The Omniscient

Chapter 400

Famuli and Visio, these two mixed-breed little grays, were trapped in the lowest room of the Moon Base, digesting the’Death of Otis’ painfully.

They can’t go anywhere, they can only get stuck there, waiting for Omarzo to come back and rescue in the future.

As for Huang Ji and Fez, after performing a play, they bombed and destroyed various places to cover up some small objects they stole, and then left silently.

“Great silence barrier, I will come back to get it at last.”

“Next stop, fire star.”

Huang Ji and Fez crowded the Kunlun In, fly to fire star at full speed.

It took only half a day to arrive, and the spaceship was parked between Mariner Canyon and Tulsis Heights, which is called the Noctis Labyrinth.

The terrain is extremely complex, as if it has been eroded by thousands of years of water and washed by a majestic river.

“Wow, this is like a riverbed.” Fez said.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Here is the river bed. There used to be a city here.”

Fez has been no stranger to it, calmly said: “Oh, fire star man Is it?”

“There is no fire star person. Although fire star has an ecology that breeds life, it definitely does not breed complex life, let alone intelligent creatures, it may be a little single-celled organism.”


“But Ancient Era, the space aliens on the earth walk all over the ground, and a rocky planet such as fire star is unreasonably unattended, so there must be a lot of interstellar Civilization people living there.” Huang Ji said.

Fez said: “You mean, fire star is like the earth, there will be some ancient relics left?”

Huang Ji said: “According to the records of the moon, fire star’s The center of the earth is rich in’keng mine’, so it has been developed here.”

“But a living planet is always noble than a barren planet. Although both the earth and the fire star have life, there is no doubt that the life on the earth is even greater. Exuberant, diverse species, more precious than fire star.”

“There are some low-level Civilization people who can’t eat the meat of the earth, so they can only drink some fire star soup. They stay here Some buildings have been under construction. It’s been too long and they should be useless. However, the light material itself, we directly recycle it as’scrap iron’, is also very valuable.”

Fez said strangely: “Why do you So sure that fire star life is lower than the earth and there are no intelligent creatures? After all, we have the legend of that many fire star people.”

“It is said that fire star people are technologically advanced. Later, the nuclear war destroyed itself and a few remnants fled. Arrived on earth, established Atlantis…”

Huang Ji said with a big smile: “hahaha! Can escape to earth, why not go early?”

” Moreover, nuclear war cannot destroy the ecosystem. There will always be species that evolve and survive nuclear radiation to adapt to the new environment.”

“Believe me, fire star must not have advanced creatures, life on it It should be very simple. Otherwise, the space alien will not succumb to it. It will directly work on the center of the earth and over-exploit, which will cause the fire star to cool down, the magnetic field will decline, the atmosphere will collapse, the loss of water, and oxygen will react with all minerals on the surface. It looks like a dead silence.”

Fez also knows that the reason why the fire star is now is because the earth’s core rotates too slowly, which causes the magnetic field to be too weak and is blown by the solar wind into what it is today.

When it used to have a strong magnetic field, it must have a thick atmosphere.

“You mean that space alien destabilized the fire star core for mining…that led to ecological extinction?”

Huang Ji opened the Kunlun and let it Unleashing the engineering robot, he said: “In fact, even if the fire star’s ecosystem is a bit more advanced, even if the earth’s core is destroyed and the magnetic field is weakened, the fire star’s ecology will not completely die out like this!”

” If the same situation is replaced with the earth, the earth will still have an ecosystem that can adapt to the thin atmosphere and the strong Universe rays.”

“Because the original Barbarian Desolate Era on the earth, the climate is much better than the current fire star It’s even worse!”

“If there are plants with lush rhizomes, even if there are only green algae-like creatures, the water in the fire star will not run out like it is now.”


“Unless the space alien deliberately wipes out all living things, there is only one possibility that the fire star will be so silent…fire star life has not even stepped past the multi-cell hurdle…this led to their influence on alien mining The roots are fragilely cut off.”

“Remember, species are easy to extinct, but the ecosystem is not that easy.”

The two chatted, the engineering robots have already A deep well.

It goes straight to the ground, and at a depth of about six kilometers, it dug into an underground steel city.

Of course, it can be regarded as a city for humans, but it is actually a mining site.

The gray pillars, between the two rock formations, propped up a large open space.

Hundreds of alloy pillars, plus some crystal rooms mixed with soil and rocks, and a few remaining decks on the ceiling and floor are all this remains.

“There are really ruins! Are these all recorded by the moon?” Fez said.

Huang Ji pointed to the crystals and said: “How? Are you familiar?”

