The Omniscient

Chapter 261

“What? Found UFO?”

The local Illuminati base got the news in an instant, and the highest ranking Eminem here was naturally notified immediately.

He immediately told Huang Ji about this. Huang Ji was training. He was surprised and said: “Are we going to have to deal with it?”

Amu looked weird. Not to mention, it’s really manageable.

This is the job of a mysterious investigator!

Although the times have changed, it is already an idle job, and almost no investigator is really anxious to track the whereabouts of UFOs everywhere.

But now UFOs are all on their faces, and their duties still have to go.

If you don’t track it, it’s meaningless and you can’t track it. As I said above, space alien is impossible just and honorable to have direct contact with human beings. Even if they are in direct contact, only the parties will know.

UFOs are often secretive, appearing in the wild, occasionally appearing in the city, or under the eyes of the crowd, and they are also swept by. From a distance, it can be said that it is an airplane or a natural phenomenon.

Generally, Illuminati and the military of various countries, occasionally witnessing some flying saucers for a long time.

This time it’s great. There are flying saucers just and honorable to break into human society. It has been more than ten minutes!

It is in broad daylight, and it is also the dock of many people. There are thousands of witnesses in an instant! The local police officers were dumbfounded. They were making noise on the scene like ordinary people. They didn’t know what to do…

Illuminati was the investigator in the whole of Haiti. It can be used as a errand in normal times, but when things come, they still have to be managed.

“Hua Ji, let’s go! The grass is over, why is there such a dragging space alien?” Eminem greeted Huang Ji, and the two immediately rushed to the scene by helicopter.

Eminem used’pull’ to describe this space alien because he believed that the earth was their master’s territory.

That many UFOs appeared in the past, no one has ever been in contact with humans just and honorable in this way. In fact, there are almost no surreptitious ones.

The only people who have direct contact with the government and their Illuminati are the Little Greys.

“…Hua Ji, don’t you know, Otis told us that no one dares to disturb the peace of mankind. It’s fine to make a small mess. If it’s bad, he can kill the opponent directly.”

“In short, we Illuminati must keep the secret of space alien’s visit to the earth. This is also one of the contents of the agreement signed between the U.S. military and Otis.”

Huang Ji nodded asked:” What are the contents of the agreement?”

Eminem said: “It’s more. For example, before 2045, no manned alien landing will be carried out. For example, to protect the existence of Illuminati… For example, to conceal the existence of space aliens… …”

“In fact, it is to restrict space and add a lot of non-disclosure agreements. We are the real shepherds of the Lord, and those signed with the US government are just like goods. Only through this form, All people in the United States who are not ours can keep confidential and always cooperate with us that’s all.”

Huang Ji said: “So what is the price Otis paid?”

Ah Said with a smile: “At that time, Otis promised to provide the United States with some stealth aircraft, nanomaterials, missiles, lasers and other technologies.”

“And it is a long-term supply, every seven years. Once sent directly to Area 51, just like paying wages.”

“For the United States, this will ensure that they will always be ahead of other countries in the future.”

Huang Ji said: “For the organization, it’s just fur, right?”

Am nodded and said: “Of course, this is just a rudimentary thing for space aliens.”

“I secretly tell you that we Illuminati have these technologies, and they are directly packaged and bought through population trade. We have all the design drawings from the three generations of fighters in the last century to the space fighters that are 40 years ahead of the world today. !”

“Why does it take seven years to send a little bit, like squeezing toothpaste? The agreement signed with the U.S. military, Otis didn’t care about it after signing it. Later, we Illuminati paid for it. Divide those technology packages into dozens of copies and send them to the United States.”

In Eminem’s words, there is still a sense of pride.

After all, they directly packaged and bought several decades of technology packages, while the United States can only wait eagerly for more advanced technology every seven years.

The technology that can only be obtained after several decades in the United States, Illuminati has 35 years ago, but it has not yet been realized.

In response, Huang Ji glanced at him, wondering what he was proud of.

For the space aliens, the fighters that have been upgraded from generation to generation are only slightly divided into high and low that’s all in performance, which can only be regarded as basic word problems.

Even if Otis himself does not know how to design, he can design in batches only by using computer programs. Just input the earth’s technology and material foundation into a program, and the program will design itself. A lot of blueprints…

The things that the U.S. desperately want, so that they can always lead the technology package, is something that space alien can mass produce with a fool’s software.

Even if it is one to ten generations of fighters, Otis can arrange perfectly clear for them in 1 second.

In fact, in the eyes of space aliens, this is just a generation of aircraft. It can only be regarded as an update, not a replacement.

No matter how awesome airplanes are, they have limitations. Even if they are designed to be space fighters that can bombard the Earth indiscriminately, they are just toys that’s all for space aliens.

