The Omniscient

Chapter 217

The cave of reptilion was dug by little by little with their hands.

Under the high mountain on the edge of the ranch, they forcibly pulled out the cave from the cliff.

Their paws have a Mohs hardness of 7, and there is a layer of bone enamel that resists strong pressure and abrasion. It is hard and tough, and ordinary sandstone and dolomite can be drilled and cracked by hand.

The resources here are poor, and there are no other mineral deposits except stones, so reptilion uses the own body as a tool.

The cave is very deep, with a total of 4-Layer, and it reaches 2 15 meters underground. The tunnel extends in all directions and there are many fork roads. The reptilion is like a maze dug underground.

There are stone braziers on both sides of the corridor, and butter is used to light the lamps.

Alexei led everyone to an empty stone chamber in the underground 2-Layer, where there were a dozen small reptilions chatting and making noise.

They are five years old and one year old, and they are communicating with a female reptilion in a lizard language like a howling lion roar.

The female reptilion is easy to identify, the body is obviously more slender, the body is slimmer, and the scales are thinner. In addition, they have azure manes on their heads, back of their heads and on the back of their necks. Most of them are deliberately modified into various snake-shaped braids. The only adult female reptilion is simply tied up to form a high ponytail that looks like a large fox tail. .

This kind of mane is not found in male reptilion, it is male and female.

It’s like the difference between a male lion and a female lion, except that reptilion is the other way around.

From a practical point of view, the crown-like features of the male head are more practical. The rich scales on the back of the head can withstand heavier blows, while the female reptilion’s mane obviously sacrifices defensive, but it seems More noble.

“Why did you bring them all back?” Reptilion, a two-meter-three adult female reptilion asked skillfully in English.

Alex said with a smile: “Vahana, these people are Interesting. They are Illuminati’s little white mouse and want to cooperate with us to escape.”

The female reptilion Wahana glanced at Hani and the others, calmly said: “Cooperating with humans? What use are they?”

Alexey said: “Let this dead man tell you… …”

He pointed to Huang Ji, and saw Huang Ji’s body suddenly moved. He stretched out his hand to help his neck and twisted it back again. He stood up without a hitch.

“Alexey, you were so quick at the time.” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Hani and the others are dumbfounded: “Are you still alive?”

Huang Ji said: “A little trick, it looks like it’s broken, but it’s not.”

As he said, he performed again, and the flesh on the side of his neck bulged out, and it looked as if there were bones coming out, but in fact, when you press it down with your fingers, you can see it, but the flesh is bulging. That’s it.

“This…” Everyone didn’t expect Huang Ji to pretend to be dead, almost scaring them to death.

Alexey looked at Huang Ji playfully. The moment this guy lifted him up, his neck was about to break, and he was startled…

But he still saw Huang Ji pretending to be dead, so Alexei decisively pretended to kill Huang Ji by himself.

“You have a lot of tricks. If you feign death, you don’t have to go out to work?” Alexei said.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “They will take it lightly when I die, so that even if they cheat them later, those people will not think too much.”

“Thanks to you just now I cooperated.”

Alexey said: “Because your life is in my hands, I have no loss whether you succeed or not.”

“Then you think What do you want?” Huang Ji asked.

Alexa turned his head and said to Wahana: “He can provide us with tools, even weapons…”

Soon, he put Huang Ji and the others’ The battle royale game said it again.

Vahana stood up, she was taller than all reptilions, looked down Huang Ji and said, “We need a tunnel boring machine, can we?”

magic spell teacher and the others dumbfounded, tunnel boring machine? The big guys can’t afford it even if they have 4 billion game funds.

even more how, this thing is a problem when people hear it, and fools also know that reptilion is used to drill the mountain to make way, how can it be given?

“Yes.” Huang Ji said with a slight smile.

Everyone was in an uproar, including reptilion and all looked at Huang Ji in surprise.

Yes? This thing about tunnel boring machines, Illuminati’s people are even impossible.

“Do you really understand what I’m talking about?” Wahana brows up.

Huang Ji nodded and said: “You must have tried a lot of ways to escape here. Whether it is a storm or a mountain escape, I think you must have failed countless times.”

“From where you live, you rely on your own sharp claw to dig a tunnel through the mountain, bypass the enemy’s magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, go straight to a few kilometers away, and leave secretly… The way may be the most realistic.”

“But you can think of it, and Illuminati can certainly think of it. It would take several years for you to cut through the mountain without modern large-scale excavation equipment. Illuminati can send in armored units every once in a while to disrupt your progress and make you have to do it all over again.”

Alexei said, “You guessed it, but nothing is needed. Armored troops, Illuminati also have powerful individuals, such as Blazing Sentinel, with various individual combat weapons and equipment, a team of twenty people can nullify our year’s hard work.”

