The Omniscient

Chapter 332

“Why are you doing this? There is a mess of porridge on the island now, waiting for you to preside over the overall situation!”

Luo Yan was helped by Granny and walked over. Seeing Huang Ji, Adam and others are enjoying themselves here.

He said: “Look over there, now the people under your hand, directly regard you as a god.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “What god is not god Yes? It would be nice if the woman on your side didn’t stabbed me…”

Before speaking, Granny had a decisive expression. She drew her sword and stabbed Huang Ji into the back like a thunderbolt. neck.

“Pu chi!”

this blade, everyone present was shocked!

Luo Yan was right there, and was shocked when he saw this, and slammed his head against Granny, struggling to hold her hand.

But Luo Yan is like an ordinary person now, how could this S2 female sentry hit?

Granni shook Luo Yan away, and stabbed the knife up all over her body forcefully, trying to pierce Huang Ji directly into her head from the back of the neck!

But where else would other people make her do this?

Wali rushed like a gust of wind and blasted Granny away with a punch.

He was mad. Huang Ji was so kind to Wali. Now he finally won, there are still people assassinating Huang Ji?

Wali and his brother were all dead. They were killed by Huang Ji. It can be said that Huang Ji gave this life.

“You traitor! Take it to death!” Wali drew his sword angrily to kill Granny, and opened his mouth to call Granny a traitor.

Granny has no fear. Before she moved the knife, she had enlightenment, knowing that she was bound to die. She wanted to die.

“hmph! A group of rebellious people, dare to say that I am a traitor? Kill if you want!” Granny closed her eyes.

“Ding!” The sword was cut down, but Huang Ji stopped it.

He flicks with the finger, and he shattered Wali’s sword.

“Are you not dead? What are you going to do?” Granny eyes opened and couldn’t help asking when she saw Huang Ji saving herself.

At this moment, Huang Ji’s neck injury is almost healed.

“Why are you asking to die?” Huang Ji asked.

Granni frowned and said: “I am Fez’s person. Master Fez is so kind to me. Now he is defeated and I am not alive.”

Huang Ji Without saying a word, Wali said: “It’s about this time, and he’s still loyal to Fez. He didn’t recognizing one’s family just now, everyone is going to kill!” Granny bowed her head and said nothing.

Wali waved his hand and said, “It’s just right, there is someone else to deal with.”

I saw a one-eyed eagle, carrying Kidd and walking to the front.

Kid was wounded all over and was thrown to the ground. He saw Wali holding his sword and quickly begged for mercy: “Don’t kill me! I surrendered! I surrendered long ago!”

“You are an idiot! When Fez became a little gray, you were still killing our people!” Wali angered.

Kid did not tell him, but just said to Huang Ji: “Master Hua Ji, I know many things about Fez, I still have use…”

Huang Ji interrupted Said: “No one understands Fez better than me.”

Kid startedled, and quickly said: “The layered pupil faction is in charge of Illuminati. I am the S4 Nirvana, and I must be as strong as you. Fabi, but my usefulness is definitely no less than Wali.”

Huang Ji ignored him, just said to Grannie: “Look at him, why are you begging to die? “

Kid replied: “She was promoted vigorously by Fez, and I was also a member of you…in our layered pupil faction, the main purpose is to transmit information and check longevity medicine…I Didn’t let her assassinate you!”

“In this way, I handed in a certificate, what happened to her?”

Huang Ji glanced at Kidd and said, “She will not surrender. , You have to die.”

Kid was stunned, and quickly said to Granny: “What are you doing stupidly? You don’t know the layered pupil faction, but it’s favored by the Lord. Clean out the filthy Illuminati? Don’t you see the Wing God’s name as the master?”

“I order you now to surrender the layered pupil to the orthodox!”

Granny looked boredly Holding Kidd, he said: “We want to build a new era of unity, clear and bright inside and outside, long-term stability, and complacent ambition. Is this someone like you?”

Kid was stagnant and grinned: “You don’t Would you really believe what Fez told you?”

Granni said: “I only believe in Lord Fez. I will not consider any background or gender to promote others. Only the Illuminati he established can Let me feel free.”

“Hua Ji, you are indeed very strong, but I don’t believe that you group of people who set off chaos and violently seize rule for your own benefit.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Aren’t you talking about Fez? For your own benefit, you want to kill everyone.”

Granni closed her eyes and said: “Now it’s meaningless to say anything “

Huang Ji said: “Aren’t you just afraid that the Illuminati we built, it’s still the same? It’s even more cronyism than before, and the class is strict…”

“You are not layered From the pupil faction, I think it’s squeezed out to survive. It’s better to die proudly.”

Kidd added on the side: “Master Hua Ji, it’s like this. She has someone she likes, but to o weak, just an S2. The previous group of rebellious Sword Handers planned to let her marry an S4 like Bobo, but the dog thief Fez stopped and allowed her to freely choose a partner. I think she is worried about this. “

Granny said angrily: “Shut up! Fez is so good to you, do you still scold him? “

Kid also angrily said: “He just wanted to kill us!” What happened to him! “

Granny has nothing to say. She doesn’t know how Fez became dizzy in the end. It’s not like Master Fez in normally, it’s like being in a demon.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Kid, do you have anything to explain? “

Kid was taken aback, and he quickly said about Fez’s plan without omission and in detail, and then went forward, explaining almost everything that Fez had done in the past three years.


