The Omniscient

Chapter 411

Huang Ji directly uses the image of a human in the virtual universe to come to the Internet trading market.

He doesn’t have to be afraid of being recognized, because the popularity of mankind is too low.

Know that there is a sub-Civilization of the Earth in the Milky Way, basically some primordial Civilization hobbyists, intelligent biological experts, and curious hunters.

Total their numbers, there are not as many fans as an athlete.

It doesn’t matter if you are recognized. From the Civilization of all directions of the Galaxy, there are all kinds of people, not to mention turning yourself into a primordial native, even if you turn yourself into a lion Old Hu. Not surprising.

Even Huang Ji saw the avatar of a person, it was a group of walking liquid water…

Well, the virtual world, it’s the same as the avatar, even though No one cares about turning into a pile of shit.

Huang Ji appeared instantaneously, then flew smoothly at the speed of light, and came to a huge lightning in the sky.

The fork of the lightning is thick and bright, still twisting and turning, covering an area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers, it looks very scary, in fact it is a building that changes periodically.

The translation of its name can be called Thunderbolt Pavilion.

Buildings on the earth pay attention to static, after all, they need to be stable, but in the hands of advanced Civilization, it is unnecessary, so vigorous sports buildings can also be regarded as a kind of Sect.

Thunderbolt Pavilion belongs to’Tianxin Civilization’, which is the Xeon Civilization of the galaxy, a typical civilization of seekers.

One of the two unifying forces of the galaxy, Civilization, is the veteran advocate of the Star Alliance. Its Civilization leader is known as’Heavenly Venerate’.

The current Heavenly Venerate is the Heavenly Venerate, abbreviated as the Heavenly Venerate.

Xiantian Yiqi refers to the era. When the anti-matter Star Domain was monopolized in the era of the trio, they called Yin Yang Birth and Death XXX.

The era of unified force field is now, so it is called Xiantianyiqi.

The virtual Internet trading market Universe is too big. Huang Ji couldn’t finish shopping, he blunted and came to this thunderbolt pavilion with a clear purpose.

Thunderbolt Pavilion sells everything, but their main product is void creatures.

Void creatures are not pets or thugs, they are bought and worn.

They are indeed a kind of life, a kind of dark matter and dark energy life, without electromagnetic interaction, so they are invisible and intangible, and they are called the void.

This form of life is different from all electromagnetic substances. Only when the prime of the age of trinos is beginning to be qualified to study them, but it is also very reluctant.

They are widely distributed in the dark and dead space between galaxies. Between the Great Andromeda Nebula and the Milky Way, there is a large area of ​​dark matter with a total mass much larger than the Milky Way, on which there are many void life.

After all, dark matter is 20%, dark energy is 70%, and ordinary matter is only 4%. Together, the first two occupy 90% of the universe’s mass.

Except for the visible galaxies, all other dark interstellar intervals are filled with dark energy, like the vast ocean.

The dark matter is located in the dark void like pieces of land or islands. The galaxies of ordinary matter are just the mountain range on land.

Now in the interstellar society, it is generally believed that the reason why the luminous galaxies in the Universe are what they are now comes from a series of “orogeny” in the Universe since ancient times.

Simple gravity is not enough to bring together the early dispersed matter, mainly the dark energy’crustal activity’, which brought them together.

So when the major Civilizations first discovered the void life, they were shocked.

Because dark matter and energy can also give birth to life under the mixed reaction of dark matter and energy, how many void lives must there be in a universe full of dark energy and dark matter?

If there is a civilization of void life, how much void civilization will the universe have?

This feeling is actually similar to the sense of awe that humans had when they first explored space. If humans discover life on the fire star, no matter how low-level it is, even if it is just bacteria, humans will panic.

Because there is life on the neighboring planet so close, it means that the birth of life is a common phenomenon. Under this probability, how many lives does the Universe that many planet have? Isn’t Civilization crowded?

It turns out that it’s very crowded…

So when Civilization discovered void life, even if it was just a very weak void life without wisdom… Star Alliance came into being …

Yes, this is the original intention of the Star Alliance: We understand that material life is not the only one. Please stop civil strife. Let’s make rules and unite in order.

Despite it so far, no Civilization of the Void has been found.

But many higher civilizations believe that they must exist in the universe, so the imaginary Civilization of the void promotes everyone to establish a unified order.

However, intelligent creatures are after all.

Curiosity, desire to explore, and dedication to truth make Civilization impossible to put one after another large virgin land without exploration or use.

The discovery of void life inspired the study of void life.

Tianxin Civilization took the lead in capturing the void life, and then realized the’Void Reproduction’ technology.

Speaking of cloning, it actually means that the material creatures can fuse with the void life.

Not only that, but they also found that after the fusion of the two, the strong thinking of the material creatures can control the void lifeform. Tianxin Civilization does not know how to control it. In short, it is not electromagnetic force, nor is it strong Nuclear force is not even gravity.

