The Omniscient

Chapter 215

“Very good, this medicine can promote our immune system and help excrete the poison of my within the body.”

‘Shark’s Fin Head’ said comfortably So, he is the oldest of the three adult reptilions in Dashe Valley, where the overwhelming majority small reptilion is his child.

But in recent years, I don’t know what’s going on. A large amount of toxins accumulated in his kidneys can’t be discharged. Symptoms such as fever, rapid heartbeat, and difficulty breathing often occur.

At first he didn’t care at all because his body is very strong. As the toxins accumulate more and more, the symptoms become more and more serious, and the immune system can’t resolve it. Then he realized the seriousness of the matter.

At the same time, he also discovered that he is not alone. All reptilions have the same symptoms. Their health is being eroded by a toxin that cannot be degraded.

This is a chronic poison. After a long time, I begin to feel mental decline, memory decline, and lack of concentration.

All reptilion realize that this must be human behavior, which is targeted poisoning.

But they can’t do anything about it, because their medical skills are almost zero, and they live in nature purely by tyrannical physique.

Now, when he smelled the strong pungent odor of the liquid that Huang Ji spilled around, he felt that it helped him detoxify.

Just by smelling it, the chest tightness was relieved a lot, and a cold breath rushed to his brain from his nose, making his muddy and sleepy brain suddenly sober.

So watching Huang Ji holding the medicine jar, and almost being pierced by the jar with his head, the’shark fin head’ shot instantly and rescued the medicine jar.

At this moment, I drank the concoction, and immediately felt that his reptilion’s strong immunity was mobilized. Thoughts move, and easily eliminated the accumulated toxins.

This feeling is like the engine has finally been replenished with oil. He could not detoxify originally because within the body lacks the medium for this stubborn toxin.

Now I have supplemented the relevant toxins, and drink some water, and the toxins will be exhausted immediately.

“Big brother, you really discharged the poison!” said another adult reptilion in a wolf leather skirt.

The shark fin head quickly talked to them about the feeling, and the wolf skirt reptilion said: “Then just leave them to do coolies. It just happens that my kid complains that it’s boring here and doesn’t want to hunt anymore.”

Other reptilion also said: “I have no problem. This person will dispense the medicine. We will let him dispense more to relieve everyone’s poison.”

The reptilion discussed. Fan, the shark’s fin head overlooked Huang Ji and spoke English: “Human, do you understand this Uncle?”

Magic spell teacher and the others opened their eyes and heard the monster speak English, they I feel that the world view has collapsed.

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Understand, you just call me Hua Ji, do you have a name?”

The shark fin head said: “This Uncle is called Alec Stop!”

Huang Ji said neither overbearing nor overbearing: “Good name, if I heard it right, this is the name of the Ross people.”

“You don’t seem to be afraid of this Uncle? “Alexey swooped down and landed in front of Huang Ji in a powerful imposing manner.

Huang Ji said seriously: “I am afraid to die, but my companions can’t even speak, so I can only answer your questions calmly.”

Alexei looked at Huang Ji and asked: “What’s the matter with that bottle of medicine?”

Huang Ji looked at the black liquid and said, “You were detoxifying just now, right? ? Saying that my failed product has a miraculous effect on you.”

“Failed product?” Alexey asked.

Huang Ji said: “These medicines are prepared for us, but because of the crude conditions, I did not prepare the medicine I want, so they can only be regarded as failures.”

Alexei solemnly said: “This is impossible, our body is completely different from human beings. How can the medicine you give humans have a miraculous effect on us!”

Huang Ji asked: “You Are the toxins discharged from those wild animals within the body?”

Alexey was surprised: “Animals?”

Huang Ji picked up a piece of barbecue from the ground Said: “So you don’t know?”

“I just came here and discovered that the fruit is poisonous. So I started to pair with medicine that can neutralize this toxin.”

“When my companion returned from hunting, I discovered that this venison was also contained in it, but it was a water-soluble toxin, including fish meat, and there was the same toxin… I thought at the time that all animals in the entire valley have This kind of poison. I thought it was one of the dangers posed by the people who caught us, but we have been hungry for too long and have to eat, so I did not tell everyone, but silently dispense the medicine.”

“This is a chronic toxin, so you can live a good life after taking it for a year.”

“The concoction I prepared will separate this toxin from body fluids. Come out and blend into the compound I made. But the effect is too overbearing. After the toxin is dissolved in the medicine, it will still accumulate in the person within the body, which may damage the body’s function, so I regard it as a failure product, just because it has a strong The pungent smell of Huang Ji was sprinkled around to drive away the wolves.”

Alexey listened, and then he knew why Huang Ji’s crude matching failed products would have miraculous effects on him.

This is actually due to the powerful physical functions of reptilion, and you can feel the bad things in your body and take the initiative to detoxify.

The medicine Huang Ji prescribes does not actually detoxify, but instead changes the poison from chronic to acute. For humans, it is indeed a failure.

However, this failed product has a much-needed function of reptilion, which is to separate toxins from body fluids.

