The Omniscient

Chapter 352

Brando took advantage of the situation and fled the scene. With the help of the night, he fled to a county town, and walking forward was the ancient town of Shaxi.

The repeated encounters made the number of people around him less and less. At this moment, only Zoe was left in a coma.

He reviewed Granny’s sneak attack before: “Why would someone ambush at the exit of that line?”

“It makes no sense, can Hua Ji receive my latest model The spore signal?”

Brando is unwilling to suspect that Fran betrayed him, and this woman has no chance to betray him, so the only possibility is that the spore signal that he and Bayland locate each other is also blocked by Hua Ji and the others. It was detected.

“Fortunately, I stepped on this small town a long time ago. Most of the houses are it’s empty…”

“And there is a flour mill over there, I can get it from the warehouse Climb in.”

“I will find a place to hide now. If I can still be found, then the spore signal must be exposed.”

I saw Brando. He expelled the spores sent by the body within the body and threw them at the entrance of the town.

After that, he turned around, found the warehouse of the flour mill, turned in and hid behind the window, and peeked at the location of his spores.

While he waited while looking at the electronic map, the red dot of Bayland was also getting closer.

Suddenly, he saw Granny driving a car and chased to the door of the town.

The tall woman, holding Coyote in one hand and holding Fran in the other, is watching around.

“Hehe, sure enough, they can locate my spores. The rebels hid my spores in the migratory birds in the First World War in New York. Was that also Hua Ji’s handwriting?”

Brando realized that positioning spores could never be used anymore, at least not on himself, so he must merge with Bayland.

“Hide here first…huh?”

Brando thought, suddenly a strong wind came in behind his head.

His hairs exploded all over, and he intuitively felt that death was approaching. He didn’t even dare to turn his head back, and instantly jumped forward.

At the same time, he made an action to save his life, that is, holding Zoe in his hand and moving backward!

The great horror of death on the verge of death disappeared, and Brando was also bombarded by a wave of air and hit the concrete square outside the warehouse.

“Very dangerous! Almost dead!”

Brando was horrified. If he hadn’t had an idea just now, the reaction was so fast, I am afraid that the back of his head has been opened!

“Who is it!” Brando turned around and asked in surprise.

I saw Luo Yan standing there in the warehouse where he originally stayed.

“Brando, let Zoe go, I will spare your life.” Luo Yan calmly said.

Brando is stunned, why is Luo Yan in the warehouse? Luo Yan had a sneak attack from behind him just now, which means Luo Yan was waiting for him in the warehouse before he came in.

What’s the joke? He threw the positioning spores at the door of the town. How could Luo Yan wait for him in the warehouse in advance?

“Why did you know that I would enter this warehouse? Why is motherfucker lying in ambush everywhere?” Brando gritted his teeth.

Luo Yan took a deep breath and said: “Hua Ji from the very beginning, and laid an inescapable net. Once Granny did not stop you, then this small county town is the only way for you to escape , And I’ve been waiting for you here.”

Brando heart startled, really Hua Ji planned it, and even planned the own escape route in advance?

“hmph, I always plan several escape routes at the same time, even if one or two are guessed?”

“Thanks to Luo who was the sneak attack just now Yan, he cares about Zoe too much, so I use Zoe as a shield. He is suffocated everywhere.”

Brando is fortunate that although Luo Yan is ridiculously strong, he still has life.

“Bang!” I saw Luo Yan in the next second, pu chi on his head, a pair of horns were stained with blood and burst out.

Luo Yan took a deep breath, and never vomited it again, but steam gushing out from the pipa bones on both sides.

Brando feels extremely strong pressure assaults the senses, he feels that Luo Yan is stronger than in Shengqing Island!

“Are you stronger again?” Brando’s eyes widened.

Luo Yan’s vocal cords vibrated: “My normal state is S5. After I transform into S7, you can’t run away.”

Brando’s mouth twitches, why are all the layered pupils Become stronger? What medicine did they take?

Now it’s difficult. Although Zoe can protect himself from death temporarily, this is not a long-term solution.

As long as he can’t get rid of Luo Yan, he will never escape. When the time comes Hua Ji’s people are all present and surround themselves, there will always be a way to kill himself and save Zoe.

“I will give you one last chance, Brando, let Zoe go, and I will let you go.” Luo Yan said.

Brando solemnly said: “Will you really let me go?”

Luo Yan said seriously: “I do what I say, save Zoe, and I don’t care about you. , After all, we were once partners.”

The partners he said refer to everyone who was once a layered pupil’s rebel partners.

And Brando thought that Luo Yan was thinking of everyone’s old love when they grew up in Illuminati.

“Let me think about it again…” Brando said while taking a peek at Bayland’s location.

However, Granny and Coyote are obviously one step ahead.

Seeing the movement here, they rushed to two hundred meters and surrounded them.

The three of them presented a triangular encirclement, and Brando stood in the middle and had nowhere to escape.

“I know, if you don’t catch me, Hua Ji will catch me too. I let Zoe go and still can’t escape from here…” Brando said.

Luo Yan said: “Hua Ji is beyond my control, I can only guarantee that you can pass my level.”