“Illuminati’s engineering team , There is also a kind of quick-drying concrete slurry, which fills the tunnel and presses it with a hydraulic press to dry quickly. It is comparable to Black Tortoise rock.”

“Every time a team of twenty people is constrained… even Plunder us and let an engineering team fill up the tunnel and our cave.”

Everyone listened and realized that this group of people would simply never get out.

They dig holes, Illuminati fills the pits, more than human resources than material resources, they can’t beat Illuminati.

It is like the stone in Greek mythology that Sisyphus will never push up the mountain.

Huang Ji said: “So you want a tunnel boring machine, yes. We need a bunch of parts to assemble one by ourselves, it’s nothing more than a high-strength motor and a hard gravel winch, plus some It’s only the electronic control motherboard and the connector.”

Reptilion startled, and Wahana said: “You can make it?”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “I want some simple materials, I can make a simple gravel excavator. Although the effect is not as good as that of a large roadheader, it is definitely much faster than hand digging.”

The reptilions were pleasantly surprised, but immediately afterwards, Huang Ji added A basin of cold water.

“But…even if we get the real tunneling machine, we don’t have time to dig through this mountain.” Huang Ji said.

“Is there no time…not necessarily! It should be seven months before the next Sentinel raid!” Alexei calculated.

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “Seven months? Once you get the excavation equipment, you probably won’t have even seven days.”

“What do you mean?” Wahana asked.

Huang Ji said: “Do you think this battle royale game is reasonable?”

“There are two probabilities, first, this is not a game , But it’s actually an experiment. Throw our group of little white mice into your site and give us money to purchase resources to see what happens. If it’s such a probability, then we’ll be fooled by excavators and roadheaders. These things are also impossible to dig through this mountain, and the team you mentioned will appear in advance to stop us.”

“Second probability, this is indeed a game, but because it is too unreasonable, this is extremely It may be the arrogant opinions of individual members. In this case, it can explain why they will give me medicine, because this must undermine Illuminati’s plan to poison you with chronic poison. The people who built this game dare not make this mistake , So stop the loss in time and don’t let me have something to detoxify you.”

“I tend to second, but there is no doubt that this kind of game that violates regulations is bound to be impossible for a long time. Once his superior finds out In this matter, stop the game and thoroughly investigate the whole matter. Then a battle team will inevitably be sent to investigate your situation and make sure it is foolproof.”

It’s a simple truth, everyone understands it.

So in fact, they simply don’t have time to dig the mountain, even if they have a modern tunnel boring machine, it is impossible to dig it in a few days.

A few days later, in any case, there will be combat teams coming to wipe their butts in advance to erase the impact of this game.

“These all are your guesses, maybe there is no such thing as a game at all. It is just a scene sent by Illuminati to convince you to give up digging.” Alexei said.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Really? These are of course my guesses. Who made me have to guess? From beginning to end, have you really shared information with me?”


“You didn’t tell me anything, do you want me to analyze something useful?”

“I said that if I want to break this cage, I need sufficient intelligence. Now, I know almost nothing about you. Whether it is the name of Illuminati or the so-called sentinel team, you have revealed it like a toothpaste squeeze.”

“We share information and cooperate to leave here. . If you hate humans, then just kill me, it will save your worries.” After that, Huang Ji directly sat down and picked up a piece of beef from the campfire to eat.

Magic spell teachers and the others are stiff, Huang Ji is not afraid that reptilion will really kill them?

I saw Vahana, the female reptilion who had been stern-faced, smiled, and she said: “Is it hostile to humans…Is this the introduction of Illuminati?”

Huang Ji said “The people who caught us told us that there are a group of monsters here, fierce and cruel, and hate humans…”

Wahana waited for the reptilion, hehe smiled, and seemed not surprised at all.

Luther couldn’t help asking: “Where did you come from and why are you locked up here?”

Vahana said: “I and Alec Ce, and Hasper, have been stuck here for almost ten years. We were originally humans, but our bodies have been completely reversed from the genetic level. Our senses, thinking patterns, and behavior habits have all changed.”

“You are also humans? Are you genetically modified to be like this?” When Vahana admitted that she was a human being, everyone immediately felt much closer.

As if she used to be a human, now she will not harm them.

Vahana seemed to see through the minds of everyone, and couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Why do humans always like to label an entire race with the same label? Especially the intelligent race, right… Humans always selectively forget the fact that the race that kills the most humans in this World is humans.”

Everyone was shocked.

Vahana fiddled with her big fox’s tail-like mane, and said: “Thirty years ago, in the ruins of Sumer Civilization, Illuminati found a nano that could turn humans into dragons. Pharmacy.”

