The Omniscient

Chapter 273

After completing the first space mission and returning to Detroit, Huang Ji summoned everyone for the first time.

The former Messiah and the others, the sentinels such as Seti, and even the Drakonian, all came to a hall with chairs under the rostrum, like a classroom.

This is the first time everyone got together. In front of everyone, Huang Ji said: “This manned spaceflight, Perfection succeeded. Professor Harris, Sophia, and all the comrades who got involved are indispensable. “

Everyone smiled, and Evil Dragon was even more happy. The wind has gone smoothly in the past six months. Messiah is a bit rare, causing a lot of trouble to Illuminati and getting closer to the goal of killing Otis. step.

Huang Ji continued: “I have joined Illuminati. Everyone knows. I have inquired a lot of information from Illuminati in the past two months… Because a space alien has recently appeared, there are some things, Illuminati also knows…”

“It’s like the law in the universe. I used to guess it with a little eyebrow. At Illuminati, I finally figured out the situation of our Kunlun people.”

Everyone is surprised, Kunlun?

Except for Lin Li and Adams, everyone else does not know the true meaning of Kunlun, so Huang Ji repeated his previous analysis.

Lin Li has followed Huang Ji for a long time, and he knew Huang Ji’s deep understanding of Classic of Mountains and Seas a long time ago, so he accepted that the earth is Kunlun quickly.

Others are different. Huang Ji starts directly with the gods, then Fusang and Shiri, Dragon Emperor and Bird God, and finally talks about Kunlun.

On this, there are still many Westerners who don’t understand. For example, they don’t understand what is meant by “clear and clear”.

Huang Ji has to explain it tirelessly: “Clear and turbid air is a saying in the Chinese culture for a long time. You can understand it as an element. The light element rises to form the sky, which is the atmosphere. , The heavy elements sink, forming the earth and the four seas. This is called clear and clear.”

“And in the Universe, not all the’heavens’ are clear and clear, just like not all Planets are all rocky planets, and there are many gaseous planets. For example, half of the planets in the solar system are gaseous.”

“Rocky planets such as the earth and fire star. The sky is the sky, the earth is the earth, and it is clear. It’s clear and bright.”

“A place like Jupiter and Saturn, although it is a sphere, the elements are all gathered together and not separated, but it is chaotic and unclear, like a mess of porridge, this is turbidity No matter what, the world is chaotic.”

Evil Dragon suddenly said: “Oh, that’s what it means.”

Huang Ji has to explain words like this, so many foreigners can understand .

In this way, Huang Ji talked freely, combined with the myths of various countries, and finally made it clear about the birth of mankind and the dispute of Dragon Phoenix, and finally came to Danger Land Tiantong.

“…Yellow Emperor went east and conquered Dongyi briefly. Both sides used a large number of Divine Items. In the end, the Yellow Emperor narrowly won. This was also the last victory of Drakonian behind the scenes. Drakonian was completely expelled from the earth stage and could no longer interfere in human affairs.”

“Because the Anunnaki company completely legally owns the solar system after that, the company has ten presidents, codenamed 0. ~9, the chief No. 0 president is Taihao Dijun in Eastern culture. These ten are collectively called the “Council of Creators”, which are Gods in the Bible.”

Everyone can’t help but stare. Eyes, God turned out to be ten people… No wonder the Bible always calls itself “we”.

Huang Ji continued: “All the decisions made by God in the Bible are mostly decisions made by the top ten CEOs in accordance with interstellar laws, regulations, and company interests. From their perspective, This is’absolute justice’. What they did to humans was just and legal, and they were protecting their private property from Drakonian damage.”

“Humans belonged to the Anunnaki company at the time. The private property of Drakonian cannot be counted as an independent race, so Drakonian’s behavior is indeed illegal, but from a logical point of view, they also have own reasons. First of all, empathy in cultural identity, Drakonian is very emotional Race, they created humans with their own hands, and spread the culture. They don’t want them to become eternal slave races and end up like little gray people.”

“Secondly, Drakonian Civilization likes to foster vassal Civilization, as Sect In the Master country, their Civilization has a’tribute system’. Many Civilizations that are culturally and racially similar to them are their nominal allies of the vassal state and have received a lot of help from them. It is like China, the country of the Star Alliance. Alliance in Alliance.”

“For this reason, Drakonian hopes to cultivate a vassal race.”

Everyone knows that whether it is Drakonian or Birdman, the purpose is not pure. . They are all impossible to consider interests completely from the perspective of human beings.

A god who wants to be a mankind and a god who wants to be a man will rule mankind forever. The so-called slave race is nothing more than pets. As experimental materials and economic commodities, the best case is to engage in the service industry and become servants like the little grays.

So in comparison, to become the younger brother of Dragon Race Civilization, to wave the flag for Dragon Race in the Star Alliance in the future, to charge and so on, seems to be the best destination. Drakonian is really good to the tributary country…

Huang Ji continued: “As a native of Kunlun Hill, the Yellow Emperor understands the human situation better than anyone. The technological gap is irreparable. Culturally, it is also on the side of being ruled. It seems to be a dream to let mankind be completely independent and develop freely.”

“But this dream was made by the Yellow Emperor. He defies the one who supported him to become the emperor. Behind the scenes, the Drakonian did not choose to destroy the Dongyi who believed in the bird system. Instead, he chose to subdue, first martial and later courtesy, tolerance and cultural integration. He reformed the system throughout his life, respected hostile beliefs, and established a new culture.”

“He left a precious human wealth to the people at the time, and his spiritual core is’Honesty’.”

Whether it is a letter dragon or a letter bird, it is earthling. The collective thinking of mankind had already begun to sprout at that time.