The sense of superiority is contrasted. Taking one hundred shares in one breath, and taking one hundred shares in one hundred years, naturally feels different.

Comparing Illuminati to human compatriots, how do you feel proud of the comparison…

Huang Ji only asked: “What is the validity period of this agreement?”

Eminem said: “This agreement was signed in 47 years, including the current year, and the validity period is 99 years.”

Huang Ji smiled and said nothing. This happened to end in 2045. It was arranged perfectly clear.

“What about after the expiration?” Huang Ji asked.

“At that time, we estimate that we have completely controlled the United States. By then, all the authorities will be people in the organization, and longevity medicine will be maintained. We don’t need to do this form. If it was when the time Comes not at all in control, then just renew another sign at will.” Eminem said.

Huang Ji shrugged and said no more.

At this moment they have arrived at the port, the big ball of light is hanging in the air, wandering freely over the building, treating the crowd as nothing!

In addition to their helicopters, the local police also sent police helicopters close, but they couldn’t catch up with the ball of light.

Eminem also leaned forward, but the ball of light suddenly stopped and retreated, and the two passed by.

“His…this is a big deal!” Eminem thought that after so long, the flying saucer must be gone. He and Huang Ji clean up the mess, instruct the local government to cover up the news, and then collect information. .

But didn’t expect, the flying saucer is still here!

Is it a flying saucer? You can recognize it at a glance. The ball of light arbitrarily travels between the buildings, accelerating, suddenly stopping, rising and falling instantly, and even floating, which completely violates the existing human Aviation capabilities.

“Why? Isn’t he afraid of Otis?” Eminem feels bad. He has never heard of such an awesome space alien, which is even more awesome than the Little Grey. Why?

The little gray people dare not come to the earth blatantly. Why is this little ball of light?

“Wait a minute… the ball of light? He won’t be the messenger of the Lord?” Eminem surprised.

Huang Ji asked: “The messenger?”

Eminem said, “Otis, they are just a kind of servants of the Lord. In addition, there is Angel, the clansman of the Lord. It also works for it.”

“The Lord’s Civilization symbol is the sun, and its race is the’sun descendants’, you can call it the Civilization of light. Almost all the’Sun God’ in human history are The bird’s head, or the winged ball of light, except for those touted, are basically them…”

As he said, he had contacted all parties to block news and request support.

I am afraid that tens of thousands of people have seen the light ball for sightseeing here. If this continues, more and more people will witness and even live broadcast.

Fortunately, the bigger place in Haiti is the back garden of the United States, as well as the back garden of Illuminati.

Illuminati’s local stronghold controlled the spread of news on the Internet early, and all photos and videos were deleted.

As for the people who have already seen it, there is nothing to do. When you see it, you will see it. Tens of thousands of people say that they are a lot less, but they are not too much. It can be washed, because many people will never leave the country for a lifetime.

Even if this group of people solemnly vowed to testify with their own eyes, others will not believe it, and the world will forget it after a long time, and finally it will become a conspiracy theory.

Eminem controlled the plane and quickly caught up with the ball of light.

“This… This Angel, I am a member of Illuminati. If you have any needs, please go to Shengqing Island in the Pacific, where there are pyramids to guide you.” Eminem shouted courageously .

“Does he understand?” Huang Ji said.

Eminem whispered: “It must be understood, Otis will be fluent in English, even Chinese and Hebrew… Even if this space alien has never studied, he must have us. Language database. In fact, I still have two sentences of Little Grey’s language, which I just learned by auditing, but unfortunately Otis is unwilling to sell us their language. It would be nice if I could learn all of them.”

” xiu!” The tone barely fell, and the ball of light instantly flew in front of their helicopter.

“Run!” Huang Ji shouted.

Eminem said quickly: “Don’t panic, space aliens absolutely dare not hurt us…ah!”

They couldn’t open their eyes at all when the bright light shined through the glass. At the same time, Eminem felt intense dizziness, his eyes were spinning like the sky, and countless short syllables sounded in his mind, like a thousand birds singing.

Physique is as strong as an Eminem, and retches.

“Ahhhh…” Eminem wailed in pain, and the helicopter was controlled by him. At this moment, his brain felt that the sky was spinning, and the helicopter was naturally spinning.

Huang Ji immediately hugged Eminem and jumped off the plane. With his strong physical fitness, he fell several dozen meters and rolled onto a field without any damage.

However, the ball of light followed closely from behind, and it also descended sharply, shining the entire field into white.

Huang Ji also wailed, as if he was also very painful.

As everyone knows, under the cover of the white light, dozens of black thorns stick out from his palm and pierce Eminem’s back.

