The Omniscient

Chapter 359

On the afternoon of April 13, an armored convoy, grandiose came to the mouth of the Kunlun Mountains in Qinghai.

Fourteen hours later, at 7:45 am on the 2nd day, there will be an earthquake in Yuzhu.

Of course, the existing technology of mankind can’t detect it at all. Yu Moshuo has determined that this will be the crustal movement actively caused by natural perturbators.

“Where is the natural perturbator? Isn’t it the Yuzhu earthquake? What are you doing in Kunlun Mountains? A few hundred kilometers away.” Yu Moshuo asked.

Huang Ji got out of the car and looked towards the rugged mountains in front of him.

He faintly smiled and said: “How do I know where the perturbator is? I can only let him take the initiative to come to us.”

“Ah this…then if he doesn’t show up What?” Yu Moshuo frowns saying.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Find an open place, summon he will do it, what about the maltose I asked you to prepare?”

“Call…summon?” Yu Moshuo said : “I prepared two tons of maltose. I can assemble it if it is not enough. It is very simple. What are you doing?”

Huang Ji painted a complex and beautiful geometric pattern. It looks like a combination of text and pictures, full of symmetry and a certain fractal beauty.

He handed it to Yu Moshuo and said: “When the time comes, zoom in on this picture at 1:100 and draw it on the ground with maltose. I believe he will appear soon.”

“You won’t give me a summon, will you?” Yu Moshuo surprised.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “You can say that it is a summon array. In fact, this is a nature thing with the crop circle.”

He quickly put the earth Let me introduce the cause of the strange crop circles. Most crop circles that appeared out of thin air were left by alien tourists.

A few are forged by humans, but there is a very obvious difference between the forged by humans and the real crop circle.

Forged wheat field circles rely on manpower to overwhelm the wheat stalks one by one, so the wheat ears are scattered all over the ground, and the wheat stalks are also broken and eventually withered.

The space alien uses extremely fast electromagnetic radiation to blast the inside of the wheat stalks accurately. There will be burn marks of heat radiation inside the wheat rhizome nodes, and the joints are extended and bent, making them fall down. Down, but it can still grow.

The wheat ears are also growing well on it, and even because the whole process is too fast, the real crop circle often finds many dead insects. They were killed instantaneously, so there was no time to escape. The crop circles forged by humans are impossible.

In addition, the forged wheat field circle will not affect the soil quality, but the space alien method will allow the wheat field to show a general geometrical image even if it is harvested and planted again next year.

If this continues for two to three years, the traces of the strange circle on this land will completely disappear.

“There are few crop circles created by space aliens for messages to humans, but for other alien tourists. 80% of crop circles are just stamped by space aliens.” Huang Ji said.

Yu Moshuo continued: “Similar to a trip here?”

Huang Ji said: “The strange circle that expresses the meaning of this trip is extremely rare… what I said Stamping mainly refers to leaving personal badges, family badges, corporate badges, national badges and other marks.”

“Most of them are advertising, that is, product links.”


Yu Moshuo stunned: “Commodity link?”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Yes, to us, it seems to be just a beautiful pattern, but in fact, anything in the Star Alliance An alien citizen can get a lot of information as long as he scans the crop circle, such as the detailed introduction of a certain product, or even the promotion of personal attention, or simply visit a terminal. You can understand it as interstellar QR code.”

“Of course, in a primordial sub-Civilization land equivalent to a nature reserve, printing this thing, strictly speaking is not allowed. But the little gray man turns a blind eye , It doesn’t matter. After all, earthling can’t understand… Little Grey can take the opportunity to grab some money and make some extra money. This is basically their main income…”

Yu Moshuo was dumbfounded: “That If we decipher the crop circle…”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “It’s useless, you read the advertisements of other products, can you learn the technology of that product? And the earth is really not a What a good place, the exposure is very low, the corners are awkward… You can imagine the advertisements that will be printed on the earth, what they must be…”

Yu Moshuo startled, Gu Feng next to it Interrupted: “It’s similar to a small paper sticker in a public toilet?” Huang Ji said with a big smile: “Almost, but not so exaggerated, it belongs to the kind on the telegraph pole…”

Yu Moshuo asked: “You said that 80% is this kind of stamp, then what is the other 20%?”