Space aliens will not treat humans as their own just because they believe in them. The Yellow Emperor will not treat them as humans because they believe in space aliens.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “The Yellow Emperor did much more than that. He sent his own son to steal the only one bottle of immortal medicine that was in Kunlun Hill at that time. The incarnation was Drakonian, and he passed the space elevator. According to the verification of “Bei Zhou Nianzi”, he soared to the moon and got into a spaceship that was moored on the moon at that time.”

“In other words, he got into an undercover agent into Drakonian Civilization. “

When these words came out, everyone was astonished, especially Lin Li and Old Wang. Why did they feel so familiar with this section?

“Isn’t Chang’e flying to the moon?” Lin Li surprised.

Huang Ji nodded and said: “This is indeed the prototype of the story of Chang’e flying to the moon. The earliest provenance of cultural relics is the “Gui Zang” of the Shang Dynasty. It says that the past will never die. The medicine is from Queen Mother Xi. The’Heng Wo’ here is Chang’e. I don’t know why later generations turned his mother into’Heng’e’. Afterwards, they avoided the Han Wendi and changed the word 姮 to Chang’e, which became the well-known Chang’e. Fly to the moon.”

“The whole incident has nothing to do with Da Yi.’Heng Wo’ is a medicine that was stolen directly from Queen Mother of the West. This story is a separate story, and the full text does not appear too big. Yi. Later, the people of the Han Dynasty forced the two to form a CP, put them together, and changed the’Heng Wo’ to Dayi’s wife, only to say that the medicine was stolen from her husband.”

“‘Heng Me’ is not his real name either, no one in future generations knows his name, so the act of’making me eternal’ is used to call him this person.”

Lin Li Asked: “What does this have to do with the Yellow Emperor?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Because the original text of “Gui Zang” was written, Heng I stole immortal medicine from Queen Mother of the West and prepared to eat it. Later, he went to the moon, but before leaving, he went to the Yellow Emperor and asked about the good or bad of the trip. The Yellow Emperor said to him: “Go ahead! You will encounter darkness, but don’t be scared, don’t be afraid, hold on Going down, there will be infinite light in the end!'”

“So, Hengwo incarnation Dragon Race resolutely ascended to the moon and entered a toad. This toad is also a metaphor, in fact a spaceship. You. Imagine a huge spaceship parked on the ground. The ancients wanted to describe it. It was like a toad squatting there. It was actually very vivid.”

“Various barrels, passages, and deck peripherals, It’s like the bumpy skin of a toad. If it has a huge mechanical structure on the left and right sides of its body, it will be more like a toad’s two thighs bending and squatting.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, and said Huang Ji. Why is his brain so big? It sounds like I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

“Is there any evidence?” Evil Dragon asked, scratching his head.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I really thought that the Yellow Emperor’s trick would be able to undercover a higher Civilization faction without being known? Then the various Civilizations in the galaxy are all infiltrated into a sieve Yes?”

“Yes.” Evil Dragon grinned.

Huang Ji said simply and rudely: “The reason why I know this is also what the natural perturbator said. This matter is almost an open secret. The space alien who understands the affairs of the earth later learned about it.”


“It’s just that Drakonian didn’t kill Constant Me. After all, he was considered his own race, and becoming a Drakonian, genetic influence is almost impossible to betray the race.”

” I prepared immortal medicine for humans. Naturally, it allowed human genes to fly to join them. It’s just that I belonged to robbing others that’s all. He will pay the price he deserves, but he will not die.”

“Drakonian knows very well. He treats his so-called undercover agent very well and treats him equally, allowing him to receive Drakonian education, so Heng I will soon be completely Drakonian in three views. At most, I will be closer to humans, but absolutely This will not harm the interests of the race.”

Alexey and the others were nodded and proud.

Huang Ji continued: “Drakonian’s reaction was actually in the Yellow Emperor’s plot against. He didn’t really want to send an undercover agent to provide help to humans for a long time. This is impossible. He knew it well. All this is what’s gone can never come back, and it’s no use for a son.”

“But taking advantage of Drakonian’s pride, the Yellow Emperor can make an agreement with his own son in advance, so that he will become a permanent Drakonian. I, with the pride of Drakonian, will abide by that agreement no matter what.”

“This agreement must not be too much, otherwise other Drakonians will definitely stop Constant me. But pass on information, such as interstellar laws What should we do about the way out for mankind? Let Hengwo see the world outside, stand from the perspective of the sky, guide the way to life, and even extend a helping hand when necessary. I am afraid that there is no problem.”

Alexey and the others were shocked, thinking that it could be so.

If it is threatening to make a covenant, of course Drakonian is impossible so pedantic! However, Heng Wo is the son of the Yellow Emperor, and the agreement was made voluntarily for the benefit of the’human compatriots’. This is righteous.

So even if the racial stance changes,’Drakonian Hengwo’ will definitely keep its promise and repay his father’s kindness and the kindness of his mother.

Evil Dragon and the others glanced at each other, and said to his heart: Is the Yellow Emperor of the East so cruel? Even the own’ancestor’ dared to plot against and sacrificed his own son. It is really a filial father to his son.

“It’s so cruel, plot against people’s hearts, play with emotions, in the eyes of the Yellow Emperor, whether they are relatives or benefactors, they can all be used.” Lin Li whispered.

Huang Ji stopped talking, and after thinking about it, he stopped talking about the Yellow Emperor female ghost.

I just said with emotion: “The heaven and the earth have great beauty without saying it, and the world has great love without saying it. What does the Yellow Emperor think in his heart, how will future generations know?”


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