Fez immediately said: “I saw it in the moon room before. It was in the ocean environment. Room.”

Huang Ji said: “Yes, that race is called’Nuomu’, which is a bit like a mermaid. It is an amphibian species and also belongs to the carbon-based organism·Chord cord·Taiweihua type.”


Speaking, he stepped forward and directly let the Kunlun emit a strong signal to unfold the crystal room.

Fez just glanced at it and said in surprise: “Someone!”

I saw a corpse lying inside, with a slender figure and a fish tail, and its skin was milk-white. It also glows with a faint fluorescence, looks similar to a human, and can be described as exquisite six sense organs.

The reason for the six sense organs is that there is a soft white small fleshy lantern growing in the middle of his forehead. The rays of light are dim, but still a little gleaming. When touched, it shakes very softly.

The eyes are large, occupying one third of the face, and there is almost no nose, but there is a small point like a triangular jelly in the middle of the face.

The mouth is also very small, almost just a line, but the ears are very big, like a sword inserted diagonally, close to the sides of the head, the beautiful pinna lines are like conch, and the tips are flying, like A pair of flying wings grew on both sides of his head.

Its hair is crystal clear and near-transparent like a jellyfish whisker, and it seems to be alive when it floats.

Although it is a fish tail body, it still has legs, but it is hidden in the fish tail and only a little webbed is exposed at the end. It feels a bit like a penguin, like a curvy crow’s feet long skirt wrapped around your legs.

Thinking that this creature has two types of movement. The tail of the fish can be expanded into another shape, but if the legs are really exposed, they are probably extremely slender.

“So beautiful! Which planet person is this?” Fez asked.

Huang Ji pointed to the obscure star pattern on a pillar and said: “Heavenly Wolf galaxy, 8.6 light-years from the earth, where Civilization is our nearest neighbor.”

“That galaxy is also my first stop in interstellar, the best choice.”

Fez poked the mermaid, looked at the tiny fleshy lantern on his forehead, and said “Is he still alive?”

Huang Ji checked and said with confidence: “Dead. Don’t connect the light of this flesh lantern with her life. There is a radioactive substance inside. , 100,000 years will decay.”

“According to the introduction on the lunar man-making machine, this is one of the sensory organs of the Nom family, which can sense gravitational waves. And release including gamma rays. They can also use the feedback of electromagnetic waves to determine the situation in a large area of ​​light of almost all wavelengths. Of course, in the high-tech society, the latter function is almost degraded, and many nomos will not use it…”

Fez feels so amazing, such a powerful function, you can’t use it… Is this a drawback of technology?

“Are you going to become Him?” Fez asked.

Huang Ji said: “The moon has her entry information, but there is no exit information, because she died in the solar system.”

“I borrowed her identity to leave. Good choice. Although she died for thousands of years, the crystal coffin preserved her cell viability very well. Now I got it. I am sure to fool Omarzo perfectly.”

Fez pondered then said: “For thousands of years, how do you explain that it took so long to leave the solar system?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “What an easy thing…hibernation.”

“Hibernation?” Fez was shocked and understood, and then wondered: “Then how did the Nuomu die? Why didn’t she hibernate? As a result, she died alone on the fire star?”

Huang Ji didn’t answer this question, but searched everywhere, and soon found a fan-shaped computer in another crystal building.

It was broken and there was no energy. Huang Ji took it back to the Kunlun ship with the corpse and repaired it for two hours before transferring the data.

“Let’s watch it together.” Huang Ji said.

The two browsed the data together, and Fez quickly understood the past of fire star.

This woman fish, and some other mermaids, all escaped to the solar system.

The reason is that the Heavenly Wolf galaxy encountered a war nine thousand years ago. The Civilization of Nuomu was opened to the country and the capital was forced to become an open planet.

Fez was originally strange, isn’t it good to be open? Be able to communicate in depth with advanced Civilization, purchase high-end technology, and things that Civilization cannot produce.

But the computer’s records are very rich. Without Huang Ji’s explanation, he quickly understood what it means to open the capital…

That was the last pure land of Civilization. opened.

A Civilization in the galaxy steps on the starry sky, colonizes another planet, and adapts to the local environment, you can join the Star Alliance.

This is the minimum requirement to join the Star Alliance. To describe it in the era, it is the heyday of the nano era.

In the next two hours, it will be the atomic age, reaching the mainstream of the Milky Way.

The joining of Civilization in the nano era is very rare, and it is not included in the four major civilization eras, because after a Civilization joins, technology explodes very quickly, ranging from hundreds of years to thousands of years. It’s the atomic age.

