity.

There is no need to talk about intelligence capabilities. It is terrifying, but intelligence capabilities alone are not enough. What about economic strength? What about combat capability?

Purple Tenuity is a force she has never heard of. With so little fan value, either it is a newly emerging force, or the big pirate who is hidden deep in the dark interstellar decides to whitewash and walk up. Before the stage.

Fortunately, because of the low fan value, Nefitta thinks he still has time to think about it.

“Let’s talk about that now, what’s going on with spy? So, I want to buy the detailed inside information of Light Explosion Group.” Nefitta said.

Huang Ji quoted: “1.5 billion 30,000,000 Lang.”

“His! What are you kidding! To be so expensive!” Nefitta was horrified, Tianxin Civilization’s one.’ The import price of Jiugong-class Starburst Zhanyun is so much.

Huang Ji said: “You can buy a copy and you will know why it is so expensive.”

Nefitta was helpless, she didn’t have so much money at all, and said for a moment: Just tell me spy.”

After a deal between the two, Nefitta bought the spy list for 500,000. After reading it, I couldn’t believe it, and the little lantern trembled excitedly.

“Why would there be him…you nonsense, he is impossible to be spy!”

Huang Ji said: “The Light Explosion Group has eliminated many of your sub-rudders, except for those who resist to death. , And some have surrendered.”

“You don’t know anything about this, and you also invited them to come to Motherstar to gather together and discuss the righteousness.”

“This is tantamount to bringing a wolf into the room. , Gave the enemy a chance to destroy you.”

Nefitta was speechless, anyway, Huang Ji knew everything about them, she didn’t hide it, and muttered: “But Rather is absolutely impossible Betrayal of the Fuxing Society…”

“He is the veteran of the Fuxing Society. He is usually the most loyal and takes great care of me. He should have been in charge of the Branch Lord when he was promoted.”


“He took the initiative to retreat, saying that he would only fight and kill, and gave me the position of Chief Branch Lord, saying that I know many upper-class people in business and politics, and he is more suitable to be a leader.”

“How can Leather betray us with all his heart?”

Huang Ji said calmly: “He gave way to you because the Chief Branch Lord has to bear the greatest responsibility, and almost You have to contribute all your wealth to the community. After you became the Branch Lord, do you not know how much money you spent?”

“He never thought in his heart that the great cause of revival can be successful, so I don’t want to be the Chief Branch Lord.”

“In that case, it is better to let personal affection be given to you, show the sage style, and be his uncrowned king under one person above ten thousand people.”

Nefitta still doesn’t want to believe it, but she still has to be vigilant. After a while, she said: “Does Purple Tenuity have employment business? I need an armed force to protect the venue.”

Huang Ji said “Your meeting place is on Motherstar. This is an important military and political place. If you mobilize the fleet here, do you want to fight with the mother army?” Nefitta said: “Fleet? no no, no need , You’re misunderstood, I’m not referring to military power.”

“I arranged the venue in Motherstar to avoid military battles with the other side and only fight against each other.”

“In case Harrogan is here, I need a true expert to help me fight him.”

Huang Ji said: “This business is still too small. If you are just such a small mess, you should buy some intelligence to solve it by yourself. Forget it.”

“Uh…” N Efitta stagnated, and then said: “You must get inside before you get rid of the outside world. Your information has not been confirmed. If Lethe is really a spy, I will do everything I can. Please do a major event! “

“But now, just with your empty mouth, I can’t arrest the prestigious Rether for questioning. If I don’t figure out the spy, how dare I do a major event? “

Huang Ji said: “Okay, this is the last time, 1,000,000 Lang, I guarantee the safety of you and your men. “

“You? What is your level? “Nefitta asked.

In Nefitta’s eyes, Huang Ji is the operator of Purple Tenuity, or a front-line employee. At this moment, Huang Ji wants to take the order. Obviously, he is sure to do it alone, so he is unwilling to work. Let it to others.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “My intelligence was originally not for sale, but if you don’t want to know, I can sell it to you. “

Nefitta quickly said: “Forget it, I won’t waste money. “

“I have also heard that you defeated the other investigator with only Level 2 power…You are really sure to deal with Harrogan. “

Huang Ji said: “Okay, even if you have a meeting, I will help you solve the enemy. “

On the second day, Huang Ji wore a scarlet red battle armor and changed his appearance. He became a family of fire birds and came to the Anunnaki mall.


It stands on a piece of ocean, it is a giant tree glowing with metal luster, countless luxurious buildings are standing on it, and its main branches are divided into nine platforms, golden light shining, and crystals. The structure of the exotic flower and fruit.