That’s enough, reptilion just lacks the compound to separate it.

Huang Ji’s medicine, like charcoal filters dirty water, adsorbs all toxins on it. The rest of the work will be given to reptilion’s powerful detox function.

Can’t get rid of the toxins that Illuminati specifically targets them, can’t it also get rid of’charcoal’?

“It turned out to be like this… The animals in the entire valley are poisonous. No wonder all our compatriots are poisoned… Damn it!” Alexey stared angrily at the drone in the sky.

I saw him pick up a rock with his toes, and when he flicked his whip leg, he smashed the rock fiercely, hitting a drone and crashing it down.

Other reptilion also roared angrily. For a time, rocks smashed into the sky like a rain of bullets, and many drone wrecks fell one after another.

They just vent, because of this thing, Illuminati needs as many as there are, and there are bombs in the drone, which explode immediately after falling, and the raised dust also makes the reptilion themselves covered in dirt.

“Are you guys locked up here?” Huang Ji said.

“What did you say!” Alexei said indifferently.

Huang Ji said: “This is easy to guess. Actually, we are the same. We were caught here by a mysterious force and told us that this place is dangerous. Let us escape to the south exit alive. Let us go.”

“Actually, they won’t let us go, they just want us to die here…”

“Before they…”


He then said roughly where everyone came from and what they experienced.

After listening to Alexey, jié jié said with a smile: “Do you still want freedom? You are just a little white mouse of Illuminati. Even if you are lucky to survive an experiment, welcome you This is also a new experiment after another!”

“Illuminati……” Hani and the others were shocked.

This name is like thunder piercing the ear, I have never encountered it and heard it.

Didn’t expect it was this organization who caught them to play the game of death, so the legend is true? But in the legend, isn’t it that Illuminati is controlled by reptilion? Isn’t it said that many politicians are disguised by reptilion changes? Why is reptilion locked here?

“Are we just a little white mouse? It doesn’t matter. I guessed it a long time ago. From the very beginning, we plan not to follow the rules of the game… Instead of going out from the Southern Great Gate and being sent to the next Experiment, it would be better to… blast the door open!” Huang Ji said.

Alexei said: “The Big Snake Valley does not have any mineral resources, and you can’t make gunpowder.”

Huang Ji pointed to the drone debris on the ground: “Explosives and so on… the sky is full here.”

“And maybe someone will give us weapons.”

“Send weapons?” reptilion looked at each other in blank dismay.

Huang Ji lit up the wreckage of the previous watch and headset, and said: “Our rules of the game can get weapons and equipment by purchasing airdrop supplies… This means they can Things were sent in for us.”

“You said airdrops? But we…” Hani wanted to say that they were out of money, but thought Huang Ji was fooling reptilion, so she didn’t go on.

Huang Ji shook his head and said frankly: “The point is not whether we have money, but what the people behind the scenes want to see.”

“Why are we locked here? They again What do we want to happen between us? Do we want to do what they want, or use them?”

“As long as we know the desires and hopes of the people behind the scenes, we can control them.”

Huang Ji’s words are thought-provoking. In the ears of the magic spell masters, they seem to be using the psychology of the rich.

But in Alexei’s heart, he is inferring from one another, thinking about using the psychology of the Santa Fe researchers… What do the researchers want to see?

Huang Ji continued: “Need an analogy? Take this poison within the valley as an example. I originally thought it was against us, but now it seems to be against you. You guys. It has been poisoned for many years…”

Reptilion are indifferent expression.

Huang Ji looked at the flying drones in all directions and said, “Then I accidentally detoxified your poison, which they didn’t want to see.”

“I think Illuminati will attack us soon, with the purpose of destroying the antidote.”

“This is just what I can see from the little information I know. Give me enough information. I have the confidence to break this. The cage.”

Huang Ji kicked the side medicine box farther away while talking, separating it from the medical equipment box.

Alexey flicked his tail, said with a smile: “Here is heavily guarded, it’s up to you?”

Huang Ji resolute and decisive said: “No, even here No matter how strict the guard is, I don’t believe it has no loopholes.”

“It’s man-made! I will definitely escape! Overthrow the huge monster behind the scenes.”

Reptilions were surprised. Looking at this human being, this is completely different from the civilians who have appeared in the past.

The little white mouse that appeared before, when I saw them crying and crying, the words were unsatisfactory.

I keep praying for forgiveness, and I have to escape anyhow. I will not think about this kind of thing.

Huang Ji is not afraid of them at all, and talks here, as if everyone is familiar…

Huang Ji even dares to boast shamelessly and wants to overthrow that force. However, the same idea exists in all reptilion hearts.

“Hehe…Do you want to overthrow Illuminati?” Many reptilions said with a smile.

Huang Ji asked: “Don’t you believe it?”

“It’s not a question of believing or not…” Alexey stared at his paw, and his tail stood up suddenly. Looking at another group of drones coming from the sky.

He roared: “It must be this Uncle who overthrew Illuminati!”

“roar!” A group of reptilions roared in unison, resounding through the valley of the snake.


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