The Omniscient

Chapter 291

In the afternoon of the same day, Adams completed the drug test, and the test results were excellent!

After receiving the test report, Arona’s subordinate Johnny was very surprised.

“It turned out to be a double pole, you guy, luck is really good.” Johnny Patted Adams on the shoulder.

Adam said with a smile: “No, I will be a family in the future. Let’s go, I’ll treat, let’s have a drink.”

He exudes a strong affinity, After Arona stopped his men, Adams only spent half an hour talking and laughing with the people who came to kill him.

“Forget it with a drink, Detroit’s wine, how can the wine of St. Ching Island taste good…Come with us.” Johnny said with a smile.

Adam Si said: “Where are you going?”

“Take you to see Sword Hand.” Johnny said.

In this way, Adams was also sent to Shengqing Island.

“Hua Xu’s medicine really works.” Adam thought secretly, he knew he could detect bipolar excellence.

At first Huang Ji returned to Detroit and asked him if he wanted to be a sword bearer. After he agreed, Huang Ji injected him with a latent perfect human potion.

The so-called latent perfect human medicine is actually the delay of medicine efficacy, and the intensification and gene mutation are not started immediately.

But in this way, Adams can reach the highest level of adaptability to the potion of blazing and rising.

Adam had already taken the Ascending Potion, and his Ascending aptitude was originally excellent. Now with Huang Ji’s pre-adjustment, Adam Shuangjiyou is as it should be by rights, almost with no difficulty.

“Hey, Veronica’s father is dead.”

Adams knows Huang Ji’s arrangement, let him be the swordman, naturally he needs a name to take over The Alan family, so, Arona Sword Hand must die in tomorrow’s action.

Arona is not too old, he is greedy, cruel, and critical. Every time the sword-holder was taken, he was a beat slower than others.

So up to now, there is not a single swordman in the Arona family, and Adams is now at most half.

But half is enough. As long as Adams’s performance is dazzling, after Arona’s death, the fallen family will inevitably fully support him.

A few hours later, Adams boarded St. Ching Island.

At a glance, the pier is bustling. Although tomorrow is the pilgrimage meeting, many Illuminati people have arrived today and are arranged to live in the port area.

Adam got on the carriage and looked at the scenery all the way. When passing the square, he saw the majestic pyramid and the winged lion statue.

“Eh? How come this sphinx is a lion head and wings?” Adams asked.

Johnny said: “You don’t understand, the Sphinx refers to the sphinx, and no matter which version it is, the sphinx has wings. “

“The sphinx of ancient Egypt was described as a winged monster. As for what has wings, it is casual, and the image has gone…a lion with wings , Sheep-headed lion with wings, eagle-headed lion with wings…”

“In the final analysis, as long as it is a’lion eagle’, it is called a sphinx. This is actually the later’Angel’ The image refers to the same kind of things.”

Adam said clearly: “Oh, so, so the Egyptian one originally had wings, but after the wind and rain, it collapsed, right?”

Johnny nodded and said: “Yes, not only that, the Egyptian one was also a lion head and a lion body.”

“But you think, then the wings collapsed, it looks Doesn’t it look like making a lion lying there? How can this work! So when the pharaoh repaired, he simply re-sculpted his head and portrayed the original lion head as an own portrait.”

” In this way, it is like a sphinx, which smells like a sphinx.”

“Johnny big brother, you know so much.” Adam Si suddenly, it makes sense.

He looked at the giant statue on Shengqing Island, and then recalled the Egyptian Sphinx he had seen, and when he compared it, he felt that the Egyptian one was very contrary.

Because of the Egyptian one, the head is too small, and the ratio of the head to the body is seriously inconsistent.

Like a golden retriever, with a Teddy head.

If it was originally a big lion head, but later it was beaten and carved into an old man statue, then it makes sense, because the head must be several times smaller than the original design.

“Johnny big brother, what the hell is Angel?” Adams asked.

Johnny said with a smile: “According to our current definition, it is a space alien with wings. But the ancients did not have such a rational understanding. All the masters, servants, even weapons, equipment, Those with flying machines, as long as they have wings and shine, are called Angels.”

“It can be traced back to Sumerian Civilization. For example, there is a Ninurta, which is the War in Sumerian mythology. One of God.”

“This War God often carries a hammer named’Sharul’.’Sharul’ is recorded in Sumerian mythology, although it is a hammer , But has the ability to speak, and can transform into a winged lion.”

Adam said with a smile: “Oh? Vajra deformed…”

Johnny indifferent expression said: “In short, this lion-headed eagle’Sharul’ is the earliest prototype of the ancient Egyptian Risphinx.”

“It can be said that it is both a weapon and a mount…In the form of a mount, It is called the sacred storm bird. It can release the thunderbolt and destroy the mountains!”

Adam made an inference: “This hammer is actually the prototype of the Thor’s hammer in Norse mythology?”

“Perhaps, how do I know this?” Johnny shrugged.

Adam Si looked towards the pyramid again. The tips of the three pyramids are shining and exuding golden light, which is extremely eye-catching.

Can’t help asking again: “Then the pyramid, is it a big light bulb or something? Why is it glowing?”

Johnny said with a smile: “This It is the most powerful weapon on Shengqing Island. Only the Sword Hand can control it. When a light comes down, whatever you are, you have to evaporate!”

“What!” Adam was shocked.

He looked towards the Pyramid again and realized that this was the hole card of Sword Hand.

The place on Shengqing Island does not seem to be guarded tightly. The temple area is located on the westernmost side of the island, and the port is on the easternmost side. What if someone turns around? Didn’t it stop them in the temple? catching a turtle in a jar?