Brando said with a cold face: “It’s so good to do business Ah. Hua Ji is in the vicinity, right? I run away from you, and I will bump into him in the next level to stop me.”

“Where is he? Taicang, or Shaxi Ancient Town?”


Luo Yan said with a smile: “These two positions are not in…Brando, how would I know his position? I can’t help you that many. If you want to let people go, I will let you go, wait When he comes, you really can’t leave.”

“Okay! Luo Yan, I believe you once, but I want her!” Brando said, pointing to Fran.

Fran was weakly pinched in Granny’s hands, Luo Yan glanced at said with a smile: “Are you sure you want to bring more burden?”

Brando loudly said “She’s not a burden! Throw her to me and I will let you go!”

“Okay!” After Luo Yan waved his hand, Granny let him go.

Fran came to her, Brando took her and glanced at the horizon, only to see Bayland has arrived, gliding from not far away.

It’s in midair, silent, black clothed, and with the help of the dark sky, it is completely integrated into the background color, and most people really can’t see it.

He has no choice. Bayland still has a silly Huang Ji in his hands. With so many people, they are impossible to escape, Bayland will not float.

Fortunately, I don’t want Fran. He and Bayland take one and can run. But adding Fran is equal to two with three.

So you have to give up either Zoe or Huang Ji. One of these two people can contain Luo Yan, and the other can contain Hua Ji, which Brando didn’t want to let go.

Once he really couldn’t escape in the end, he desperately killed these two people, leaving Luo Yan and Hua Ji, the leaders of the layered pupils in pain for a lifetime, and he also made a profit.

But Fran saved him, Brando hesitated again and again, but decided to take this woman with him, and then gave up a hostage.

“Then you catch people!”

After that, Brando suddenly threw Zoe into the distance!

When Luo Yan saw this, he gave up Brando instantly, turned his body and crossed more than 40 meters like lightning, and reached out to hug Zoe.

At the same time, Brando also leaped high, Bayland arrived perfectly, and the two hugged each other in the air. Brando pulled out the iron umbrella from his waist and spewed tail flames, and the two suddenly seemed like rockets. Fly away.

Bayland was gliding out of the building of Shanghai Lin Li. If the height is not enough, he will step on the wall of the building, climb up, and then jump off the roof.

When Bayland floated to the door of the town, he saw Brando confronting Luo Yan and came to help immediately.

The two cooperated closely and quickly fled.

Brando’s act of throwing Zoe away is to let Luo Yan pick him up, and then waste the reality. But Luo Yan didn’t intend to break his promise, smiled lightly and watched Brando leave.

As for Granny, after a few symbolic pursuits, she found that she couldn’t catch up with the rocket, so she didn’t bother to chase it.

That’s it, Brando escape alive.

He flew out two kilometers until he ran out of fuel and fell into a farmland.

“Escaped! We dumped Luo Yan!” Bayland said excitedly.

Brando was also very excited and said, “Luo Yan will not chase us anymore. He didn’t chase us just now, so he will keep his promise.”

“What promise? “Bayland asked.

Brando talked about what happened just now, Bayland nodded and said: “Understood, in this case, Hua Ji must still bring a group of people and stop in front of us.”

“Haha, Luo Yan has accidentally exposed Hua Ji’s position just now!” Brando said with a smile.

“oh?” Bayland exclaimed.

Brando said: “I asked Luo Yan on purpose just now, where is Hua Ji, Taicang or Shaxi Ancient Town. I originally intended to use Zoe as a bargaining chip and let Luo Yan reveal some information.”

Bayland shook his head and said: “He certainly wouldn’t say it.”

Brando said with a smile: “But he smiled and said that these two places were not, and then he said he didn’t know ……”

“Isn’t this a contradiction? He must know the location of Hua Ji.”

Bayland nodded and said: “It is indeed a bit contradictory, so he actually cares I’m messed up, my mouth accidentally told the truth, and then I don’t know how to find a supplement…”

“Hehe, so there is no ambush in those two places?”

Brando takes his finger Drilled Bayland’s head and said: “Move your mind, the real situation must be the other way around!”

“Why?” Bayland said.

Brando explained: “Didn’t I say that? He smiled. First of all, do you think Luo Yan, a smart person, would expose Hua Ji’s position because of his quick mouth?”

“Even if he cares and is messy, after he accidentally tells the truth, he should have a heartbreak and realize that he seems to have said something wrong, and then reclaim the corners of his mouth…”

“But in fact, Yes, his smile did not abate at all, and he finished that sentence very naturally. This means that he knew in his heart that this contradictory sentence would not affect Hua Ji’s plan and would not really reveal Hua Ji’s position. .”

“In other words, that is definitely not a truth.”

“In short, no matter whether there is an ambush or not, we will not take these two paths!”

Bayland frowns saying: “We have prepared transportation for both Taicang and Shaxi ancient towns, and we have also explored the paths there.”

Brando resolutely said: “Don’t go! Those two The road must not be taken.”

“Go to the river! I would rather drill into the sewage pipe of the water plant and sneak into the river to escape.”


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