The Omniscient

Chapter 318

When he heard Huang Ji’s words, Brando’s heart trembled.

Musta said with a sneer: “Betting I’m bluffing? Hua Ji, I thought you were a smart person, but smart people tend to be smart!”

Huang Ji Concentrated: “If you have a seed, launch a missile and let me see.”

“Let me see if your missile is fast or my sword is fast.”

Musta coldly said: “You’re pretty spineless!”

After that, he backed away and retreated four 15 meters away from Luo Yan, and took out the commander.

“This is your layered pupil. Kill it yourself. If you can’t handle it well, then your Medici and Morgan families will be removed.”

There is no doubt that the launcher in his hand can call missile strikes.

As soon as this remark came out, it could be said that Huang Ji was sentenced to death. The members of the Medici family took the lead and besieged.

But a group of S2s rushed forward, but they heard the crackle. Huang Ji slapped 36 palms with his left hand. While each palm blocked the enemy’s attack, he also countered a ball of lightning.

Suddenly, Huang Ji lay down on the ground wailing.

The seemingly fluttering palm, printed on the human body does not have any momentum of flying backwards, but the person just puchi fell to the ground, and the internal organs were severely damaged.

Someone was stroked by Huang Ji’s chest cavity and penetrated the bone marrow. They only felt that the ribs were sifted through by a prickly energy, and they became brittle like peaches. A little bit of force made the heart sore. Can’t get strong.

The viscera and organs are even more like they don’t listen to their orders. From the inside out, people lose their battle strength and vomit blood helplessly.

His hand came out, and combined with the previous sword grab from Saxon, it undoubtedly showed the battle strength of S4Peak, and it was a unique one.

“It’s really hidden deep, any newcomer, everything just entered S3, it is just your disguise…” Musta narrowed his eyes.

Huang Ji loudly said: “I practiced hard for many years, kept my name incognito, beat my body, and tempered my skills. As a swordsman, I still have no status. I bowed in the darkness with humiliation, all for today ……Help the president to reach the summit and clear the darkness.”

“Luo Yan, let go! Even if you believe that he has a fleet to encircle Shengqing Island, as long as we destroy the launcher, he will not worry about it. “

Luo Yan suppressed Huang Ji to stop him from being impulsive, and said: “Don’t be reckless! Musta is by no means bluffing, he must have the confidence to do this.”


“I know that you have been dormant for many years, only waiting for you to be on the front desk today. Now you have failed. I am very unwilling.”

“But there is no way, we have already lost, my time is running out ……”

Huang Ji is extremely unwilling to say: “We are determined to change Illuminati, are you willing to give up halfway?”

“No one is allowed to surrender! Luo Yan! We surrender! , The president must die! Don鈥檛 you see Musta鈥檚 ambitions? You and I may be alive if you change the door, but what about the president?”

Who doesn鈥檛 understand this?

The higher the status, the more unable to live. The law does not blame the public. If the rebels surrender and receive some punishment, they will most likely survive, but only Sword Hand Level 1 will not survive!

Think about the dead Onassis, think about the three Sword Hand who were not the layered pupil at all, but were killed unjustly.

Even they are dead, will Musta really let Fro go?

Even if he is loyal to the president as Luo Yan, he said that he has fallen. Between everyone and Fro’s life, he chose to sacrifice Fro.

And now only Huang Ji is arguing about this, just like Lu Su who persuaded Sun Quan to fight to the end during the Battle of Chibi…

“President! I’m not afraid of death, hurry up Let Luo Yan let go, don’t be fooled by Musta, he definitely doesn’t have a fleet! Believe me, you will die if you don’t fight!”

Huang Ji stared at the chairman and said expectantly.

Everyone also looked towards Fro. Obviously, Hua Ji is a diehard who never surrenders.

This kind of stunner, Fro gave an order, he must dare to fight Musta desperately.

Now Musta has a launcher in his hand, which is more than fourteen-eighteen meters away from Hua Ji and Luo Yan, and is still continuously moving back. Although in theory the two really have a chance to seize the linker, the probability is too small, Luo Yan does not dare to gamble, and now only Hua Ji dares to gamble.

Then the right to choose comes to Fro, the master of the layered pupil, is there a fight?

But how can Fro go all the way to black? In his opinion, Huang Ji is pitting himself with Fez. After listening to Huang Ji’s words, he will definitely die.

Why should he be swept by a group of unfamiliar…people under his banner?

