The Omniscient

Chapter 323

Everyone looked towards the temple area, where there was originally a fire and black smoke.

At this moment, I don’t know what it was ignited, and suddenly there was a huge explosion!

The center of the explosion seemed to be the low mountain in the south of the temple area. At this moment, the entire mountain was lifted off, and a vast mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The terrifying shock wave spread all around, extinguishing the fire in some areas!

“Um…weng!” The shock wave flattened everything in the temple area, and the two-ton boulder flew out and hit the pyramid!

Bobo, who was beating Arona frantically, was also lifted by the shock wave. The two of them added an iron rod and floated more than ten meters out and rolled on the ground.

The venue of the pilgrimage meeting also collapsed under the impact. This was originally only temporarily erected, and at this moment it was directly collapsed in half.

The clone fighters on the highest platform in the center of the venue were stumbling, but Huang Ji was okay because of his high position. Instead, with the help of this shareholder’s wind, he floated 100 meters above the rebels.

As for the rebels, they fell like the wind blowing rice and wheat.

Fortunately, the shock wave arrived here, basically not much damage, and the rebels quickly stood up.

Even them are fine, not to mention the small units further away.

In the port area, countless loyal men are fighting a small number of rebels.

Among them, it was Adams who led the orthodox people. With a large group of Arona family members, he put down a local rebellion and killed a large number of Onassis family members.

He walked all the way, gathering the remnants all the way, followed by 3,000 people, Evil Dragon, Coyote, Lin Li are also in his army.

No matter which Sword Hand’s subordinates, as long as they are not rebels, they all recognize Adams’ leadership at this moment.

On the one hand, he has the ability to lead people to destroy many small groups of rebels. On the other hand, he is following Veronica by his side, and Veronica is holding the power sword of the Alan family.

This led to more than an hour of fighting, and Adam Si became the commander of King Qin’s division!

Before the shock wave came, he happened to settle the scattered rebels and was ready to go to the highest platform.

“Adams!” Suddenly a team of people rushed up from the sea. A few of them were more than 1,000, but all of them were S-class.

The leader is Kidd!

Adam frowns saying: “Come and pick the ready-made?”

Kidd smiled and drew a sword, which is Fez’s power sword.

He said: “The layered pupil rebellion, I am ordered by Fez Sword Hand to quell the rebellion, and take the post of Jing Nan coach.”

“Now all Illuminati members, listen to my orders!”

Veronica was pleased, and she raised the sword of power high, and said softly: “Arona Sword Hand also has orders. Adam is the coach.”

“Fez himself is the mastermind of the layered pupil. I’m so sorry to quell the rebellion here!”

For a while, everyone behind Adams cursed, be eager to have a try, ready to go with Kidd.

Kid is secretly sighed.

He actually went overseas to dispatch a fleet this morning. After arriving, he found Musta’s fleet.

Kidd talked badly, so he convinced the other party that he was here to fight the rebels, and then sailed separately without interfering with each other.

As a result, I don’t know which talent in the layered pupil faction actually dropped iron phagocytic bacteria on the sea ahead of time. Both fleets were planted, so that he could only swim ashore with an elite team.

The original plan to gather the remnants and rescue all non-combatants, such as businessmen and politicians, has also been stranded.

At this moment, he has only more than 1,000 people. Although they are all elite, it is not easy to annex these Qinwang masters.

After thinking about it, Kidd took out the black wand!

“Hiss!” All of Adam’s troops were a little panicked, especially when they saw that more than 1,000 people under Kidd were carrying heavy weapons.

If this is a fight, although they have two thousand more people, they are definitely not opponents!

Fortunately, Kidd didn’t want to fight. Fez’s order was clear. Once he played, he would only kill the rebels.

“Adams, since we are all destroying the rebels, not equal to me, how about killing the thieves together?” Kidd said with a smile.

Coyote in the team asked: “You really killed the rebels? Isn’t Fez the layered pupil leader?”

Kid angrily said: “talk nonsense! That’s all enemy slander. Lord Fez is the backbone of Illuminati, how can it be rebellious! How can you rebel and believe what you say?”

“Where is Fez? Why didn’t he counter the rebellion himself?” Coyote asked again.

Kid loudly said: “Master Fez is far away in Hua Country. Hearing that Shengqing Island is in trouble, he is coming at full speed, and I am on his order to save people first!”

After hearing this, everyone was skeptical, but there was nothing wrong with this.

Fez did not set a banner to rebel, then he is the Sword Hand, and the sword of power is effective.

However, at this moment, the temple area exploded.

Mushroom clouds soaring into the sky, violent storms swept in, blowing their clothes and hair.

Adam looked towards the west, the blond hair danced wildly, he squinted and whispered: “What is it?”

Kid also looked towards there, corner of mouth twitching, in his heart Secretly thought: “The fire actually detonated the bomb ahead of time…”

It turned out that Fez secretly transported a large number of bombs in the temple area.

