The Omniscient

Chapter 213

Alan ambushed a white-tailed deer. The machete slashed precisely on the back of the stag, making it incapacitated and kneeling on the ground to be killed.

After slaughtering the opponent, he dragged the white-tailed deer to the river and began to mutilate and clean the deer.

There were a lot of fish in the river. Alan threw the entrails of the stag into the river, and immediately attracted two pikes.

Alan has eyesight and quick hands. He hulas and presses his hands in the water. He clasps a big pike with his bare hands, which weighs a full 10 kg.

He changed his hands and opened the pike and cleaned it, then carried two deer legs, carried the fish and a bucket of water and returned.

Suddenly, there was the sound of birds flying from behind, and Alan looked back vigilantly, and saw the birds yelling and flying away in the woods across the river. It was obvious that something was coming out of it.

Alan stepped back while staring at the woods. Others didn’t believe there was a monster, but he knew there was a reptilion.

However, until he exited more than a dozen meter away, he didn’t see anyone coming out in the woods across the river.

Thinking that this place shouldn’t stay for long, Alan immediately ran towards the gathering spot with food.

After he left, there was a splash in the river, and a humanoid creature came out of the water carrying a pike and walked onto the bank from the river.

This humanoid creature is only one meter tall and looks like a little child. Its mouth and eyes are big, and its pupils are as sharp as snake eyes.

The skin looks like a rock with lines, glowing with a blue-black luster, and its whole body is covered with delicate black scales, without a trace of hair, and the skull on the head is undulating like a helmet.

There are thousands of folds on the abdomen that overlap like a shell pattern, and a circle of animal skin skirts are wrapped around the waist, and a snake tail that is longer than the height is dragged behind him, constantly shaking like a steel whip.

The hands and feet are like eagle claws, and the elbows and knees have spikes of cold metal rays of light.

It is true that it is a reptilion, but if he has horns on his head, he will definitely be called a dragon in Hua Country.

With hatred and doubt in his eyes, he looked at Alan who was going away, threw the fish and jumped onto the tree followed along.

This is just a two-year-old reptilion. Although humans can be seen every year, the last time Illuminati used civilians to experiment was four years ago, so he thought Alan was a powerhouse with hidden power.

Although Alan felt weak, he was too young after all, and he did not choose to take the initiative to show up or even attack. Seeing that Alan didn’t find himself, he jumped across the river and returned to the lair to inform the parents.

I have to say that Alan took a life, and this was also expected by Huang Ji. He knew that Alan could return safely with food.

“I may have encountered a monster, I feel that something terrifying is spying on me…” Returning to the gathering point, Alan said everything just now.

Everyone didn’t care. Only Old Wang knew that he might have encountered a reptilion. Fortunately, Alan was not attacked.

Huang Ji said: “So the monster is on the other side of the river…”

The magic spell teacher said: “Do you really believe there is a monster? Five thousand kilograms of pulling force is too much. Now, the polar bear has only one ton of power.”

Huang Ji said: “I would rather believe it, untrustworthy than nothing. That Kogas is impossible to let us have a picnic…”

Everyone thinks it makes sense. Regardless of whether the monster is nonsense, there is a danger here.

Everyone wanted to deploy some traps in the vicinity, Huang Ji stopped, and said: “If there really is that kind of monster, what is the use of building a Copper Wall Iron Bastion? Don’t waste your energy.”

After that, Huang Ji held a pot of herbal juice and sprinkled it around.

“What is this?” Hani held her nose, feeling the smell was extremely pungent.

Huang Ji said: “Some medicines have pungent odors. Didn’t Cogas say that monsters are sensitive to odors? Sprinkling them around may be useful. At least the wolves will not come close. “

Everyone knew it, and started to make a barbecue. Everyone ate game. Huang Ji is silently cleaning a thin bone and placing some flasks.

They didn’t seem to notice that four reptilions were spying on them in a tree not far away.

Four reptilions are two big and two small, only eight-nine meter away from them, smelling the medical smell of Huang Ji’s splashing grass.

This gas is pungent to humans, but to reptilion, it is fragrant and fragrant, making it comfortable.

More importantly, he felt that his breathing became much easier and his lung capacity was significantly expanded.

“Will it be poisonous? Father said that human beings are our enemies, and he will do everything possible to harm us.” One of them was the little reptilion before.

“These are just civilians, the experimental items released by the enemy, too weak, you can kill them all by yourself.” Another taller reptilion whispered.

He scanned the happy laughter and cheerful voices of the people eating barbecue, and realized that they were all weak because they exuded the breath of the weak.

From the perspective of life force, they are inferior to bison.

This makes the two little reptilions behind him a little be eager to have a try, wanting to rush down and kill them all, try own hunting skills.

But at this moment, a strange voice came into their ears.

