The Omniscient

Chapter 403


great silence barrier is closed, and the noise of the starry sky will not be transmitted instantly.

Its shrouded area is a radius of eight 1 billion kilometers. When the generator is turned off, the entire Formation disappears from the inside to the outside.

The speed of this fragmentation is the speed of light, but because it is too large, it will take seven and a half hours to wait for it to disappear completely.

Only five hours later, outside the Kuiper Belt at the edge of the solar system, a burst of colorful waves suddenly appeared on the surface of a dark, non-reflective celestial body.

This pitch-black celestial body is very small, half smaller than the moon, but the huge repulsion field affects celestial bodies on the edge of the solar system.

This repulsive force field is in a vacuum, equivalent to a reverse gravitational field.

If a substance approaches, it will be accelerated by the reverse repulsive force, and will eventually bypass or be bounced away.

If you are close to a massive celestial body, it is like falling into a vortex, accelerating and falling. So close to the wormhole, it’s like going over a mountain, struggling and carrying a heavy load, and it will roll down quickly if you are not careful.

The colorful spectrum sprays outwards, like chewing gum being stretched, and finally spreads into a rainbow bridge.

Of course, as long as this phenomenon doesn’t last at all, the Rainbow Bridge will fade away, and finally vanish.

And flying out along the Rainbow Bridge, there is also a freight fleet.

Nine merchant ships filed out, the first one is Omarzo’s main ship.

“Otis…Otis ah!”

“Why don’t you answer the communication?”

Omarzo walked around in the main control room, very anxious .

Originally, he is very leisurely, and even has free time to play with Hawking.

On the way back, he suddenly received a reprimand from his superiors that something went wrong with the moon base.

There is a black household unauthenticated spaceship, which controls the system of the moon base, and has completely lost contact with the outside world at this moment.

People from Star Alliance warned the Anunnaki company that the company could not contact the Moon and Otis, so naturally they had to find him.

But he is still on the road, he has no idea what happened, so he can only tell the story of the natural perturbator.

This time, the pot was fried. The superior scolded him why he didn’t report?

Omarzo has nothing to say. Otis told him not to report it. He thought it should be fine, so he didn’t say it. The result was not bad. Not only did Otis lose contact, even the moon also lost contact, things were completely beyond control. .

The main force of Anunnaki Company is in Beta Orion, which is the Betelgeuse galaxy, 863 light-years away from Earth.

Even if there is a wormhole, it will take one month to return, because although the wormhole greatly shortens the distance between the two places, it also takes time to sail.

It depends on the speed and quality of the spaceship and the power of the negative pressure thruster. The advanced negative pressure thruster can make the spaceship pass through the wormhole in an instant, but obviously Omarzo will not have such advanced products.

Omarzo, this batch of cargo ships, in order to increase the cargo capacity, sacrificed speed, so it was even slower.

So it took him a full month to return to Earth.

“Ah…Master Capri, yes, I have arrived.”

“Don’t worry, Master Capri! Otis will definitely not be so reckless, there should be enemies He broke into the moon base and blocked his communication. He may still be holding on. I will find out about it right away!”

The man was in the Kuiper Belt, just under the wormhole, and has not returned to the moon. Well, he received an inquiry from his superior, and he was very dissatisfied with Otis in his words.

After all, Otis stayed behind and no news came out. He lost contact for so long inexplicably.

In this regard, Omarzo can only try to conceal Otis.

However, the people on the communicator side will not be easily fooled.

An emotionally high voice, like an chant, said: “The enemy who dares to attack the Star Alliance monitoring station is no small thing. The scene is probably a mess… Check the exit record of the wormhole immediately.”

Omarzo nervously said: “Master Capri, I… have no money.”

Capri said loudly, “Don’t let me talk nonsense.”

Omarzo startled hurriedly submitted an inquiry application directly to Wormhole. As expected, there was an extra amount of money in his account.

Since Capri asked him to check, he would naturally give him a fee.

“No…no exit. During my absence, no one left the solar system through the wormhole! The enemy may still be there!” Omarzo said.

Capri said in an ethereal voice: “Ham? Is it so bad? Don’t leave?”

Ren is an interstellar colloquialism, which means arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant.

Omarzo nervously said: “I understand what you mean. Since the enemy has not left through the wormhole, it means that he has not achieved his goal. This means that the moon may not have completely fallen, and Otis is still holding on.”

“I will support the scene immediately! Never let the moon be lost…”

He tone barely fell, and Spaceship’s gravitational wave detector gave a hint that he was sailing to Neptune When orbiting, an emergency signal was detected.