Huang Ji said: “That’s a comment , Some comments on the earth, etc., as long as humans discover that a certain crop circle suddenly becomes more complicated after a few days, or a new crop circle pops up not far away, it is basically two waves. Visitors are posting and replying.”

“The pattern I drew is actually a message. The meaning is very simple. It mainly introduces the origin of Torch Dragon, and Mark his location just below the land. “

Yu Moshuo was startled, and then said, “Isn’t this irritating him?” “

“He sneaked over to steal the tomb, you just put in a sign and said,’The tomb is here’. Doesn’t this protects a beating? “

Huang Ji nodded and said: “It’s a little preserves a beating, but this forced him to show up. At least, he has to come over and destroy the’brand’. “

Yu Moshuo thought for a while, yes, I don’t have to talk about it, just push him out like this.

“Hoo…I still feel like doing it directly, too risky Now, he can lift the Torch Dragon directly from the ground, sail across the interstellar and leave the solar system…This kind of existence, are you sure you are sure to kill him? “

Huang Ji said: “If he gets serious, of course we can’t help it.” It is conceivable that he must have some kind of super defensive means, which can at least withstand a blow from the moon. “

“Because when he took Torch Dragon away, he must have been unable to hide from the moon monitoring. The moment he ran away with something, he was equivalent to Mingqiang. “

Yu Moshuo said: “Yes! So how do we kill him? The formidable power of your Wing God is not enough, right? “

“And how do you know Torch Dragon is under here? You just talk about it and believe it? “

Huang Ji said: “It doesn’t matter if he is believing or not. The point is that he can’t let others know that there is Torch Dragon in this area before he finds the detailed location of Torch Dragon. Otherwise, he will have more competitors. “

“In addition, I knew the location of Torch Dragon a long time ago. “

Yu Moshuo was surprised: “The space alien doesn’t even know, how would you know?” “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Remember? He didn’t know what the thing was, but I reminded him, so that he exchanged a lot of knowledge with me. “

“The perturbator didn’t understand the culture of the earth at all. It was just a coincidence that he knew that Drakonian had left the climate controller on the earth back then, nothing more. “

“That’s why he used the stupid method of making Seismic Wave to find it, and he started looking for it in Haiti, where he couldn’t reach it. “

“His description of that machine is exactly the same as the Torch Dragon in Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the location is also very clear in Classic of Mountains and Seas. We can naturally find it before him The approximate range. “

“Torch Dragon is located at the bottom of Zhongshan Mountain, 84410 li northwest of Negzi Mountain, which is Zhongshan Mountain, and a thousand miles southwest of Zhongshan Mountain is Kunlun Hill. All three are on the same mountain range. Find any one of them and you can locate all other mountains. “

Yu Moshuo nodded, Huang Ji had already told him about the ancient face on the way here.

Let them understand what Kunlun is and what Kunlun Hill is , Even with Shao Hao and Fuso Toka Divine Tree.

Originally Yu Moshuo believed that Classic of Mountains and Seas is a myth, but now Torch Dragon has been found by the space alien. He I can’t think that Classic of Mountains and Seas are all fantasy. Without wind there cannot be waves, he can only re-examine this ancient document.

The more he reads, the more he feels that the ancients are simply a dance of demons.

“But you are in the wrong place. The Kunlun Mountains we now define are not the same thing as the ancient Kunlun Mountains. What are you doing in Kunlun Mountains? “Yu Moshuo asked.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Indeed, this is not Kunlun Hill. It was originally Buzhou Negombo Mountain. “

“What! Buzhou Mountain? “The people present were stunned, glanced around, and didn’t see which mountain resembled the legendary Buzhou Mountain.