“Woo…” That was Huang Ji, who suddenly started blowing bone flute.

This is really a simple flute that can’t be more simple, hollow out the bone tube, dig a few holes, and place a thin piece of bone in the mouthpiece.

The deep and long voice rang out, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Huang Ji held the flute in one hand, and scratched his nails on the mouth of the six-bottle beaker, making a chord-like sound.

He also covered the deer skin on the medicine jar with many small bones and stones in it, and tapped the deer skin with his palm, making a muffled noise.

The end of the bone flute is lightly tapped on the side of the medicine tank to make a crisp sound.

At the same time, the medicine tank was swayed under force, and the broken bones and stones inside also hit and clashed.

For a time, Huang Ji’s whole body moved into rhythm, playing a very structured melody.

Everyone was eating, seeing Huang Ji suddenly playing music, only that he wanted to relieve everyone’s nervousness.

After all, unfathomable mystery was caught up to participate in the death game, after a series of nervousness to survive, at this moment I can finally sit down and eat he he.

Everyone is sitting around the fire, there is water and meat, it is indeed almost music.

In the ears of everyone, Huang Ji only relied on simple implements to perform smoothly rhythmic movements.

If you want to say it is good, it is not too simple, the instrument is too simple, the rhythm is smooth but the tone is dumb and mocking.

But everyone has gone through life and death, and now it’s hard to sit down and rest. I have enjoyed listening to music. At first glance, I feel beautiful.

Especially Huang Ji’s occasional reminder when his fingertips lightly swiped across the flask.

Heaven knows how he popped up. Huang Ji’s fingers seemed to have magical powers. The moments when the fingertips passed by, all the music and colors melted into one. Hani once suspected that she could hear electronic sounds. There is a small snake commotion in Zhongyin, and the nerves behind the ears are shrinking slightly, teaching her a strange feeling that is indescribable.

“pa slap……” Everyone couldn’t help clapping their hands to harmonize. They wanted to use their palms to keep up with Huang Ji’s beat, but after a few slaps, the noise went in, and instead let them browse slightly wrinkle , Consciously stop.

Music is still to be compared. At first I heard Huang Ji’s music is normal, and the tone is monotonous, but after adding everyone’s co-beat, everyone can hear the sense of disharmony immediately.

It’s like Huang Ji’s piece of music, adding any extra noise will be inconsistent, and it has fuse together with the surrounding wind, leaves, water, and birds.

Old Wang’s eyes widened. He had studied vocal music for a while, and he could not help being surprised when he heard the doorway.

Huang Ji’s melody is tailor-made for the environment at this moment. It’s not enough to be more than an inch, but a little less!

The tune becomes natural, and if the sound of nature changes, his rhythm will change accordingly. This is a chord with heaven and earth. No one in the audience has this ability, so no one can match.

It’s just…Whoever is in the same tune in human music, I travel alone in the sky!


The sound of the wind is getting louder, and the place is surrounded by mountains, and there is howling when the wind passes through the valley.

Flock of birds and Ming Yingquan whisper, wind blows fallen leaves and dances, and thousands of background sounds naturally complement the monotony of Huang Ji bone flute.

Everyone did not dare to make a sound to interrupt, quietly immersed in the chorus of heaven and earth.

I usually take it for granted, as the background automatically shields the natural sounds that I have never stopped quietly listening to. Under the guidance of Huang Ji’s flute, it becomes clear into the tone.

Huang Ji’s monotonous and dumb music, with the supplement of Niaoquan Fengye, turned into a full-sounding movement.

No one can tell whether heaven and earth made the sound of Huang Ji’s flute or Huang Ji’s flute made the sound of heaven and earth.

The flickering mouth of the fingerstyle bottle is even more exciting for people to fly.

Suddenly and fleetingly, it makes people as if drunk and stupefied, and stupefied.

I can only hear Huang Ji’s rhythm is fast with the wind, more and more exciting.

The frequency of fingerstyle is becoming more and more compact, layer by layer, layer by layer, sending everyone into higher enjoyment.



The pace is getting faster and faster, and it’s almost at the end Huang Ji pulled his finger before the mouth of the bottle. Opened the neckline and tore my own clothes!

Sometimes the bass is deep and sometimes the treble is clear, and suddenly there is such a sound, which instantly makes everyone feel like their heads exploded.

The sound of cracking silk and the warning sound alternately, becoming more and more urgent, all the sounds converge in one place.

Finally, under an eagle’s roar passing by in the sky, everything suddenly fell silent.

Everyone came back to his senses. Looking at Huang Ji again, he had put down his bone flute, and his clothes were torn apart by himself.

And the full movement has disappeared, leaving only the background noise that is not tuned.

It’s just the sound of wind, water, and birds that’s all.


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