The Omniscient

Chapter 249

“Say, where did Luo Yan send them? Where is the base?”

Faced with endless questions, the last rich man who died, He vomited blood and said: “They didn’t go… They didn’t go…”

He didn’t know why Brando had to say that Luo Yan sent the people away, because Brando asked this, he had to answer truthfully.

Ask the dying person, it’s best to let him play freely and don’t set too complicated scenarios in the question, especially if the scenario does not match reality.

When people died, they almost stopped thinking, asking too complicated and easy to be biased.

“No way? You mean Luo Yan brought Cogas and the others to Santa Fe?” Brando said.

He also thought that in terms of time and distance, Luo Yan had no time to send them how far away, and the helicopter was abandoned in the jungle near Santa Fe, and should be taken to Santa together. Fe’s gone, let’s go together finally.

“No! No…” The rich shook his head hard.

Brando was taken aback, Osiris pushed him away, excitedly said: “It was Luo Yan who transformed the Kogas people into reptilion! Right! Tell him!”

Unfortunately, the rich man was already speechless, raised his hand slightly, and pointed to Osiris.

He wanted to say that Osiris was right, but he was out of breath, lips slightly moving but there was no sound.

So he could only do his best to be nodded, but he didn’t know that he was resting on the knee of another rich man.

With this movement, his head slid directly from his knees, and his head crooked on the stone.

“Uh…” His eyes were dark, and he desperately lifted his head, he didn’t know why he was lying in such a strange posture.

When he straightened his head strenuously, before he was nodded, he swallowed, his head tilted, and slid back.

This rich man, the last consciousness in his life is: whose legs? So slippery!

“…” Osiris was taken aback.

Bayland touched the arteries and said: “Dead.”

“This…” Osiris’ mentality exploded. Before he died, he didn’t pick the important things. It was his turn. Suffering!

Brando said: “He was pointing at you in the end… shaking his head!”

“Huh?” Osiris looked towards Brando dumbfounded.

Then reacted and said angrily: “He just slipped his head! You said he was shaking his head?”

“Slide down? Why did you slip twice?” Brando said.

“Idiot! Because he is dead!” Osiris roared while drilling into Brando’s collar.

Brando also said angrily: “What do you mean you have been confessing? If you didn’t help, how could they bleed heavily! You pushed the concrete away violently, did you want to kill!”

He and the yellow-skinned robust man originally lifted slowly. At that time, as long as Bayland lay down and look inside, he knew that the steel bars were inserted into the five people within the body, and then they could slowly rescue them, such as sawing off Reinforcing steel bars, and then remove the heavy objects, so that the five people can live a little longer.

However, before he had time to watch, Osiris pushed Acting Cool with one arm, and they had to follow his strength to lift the concrete ruins into the air.

Looking back at this moment, Brando felt that Osiris was doing a disservice in secret, and wanted to kill him!

“What! Did I go to you! Get out of here!” Osiris was mad.

At first, he could pretend to track the enemy, but in the end he honestly said that he escaped. As a result, Brando didn’t believe it, and said he lied.

He had heard the truth before, Kogas and the others became reptilion! But Brando didn’t hear it, so he asked another person and asked him to confess.

I really want to help fly the concrete, but one hand is inconvenient, so do it quickly fly the concrete. As a result, Brando said that he had deliberately shut his mouth.

From Osiris’s perspective, Brando simply disgusted him!

“Fuck you off!” Immediately he punched him angrily.

However, Brando’s strength is no less than his, even slightly better.

“You still dare to do it? Die to me!” Brando blocked with one hand and slammed his fist with the other.

Osiris fought hard, leg raised and hit the knee! Brando hit the opponent’s knee with an elbow, and Iron Fist fiercely hit Osiris in the face.

The two of them went through three moves in an instant, fists to the flesh, the peng peng shook, and the muscles and air sent out small shock waves.

One feels wronged in his heart, feels targeted, and the backlog of grievances vents wildly.

The other started from the Eastern Sea shore case, where it was close to the truth everywhere, and the most reasonable situation was deduced every time, but the evidence was bad every time! Always stay at the level of a few words or clues, and can’t show evidence.

I always said “heaven helps me”, thinking that someone is alive and can ask a lot of things, but he died as soon as he dug out!

He suspected that Osiris had silenced, but there was still no evidence. This gave him a negative emotion of’I know who spy is, but can’t help him, so angry’.

Seeing that Osiris even dared to do it at this moment, Brando immediately killed him.

Osiris saw that Brando’s fists were getting heavier and heavier, his fists were getting faster and faster, ruthless, and he specifically bullied his current weakness by one hand. Knowing that Brando is real, he felt even more angry. explosion.

“You should know my ability! You can’t kill me!” Osiris roared.

Brando roared: “Move your mind! It’s you who lied and won’t come back!”

“Damn! You are spy! Brando! So it’s you!” Osiris’s missing left arm slammed into it, as if squeezing toothpaste, violently protruding sections of thick skeleton!

Not only that, there are skeletons on the surface of his body that punctured the skin and pierced out, and some began to spread and cover the surroundings like Bone Armor.

“Damn it! It’s you! It’s you! Those who betray the light must die!” Brando was not outdone, and at the same time he threw his fist, small bullet-like spores were secreted from the pores!