Yu Moshuo said in a puzzled way: “There are countless mountains and mountains here, which one do you mean?” “

Huang Ji said: “It’s not any of them, Buzhou Negombo Mountain, like Kunlun Hill, is not a geographical mountain, but a towering building. “

“It has long been demolished as an illegal building, and here is just its original site. “

Yu Moshuo interrupted: “You wait a moment, how do you know that Buzhou Mountain is a building?” Just because it is too exaggerated in the legend? “

It is said that Buzhou Mountain is a pillar of heaven, supporting the sky. In ancient times, people could go up and down here, so it is also the road of heavenly ascension between Heaven and Earth.

This legend Familiar, almost everyone in Hua Country can say two paragraphs, but because it is not in line with reality, it can only be a myth.

In this regard, Huang Ji calmly said: “This is not a myth, this so-called heaven Zhu is a space elevator. People can go up and down here. Heavenly ascension goes to Heaven Realm…”

“No… the more you talk, the more mysterious you are. “Yu Moshuo interrupted: “I admit that there are some real prototypes in Classic of Mountains and Seas, but Heaven Realm is too ridiculous, right? We all know that the’sky’ is just the atmosphere, and the outer atmosphere is space. A pillar of heaven straight up the Heavenspan world. This is the beautiful imagination of the ancients… because they don’t know what the sky is…”

Huang Ji interrupted him in turn and said: “No, they know, there is The place where the heavenly people live. “

Yu Moshuo said: “I know what you mean, you want to say that Buzhou Mountain is a space elevator, and above it is a space station, where the space alien lives, so there is Buzhou Mountain and Heavenspan. s legend. But forgive me to speak bluntly, it’s a bit far-fetched. I don’t think the ancients could use the space station as a’sky’. “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “High Civilization, who still lives in the space station? Or do you really think that the advanced Civilization space station is the style of our current space station? “

Yu Moshuo was taken aback.

Huang Ji continued: “The’sky’ in the legend of Buzhou Mountain refers to the moon. “

“What! Wait a minute! Moon? This is impossible, first you say that Buzhou Mountain is a space elevator, then it is fixed on the ground. The other end is connected to the moon, isn’t the relative position of the earth and the moon fixed? “Yu Moshuo frowns saying: “Moreover, the distance between the earth and the moon is three 180,000 kilometers. Even if they have this kind of technology, I don’t think they will bother to build an elevator. Isn’t it more convenient to open a spaceship? “

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “At that time, the Earth and Moon were indeed fixed, and the Moon was very close to the surface! “

“So to the people on the ground at that time, the Moon was so big that it almost covered the sky, so it was called the’sky’. In the Asian region at that time, you could see the so-called’Heaven Realm’ when you looked up. There are a large number of buildings on the Moon Sea, and even spaceships are anchored. Buzhou Mountain is connected to the moon, and various space aliens such as Drakonian go up and down here. “

“From the bottom up, Buzhou Mountain seems to support it, so it is called Tianzhu, and because it is an elevator, it can also be said to be a sky road. “

“And in Classic of Mountains and Seas, it has a more vivid official name of “Bei Zhou negative son”. “

Yu Moshuo imagined that picture, it was terrifying.

The moon is very close to the earth, connected by a pillar, like a dumbbell. The moon is much smaller. From space, it is the big ball connected to the small ball, and the mother is carrying the child.

Yu Moshuo shivered and said: “Impossible! Isn’t it because the moon has not risen and the moon has fallen? One revolution of the earth is equivalent to one revolution of the moon. The distance is so close, under the action of gravity, floods and tsunamis are bound to be frequent, and even cause monstrous tsunamis. “

“The earth’s rotation speed will also slow down, and the entire climate will be completely different from now. “

“That’s right! The moon so close, you said, to look the same as the sky, which means that the sun is no longer visible! The equivalent to the Western Hemisphere does not have Moon, while the Eastern Hemisphere has a total solar eclipse every day. No, it’s not a total solar eclipse problem anymore, it’s total darkness! Can kill people in the cold! “

“Without sunlight, all vegetation cannot grow, and without plants, animals cannot survive. “

“according to what you said, it is indeed a’failure son’, it is indeed a Tianzhu and Tianlu, but it is completely unsuitable for human survival! “

He questioned like a gun, and the people next to him were also frequently nodded. The moon is too close to the earth, which is devastating to the entire earth’s ecology, it will not be what it is now!