This’Sun God tree’ is the typical mall style of Anunnaki.

Internally, it ranges from hospitals to pharmacies, to biology Academy, slave race market, Pet shopping malls, plastic surgery centers, mixed bases, and so on.

This giant tree itself is actually a living thing. It is a carbon-silicon mixed matrix with strong defenses. The calcium ⑳-level powerhouse is working hard on it. , Even the bark can’t be wiped.

Huang Ji didn’t buy anything, and went straight to the ninth branch where the management is.

A little gray guard caught a glimpse of him, I saw Huang Ji expressing the grave, waving his hand in a hurry, the gate opened automatically, and his wings flew in.

As he passed by the guard, Huang Ji coldly shouted: “Stand up! “

The guard remembered his face, and was shocked when he heard the scream, and quickly looked towards the front, and looked steadily forward: “Yes! “

He is just a slave. Anunnaki, as a biological company, loves slaves the most.

So when he encounters such fire bird employees scolding, how dare he think more and stand honestly?

Technology has advanced, employees do not need physical evidence to enter and exit, but digital verification.

As for employee data, it is confidential. The key is stored in all employees’ computers, countless changes, Even the employees don’t know about it.

And the firewall is extremely sensitive, and any abnormal data will be alerted.

This is a bit similar to the’great silence barrier’ and the password of Star River Bank. All terminals are hacked at the same time, otherwise there is no concept of hacking and unlocking.

But this is more convenient for Huang Ji, because Huang Ji does not need to be hacked, just enter the correct one directly… What’s the use of countless changes?

After Huang Ji entered, the door scanned his appearance and said, “Hello, Yan Huali. “

“Hello, Tianyu, is Director Lei Yang here?” I am looking for him in a hurry. “Huang Ji said, Yanhua really left this employee, but he is on vacation.

“Lei Yang director is resting in the office…” Tianyu system said.

Huang Ji Quickly shuttled through the channel, while saying: “Please wake him up, I’m really in a hurry. “

Tianyu system said: “Okay, please wait in the fourth conference hall. “

Huang Ji flew and shuttled familiarly, and soon came to Conference Hall No. 4.

The director Lei Yang he was looking for was extremely powerful, with a level of Potassium ⑲ and possessed The void of life, with a mass of 3.14 million tons, can cover most of the island of Japan when it is unfolded. It can be achieved to the extent that a person is standing in Tokyo and can create lightning to kill everyone in Osaka.

Looking at the entire galaxy, the calcium level ⑳ is a hurdle. To surpass this level, talent, resource wealth, and secret technique special training are indispensable.

Norm Civilization, even most young people Atomic Civilization is the most powerhouse, which is often more than 20 levels.

Only some veteran Civilization, or special races, will have more than 30 powerhouses.

It’s a big deal. Train more than 40-level powerhouses, all of them are the overlord of Sector, the megagroup, or the leader of a certain faction, such as Shacha Civilization, Civilization of Light, Civilization of Dragon, Star River Bank, Thunderbolt A place like the Pavilion.

As for Level 50 and above, there is only one special case in the entire Galaxy, the invincible Yake.

Of course, Huang Ji seeks this Lei Yang director. It has nothing to do with strength. It is because he is an old subordinate of another manager.

“Han Huali? Why are you free to come to Nom Civilization to see me? “Not long after, a six-meter-high fire bird clan flew in.

The two knew each other. After all, they were fellow villagers. It’s just that the sky is different, and the work place is hundreds of light years apart that’s all.

Huang Ji saluted: “It’s a big trouble! Bezier Civilization’s Light Explosion Arms Group, Lingzhu Pharmaceutical, Myriad Pupil Entertainment, and even Shacha Civilization’s Heaven Reaching Pavilion have all joined forces, intending to drive our company out of the Bezier sky market. “

Lei Yang was startled, and roared: “What? Are you sure? “

Huang Ji said: “I’m not sure, I accidentally inquired about it from an executive friend of Myriad Pupil Entertainment when I was on vacation. I’m not sure whether the matter is true or false, so I didn’t report it. Let me remind you first, because they will start with Civilization. “

Lei Yang does not suspect him. If Huang Ji says that the news is conclusive, there will be a problem if Huang Ji doesn’t report it.

Now I just listened to the wind, and I am a fellow. If you want to remind yourself to be careful, that’s normal.

“Apart from this…There is one more thing. “Huang Ji said.