Eminem is dizzy, can’t feel it at all, just feels uncomfortable all over.

When he came back to his senses, the ball of light had already flown away.

Eminem said badly, this is definitely not Angel.

Illuminati has met Angel in history. Whether it is Angel or the little gray, they all convey the will of the six. Among them, it is forbidden to open space aliens and conceal the existence of space aliens from human society. This point also includes that they themselves must comply.

“Eminem! Are you there!”

Soon, there will be a communicator from the Phoenix team directly connected to Eminem!

Eminem is now the highest-level member of Haiti and automatically became the frontline commander of this incident.

“We already know the situation, what did he do to you just now?” the Phoenix team asked.

Eminem stroked his forehead and said: “He seems to be talking to me, but it’s too painful… My brain seems to be kneaded… vomit…”

“This is… a language! He taught me a language! No, I forgot too quickly! Oto…hh…I only have a little impression left.”

“Oto? This It’s Otis and their language.” The people in the Phoenix group were surprised.

“Damn, he doesn’t want to openly spread the language of human alien Civilization, right? This is absolutely impossible!”

The Phoenix group is very anxious.

“What should I do?” Eminem asked.

“The fighter team will be here soon, then you follow my command…” the Phoenix team said.

Under the command of the Phoenix group’s headset, Eminem immediately summoned the courage to move towards the sky and shouted: “This celestial man! You violated the agreement to prohibit public contact! Don’t you know that the Moon in the sky is watching Are you looking at you?”

He was stunned for a while. It’s daytime and Moon hasn’t risen yet.

But it means that it has been communicated in place. This is the site of Civilization of Light. If you say that you can’t contact it publicly, you can’t contact it publicly.

Illuminati dare to let him yell with space aliens here, because there are people above them. As for Eminem, he is really not afraid of death, and if there is an order, he dares to do it.

However, the ball of light once again ignored Eminem and continued to wander the city.

Occasionally, when someone yells, he descends. Anyone who approaches it will feel the sky spinning.

“What kind of Civilization is this! Why does he ignore our Lord?” Nirvana in the Phoenix group whispered in the headset.

They have never encountered such a tricky thing. This is the first time they have seen an alien Civilization that is not afraid of the Grays and the Civilization of the light behind the scenes.

Every year, UFOs come to the earth to wander around and even leave behind the crop circles. They know this, but so blatantly, the broad daylight is in the center of the city, under the sight of millions of people, talking to people, even spreading Language, they will see you for the first time!

From their point of view, the Little Grey is the most awesome in the solar system. No matter what space alien comes, they must obediently and honestly abide by their rules.

What’s the background of the ball of light?

“Otis, why didn’t they come forward to stop it?” The Phoenix group was in a mess, wondering whether they dare not stop it or don’t know?

In short, the light ball in front of you can be said to be directly spreading culture! Resolutely not!

The main tasks of their Illuminati are two, one is to provide population, and the other is to conceal the existence of space aliens.

The former is a sacrifice, the latter is a big plan that will affect the Lord.

The Lord once said that once earthlings believe that the space alien comes to the earth, it is the coming of Judgment Day!

Although their Illuminati seniors will be taken away, they have 666 places to survive, but I am afraid they will lose their local tyrant life on the earth.

When the time comes, how they are arranged, whether they can adapt to the alien world, all this is unknown, so even the Illuminati executives tried their best to delay the exposing time and the Judgment Day Time of arrival.

So, seeing the ball of light, the Phoenix team immediately ordered: “Attack him! Hurry! Attack him directly!”

“Rain!” Eminem saw that he was already stationed in the city. In the armored unit, he jumped directly onto one and launched the missile decisively. He did not lock it because it could not be locked at all.

On all radars, there is no such ball of light!

I saw a missile blasted straight towards the ball of light, and the ball of light moved in an instant, and it easily dodges.

The missile flew far away and eventually exploded over the sea.

“Rainy!” Eminem continued shooting.

However, the missile not only missed the ball of light, but also circled around the ball of light, like a halo.

Not only is Eminem attacking, the local military base is also being mobilized, and more and more missiles are flying here.

But all the missiles did not explode. Instead, they flew around the sphere of light, forming a circle of “asteroid belt”.

“fuck…” Eminem’s mouth was bitter.

Also attacking space alien, is there any use for it?

The Phoenix team behind the scenes was also silent. They gave this order, that is, to give it a try. Sure enough… it was useless.

Just when they had already contacted Sword Hand and planned to let Sword Hand use the ark to contact Otis urgently.

The ball of light finally spoke. To be precise, a string of information was sent directly to the big screen at the Phoenix headquarters in Los Angeles.

“Are you attacking me just now?”


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