However, Huang Ji calmly said: “In ancient times, the four poles were abolished, the Nine Provinces were split, the sky was gone, and the earth was not full. The fire will never die, the water will never cease… There are Nüwa mends the heavens. “

Everyone was stunned. This is the earliest description of the legend of Nüwa mends the heavens.

Huang Ji continued: “The sky will not be overthrown, and the earth will not be loaded. It’s because although the moon is close, it doesn’t completely cover the sky. It’s just that people in the northwest of Hua Country are shrouded in darkness, plus a large area of ​​Central Asia plus Russia’s Far East. “

“The abnormal gravity naturally causes the earth to collapse, and the appearance of various sinkholes, earth fires, and tsunamis, as if the earth cannot carry everything. “

“This scene like the collapse of the sky and the earth is called’the sky does not cover at the same time’, and the’land does not carry’. Therefore, the pillar that fixed the moon later was called the imperial negative son. This was not only because of the lack of a mountain shape, but the shape of the Buddha Mountain was cut off on both sides, leaving only the shape of the middle pillar. “

“At the same time, it also corresponds to the phenomenon of’insecure’. The name was not taken randomly. It can be said that it has a deep cultural connotation. It can be regarded as the “idiom allusion” of Ancient Era. “

Yu Moshuo was stunned. Lin Li secretly smiled behind Huang Ji. He laughed that Huang Ji’s self-confidence can always infect others. He said it as if he had seen it with his own eyes! Although Huang Ji seemed to have a little evidence. No, but people can’t help but believe him.

“Nüwa mends the heavens, not Zhou minzi…” Yu Moshuo murmured.

Suddenly he said, “No. , You said earlier that the ancients thought it was too big and almost covered the sky, so they regarded it as’heaven’. But what is the heaven of Nüwa mends the heavens? The ancients still knew what the real sky looked like, so they wouldn’t be confused between planet and sky. “

Huang Ji said: “‘Tian’ is just a name, there are many kinds. Such as blue sky and heaven. “

Yu Moshuo was stunned.

Huang Ji said: “The moon keeps approaching, as if the sky is falling. It was originally a white spot, but then it grew bigger and bigger, like a hole, and then later It almost covers the sky, the sun does not shine on the surface, and it looks dark, just like the’blue sky’, which has been replaced by the’cang sky’! “

“In the northwest region, the era when you can see the blue sky when you look up has passed…turned into an era of dark firmament where the sky is mysterious. Until this era, there was an Emperor who cut off the sky, pushed the sky away, pressed the earth, and ousted the gods, Danger Land! “

“Although he is only a primordial person, he and his ancestors have proved human wisdom to the order of the entire galaxy. “

Yu Moshuo’s face was dull. He had already learned from Huang Ji what is Danger Land Tiantong, and he also knew why the space alien no longer appeared, and why the starry sky was silent.

Didn’t expect, I was connected to this. The earliest name of the moon was actually Cangtian.

This is a heaven with gods, physical heavens, not conceptual heavens.

