The Omniscient

Chapter 381

“big brother! The spore signal is approaching quickly!” Chu Shaojun was in charge of the console in the base. He immediately discovered that Mu Yuan and Brando were coming.

Huang Ji said: “That should be Brando, Otis is not so slow.”

An Luban was surprised: “No, the kinetic energy gun hasn’t been built yet!”


Although it is expected to be completed on the 21st, it is not now. After all, it is still tens of minutes away.

Now, thanks to Brando’s help, Otis is about to arrive. The last few dozen minutes of the project can’t be completed!

Dozens of minutes early and tens of minutes late, it’s almost as different as heaven and earth.

Everyone shook their hearts. Could it be because of these tens of minutes, all the games will be lost?

Wali angrily said: “Damn Brando, I still believe that he really turned his head back, we should kill him.”

“Now that these are meaningless, prepare Fight.” Huang Ji said.

“But time is too late to finish building the heavy artillery.” Luo Yan asked.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Who said it’s too late? I will make it too.”

He put on the Wing God and suddenly walked into the heavy artillery.

Everyone is shocked, what do you mean? The boss personally went up to help? Can this speed up the progress?

About 3 minutes later, Huang Ji and Shinrugo walked out together.

“Okay.” Huang Ji said.

“What!” Everyone was dumbfounded.

Luo Yan didn’t turn the corner, and said stupidly: “The Wing God also has a construction function?”

Huang Ji said: “No, I just asked Shinrugo to give me some tool models. Group, and let him fight for me.”

“I studied the design drawings of the jamming tower and the kinetic heavy artillery a few days ago. I feel that there is room for improvement, so I tried to remodel it.”

“I have tried hands on the jamming tower on the 17th, and by the way, I am familiar with this kind of alien engineering. Well, Shinrugo’s tools are very easy to use. All the parts are provided. For the final assembly and debugging stage, I tailored and invented a more efficient assembly method than Shinrugo’s installation program based on the actual situation. With the cooperation of Lu Wu and I, the assembly efficiency can be increased tenfold.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They knew that Huang Ji’s scientific research ability was extremely strong, and his engineering ability was not trivial, but they didn’t know… it was so strong!

“You have improved the space alien assembly technology casually? Does their technology have so much room for improvement?” Luo Yan doubts the way of life.

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “It’s not that their technology is poor. There are many ways and methods. The key lies in the suitability and the unsuitability. The system loaded by Shinrugo is the most universal. It can be used in any environment. You can use the method with the highest fault tolerance rate, which is very reasonable.”

“And I just found out the better method under the current conditions and environment.”

This is 90 points in general subjects. The difference between full scores in single subjects is that the most suitable is the best, and Huang Ji can always find the most suitable one.

Everyone was amazed that they were able to improve them in just a few days through self-study through Shinrugo’s architectural database. This is really genius.

But such a genius now has to be like a warrior, fighting the space alien to death.

Luo Yan thought to himself that if he can’t even lead mankind to victory, then mankind really has no hope.

“It’s coming!” Suddenly a shout came.

Alan rarely participates in chats, he is always on guard for everyone.

Everyone is while speaking, and he is not distracted either. On an energy cannon, he is always looking at the horizon. Seeing a flash of light in the distance, he immediately shouted and fired a stout laser.

This laser is a collection of 300 enlightened floating cannons, and two sets are prepared.

The two sets of Alan fired almost together, with an interval of less than one-tenth of a second, but the shooting positions were far apart.

This is equivalent to two snipers, one predicts the flying saucer to fly straight, and the other predicts the direction in which the flying saucer will dodge.

“weng weng!”

However, the flying saucer moved almost like a teleport, and came to the sky above the base without hitting either of the two lasers.

At this time, Alan’s warning of’coming’ was able to settle down.

Alan’s cold sweat has come down, and others may not have noticed it. He saw that it was not teleporting, but maintained the same speed, suddenly walked at a right angle, and then circled back after avoiding the laser.

Because the detour process in the middle is too fast and the amplitude is too large, beyond the narrow field of view of human beings, it seems to suddenly disappear and reappear.

This is an unimaginable way of flying, which is shocking. Just this naked eye can’t tell whether it’s a speed of instant movement or not, so everyone clearly feels that the previous disturber is weak…

“Come on! He is here! He is driving. The flying saucer is coming…” The one-eyed hawk’s lips trembled slightly.

“Bang!” But he just said the beginning when he heard a loud noise, and the flying saucer crashed into an ultra-solid high wall as if out of control.


