Huang Ji’s first-class major event is undoubtedly improving medical skills and extending grandfather’s lifespan.

In the next time, he decided to devote himself wholeheartedly to medicine and physiochemistry, in an effort to find a way to treat grandfather as soon as possible.

His learning goal is the first-rate group of medical professors in Shanghai.

Lu Qinggong, deputy dean, is a professor of pathology at Fudan University and the most powerful surgeon in the affiliated hospital.

Half of the master’s and doctoral students in the hospital were brought out by him. They are Fudan’s favorite doctoral supervisors to take students. There are always several graduate students under his name every year.

Its comprehensive ranking of medical skills is less than 3,000 in the world, and everyday all is studying the latest academic papers and improving surgery. It can be said that it is in the peak period.

In the morning, he will participate in a seminar to discuss plans with several chief physicians for a patient with lymphoma.

When most of the people arrived, Huang Ji dressed appropriately, Shi Shiran walked into the Conference Hall and closed the door easily.

He was holding twenty printed data files, came to everyone’s seat lightly, and placed the files in front of everyone on the table.

No one doubted him, and one of them was nodded at him.

Huang Ji sat silently on the seat next to the projection instrument after sending the documents.

Lu Qinggong sat in the main seat, but stared at Huang Ji for a moment, and said strangely: “Who are you?”

Huang Ji quickly stood up and bowed slightly to say with a smile: “Dean Lu, I’m Hua Xu, a student of Professor Yang Qizhong. Something happened to my sister Xiaoqian’s house. The mobile phone has run out, so I can only temporarily entrust me to work. She has transferred the patient’s information to me. She said that the patient’s diagnosis and treatment records at Zhongshan Hospital have been sorted out, and they are behind page 27.”

Crash-bang, everyone turned to page 27, and the result is that the patient’s previous Diagnosis and treatment records of other hospitals.

“The medical advice from Professor Zhang of Zhongshan Hospital has also been sent. Sister Xiaoqian said she put it in the second attachment.”

Lu Qinggong stared at the information Then, while nodded, he waved his hand and said: “Um…well, I see, you can sit down.”

“By the way, do you understand the meeting process?”

Huang Ji said: “Understood, I have also been a mentor’s meeting assistant before.”

“Hmm…” Lu Qinggong didn’t say much, after asking everyone to read the information, they started the discussion.

When discussing the details of the spread of the patient’s lymphoma, he was about to remind Huang Ji that it was time to release the projection, but saw that Huang Ji had already hit the projection on the screen with a snap. Not only that, but also just right. It was the partial scan that he discussed with everyone.

Lu Qinggong was very satisfied, so he didn’t say much, and continued his own analysis.

As the discussion got better, Lu Qinggong gradually got used to the existence of Huang Ji, and he almost forgot that there was an assistant beside him.

Because whenever he needs something, Huang Ji will carefully prepare what he wants.

The entire meeting was extremely smooth, without any small flaws that interrupted thoughts.

When the plan was finalized and the meeting was about to end, Lu Qinggong suddenly realized that Huang Ji, an assistant, was better than any graduate student he had seen!

It is almost completely integrated, as if he also participated in the discussion. Only by knowing what everyone is discussing anytime and anywhere can he show the information he wants so seamlessly.

“You are very good, what is your name?” After the meeting, Lu Qinggong smiled and greeted Huang Ji to come over.

“Hua Xu.”

“Well, Yang Qizhong is a graduate student, right? I think you have a good understanding of the disease just now. Are you also studying cancer?” Lu Qinggong Asked with a smile.

Huang Ji said: “Yes, I am thinking of a medicine to co-stimulate immune lymphoid T cells and block the pd-L1 binding on the surface of cancer cells.”

“Huh? Are you researching this?” Lu Qinggong was taken aback.

He thought Huang Ji was just studying a small topic, but didn’t expect to block the recognition of cancer cells by immune cells.