Huang Ji said, “Anything else? “

Kid’s eyelids twitched, shook his head and said: “No…”

Huang Ji sighed: “Fez asks you to wait for Otis to go down and tell him about the natural disturber. , If Otis knew about this, he would be furious. I don’t know how many people are going to die. Why don’t you mention such an important matter? “

Kid was surprised: “How do you know!” “

“You are still swinging! You are not hiding this, are you planning to let Otis deal with us and make great contributions to yourself? Damn, kill him! “Wali said angrily.

Huang Ji waved his hand and said to Wali: “This person will be dealt with by you, I just asked. “

“Good! “Wali greeted the one-eyed eagle together and dragged Kidd away.

Kidd is still yelling: “Don’t kill me!” You must use my strength! “

Huang Ji waved his hand, strength? Look at the people he took, Lin Li, Alan, Adams, none of them are top-notch.

Others may value strength, But Huang Ji doesn’t value strength the least. Lin Li is a mortal, Huang Ji wants him to be a first-rate expert, but it’s not difficult at all.

Kid was dragged away, and soon after, Wali and the one-eyed eagle came back with blood on their bodies.

When they first came, they heard Granny and Huang Ji were still talking.

“Sword Hand also cares about dating. ? Isn’t this idle pain in the balls? By the way, Granny, you can’t die…” Huang Ji said.

Granni said in confusion: “Why cannot I die? “

Then his face changed drastically: “Do you want…hmph! If you want me to follow you, it’s better to kill me!” “

Huang Ji gave a white glance, pointed aside and said: “Hey…”

At this time, a group of people came over, it was Nochira, Coyote and the others.

When Coyote saw Granny, startled, he rushed over and shouted: “Granni! You’re not dead? “

Granny was also taken aback: “Why are you here?” “

“I’m with Hua Ji…” Coyote was shocked, looked towards Hua Ji, his face changed and said: “What’s the matter? “

Huang Ji calmly said: “I lied to you back then. “

“Fuck!” Coyote was dumbfounded.

Huang Ji immediately said: “I said she killed her once, and she stabbed me, right? Okay? “

The wound on his neck is still not healed. Judging from the injury, it is indeed a very cruel cut.

Coyote said with a smile: “It’s really… What a miserable deception. “

“Are you miserable?” “Huang Ji said with a smile.

“Forget it, it’s okay…” Coyote shook his head. Although cheated, he was willing to do things with Huang Ji.

At this moment In retrospect, he did a great thing with Huang Ji! Conquered Illuminati directly!

Suddenly looking back, Huang Ji lied to him at the beginning, but the minor things are not worth mentioning. Now Granny Not dying, it’s not a bad thing, but a great thing.

The more Coyote thinks about it, the happier it is. It’s a surprise.

“What’s the situation? Coyote, you already joined the layered pupil faction? “Granni said in surprise.

The two of them were on separate sides, but they didn’t expect to join the opposing camps. Now that the war is over, the winners and losers have already been divided. A big surprise.

Huang Ji said: “Granny, what you worry about does not exist. If you knew we were who, you wouldn’t think so much…”

Granny was even more confused and said, “Who are you? Aren’t they from the layered pupil faction? You violently seize power, you are naturally the president, and the veteran powerhouse of the layered pupil faction is naturally the Sword Hand of the new era, and you have longevity medicine. Since then, power will never change! ”

Huang Ji looked towards left and right: “President? I’m not right, who are you? “

Luo Yan and the others were shocked: “What? Are you not the chairman? “

“It must be inappropriate, why should I be president?” Be a dog for Otis? “Huang Ji said seriously.

The corners of everyone’s mouth twitched. He is not the president. Who should be?

Luo Yan quickly waved his hands when they saw everyone looking at him. Who of you loves to be whoever is, I am now a ruin. I just want to live my life and make inventions. “

“This…” Everyone is stunned, these two big bosses are not right, and the rest are not convinced by anyone else, or there is no president, all Sword Hand?

Seeing their push, Granny was stunned. Now the Sword Hand are dead, and the dragons have no leader. The two biggest commanders and greatest heroes do not want to be the president?

She looked towards Coyote and found out He was snickering and asked him quickly.

Coyote hugged her around her ear and said a few words.

Granny was shocked, and Coyote said, “Go, let’s find someone Talk in a quiet place. “

The two left. Before Granny left, she looked at Huang Ji with an incredible expression. She couldn’t recover for a long time, and she was shocked in her heart: What? He turned out to be the leader of Messiah? Illuminati turned out to be. Was it overturned by Messiah unconsciously? No, it’s… Kunlun Market! This person overturned more than one organization!

Seeing them leave, Eminem said: “brother, I think about this president, but you can only do it. If you don’t want to control it, find someone to help you. “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Since I’ve got someone to help me take care of it, let me just let out the status…”

“Come on! Everyone! The chairmanship is here, whoever wants to be, just say it! Whoever speaks out first is the president! “

As soon as this statement came out, the boys were in an uproar, good guys, Illuminati is long! Is the price of cabbage that much?

Many people realize that this president will become the president. In the end, I still have to listen to Hua Ji and Luo Yan. These two people seem to be superior to Illuminati’s parliamentary seats!

Only in the field, Wali did not say anything, he only listened to Huang Ji!

The one-eyed eagle is the last juncture. Huang Ji pulled a hand and worked on Fez together. It belongs to the Mengxin in Mengxin, so naturally I dare not speak.

Luo Yan is not interested, Don’t say a word.

Eminem is interested, but before he can open his mouth, Nochira suddenly clenching one’s teeth and said: “I want to be! “

Everyone looked at him with weird faces. This is a who thing? It’s so weak that he dare to say it too!

What happened Huang Ji said on the spot: “Okay! From now on, you are Illuminati! “

“What? “Everyone was stunned.


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