“This is the creator of mankind, the Longevity Fruit left to mankind.”

“This is also the thing of Illuminati yearn for something even in dreams, but longevity The price of becoming an’evil old snake’ and being directly separated from the human science is something they cannot accept. Therefore, they want to obtain the secret of longevity from us, and only want to enslave us instead of becoming us.”

Everyone has listened to the circle, what is meant by the “creator of mankind”?

Huang Ji said: “A legacy of ancient Civilization, or a legacy of space alien?”

Vahana looked at Huang Ji and said: “space alien…”

“Wait a minute, you said that you are the creator of mankind?” Old Wang asked.

Vahana calmly said: “To be precise, he is one of the creators. In a very long time, the earth was simply a space alien walking all over the ground, the sources are very complicated, I am not very clear about the specifics. One of them is called Anunnaki. In short, they took some genes from the primordial species, merged some of their own genes, and created several new humans as their slave races.”

” Other alien races have joined this project to improve humanity.”

“Homo sapiens are the last batch of their improvements. Among the alien races participating in the transformation, there is a scale-tailed image like ours. Yes, I don’t know the real name of that race. According to the image, we call ourselves Drakonian.”

Alexey added: “Reptilion is Illuminati’s scornful name for us, because Drakonian is in the ancient book. , Are described as the’evil old snake’, that is, the Satan clan who let Eve eat the forbidden fruit and is called the devil by God.”

Vahana said with a smile: “For some reason , And then all the space aliens left.”

“I don’t know many things, even Illuminati itself. It’s too long ago, but one thing is certain is that the real Drakonian back then , Very unpleasant, had wars with many other alien races, among which is included the god of Illuminati.”

“This is the person of Illuminati, who wants to live forever and wants to die, but he dares not himself The reason for the injection of dragon chemical medicine. They are afraid of being abandoned by the owner.”

Speaking of this, several reptilions all laughed hehe.

Magic spell teacher and the others are somewhat unacceptable: “This is incredible. People are created by space aliens.”

Huang Ji said: “What he said, conspiracy theory It is also mentioned. It is nothing more than space alien creation theory, which replaces the gods in creationism with alien races. For example, in Sumerian mythology, there is a Nibiru planet that approaches the earth once in 3,600 years. One day kingship dropping from the sky, the god on Nibiru was named Anunnaki. This Divine Race had a slave race called Yijiji, but because of the rebellion, Yijiji was basically annihilated. So Anunnaki directly used the earth-native apes to combine own genes, creating human beings.”

“It is no sense of disobedience to define the Anunnaki in this myth as an alien race that resembles a human image.”

Vahana said with a smile: “However, this is the truth. There are countless origin myths for human beings, all of which point to the creation of man by gods. But do you know the origins of the Illuminati gods and how they claim to own?”

Huang Ji shrugged and said: “Did it pop out of the stone?”

Vahana said with a smile: “hehe…you guessed it. This is Illuminati. The researcher told me that their gods have wings, tentatively called bird people. Bird Human Race also has an own origin myth. Unlike us, they were not created by any living creatures, but one day the sun suddenly formed They launched them to the ground.”

Everyone asked in surprise: “What kind of myth is this? It was the sun sneezing one day and spitting out their race?”

Vahana flicked her tail and said: “I also heard that, anyway, the researchers at Illuminati said that, they have been in contact with space aliens.”

Huang Ji said: “The intelligent race is in ignorance. In times, people always think about “where do we come from.” Therefore, any intelligent race has an own origin legend. However, human legends are too unreasonable. No matter which country, without exception, there is a concept of god.”

“Forcibly lowered myself by one level, compiled a’god’, and in order to explain the existence of a god, so I said that a god created something from nothing, born in the sky.”

“But why, not from the very beginning, just Think we humans are also born out of nothingness? Why add a layer in the middle? “

“Even if the monarch power is granted by the gods, why not just grant the monarch power by the gods?” In fact, Hua Country was granted the emperor’s power in ancient times, not given by any’god’. It was determined by the ruthless God. “

“However, even in a culture like Huaxia, there is still a legend about the existence of wisdom and creators. If this is compiled, wouldn’t it be too much? why not is’heaven’ created man? “

“In the ignorant period of the Bird Human Race, I thought I was accidentally erupted by the sun. This kind of “myth”, now I think about it, is precisely a native intelligent race, the most reasonable thing that can be compiled Conjecture. It is conceivable that in their history and culture, there must be a lot of reasons to act in the name of the sun. “

Of course Huang Ji knows that what Wahana is talking about is the truth.

In various human myths, it must be said that a certain intelligent existence created mankind, not enough to eat It is supported.

It is the fact that the origin is recorded in this way.


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