The key to a chronic disease of cancer cells is that it can mimic a protein recognition pathway of normal cells, allowing immune cells to recognize themselves as normal cells. If a medicine can be found to block this camouflage recognition, the body’s immune system will spontaneously attack and kill cancer cells.

Lu Qinggong said: “This topic is too big for you. I don’t understand it at all. I still know the latest paper. RB is doing research in this area. Domestic pharmaceuticals The conditions are still a bit worse. I also think about this occasionally.”

“Using the human immune system to kill cancer cells is recognized as the best way to overcome cancer in the world.”


“If this medicine is researched out, even if it can’t cure all cancers, it will still win the Nobel Prize!”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I don’t think this is the best Way.”

“oh?” Lu Qinggong was astonished.

Huang Ji earnestly said: “The essence of cancer is genetic mutation. It is a mismatch that occurs during the process of cell replication and division, which leads to breaking the Hayflick limit. There are too many cases. This gene has been mutated, viruses, fungi, chemicals, ionizing radiation, even ultraviolet rays, and family genetic cancer. What is more difficult to prevent is that there are cancers caused by mental stress and life pressure.”

“Isn’t this an organism’s adaptation to the external environment? Some changes are made in the form of genetic mutations, and even such genetic mutations can be written into genetic material.”

“In the final analysis It is indeed a disease, because the infinite reproduction of cancerous cells will destroy normal organs and tissues. But from the macro perspective of species evolution, this can also be called an evolutionary process.”

” The reason why immune cells judge cancer cells as normal cells may not be because cancer cells are’cunning’, and learn this disguise for the sake of own survival. It is a normal biological evolution, natural evolution!”

Lu Qinggong was stunned, he had never heard such strange talks.

Can cancer be an evolution? Immune system should let them go?

He excitedly said: “What are you kidding? Once cancer cells spread, how high the mortality rate is? Do you know? The destructive power of cancer cells is destructive. What evolution is this? It will kill people. Does it evolve?”

“Cancer has a high mortality rate, but it also has a rare phenomenon of’self-healing’.” Huang Ji said.

Lu Qinggong frowned. Indeed, there have been many cases of self-healing in cancer since ancient times.

There are often some cancer patients, and the symptoms disappear naturally, and the unfathomable mystery cancer cells disappear. And such self-healing patients often do not relapse.

“Natural selection, survival of the fittest!”

Huang Ji said: “Both animals and humans will suffer from cancer. This is not a disease unique to humans. Evolution advocates Neutral mutations, natural selection, this is right, but it is incomplete, and cannot explain all phenomena. There should be a third…carcinogenesis!”

“This is a malignant mutation, for a species In the short-term and individual terms, it is indeed a disease with extremely high mortality. But the Civilization of humans is only a few thousand years? The birth of humans is only a few 100,000 years? From the perspective of the macroevolution of the entire species, this malignant mutation The significance may be positive.”

“Of course, humans have Civilization and wisdom, so humans can take the initiative to make unnatural changes. Today’s medical methods use various medicines to inhibit cancer cells. , To surgically remove tumors that have not spread, and also want to block the’friendly recognition’ of cancer cells by immune cells.”

“These methods can of course save people and allow individuals to live. But Judging from the species evolution of the entire human race, the world’s current thinking on cancer conquering may be stifling the evolutionary potential of human beings.”

Lu Qinggong sullenly said: “You also took biology? I taught it. Court Academecian is not uncommon, but it’s the first time I’ve seen you as a deviant like you.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “cough cough…I know that the purpose of medicine is to save people.” , I just can’t help but say that it’s not the best way to contain, remove, and eliminate cancer cells. It’s better to stop it… assisting, promoting, and positively guiding cancer to complete the positive mutation of human genes, so that it’s great Accomplishment. ‘After disappearing on its own, it may be the best treatment idea.”

“Not only has the cancer been cured, but humans are also taking another small step on the road of adapting to evolution.”


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