Omarzo Da happily said: “There is news! Master Capri! A gravitational wave signal is coming from the moon!”

But then, Omarzo’s face changed drastically.

After analyzing the content of the signal, he almost fainted.

“Ah…ahhhh!” Omarzo couldn’t even say a word.

Capri perceives something wrong, and asks: “What happened?”

Omarzo cried and said, “great silence barrier, it is closed!”

There was a dead silence on Capri’s end, and then furiously said: “This is what you said is never lost? You’re a muddle!”

Omarzo is also done with it, great silence barrier, this is The most precious thing on the moon is very expensive.

At the beginning, the Nuomu family would be destroyed by a podcast because all their communications were abolished by this technology.

Now Formation disappears, and after eight and a half hours, the ordered electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves from outside the solar system will be transmitted to the earth.

Human beings have all kinds of radio Telescopes aimed at the starry sky. Once they receive those complicated information, the whole society will definitely blow up.

If some brain damage happens to send some greetings in the direction of the earth, the Wireless Electronics station on the earth may receive alien whispers!

Protecting the earthling from pollution is the bottom line of the Star Alliance.

Their Anunnaki contracted this errand. If they do not do well, they will be punished by the Star Alliance.

Although it will not hurt the bones, but it will definitely not be outsourced to them anymore. This series of losses is hard to predict.

Not only does Omarzo use his life to compensate, but Capri, who is responsible for this chain of interests, will pay a heavy price to calm the company’s anger.

“Damn it! I’ll be right there!” Capri stopped talking nonsense, he had to make a trip himself.

And he had to find the relationship immediately, bought a great silence barrier device, and put it back.

Although he cannot afford it himself, the company can afford it.

He has the right to use the company’s money to recoup the losses and minimize the consequences, but with such a big event under his hand, the bonus for the next sixty years may be gone.

Capri is furious, and Omarzo is trembling with fear here.

He is very likely to be killed by anger, and he must take advantage of this time to do his best.

“Send radio interference to make all astronomical Telescopes on the earth malfunction!”

Omarzo knew that he had to do this because his spaceship impossible was faster than the speed of light.

When he arrives on the earth, it will be too late. The complicated information from outside the solar system will reach the earth before him. By then, all major astronomical Telescopes on the earth will observe strange phenomena.

For example, in the direction of the Immortal Arm, there should be a large number of broadcasts of Buddhist culture.

In addition, Barnard’s Star, which is only 6 light-years away from the earth, was refined 6 years ago. The eruption lasted ten months. The earth should now be able to receive the strong signal from Barnard’s Star. Explosion rays of light, and a large number of heavy elements displayed in the spectrum. This is very unreasonable, unnatural, and absolutely artificial.

Apart from this, Xuanyuan fourteen in Leo is also broadcast all year round, pushing various advertisements, in addition to gravitational waves, it also releases a kind of X-ray. Humans receive it, even if they can’t crack it, they will find the orderly results.

The direction of the North Star in Ursa Minor is continuously continuously releasing a strong microwave radiation, which is actually a kind of music, which is pleasant to the ears of a race that is too subtle.

All these kinds of things, human beings will find that the dead starry sky suddenly becomes lively.

For this, Omarzo only took advantage of the starry sky information to be behind him, and immediately sent electromagnetic strikes at the speed of light, making the satellites and Telescopes of major countries, major academies, and telescopes’blind’ and’deaf’. , To buy time for Capri to redeploy the great silence barrier.

After doing this, he contacted the ark again and asked Illuminati to wash the floor immediately to cover up the collective failure of the radio Telescope.

At the end of the ark, it is the new president Eminem.

He is very effective and considerate to give advice, indicating that this is a trivial matter. Isn’t it just that all observatories have a problem? Just cover it up as not at the same time.

Eminem said that Illuminati would send someone to confess guilt directly, saying that it had broken the XX Observatory. Cover up what can be covered, and push to sunspots if it can’t.

Stagger the time of all the faults on the card, and some big countries will directly talk to them. This matter will not cause any disturbance.

“Okay! Good job! Nochira!” Omarzo listened to Eminem’s report wave after wave for the next two hours, and was extremely satisfied with him and Illuminati this time.

Eminem said: “Master Omarzo, I am not Nochira. Otis-sama went down to defeat the layered pupil faction. He has already set aside the chaos. Nochira has already stepped down. My name is Eminem, an ordinary fighter loyal to the Lord. Illuminati is now temporarily long…”

Omarzo said with a smile: “No need to be temporary, you are Illuminati long!”