The super solid wall of the high wall burst into pieces, and the flying saucer was also broken in half!

This is also thanks to the front end all split up and in pieces. At the moment when all split up and in pieces were flying, a stress response energy shield was lit up, saving the remaining half of the flying saucers…

Too fast Up! This speed exceeded the’safe driving speed’, and the protective shield that caused the stress response did not light up, and the’head’ of the flying saucer was broken…

“Hiss…” Everyone was astonished, this Only then did I know why Huang Ji had to build a wall there.

The wall is two hundred meters high, especially the top, which is entirely made of super-solid material, like a bird-blocking net.

This consumes a lot of materials for them, resulting in no more materials to make warheads, so the ammunition of the kinetic heavy artillery is seriously insufficient, and only three rounds can be fired.

Originally, Luo Yan and the others thought it was too wasteful and the allocation was unreasonable, but because Huang Ji arranged it, they didn’t say anything. Now it seems that it is not wasted at all, even blood is earned.

This wave of impact, how can Otis’ flying saucer be half-worn?

“Fire!” Luo Yan roared at the same time with two horns.

No need for him to shout, Chu Shaojun in the base also knew to fire the cannon. The giant cannon instantly locked the flying saucer that fell to the ground and could not fly.

“bang! ”

A fifty-ton high-density warhead could not even be seen, and it hit the flying saucer.

The energy shield of the flying saucer disappeared inexplicably, and it was stuck!

Under the heavy blow, a 1000-meter-high mushroom cloud burst up from the rocky surface, and the dust covered the scene.

Follow closely from behind are the second and third shells!

“bang! bang!”

There were three shells in total, which were all blasted out in one breath.

The white mushroom cloud turned red and dark black again, and the earth and mountain range shook violently.

Everyone feels that the air pressure increases sharply, as if they are in the deep ocean.

This is still a long distance between people. If you are hit by a frontal strike, the pressure is not much worse than a nuclear explosion. This is not a nuclear explosion, but pure kinetic energy.

The biggest point of its formidable power is that the fifty-ton warhead has an ultra-thin gravitational field on its surface.

The material that hits its surface will be tightly sucked on it, causing the warhead to become more and more mass, and this will not cause it to stop.

Because the attack method of the kinetic energy heavy artillery is also anti-gravity, its basic principle is the same as that of a flying saucer, using the earth’s gravitational field.

The gravitational field is the sea and the flying saucer is the boat. Anti-gravity can be realized by changing the direction of gravity on itself.

In this case, the shells of the heavy artillery are equivalent to continuously subject to gravitational acceleration. The longer the range, the faster the speed, and the more matter absorbed in the middle, the greater its kinetic energy.

This is the interstellar cannon. The trajectory is long enough or the warhead is heavy enough to shatter the earth.

Unfortunately, the tracking ability is too poor, and it can almost only hit a fixed target. The distance is so close now that it can only exert the formidable power of the initial speed.

“hong long long!” The shock wave continued to spread, and dust covered the sky.

“eeeehhh er Eaaah!” It was not Otis who screamed, but Luo Yan and the others.

There is a base on site, where everyone is hiding. Everyone also wears a batch of small energy shield generators manufactured in batches on the production line, sophisticated lightsabers, and handheld plasma guns.

The terrifying shock wave did not hurt them. Instead, it was the noise of their own kinetic energy heavy artillery, which penetrated their eardrums. The brain, internal organs, and even nerve conduction were violently impacted and affected, one by one. bleed!

Fortunately, they all have Huang Ji’s medical kits, and with the help of space fungus within the body, these injuries may be very serious for mortals, but for them, a little Take a break and it will be fine.

“What’s the situation? It was Otis’ attack?”

Everyone stood up swaying, An Luban was the first to react, looking towards the heavy artillery: “It’s the noise of heavy artillery! What did Lu Wu do? I missed the installation of the noise reduction and sound insulation module?”

An Luban is responsible for the construction of the base. He still knows a little about various facilities. He knows that he has killed a thousand enemies just now. In the event of a loss, the equivalent to person approached the giant fort, but was deafened because he did not absorb sound waves.

“There is always a price to install so quickly.” Huang Ji calmly said.

Everyone is speechless, no wonder the installation is finished in 3 minutes, it is horrible, it turns out that there is no anti-noise net…

They know what is called’the most suitable’, relying on medical skills High, unnecessary safety measures can be omitted, so naturally a lot of steps can be saved.


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