The Omniscient

Chapter 417

The assistant was very anxious outside the door, and the bald man was at ease in the inner qi of the room.

He took the flying chair and floated onto a turbine balcony, overlooking the hustle and bustle of the earth, talking calmly with the communication side.

“I’ve been holding back, doctor, how do you call it?”

It was Huang Ji on the communication end. He chuckled and did not answer, but asked: “You can You know, the original water?”

The dead bald man’s 10,000 compound eyes shined at the same time, and said: “But Anunnaki’s main service: dual fusion surgery, the essential life quality required?”

“Boss knows the goods.” Huang Ji said with a smile.

The dead bald son said swiftly: “This what difficulty is there, in the pharmaceutical industry, how can you not know the secret recipes of major colleagues? Although I only do business in a small place, I also have big ambitions!”

“One day, I will do business all over the stars. I have an overall plan, first monopolize the market of Confused Spirit City… and then settle in the motherstar of the Nuo family…”

boasting, who can’t?

As a Boss in the pharmaceutical industry, he naturally hopes that there are more talents. And now there is a professional doctor who takes the initiative to find him. Of course, he has to pack the competitiveness of his company.

After all, his company is really not competitive, so he can only boast his own ambition…

However, Huang Ji is obviously not here for the interview. He said: “The original water, It’s not unique to the Anunnaki company. The most powerful forces in the galaxy can create the original water.”

“Compared with the purity, the Anunnaki company’s is not high. It is indeed a fusion of different ground states of life. Necessities, known as the source of life.”

“With it, life with macromolecular structures such as carbon-based organisms, silicon-based organisms, sulfur-based organisms, arsenic-based organisms, and amino organisms can be realized. Fusion.”

“Anunnaki’s binary fusion surgery is to fuse a carbon-based and a sulfur-based, so that two races with different basic life states will give birth to the offspring of a carbon-sulfur binary mixture. “

The mighty Star River, there are many advanced Civilizations, and the development of science and technology has made the starry sky no longer limited to “hybrid”, but also “hybrid”.

Whether it is Earthling, Dragon Race, Birdman, Little Grey, Nomother, Bezier… all are carbon-based.

Carbon-based is universal and mainstream, because it is the easiest to be born. However, the universe is vast, and there are many other forms of life, in addition to the conventional “five bases”, there are electromagnetic field body gas life, plasma energy life, dark matter body void life…

And so far have not been discovered , Artificial intelligence mechanical life.

Of course, they are all too niche. Among them, the void life is known to have no wisdom and cannot communicate. They are directly used as equipment by the major Civilization…

Huang Ji continued: “But all Great Influences only provide’mixed base’ services, but don’t sell the original water. Because as long as there is no original water, even if you know how to do fusion surgery, you can’t realize this technology, thus forming a monopoly.”

The dead bald child is nodded. This is the reason why on the public planet, it is obvious that the commerce is developed, and the products of high-level Civilization are often sold to the low-level Civilization. The low-level Civilization has been enjoyed for tens of thousands of years, but it is still unable to catch up.

If you sell services, you don’t sell products, and you don’t sell technology if you sell products. If you sell technology, you will keep the key technology.

Relying on opening up, Nuomu Civilization is obviously only an atomic entry level, but it has already enjoyed the early and even peak technological achievements throughout the country.

The standard of living has gone up, but it is also subject to others everywhere. Who makes it all open? Major industries are monopolized by other Civilizations, and this Civilization has fallen into a chronic death.

Dead Bald himself, also relying on a little technological monopoly, coupled with some channel advantages, directly dominated the Confused Spirit City pharmaceutical industry, suppressing the local Dong Jun pharmaceutical industry. No temper.

“The million-dollar business you said you want to talk about is the original water?” The dead bald asked in amazement.

Huang Ji said: “Yes, are you interested?”

Dead Bald said: “This thing is not available in the market. What is your relationship with Anunnaki?”

Nuomu Civilization certainly does not have this thing, not even the dozens of Civilizations around it.

There are tens of thousands of Star systems nearby, and the place where the original water can be obtained is probably only the Anunnaki company’s store or base. After all, creating carbon-sulfur mixed-based organisms is their main product.

So the dead bald now suspects that the other party is not an employee of Anunnaki Company, who stole the original water to make extra money?

This is probably the only possibility. If an outsider steals it, there must be a Great Influence behind it, so just use it yourself. No matter how bad it is, there are own black market sales channels. It is impossible to come to the poor villages of Confused Spirit City to find them for themselves.

Whatever the dead bald thinks, only Anunnaki has spy. Some employees are short of money and steal the original water by borrowing their positions.

In combination with the other party, the temporary doctor qualification certificate is used, which is definitely a fake identity casually used to cover people’s ears.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “You don’t care about my identity, you are not interested, just forget it.”

Dead bald said with a smile: “okay, okay, I I’m not interested in your identity, and I don’t know anything. We just trade normally…”

He must be afraid of it. Anunnaki company can’t afford to offend.

But the original water, should I buy or buy. After all, Anunnaki’s own internal problems have gone wrong, he is just a buyer, normal transactions, Anunnaki is not incapable of irritating him.

Furthermore, the dead bald can sell it backhand to Anunnaki. Once you talk about this, the other party will definitely pay more to buy things back.