At this moment, I will survive. When Fez comes out to reap the situation, all the natural truths will be revealed, and there may be a turning point.

I saw Fro seeing everyone including Musta looking at him, and said anxiously: “Musta, don鈥檛 listen to him nonsense, I don鈥檛 know him! What Hua Ji, I haven鈥檛 cultivated such a person!”


“Musta, I abdicated, the layered pupil faction really has nothing to do with me, I was plot against by Fez!”

Huang Ji turn pale with fright looked at Fro:” What are you talking about? President!”

Fro angrily said: “What do you look at me! I don’t know you! Are you an Illuminati? What do you do for so many years? I have never seen you! “

“Musta! You believe me, it really doesn’t matter to me!”

“President…” Huang Ji dumbstruck was silent.

“hahaha!” Musta was taken aback and laughed.

Arona and Saxon also sneered.

Luo Yan complexion sank, his eyes are cold.

All the rebels are chilling!

This is it? This is the master of layered pupil? This is the leader they are desperately trying to support?

Everyone can see that there is no one more loyal than Hua Ji! He bet everything on Fro, and now the layered pupil faction loses all the games, everyone has given up, but he does not give up, he wants to fight for a glimmer of survival for Fro.

Why? It is because whoever surrenders can live, but Fro must die if he surrenders.

But Fro actually said, don鈥檛 know him? Still licking his face here begging Musta for mercy, washing everything away.

This boss deserves it, really chilling.

“Musta Sword Hand, surrender to me…” Carmen didn’t even want to look at Fro, dejected.

So far, the two coaches Luo Yan and Carmen have said that they surrender, and many rebels have also agreed to vote.

In the beginning, there were also many people who were not afraid of death, who were disdainful of Musta’s threat and wanted to die with him, but lacked a leader.

When I saw Huang Ji in his early days, everyone thought about it.

Seeing Fro’s attitude, he was instantly frustrated, and his morale went straight to zero.

What is your life? For Fro? He really doesn’t deserve it. Cast it!

There was a loud crash-bang, and countless rebels threw away their weapons. They expressed apathy and lost fighting spirit.

Musta said with a laugh: “Okay, Fro, you know the current affairs!”

Fro sighed: “It’s really none of my business, don’t forget Fez. He didn鈥檛 show up! He鈥檚 on the island. This Hua Ji is conspiring with Fez to pit me. Don鈥檛 be used by others.”

He is not stupid either. He mentions Fez desperately for fear of Musta killing. he.

So he repeatedly reminded him that Fez, the oriole, was still hiding, distracting Musta’s attention.

Musta did not express his position, scanning the crowd with an expression of control, and said: “Who else is not convinced?”

In a dead silence, Huang Ji loudly said: “I’m not satisfied!”

Everyone was in an uproar, everyone voted, why didn’t this person vote?

Musta fiercely stared at him, why is this guy so iron?

Huang Ji raised his head and said: “I just don’t believe that your fleet is here.”

“If I were you, I would directly order the launch of missiles and severely damage a wave of enemies.”

“Success first, then seek others. So the whole audience is terrified, and then you use a nuclear bomb to deter you, which is more convincing.”

“However, your choice is…let Carmen contact In the nearby port, confirm whether the warship left the port last night…”

“Although you hid well, it will show your great confidence in the future, but… your deep in one’s heart is still There is a guilty conscience hidden.”

Brando’s eyelids twitched sharply, with a complex expression on his face.

Musta was irritated by Huang Ji’s words. Indeed, he was really a little vain.

Because he really lost contact with his subordinates, Luo Yan transformed himself before. He seized the opportunity to secretly send two commands, but there was no response.

Finally, it was discovered that Lona had come to power and sent the fifth colony. Then he dared to jump out and use the fleet as a deterrent according to the original plan.

But this is a little bit different from his original plan after all. He does plan to bombard a wave with missiles first, and then talk about the nuclear bomb.

But he was also afraid of something wrong with the fleet, so when he was deterred, his words became’Carmen, you can check it out if you don’t believe it’.

Fortunately, no one in the audience doubted.

After all, he really has a fleet and a nuclear bomb, and he really set off early and came to the Sea Territory of Shengqing Island. I just didn’t know what happened, and issued two missile launch commands without any response.

Unfortunately, Huang Ji, a diehard loyal, is not afraid of death!

He was even more attentive, seeing through Musta’s hidden guilty conscience.

“This child must die!” Musta determined.


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