The melting pot of the Star Alliance, the exchanges between various ethnic groups, and the influence of various cultures, thoughts, and technologies will greatly stimulate the young Civilization who have just entered the society.

This has brought a very positive side, but no one hopes that own Civilization will be assimilated and that own culture will be polluted and extinct.

So each Civilization, although some planets must be opened, some planets must be closed.

The retreat planet is the pure land of Civilization. It is responsible for inheritance, nurturing their own culture and technology tree, and there are laws in line with their own customs.

To put it bluntly, one Civilization has two systems.

In this way, with the freedom of business and communication, all major Star Alliance members can enter and exit at will. The law is an open planet based on Star Alliance public law.

There is also a prohibition on the entry of foreign Civilization. Only one’s own race can live and maintain traditional reservations.

The two complement each other, open and not fall, learning but different.

Almost all civilizations in the galaxy are like this, but those who fail to do so have become vassals, and their thinking and culture are gradually conquered and perished.

The stronger the Civilization, the larger the reserved area. Civilization has its own sect and is not under the control of the Star Alliance. The level of technology is rarely known to outsiders…

There are mostly elites. As for the weak and minute insects in Civilization, try to move to the open planet.

What should I do if I can’t live in the open planet? Expanding outward, either live in the deserted countryside planet, or live on the open planet of another Civilization.

Anyway, business is free, you can live in any place you buy.

The weak Civilization will always be forced to open more land for various reasons.

Heavenly Wolf Civilization is not a big country in the first place, there are only six Star series.

I just joined the Star Alliance and opened one. Later, I found out that the whole Civilization can not afford a wormhole. Not to mention the wormhole, the richest man in their Civilization can’t afford a spaceship in the atomic age.

If you want to build roads before getting rich, the reservations inside Civilization are still relying on the “tortoise speed” of 10% of the speed of light to cross the galaxy. The development is really too slow.

They don’t have the currency of Star Alliance, and they have no choice but to desperately export resources in exchange for foreign exchange.

But basic resources are too cheap, and their technology, which is sold on the Star Alliance, is as cheap as cabbage…

Space aliens can take a few kilograms of antimatter. Play all of their open areas. Dumping some commodities casually will dominate their open planet.

Frustrated, they opened up another Star series in exchange for Star Alliance relief support, bought a wormhole, and allowed a Star series within them to connect to their capital for free. Wormhole sent.

In this way, the development of their internal reservations has only accelerated slightly. But the open galaxy… is still a leek.

Similar situations have happened many times. In the end, they only have two Star systems left unopened. One is the Capital Galaxy where Motherstar is located, and the other is the Star System they first colonized.

Other Star series have been sold as open planets for various reasons.

Of course, I really have to be determined, there is no bottom line like learning space fungus, there are also things for sale. However, they did not want to sell, and finally held back to the atomic age, and this situation eased.

And this time, it’s time to stand in line…

The Galaxy Star Alliance faction Lin Li, Nuomu Civilization chose a Civilization faction with a better relationship to join, but did not choose the distance One of its most recent factions…

After that, there were several diplomatic mistakes, which led to war.

Fez saw this and was very angrily said: “This Star Alliance fart is not useful! The Star Alliance law clearly stipulates that wars between Civilizations are not allowed! Otherwise the Star Alliance will interfere! He interfered with a hammer “

Huang Ji said with a sneer: “Look carefully, the party declaring war is not a political entity, but just a star.”

Fez took a closer look. Down.

It turns out that this war can be fought because the Civilization offended by the Nom Civilization did not fight them, but was fought by a star in their Civilization.

Yes, star. Whatever is fun, just broadcast it, and record it if it doesn’t. There are many fans…net celebrities.

He declared that this was not a war, but was’at the request of fans’. On impulse, the live broadcast destroyed the normal fleet of Civilization of Nuomu…

Of course, he did not kill anyone. , But he destroyed 70% of the war weapons accumulated by Nom Civilization after a thousand years of development.

Not only that, it also destroyed the motherstar’s environment, destroyed their industry and agriculture.

There are no political factors and ghosts do not believe it, but there is no evidence.

According to the law of Civilization, this person must die, but he couldn’t catch it… In the end, it was the Star Alliance who helped to catch it.

However, in the laws of Star Alliance, the loss of wealth caused by individual misbehavior can be compensated for.

After the Star Alliance arrested the star, the lawsuit was fought for a long time, and the compensation was delayed. Nuomu Civilization couldn’t stand it anymore…

Plus the big guys behind the scenes Under the pressure and blockade of Civilization, Nom Civilization was forced to open the Heavenly Wolf galaxy where Motherstar is located.

It has become a “naked body Civilization” without any reservations.


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