The dead bald thinks about it, and while making a fortune, he can also get online with Anunnaki Company. In the future, he may be able to import many high-end products.

He is very pleased in one’s mind, and he feels that he is really lucky recently.

“This doctor is really fascinated by money. He works for the Anunnaki company, so he works hard. He even dared to steal things from the owner.”

“If you have channels to sell Give it to the black market and sell it to me? Want to cash out as soon as possible? Then don’t blame me for betraying you…”

The dead bald thought to Huang Ji in his heart, and said to Huang Ji, “Say it, How many grams do you have? Want to sell millions of lang… Could it be that you have ten tons?”

Huang Ji said: “I don’t have 1 gram.”

“Uh…” Dead Bald was stagnant, and said angrily: “Are you kidding me?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I sell craftsmanship.”

“What!” Dead Bald Amazed.

“You…you have the craftsmanship? How did you get it?”

Dead Bald feels unbelievable that the original water formula has leaked to himself?

How many times Orion’s first-class pharmaceutical tycoons want this technology to take a share in the mixed-base market and break the technology monopoly.

This formula has been spread out, enough to set off a bloody storm, and there is definitely a big company eager to challenge Anunnaki, and it will sell for tens of millions of dollars.

Even if there is competition, hundreds of millions will do.

And now someone has sold him to a small Confused Spirit City village tyrant?

“I have. As for how to get it, you don’t dare to know if I measure it.” Huang Ji said.

The dead bald’s mouth moved slightly, and in the end he didn’t dare to slap his mouth. He really didn’t dare to know, for fear that the other party would say something amazing and drag himself into the water.

Good fellow, could it be that Anunnaki’s internal executives tried to weaken their own power? How can the formula leak?

“You are not kidding? You are not a liar, are you? Why did you sell it to me? You can find a tycoon and you can sell it for tens of millions!” The dead bald boy suspiciously.

Huang Ji said: “Anunnaki has insiders in all major colleagues, I only dare to sell you this level.”

The dead bald sneered, thinking to the other party. Leaked mouth.

At first I heard that there is no problem, but in fact, I have admitted in disguise that this formula was stolen from Anunnaki company, and it is almost certainly spy. Otherwise, how do you know that Anunnaki has planted spies in other colleagues?

If the inside line is not inside, the dead bald doesn’t know, but he knows that as long as the thief is not stable enough, or if he is alone, then this formula is a hot potato.

I stole it, but it is very difficult to sell it at a high price. It is very likely to be swallowed directly by Great Influence. People can’t pay a cent and take the formula.

“But for me, it’s the same…” The dead bald was entangled, and the water was too deep.

Huang Ji dare not sell big companies, can he dare not sell them?

It’s a little better that he knows the Light Explosion Group and can give the formula to the arms company, and then it doesn’t matter how people use this game, anyway, he makes a handover fee.

“Will you sell me 1,000,000 lang?” Dead Bald asked.

“Can you get it with more?” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Dead bald son pondered then said: “How do you prove that your craft is true?”

Huang Ji said: “Ordinary 1-star doctors can verify this craft model. The difficulty It’s because of the high requirements for production equipment. You have craftsmanship, but you don’t have equipment, and you can’t make it.”

“I don’t have a company, and I am eager to sell it. I will sell you for 1,000,000, but I advise you After you buy it, put it away.”

“Aren’t you ambitious? You can wait until you have the living conditions before you build it. Back then, Anunnaki relied on it to rise and whiten it, you may also Yes.”

The dead bald listened very carefully, and his heart was very tangled.

On the one hand, I dare not take the muddy water, and on the other hand, I think this is an opportunity.

1,000,000 Lang, buy a cutting-edge technology worth tens of millions, even if it is useless now, but what about the future? Maybe this is the opportunity to become bigger and stronger!

Who has no dreams?

“di di di!” A reminder on the dead bald’s flying chair keeps flashing. This is the assistant contacting him urgently.

But he is now full of the original water formula, which is of great importance, and it may be a turning point in the life of others.

At this time, the assistant was annoying himself, and immediately annoyed him!

What can you do? Even if it does, is it important to have this million-dollar transaction?

“Don’t bother me, get out!” The dead bald clicked, cursed.

Huang Ji immediately sternly said: “en? Is there someone next to you? I said, I will only talk to you!”

“No no…no one, yes My assistant is calling me, it’s okay now.” The dead bald said, and turned off the emergency contact device.

The assistant was stupid outside the house: “Boss has a major event! Huh? Boss! Boss! Hello? Hello?”

In the house, Huang Ji coldly said: “Forget it , I think you are a bit unreliable, I don’t want to talk about it…”

“Wait a minute! There’s really no one around me!” The dead bald hurriedly stopped.

He clenched the teeth and said: “Okay! I think about it, 1,000,000 Lang! I want it, but I want to inspect the goods first.”

Huang Ji said: “Inspection The goods are certain. I will send you the process model. You can find a credible 1-star pharmacist and he can verify it.”

“You can send the money directly to the virtual Universe third-party trading platform for Just in case, my key data will not be sent to you, and will be posted.”

“After you verify, I will use the key data to collect the money, so as to respect the wisdom of the king and Buddha. Intelligence as justice, you and I have both money and goods, no problem, right?”

Nodded and said: “No problem.”


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