Huang Ji continued: “As you said, the arrival of the moon will naturally lead to drastic changes in climate, abnormal gravity, continuous heavy rain in the sky, and endless floods on the ground. Although human beings are in dire straits, they are not extinct because of the existence of Nuwa. She supported the so-called’cangtian’ and stabilized it in a suitable position, building a pillar to support the sky. “

“Of course, this is not just a mere support of the sky, it just looks like, she used technology that humans could not understand at the time to stabilize the orbit of the earth and the moon and keep the moon in a proper position. , Revolving with the earth, not purely by an elevator to maintain. She actually repaired not only the sky, but also the atmosphere and the earth’s magnetic field. “

“On this period of history, only the East can see a glimmer of it, because the moon falls here. On the other side of the world, they also have the myth of the Great Flood, but they only describe heavy rain and floods, but not the details such as “collapse of the sky” and “holes”. They only think that they are guilty. These are all Divine Punishment. . Because they haven’t seen it at all, they are not in the same hemisphere with us. “

Yu Moshuo pondered for a long time and said: “Even if Nuwa has recovered from the disaster, the moon is still there, too close. As long as it stays there, the abnormal weather will continue, and humans cannot survive. what! “

Huang Ji sighed: “I know, you can’t survive normally, but have you forgotten Torch Dragon?” “

Yu Moshuo slapped his head, he really forgot!

“Yes, Torch Dragon…” Yu Moshuo remembered, the thing the perturbator was looking for, right? It’s the climate control instrument left by Drakonian!

Huang Ji said: “Nuwa has been able to deal with the disaster caused by the sudden landing of the moon, but she can’t maintain it all the time, and it’s not enough to stabilize the orbit with Buzhou Mountain. She couldn’t solve the continuous drastic changes and the lack of sunshine, so Torch Dragon was brought. “

“Torch Dragon stabilizes the climate and pressure, and illuminates the darkness caused by the moon’s shadow in the Northwest! So humans can still survive. At best, the gravity here is relatively low. Everyone can climb mountains and ridges. Powerhouse can jump several feet and so on…”

Yu Moshuo said with emotion:” This… does give you a circle, but the shadow of the moon covers the earth, shouldn’t it be unrecorded! Gushu mentions such a big matter. “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Who said there is no record? Indeed, because of Zhuan Xu’s Danger Land Tiantong, Civilization regressed and ruined a lot of history. There are also reasons such as the change of dynasties and the loss of generations. There are almost no relevant records. “

“But there are still legends. Regarding the Torch Dragon, Wang Yi wrote “The Songs of the Chu”, saying,’There is a netherworld and sunless country in the northwest of the sky, and it is illuminated by a candle with a dragon. ‘. Guo Pu of the Jin Dynasty also quoted “Poetry with God’s Fog”:’The sky is insufficient to the northwest, and there is no news of Yin and Yang, so there is a dragon title Fire Essence to shine in the Tianmen’. “

“These books are learned from previous records, and the previous books are also learned from earlier books. Repeatedly, the earliest surviving is Qu Yuan’s “Heavenly Questions”! “

“There were relevant records at that time, but it was by no means the earliest record objectively, because Qu Yuan was completely confused after reading it… After all, Danger Land has already been connected to the sky, and all traces have been erased. So people at that time didn’t understand what a sunless country was. “

“Qu Yuan asked about this: Northwest Piqi, how Qi Tongyan? Not good day? How about Torch Dragon? “

Qu Yuan’s question of heaven, great and famous, contains many of his incomprehensions about myths and ancient history.

The meaning of this sentence is very simple. West North Heaven Gate opens. After that, what breath passes through? How can the sun not shine there? How does Torch Dragon shine on it?

Huang Ji said: “Torch Dragon is regarded as day, staring at night, blowing for winter, and calling for Summer, no drink, no food, no rest, breath is the wind…”

“Qu Yuan’s perplexed resurrection of the four seasons of wind is the wind blown by Torch Dragon, and the light that the sun cannot shine is Torch Dragon. Shining light. “

“Why does Torch Dragon exist? Because there is really no sun. The reason why there is no sunlight there can only be blocked by the moon. “

“The reason why Qu Yuan is confused is why people don’t know it today. It is that we live in a new era opened up by our ancestors. “

“The ancient Nine Provinces were cracked, the sky was not overwhelming, the ground was not full, the fire would never die, and the water would never cease. The era of the chaotic’cangtian’ humanitarian order has been ended. “

“The ancestors have achieved the ultimate, now and in the future, we still need the efforts of future generations to lead our era. ”


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