It turns out that Sword Hand also has the strongest military force. The three pyramids standing in the middle of the island are also weapons.

“His, not only that, I am afraid that Sword Hand itself will carry some alien weapons or armor with him, otherwise it will only rely on bodyguards…”

Adam secretly Thinking and worrying at the same time, Huang Ji shouldn’t know this yet. Tomorrow’s rebellion might not be so easy.

“Adam!” Veronica saw him in the distance and ran over happily waving her hands.

Adam lifts the head and found that he had reached the temple area. He quickly jumped out of the car to meet him and hugged Veronica.

The two cared about each other a bit, and went to see Arona together.

Arona didn’t have a good face for Adams, but after meeting, Arona’s thoughts began to gradually change.

Because of Adams, his temperament is absolutely extraordinary, and at first glance it gives people a feeling of not being an ordinary person.

After chatting for a few words, this feeling became stronger, and the more I watched, the more I liked it.

Arona is also a high-ranking person for a long time. He has good eyesight. You can feel it after a little comparison. Adams’s manners, Essence, Qi, and Spirit in his eyes are no less than Carmen and Brando. first-rate talent.

I have to say that the first impression of people is too important. Some things are difficult to accomplish at first, but if the person who does it gives a good impression, it may be half done.

In this world, there are few people who Adams can’t get a good impression on.

His ability to manipulate hormones is the magical skill of making friends, falling in love, and meeting leaders.

When you meet first impression, you must first have a “50 liking degree” guarantee. How far the relationship can go after that depends on Adam’s true ability.

At this moment, I just wanted to dismiss something casually, and Arona, who had Adams a year of qualifications, changed his mind.

He thought that Adam’s skills were tempered to Peak, his potential is also excellent, his temperament is good and mature, his own daughter hovered between life and death with his love, this is really a swordsman Good seedlings.

Even if you can’t compete for the Sword Hand position in the future, it’s good to be a small senior in the organization. After all, the own daughter’s reputation is not good, and it’s not bad to have this son-in-law.

Anyway, there are many daughters of Arona, so I can just complete Veronica. Let’s cultivate this first.

He asked someone to bring two bottles of medicine and hand them to Adams.

“Adams, you go to Kidna to report and tell him that you will leave the staff to you, and you will be his deputy…” Arona said.

Speaking, he called Kidd again, thinking it was just a greeting.

Didn’t expect, but Kidd said: “Sword Hand, now it’s Granny who is in charge of this matter. She has been on St. Ching Island for a year. She has always been careful and capable. , Very suitable for the current position, it belongs to the regular meridian selection…”

Arona frowns saying: “Do you think I am not promoted by the regular meridian? The person I recommend is definitely more suitable than that woman. Let He will never have a problem with reception. You will know if you have seen him.”

What he said is correct, Adams’s affinity, even he feels comfortable, is it not good to be a reception?

Kid was speechless. Fez wanted Granny to break into the layered pupil. The layered pupil faction will rebel tomorrow. It will definitely need someone from Granny’s position to cooperate with him to provide convenience and so on.

If Granny loses the position of receiving Chief-In-Charge, it is a mess, even if it is mixed into the layered pupil faction, it will be meaningless, and people will not take it seriously.

“Sword Hand, isn’t it? Tomorrow will be the pilgrimage meeting. Now I will change people…” Kidd certainly couldn’t agree.

Arona raised her brows and understood, and said, “Let’s talk about it, who arranged it?”

He said so clearly, Kidd still disagrees, only that Gran Ni was also arranged by a certain Sword Hand.

Kid helplessly said: “It’s Fez Sword Hand.”

“Did he use a sword?” Arona said with a smile.

The corners of Kidd’s mouth twitched and said, “It’s not necessary…it’s a deacon for normal promotion.”

Arona said with a smile: “I know, I will let Adam S take it. The sword passed by…”

After speaking, he died.

On the other side of the phone, Kidd’s lungs are almost exploding.

Tomorrow will be the pilgrimage meeting, and suddenly there will be a side effect, and it happens to be Arona, who likes taking advantage of one’s position to bully people.

Arona is a Sword Hand who often indulges relatives and friends and his subordinates behave badly. In Egypt, Carmen talked about this in front of many people.

The so-called holding a sword in the past means to let Adams take the sword that represents power, so that this Ren can assign a post on the ground.

It is also an insertion, he really doesn’t shy away from it. In contrast, Fez is planning ahead a year in advance to train Granny. Now that Granny is mentioned to Kidd’s deputy, he must be capable and capable, and must have qualifications. It can be said that doing things is justified and convincing.

Good for Arona,’Fez doesn’t use a sword, right? I’ll use it’! Clean and crisp! A deacon was parachuted directly over Granny.

In this regard, Kidd wants to cry without tears, which makes no sense.

Granni did not make a mistake, and she had credit for it, but Sword Hand said she was laid off when she was laid off. This is called power.

Of course, that’s the case for people below top-level positions. At Kidd’s level, Sword Hand still has to worry about many things.

Kid hurriedly asked Fez for instructions: “…This is the situation, did Arona notice something by doing this?”

Fez was silent for a moment and said: “If I also drew my sword , They are really likely to notice… My murder sword is in Brando’s place, and the power sword can no longer move… Forget it, Adams, let him take office.”

“But Granny What to do?” Kidd asked.

Fez said: “You can work around and divide the pilgrims into two parts. People from Egypt live in the southern part of the port and are contacted by Granny. People from all over the world live in the north. District, contacted by Adams.”

Kid said with a smile: “Good idea, I know what to do.”


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