Every time he throws a fist, he makes these spores move towards Osiris like a rain of bullets!

Osiris: “Fuck off!”

Brando: “Go to die, die!”

They all have the speed of a storm, Power like earth shattering.

The engulfing airflow on the scene suddenly surging like lightning and thunder.


“There is no end to wisdom, but wealth and wealth endure.”


Huang Ji is in Santa In the shack of the temporary military garrison outside Fe, sitting at the dinner table clinked glasses with Eminem and drank it.

Eminem also put down the cup after drinking, snapped his fingers and said to his man: “Squeeze another bottle of orange juice!”

No way, Huang Ji just doesn’t drink.

So I just let him drink some orange juice to tell myself.

“Brother what did you just say?” Eminem asked.

Huang Ji ate the fried rice and said, “It’s nothing, I’m just thinking, I’m afraid all the wealthy assets of Cogas will be liquidated by Illuminati.”

Am nodded and said: “Of course, betrayed Illuminati, and still thinking about wealth? Their assets will be divided up.”

Huang Ji said: “Then they defected?”

Eminem said with a smile: “Speculation! Once the layered pupil faction subverts the rule, then the Illuminati can be said to have changed the dynasty. Kogas and the others will eventually return and gain more.”

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “But they don’t have any money, so they don’t have any value. Why do the layered pupil factions want them?”

“This…” Eminem was taken aback, yes. .

Corgas and the others are not combatants. Their only value is capital. Now that they have lost capital, why would the enemy take them away? It’s useless.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “So I was thinking that the enemy It shouldn’t be sincerely taking in the gang of Kogas, and it should be cleaned up after using it.”

“We not at all found their bodies, but they should also not at all be taken away.”

Am nodded and said: “Yes, useless people, and brought them to their own stronghold Go, it increases the risk. So where did you say they went?”

“I don’t know, anyway, they must be useful, eh, will they be transformed into reptilion?” Huang Ji said.

Amu said in amazement: “Impossible, right? Transformation of reptilion can only be done in Santa Fe. Although the nanobee colony was stolen, but without the database of Professor Mu, that thing is useless.”

“The database algorithm is extremely complex and cannot be copied. So far only Professor Mu knows how to use it.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Oh, this way, I don’t Understand, it’s just guessing. I don’t know if you have to use Professor Mu’s database…”

“haha, let’s not talk about it. Anyway, there is a special investigation team. We don’t need to care about this. What should the little character do? Cheers!” Eminem said with a smile.

The two exchanged cups and chatted hotly.

Eminem recognizes Huang Ji’s life-saving feelings, while Huang Ji is very good at talking. The two have eaten for an hour, and the relationship quickly heats up.

“…Don’t you know, I joined Illuminati at the age of seven. At that time, Sentry Sentinel couldn’t do it, and the Ascendant Potion was also rejected! I was almost taken to make a trial. I was later discovered that I It is RH negative blood, which is used as a reserve cadre training. I work hard to train and do things. Now at Level 27, it can be said to be the Peak of normal humans in the combat department! To be honest, I forget what my parents look like, but This panda blood saved my life.” Eminem said with a ruddy face.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “You are drunk, I will send you back to rest.”

Eminem waved his hand and said: “I am not drunk, I am so physically capable Drunk?”

Huang Ji helped him up, walked to the camp next to him, and put him on the bed.

Am took Huang Ji and said drunkly: “Brother, don’t go! You saved my life, you are my brother!”

“Don’t move! Don’t you Move!”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I didn’t move…”

Am took him and said, “Listen to me!”

“I’m listening…” Huang Ji said.

Eminem said with a smile: “You don’t have a formal position now, I will arrange it for you! You said, if you want to lead the troops, or the oily water, I can handle it!”

“Can be done? Really?” Huang Ji said.

Eminem said: “Do you treat me as boasting? I have a very hard relationship. I told you that the Sword Hand family has long been interested in me, and secretly promised me that as long as I can absorb Chi Cheng and Sheng Teng, I am the Nirvana, and I am a swordsman! So you say, any request will do, I will do it for you.”

Huang Ji quickly said: “Hey, I secretly promised Don’t yell about it, you are really drunk.”

“I’m not drunk!” Eminem roared.

“I’m leaving, you can get some sleep.” Huang Ji pressed him to the bed and walked out of the room by himself.

“Don’t go, what job do you want, I will arrange it for you!” Eminem stretched out his hand.

“Wait until you wake up, how can you help me make decisions in this state?” Huang Ji said: “Go to sleep, go to sleep, I’m leaving.”

After that, He locked the door and walked straight away.

Eminem lay on the bed with a puff, and after a while, he opened his eyes and sat up again.

“Hey, this guy…is fine.” Eminem murmured.

This is more than okay, he is deep in one’s heart, and he has extremely recognized Huang Ji.

He was still muttering in his heart before, afraid that he would treat the other person as a brother, and the other person would use himself as a tool for climbing.

Fortunately, Huang Ji is not at all, but he wants to wait for him to become sober before discussing his position.

If I want to come to Hua Ji, I want to climb up, but my character should be okay, and I won’t deny myself when I develop.

In this case, Eminem feels that he can make a sincere friendship.


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