Lei Yang asked: “Please speak. “

Huang Ji solemnly said: “Our old boss, I’m afraid I will be jealous…”

Lei Yang said with a bitter smile: “Isn’t it always like this?” “

“no no…this time is different, you know the primordial civilization a few light years away, right? “

“I know. “

Huang Ji whispered: “Last month there was a major event. A fire feather tribe entered the Star Alliance toll booth, killed our watchdogs and took away the great silence barrier. . “

“What! Can you take away the great silence barrier? Is it our internal executives? “Lei Yang whispered.

Huang Ji sighed: “Look, even you think so, what do you think Boss thinks?” “

Lei Yang said: “Is our old boss behind the scenes? “

“I don’t know, the big brother Huoyu hasn’t contacted us for a long time, but are you silent about this matter? “Huang Ji asked.

Lei Yang said: “Yes, there is such a big thing in the company, and the loss of the great silence barrier must definitely hate the Star Alliance. This thing is too valuable, and It’s a prohibited item… what happened next? Star Alliance doesn’t let us supervise that primordial civilization? “

Huang Ji said: “No, the company decisively bought one from the black market, made up for it, and bribed the law enforcement officer who had the key, so the Star Alliance as a whole did not know about it. . “

Lei Yang sighed: “This loss is huge. “

“The company loses money, and it is not on our heads. Money is not the point. The point is…I learned about this from Myriad Pupil Entertainment through personal relationships! Basically, none of the fire bird family in our company knows! “Huang Ji said.

“His! “Lei Yang thought carefully about it.

Such a big thing happened to the company, and the primordial civilization was just 8.6 light years away from the Heavenly Wolf galaxy, not far away, so no wind came over. !

There was no internal notification, and Yanhuali had to inadvertently learn about this from a hostile entertainment company!

It is conceivable that the internal information was deliberately blocked. And especially not to talk to the fire bird clan.

This is for all the fire bird clan in the company. Boss really jealous of them this time.

Huang Ji sighs. Said: “I don’t know if the old boss did it, or was just wronged. If the old boss really did it, we will be implicated…”

Lei Yang pondered then said: “I’ve been fed up with the anger of the sixth child. Huo Yu helped him that way, he became a force. After abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal. “

Huang Ji sighed: “But the old boss is addicted to having fun, and the money he makes is swayed out every time, not to develop his influence. Lei Yang Every time you want to reorganize everyone, you are stopped by your old boss. I really don’t know if he has no ambitions, or keeps a low profile…”

“But in recent years, he has been discussing business in the dark interstellar, do you think he will form a force there secretly ? “

“Don’t tell us, it’s because we are all working on the surface, afraid that we will get together to cause Liu Zong suspicion? “

Lei Yang’s eyes lighted and said: “If the Huoyu big brother really wants revenge secretly, I will be the first to follow. Asshole sixth, suppressed us for so many years, every day by the birds, I killed him! “

Huang Ji said: “You and I are separated. To be honest, I am very tight looking at me there… I sneaked out and risked the mortal danger to help you. I didn’t plan on coming. Go back, let’s do it together! “

“Brother…you…” Lei Yang was very moved.

But he thought for a while, and said: “Brother’s intentions are my heart. You can go back quickly. I don’t need you here for now. When the Huoyu big brother comes back, I have to ask questions and consider the long term. “

Huang Ji sighed: “My research institute is very tight, really tight, and even the virtual universe is being monitored. This time I come out. This is the only chance. When I go back, I won’t I know when I can come out…”

“Brother, you go back! I’ll deal with it here, don’t get involved. “Lei Yang hugged him solemnly.

Huang Ji’s wings trembled slightly, unwilling to say: “Let me conspire here for a major event!” You let me go back, maybe we will never see again! “

Lei Yang gritted his teeth, then sighed: “There will be a chance, there will be a chance, there is no need for your help here, you go back first! go back! “

One wants to help, the other does not. The two hug each other, and the brother is deeply affectionate.

In the end Lei Yang still persuaded Huang Ji to leave.


Huang Ji said goodbye before leaving, “I don’t know when I will see each other…brother, why give it to me? Make me see things and think about people? “

When Lei Yang heard this, he took out a bloody feather knife from his heart.

“This blood feather golden knife is the weapon that the fire feather big brother gave me back then. He forged it by himself, and I regard it as a treasure, bound to my genes, and I will give it to you today! “

“Long coming to Japan, we must still have the opportunity to meet. “

“Brother, take it! Wait for me, when useful to you! One day we will take back what belongs to us! ”


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