There is a hidden power entangled between the two. Depending on the degree of coordination, whether it is strong or weak, they suspect that there is a way of exchanging information between the two beings at a high-dimensional level.

But no matter what it is, Tianxin Civilization’s void life science has gradually developed to the point where it can use void life to store and release energy.

It’s as if the early humans didn’t know the nature of fire, but this didn’t prevent people from using it, and they could even play very expensively.

Regardless of whether it is a material life or a void life, there is one essence that remains unchanged, that is, a low-entropy body.

If you cannot actively discharge entropy and carry out an effective energy cycle, then it is not life.

No matter what form of life is, it must be able to actively take in external energy, maintain its own life activities, and then discharge waste from the body.

This is the most basic definition of life.

So when Civilization realized the technology of fusion of individual and void life, the past biological limit was broken, as if opening the door to New World.

Human life has limits, and other Civilization races are the same, but the limits are different.

Why is Huang Ji’s medicine for raising human normalcy to S6, called the perfect human medicine? It’s because this is really the limit of the human form. If you want to become stronger, you have to stop being a human being. There is no human form, and the huge changes in your body form directly go beyond the outline.

And Huang Ji knows that S12 is almost touching the cell limit of the Huahua body, while S16 is basically the limit of carbon-based organisms. If it is strong, the body cannot withstand it. After going down, it will be dissolved by a chemical reaction…

As for other forms of bright material life, they all have their own limits.

Where can the heart of intelligent creatures have limits? Void Fusion Technology, although it cannot help people evolve, it can help individuals directly master energy.

Void life reserves a large amount of dark energy. It is a complex transformation machine in itself that can’secrete’ bright energy.

The energy that the human body cannot store, it reserves, the energy that the human body cannot produce, it produces it, and the energy that the human body cannot release, it releases it.

Leveraging power from the void life allows people to realize the destructive power they shouldn’t have, and even advanced void life reproductive equipment can grow and even secrete bright matter.

This form of secondment is like a parasite of void life…

Matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy. The four images are merged, and man and the void are in harmony, coordination and transformation.

The powerhouse in the Star Alliance can release a huge amount of energy without the aid of any equipment, some of which are comparable to a large equivalent nuclear explosion. Of course, this is still a competitive category.

But after all, it is a new way out, called void evolution, and because void life is often in the state of dark matter clouds, it is also called cloud evolution.

Of course, you can’t be too squeezed, you have to do what you can, because the void life is alive, and humans have to provide energy for it. If you die, then you die…

Apart from this, Void Life also has a lifespan limit, and some super powerhouses have been raised for a lifetime…or a lifetime of cultivation. Suddenly Own Void Life is old and dead, and its strength will naturally plummet…

So how to adapt to each other better between living beings and void life, how to grow together, is a university question.

Some people also trust their own void life to others to raise, and let others help him cultivation. Some local tyrants raise a bunch of them at the same time…

There is a special void life foster care service in the interstellar society, but this is not as good as the coordination of self-raising.

survival of the fittest in natural selection. Adapt to…everywhere, let others raise, no matter how fat they are, it is no better than getting along with oneself day and night, and maintaining integration with it day and night, like a part of life, basically the kind of living with it in this life.

“Everything goes to death, but the soul seeks to live.”

“Welcome to the Thunderbolt Pavilion.”

As soon as Huang Ji enters, someone will welcome him .

Not a robot, nor a virtual Universe NPC, but a daoist player.

Thunderbolt is a one-to-one service. This person was born suddenly from lightning. Of course, this is not a Tianxin Civilization race, but an elegant person.

Obviously why he is close to the customer, this elegant person has changed again and turned into the appearance of a man on the earth, dressed in azure clothes, a jade pendant hanging on his waist, and a gentle smile on his face.

This kind of high-end shopping mall, of course, has information about the sub-civilization of the earth, especially the culture of the ethnic group of Danger Land Tiantong, so after detecting the image of Huang Ji, it immediately extracted one from the database The image comes to the reception.

Huang Ji smiled at him, and he also used the same manners.

“My voice,” the waiter said.

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Hello, my name is Huang Ji.”

“Mr. Huang Ji, what business do you need to discuss or sell goods?” Yin Wen Asked.

When he came up, he ruled out Huang Ji was here to buy something, because he knew Huang Ji had no money in his account.

Huang Ji now uses the name of Yaren Huang Ji, which is really not a dime. As a high-end mall, customers will know the amount they carry as soon as they come in.

To be honest, Yinwen is also the first time I saw a dime that didn’t bring you to thunderbolt pavilion…Although there are ordinary goods, but all are famous brands, thunderbolt pavilion does not have cheap things.

However, the visitors are the guests, the service of Thunderbolt Pavilion is still very good, and the tone pattern is even ready for the other party to say that they are just visiting.

Unexpectedly, Huang Ji actually said: “May I ask if there are corpses of void life for sale?”

“Uh…” The tone pattern was stunned.


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