The earth is almost contaminated, this is Perfection Solved, Omarzo was happy, feeling that you did good in this wave of Illuminati, and in a word, he appointed Eminem as the legal president.

“Emm, I heard about the Illuminati rebels. Otis bloodbathed them to reshape Illuminati, right?” Omarzo asked.


“So did he encounter any powerful enemies?” Omarzo asked again.

“A strong enemy? No… Lord Otis divine might be invincible, killing Nochira and a group of rebellious blood flowing into a river, crying for mercy, I have live surveillance video, do you want to watch it?” Mu said.

Omarzo said: “Send it to me.”

Seven Moons Seven Suns In the early morning, Omarzo reached the moon.

At the same time, I also watched the video of Otis bloodbathing the base, killing Nochira and the others unable to fight back.

At the end of the video, Otis connected to own phone and told himself that there was a natural disturber.

“Oh, it turned out to be that time.” Omarzo remembered that it was the last time he spoke with Otis. It turned out that Otis was already killing the rebels frantically.

At the end of the video, Otis’s flying saucer was obviously moved towards the moon and flew away. Obviously, he returned to the moon and held on after hearing the words of the owner.

Omarzo has a general framework in his mind. This matter has nothing to do with human beings. Otis was attacked on the moon base.

Don’t blame him for thinking like this instinctively. After all, he really didn’t expect that Otis returned to the moon by leaving a last word, and then went down to the northwest.

This private action is hidden from him.

“Otis ah Otis…Don’t die.”

Omarzo came to the back of the moon, very vigilant, he cautiously sent a drone into the reconnaissance.

But soon, he couldn’t help feeling sad.

“Otis…” Omarzo’s big eyes trembled, and the eye bags around them wrinkled visibly.

He saw the head of Otis at the bottom. Otis was killed die without a whole corpse.

“Damn it! Who killed you!”

Omarzo angrily entered the base and searched around. Seeing that no one had attacked him, he immediately took over the system and reopened the supervision state.

In this way, the entire solar system is once again shrouded in the monitoring of the moon.

He checked the records and found that all the data of the black spaceship that did not break into the base was obviously erased.


Suddenly, he found a three-dimensional video message left by Otis.

“When you see this image, it means that I am dead. The killer, the natural disturber!”

“He is known to be full of light in the human visible light band Experience. Flying, knowing that Anunnaki Company is the largest lawbreaking group in Orion Arm. It is very likely that it is also on the road.”

“Humans think he is a tomb robber because he claimed to mankind to find Dragon Race. Planetary climate control machine.”

“Sorry, I can’t provide more information, because when I left a message, I haven’t seen him yet. All the information comes from humans…with their poor vision , The credibility is not high, Omarzo, you need own judgment.”

Otis’s last words are very brief. Basically, it introduces the own itinerary and the information obtained from Brando, but it provides no useful information. s things.

After all, when he left his last words, he had only been to Hangzhou and Illuminati.

However, Omarzo’s portable flying computer came with a reminder: I received a private message from Otis!

The private message unlocking condition is a private matter between him and Omarzo, only the two of them know.

Seeing this, Omarzo understands that Otis is to open it when he is alone.

Obviously, Otis divides the last words into two types, one that can be said publicly, and the other is not visible.

Otis is afraid that Omarzo will not come back alone, and there will be superiors around him, so he made the second last letter into this kind of private letter. As long as Omarzo returns to trigger the last letter, his personal computer will receive it.

At this moment, Omarzo is just a person. He directly opened the private message, and the 3D image of Otis appeared again: “Omarzo, I have a big secret…”

“I’m sorry to hide it You have been so long, and I gave birth to two children with humans. You know that person, he is Fez……”

Otis quickly explained what the owner did, and how he found out Fez’s special genes, and then use him to give birth to heirs.

He spoke earnestly, citing the lowest room where the two children lived, and begging Omarzo to protect them.

“Otis, you are courting death!” Omarzo expression said complicatedly.

But now it’s useless to say anything, Otis is dead, and two forbidden children are left!

Otis earnestly said: “Please, I only have you as a friend. Please conceal the existence of Famuli and Vesio and let them grow up healthy. This is my only last wish.”


“They are my continuation, my hope, all of me, and children of all Zeta people. Don’t let them be killed by the master.”


Omarzo’s face changes frequently, hesitantly.


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