Five thousand tons of TNT was hidden in the mountainside to the south. The fire burned for so long and finally detonated it.

“Forget it, explode in advance, this is just a card, if the rebels fight in the temple area, this wave of explosions will kill at least thousands of people.” Kidd Not surprising.

This was the person who was used to blow up the scene, but now it was detonated in advance. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, it is Fez himself who is used to decide the battle.

“Huh? Wait a minute…Master Fez…should not be in that warehouse…”

Kid was thinking, but he saw a person flying out of the mushroom cloud.

Wearing a white robe, a set of icosahedral shields lit up all over the body.

Its 20 faces are transparent, 30 edges are red, and twelve vertices are blue.

The one among them is Fez.

Kid recognized it at a glance, because he knew the shield, but fortunately, Adam and the others could not recognize it because it was too far away, and the person in their eyes was a black Point, can’t see the face clearly.

“Who is that?” Adam Cry out in surprise.

Veronica said: “It must be rebellion!”

Kid was embarrassed: “Uh…”

How do you say? He said that Lord Fez was in Hua Country before and was on the way to counter the rebellion.

In the next second, there was a big explosion in the temple area, which exploded Fez…

Kid had thought that the premature explosion would have no effect, but now he realizes that this wave of explosions , Let Fez play early.

Granny didn’t give Thaksin’s letter, it means that the timing is not yet ripe, he Kidd can join the battlefield first, but Fez will play, then the situation must be set.

“Granny hasn’t been there yet, there is a saying, I’m afraid the Sword Hand are not dead yet… Damn it, it’s not all done.”

Kid is secretly sighed, With such a good opportunity, didn’t expect that there are still a few Sword Hand dead.

Finally, let Master Fez directly eliminate the rebels. This wave of gains has been great…

In the future, Illuminati and Master Fez have the final say!

“Adams! That’s Lord Fez! So he has arrived! Hurry up, let us join forces, follow Lord Fez’s footsteps, and put down the rebellion!” Kidd said.

Everyone murmured in their hearts without saying anything.

Where is this in time? This is obviously blown out.

After all, as long as Fez kills the rebels without setting a banner to rebel, then they have to take orders.

Everyone was entangled for a while, looked towards Adams, and waited for his decision.

Adams said: “We have been fighting for so long and we are all tired. Your reinforcements came just right, and you have heavy weapons. You take the lead in attacking the back of the rebels, and we will raid you behind.”


Kid sneered. This is because he doesn’t believe that he will kill the rebels.

“Okay! My people are all elite, you all come with me! Today, the rebels, not one stay!” Kidd led the people to the rebel positions, killing the rebels, it was a little vague. Without it.

Those who belong to the layered pupil faction are not his. He and Fez are just using the rebels to clean up the waste Sword Hand. It is no more orthodox to appear at the moment, and they will not show any mercy to the rebels.


Kid took the lead in the charge, and at the same time, another team from the side killed!

Drakonian! It is Alexei who is headed!

They rushed to the battlefield at the same time. Although they came in two ways, the people on the highest platform instinctively regarded them as a group!

This is a very natural idea, because now everyone thinks that Fez is one of the layered pupil bosses, and his diehard Kidd suddenly brought a team of elites with guns. Everyone thinks that Fez sent someone to harvest.

Otherwise, why didn’t you come? Kill now?

And also kill with Drakonian?

Huang Ji shouted in the air: “It came just right!”

He didn’t say a name, but it caused a series of brain supplements at the scene like a chemical effect. .

“Fuck! Fez! You came just right!” Musta yelled angrily. Before, I wondered about the relationship between Fro and Hua Ji, but it was too late to think about it.

Because the more critical master appeared, in the direction of the temple area, in a big explosion, Fez was shrouded in a bizarre icosahedron energy shield and came flying over!

To the east, Kidd even rushed with an S-rank army holding a black wand.

In the north-east direction, there are also twenty Drakonians wearing scaly battle clothes and holding a Fire Sword.

This battle is not insignificant.

Especially the Black Wand, this thing brought to the island is his biggest threat to Musta!

Hua Ji is great, but he doesn’t have a black wand, so Musta feels fine.

Once the rebels have a black wand, does it have to?

So Musta’s fear of Kidd and Fez at this moment soared, thinking that Kidd and Luo Yan must not be brought together!

“Don’t let them join together! No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, you lead someone to stop Kidd!” Musta ordered.

Immediately there were more than one hundred clones in the three teams, killing off the high platform, taking Kidd straight, and blocking Kidd’s troops, like a sharp knife, inserted horizontally between the two teams.

A clone like a mad dog, unafraid of guns, running in a zigzag pattern, dodge bullets while splashing hot oil into the wax statue.

Kidd looked dumbfounded with the cloned troops, and started fighting.


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